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A city with history

A1.Neil,one of the British exchange students,tells the Class 7 ,Grade 7students about his hometown Liverpool. Read his presentation script.

I am from Liverpool,a city with a long history in the UK. Liverpool is next to the sea. A big river called the River Mersey runs through the city.

Liverpool is very old. In 2007,it celebrated its 800th birthday. The city has over 2 ,500 old buildings. One area of Liverpool is so special that it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site,just like the Palace Museum in Beijing. However,most areas of the city are very modern. There are many shopping centres and cinemas. There are also some theatres. The city has three large universities and many small ones. In 2008,Liverpool was the European Capital of Culture.

Liverpool is famous for its music. The most famous band from Liverpool is The Beatles. Liverpool is also famous for sport,especially football. Liverpool Football Club is well known all over the world.

I love Liverpool. It is a great city with many things to see and do. I hope you can come and see me one day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(B1 Simon has found a report on the annual meeting of robots in another magazine. Read the report with him.

                     Annual meeting of robots is a great success!

    This year's annual meeting of robots was held last month in Paris,France. The French hosts were very friendly,and all the robots enjoyed their time in this beautiful city.

   A very special event was the robot cookery class. Robots learnt how to cook different dishes from around the world. I think all the robots especially enjoyed the Italian cookery class一robots from Italy taught everyone how to make delicious pizzas and spaghetti. It was great fun!

   The title of "Most Beautiful Robot” went to Electrica Robottie from India. She needed to travel a long way to get to Europe,but she was pleased to be at the meeting in Paris. After dancing,beauty and intelligence tests,the judges agreed that Electrica Robottie was the winner of this year's competition. Electrica Robottie was very happy with the result and said it was a big honour for her and her country.

   The competition for the strongest robot was next. Robots from around the world carried cars and ran long distances to show us their strength. All the robots did very well. This year,the strongest robot was Techo Tim from Germany. He is 190 cm tall.

    In order for us all to see the new types of robots this year,there was a new robot show on the final day of the meeting. This is what we had all been waiting for. We saw robots from China with digital cameras inside them.

We also saw a new type of robot from Switzerland—it is powered by solar batteries. It was very interesting for all the robots.

   The president of the International Robot Society,Kim Pyoota from South Korea,closed the meeting by thanking all the robots for coming to Paris.

 He said the meeting was a great success. Next year,the meeting will be held in Sydney,Australia.

(B2,Simon is taking notes about the report. Help him complete the table below.

            Annual meeting of robots in Paris



Special event

Robots learnt (2)

Robots especially enjoyed

Competition 1



Activities: dancing,beauty and intelligence teete

Competition 2

strongest robot

Winner: (6)

Activities: (7)



Robots from China with digital

  (9) inside them.

A new robot from (10)

powered by solar (11) .

(B3  Annie wants to know something about the meeting. Help Simon answer her questions.

1 What did robots from Italy teach everyone to cook?

2 Which country is the winner of "Most Beautiful Robot" from?

3 How tall is Techo Tim?

4 When was the new robot show?

5 How did the meeting go?

6 Where will the meeting be held next year?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Cardinal numbers

A1.lock wonts to have a party at his house. Help him write down the phone numbers on the quest list below.

Ben's number is five,five,eight,seven,nine,oh, oh.

Wang Us number is five,five,one,seven,three,nine,three.

Li Xus number is five,five,one,two,eight three,oh.

Sarah's number is five,five,one,five,seven,one,six.

Wang iWs phone number is fiVefiVe,four; seven,one,one,eight. Laura's number is five,five,eight,oh, two,three,oh.

Lulus number is five,five,seven,three,six,one,four.

Tang Lin's phone number is five,five,one,eight,seven,nine,four. Susan's number is five,five,four; one,nine,nine,one.

Charles's number is five,fivey one,eight,oh, three,two.

1 Ben: 6 Laura:  

2 Wang U:  7 Lulu:

3 Li Xu: 8 Tang Lin:

4 Sarah:    9 Susan:

5 Wang Tao: I  10 Charlee:


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B.  Benny's broken computer mixed up some of the words he was writing. Look at the mixed-up words in the sentences below. Then write the words correctly in the blanks.

1 Pan Wei is a teacher at the olegcle in our town.  

2 Everyone at the community centre is very plefulh.  

3 There is always useful fomairntnio on the noticeboard.  

4 Some lvteroensu will have a meeting this weekend.  

5 Lin Sen will kcech my computer tomorrow.  

6 Our nihbeosurg are all very nice.  

7 The weirats in this restaurant are very friendly.  

8 We are uklcy to live here.  


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Good neighbours make good neighbourhoods. What makes a good neighbour? Tick (/) the things that you think make a good neighbour. Then work in pairs and discuss your answers.

A good neighbour ...

is always polite to others.

keeps the neighbourhood clean.

drives fast in the neighbourhood.

helps others in need.

holds loud parties late at night.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B.Amy and Sandy are thinking about more places to have in their future cities. Complete their conversation. The first letter of each word may help you.

Amy: Let's have a big ⑴ h for visitors to stay in our city.

Sandy: Yes,that's important. We can have lots of (2) 1 food for them to eat in the hotel restaurant. We can also put (3) f  flowers everywhere so it (4) s vyonderful!

Amy: Yes. Visitors will like that. We can have a gift shop in the hotel. It will sell

(5) p and (6) k r to visitors.

Sandy: Good idea. Everyone in our hotel should be kind and (7) f .

Amy: People from all over the world will come and stay in our hotel.

Sandy: Then our hotel will be (8) f !


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A. Benny is preparing a list of places to go to in Beijing for Ted. Choose three places that you think Ted will like. Put a tick (V) in the boxes. Then work in pairs and discuss your answers.

1 To a country park for a walk.()

2 To a shopping mall to do some shopping.()

3 To a restaurant to have Beijing food.()

4 To a museum to see many wonderful things.()

5 To a sports centre to play sports.()



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B.Sandy's mother is driving Sandy to Suzy's home for the birthday party. Look at the map below. Complete the conversation between Sandy and her mother.

Mum: Sandy,how do we get ⑴ our home (2)

Suzy's home?

Sandy: (3) at the corner. Then drive (4)  Apple Street.(5)  at the traffic lights. Be careful. There's a zebra crossing there. Drive (6)  Pear Street until you see a footbridge. Then stop in front of the footbridge. Suzy's building is on the (7) . Use the footbridge to (8) the street.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B.Simon is telling Sandy about what happened at the weekend. Complete the conversation with the words in the box. Change the forms of the words if necessary.

fall go camping herself hurry put up watch Sandy: How was your weekend,Simon?

Simon: We ⑴ . It was terrible!

Sandy: What happened?

Simon: Well,we (2) our tent beside a river. We went swimming,but I forgot to take off my (3) and it stopped working!

When we went cycling,Annie ⑷ off her bike. Luckily,she didn't hurt (5) , but her bike was broken. When we went fishing in the afternoon,it suddenly began to rain and we got very wet. We (6) back to our tent,but it had fallen down!

Sandy: Oh dear!You probably don't want to go camping again!

