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Good neighbours make good neighbourhoods. What makes a good neighbour? Tick (/) the things that you think make a good neighbour. Then work in pairs and discuss your answers.

A good neighbour ...

is always polite to others.

keeps the neighbourhood clean.

drives fast in the neighbourhood.

helps others in need.

holds loud parties late at night.


Listening Part A

A good neighbour …

is always polite to others.


keeps the neighljourhood clean.


drives fast in Uie neighbourhood.

helps others in need.


holds loud parties late at night.

题目来源:2016年译林英语补充习题七年级下册 > Unit 2 Neighbours


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

an astronaut             become a pilot        China's aircraft

for further research       in the laboratory      Mathematics and Physics

spin out of control        travel in a spacecraft

Annie: What documentary are you watching,Simon?

Simon: It's called Beautiful Space. It's about the development of


Annie: Interesting!You dream of (2) , don't you?

Simon: Yes. I like planes,but now I think it;s amazing to (3) to

the Moon.

Annie: That's what (4) does.

Simon: Yes. I admire Yang Liwei the most. Do you know about him?

Annie: Of course. He went into space in Shenzhou 5 in October 2003. How great he was!

Simon: Yang Liwei is the first person in China to go into space. He's very brave.

It's sometimes very dangerous to an astronaut because the spacecraft may

(5) on its way back to the Earth,but Yang successfully

brought the spacecraft down.

Annie: I heard that he also collected something to take back to the Earth


Simon: Yes. The scientists need them so that they could do experiments

(7) . China has a long way to go in space exploration.

Annie: I think we should study hard to learn more about space.

Simon: Sure. We should be good at all the subjects,especially



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A2 .Amy is talking with her friends about the above two houses. Read what she says. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.

1. Will's son is a manager of a computer company.  

2 There are three bedrooms on the ground floor in Will's house.  

3 Will's favourite place is his living room.  

4 Jack likes his house on the beach of California most.  

5 Jack often eats in his dining room.  

B homestays 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A2.Complete the sentences with the simple future tense of the words in brockets.

The man says:

1 (it be) cloudy tomorrow.  

2 (the temperature not rise) above 30° C.

3 (it rain) at the weekend.  

4 (we have) sunny days next week.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A2.Jerry and his family are in their new flat now. They are looking for their own boxes. Complete their conversation with noun + 's.

Dad: There's a "J" on this box. Jerry and Jane,whose box is it?

Jerry: It's not my box. There's a small flower beside the "J". It's ⑴ .

jane: Yes. It's my box. (2) box is here. There are many books in it.

. Dad loves reading.

Dad: Jane,you have another box here. Your T-shirts are inside.

Jane: No,Dad. Those T-shirts are (3) . They're large.

Mum: Yes,it's my box. Oh, (4) T-shirts are in my box too.

Possessive adjectives and pronouns


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Using a,an and the

A1.Complete the questions and answers with a,an or the. Put a cross (×) in the blanks if no articles are needed.

1 Q: Is there library near here?

A: Yes. Beijing Library is just on corner of this street.

2 Q: Do you have dictionary? I need English dictionary.

A: Yes. There's dictionary on my desk.

3 Q: Is there post office near your home?

A: Yes,there is. It's at the end of road.

4 Q: Is New York capital of USA?

A: No. Washington   D. C. is capital.

5 Q: Are you going to play basketball after school?

A: No. I'm going to cinema with Peter.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Different jobs

A1.Some volunteers from the neighbourhood are talking about their jobs at the community centre. Read what they soy.

Host: Today we have some volunteers from our neighbourhood. They're going to talk about their jobs. Maybe they'll be of some help to you some day!

Woman 1: Hello,my name is Pan Wei. Tm a college English teacher. I enjoy my job. I love teaching young people this useful language. I could help if you have problems with your English studies.

Man 1: Hi,Tm Lin Sen. Tm a computer engineer. I help people with their computer problems. Tm happy to check and fix computers for people in our neighbourhood.

Woman 2: Hello everyone. My name is Su Ning. Tm a nurse at Sunshine Hospital. I like being a nurse because I help people in our town in an important way. In my free time,Td like to help at the community centre by doing some health care work for you.

Man 2: Ym Lan Bo. Tm a dentist. My job is to take care of people's teeth. I want to help people avoid toothache. I can give you advice on everyday tooth care.

Host: Thank you for your kindness. I believe you can all help people in our neighbourhood in some way.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A city with history

A1.Neil,one of the British exchange students,tells the Class 7 ,Grade 7students about his hometown Liverpool. Read his presentation script.

I am from Liverpool,a city with a long history in the UK. Liverpool is next to the sea. A big river called the River Mersey runs through the city.

Liverpool is very old. In 2007,it celebrated its 800th birthday. The city has over 2 ,500 old buildings. One area of Liverpool is so special that it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site,just like the Palace Museum in Beijing. However,most areas of the city are very modern. There are many shopping centres and cinemas. There are also some theatres. The city has three large universities and many small ones. In 2008,Liverpool was the European Capital of Culture.

Liverpool is famous for its music. The most famous band from Liverpool is The Beatles. Liverpool is also famous for sport,especially football. Liverpool Football Club is well known all over the world.

I love Liverpool. It is a great city with many things to see and do. I hope you can come and see me one day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Summer camps

A1.Daniel is reading an article about summer camps. Read the article with him.

Summer camps are popular all over the world. Young people go to these camps during their summer holiday. The camps are usually in the countryside. They are often surrounded by forests,lakes,rivers or mountains. The "campers" sleep outside in tents,or together in special houses made of wood.

Summer camps make everyone fit and healthy,with lots of outdoor activities to keep everyone busy. You can go riding or row a boat. You can go jogging,cycling or climbing. After a day of fun and exciting activities,campers eat a nice meal together. In the evening,everybody gets together to play games,sing songs and tell stories,usually around a camp fire.

Campers learn about nature and lots of useful skills too,like how to work well with others. A summer camp is a great place to spend time with your friends,and to make lots of new ones too!

So why not go to a summer camp this summer? You will have a wonderful time!

