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an astronaut             become a pilot        China's aircraft

for further research       in the laboratory      Mathematics and Physics

spin out of control        travel in a spacecraft

Annie: What documentary are you watching,Simon?

Simon: It's called Beautiful Space. It's about the development of


Annie: Interesting!You dream of (2) , don't you?

Simon: Yes. I like planes,but now I think it;s amazing to (3) to

the Moon.

Annie: That's what (4) does.

Simon: Yes. I admire Yang Liwei the most. Do you know about him?

Annie: Of course. He went into space in Shenzhou 5 in October 2003. How great he was!

Simon: Yang Liwei is the first person in China to go into space. He's very brave.

It's sometimes very dangerous to an astronaut because the spacecraft may

(5) on its way back to the Earth,but Yang successfully

brought the spacecraft down.

Annie: I heard that he also collected something to take back to the Earth


Simon: Yes. The scientists need them so that they could do experiments

(7) . China has a long way to go in space exploration.

Annie: I think we should study hard to learn more about space.

Simon: Sure. We should be good at all the subjects,especially


1. China's aircraft   2 .becoming a  pilol   3.travel in a spaececraft

4 .an astronaut      5.spin out of control    6. for further 

7. in the laboratory    8. Mathematics and Thysics

题目来源:2016年译林英语初中补充习题九年级下册 > Unit2


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


       Building a new house costs quite a lot of money. If you plan to 1 a house,your first step is to find a suitable (适当的) piece of 2 . You will probably try to find a sunny place,in a 3 situation (位置) ,near stores and bus stops,not too 4 from your friends and the place where you work. Next you have to find an experienced (有经验的) builder,and to-gether with the builder you will make a 5 The builder will draw it. The builder will also 6 the cost of your house.

       He will estimate (估计) the cost of the wood,the glass,and 7 that he must use in building the house. Later on,when he starts to build,his estimate must be right,because the 8 may change (变化) ,and many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house.

       9 the builder gives you his estimate,you may wish to change your plan. You may find that some of the things you wanted at first cost too much,or that you can 10 a little more and add something to your first plan.

() 1. A. but   B. have   C. build   D. find

() 2. A. floor   B. place   C. land   D. playground

() 3. A. faraway   B. surprised   C. pleased   D. pleasant

() 4. A. near   B. far   C. close   D. next to

() 5. A. map   B. plan   C. decision   D. book

() 6. A. find out   B. carry on   C. work out   D. work on

() 7. A. everything else   B. nothing else   C. else anything   D. else something

() 8. A. color   B. prices   C. time   D. house

() 9. A. When   B. While   C. Until   D. Since

() 10. A. cost   B. spend   C. take   D. pay for


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Read the sentences and choose the correct one in each pair. Circle the letters.

1(  ) a Daniel finds it easy to solve this problem.

  b Daniel finds that it easy to solve this problem.

2(  ) a It took them about two hours getting to Changsha

b It took them about two hours to get to Changsha.

3(  ) a It is clever of her to go that way. 

b To go that way is clever of her.

4 (  )a He did not think interesting to travel in Nepal.

b He did not think it interesting to travel in Nepal.

(C2  Rewrite the sentences below with it

1 Reading this book is very relaxing.

2 To get to the town in time is impossible.

3 Writing this article took him two hours.

4 He thinks that moving such a big sofa is difficult.

5 Supporting the Youth Olympic Games is meaningful.

6 Timmy has got the wrong number. He is careless.

7 Working closely with these UNICEF workers is great for us.

8 She finds that staying at home alone is boring.

9 Completing the project took them more than two months.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(B1 Simon has found a report on the annual meeting of robots in another magazine. Read the report with him.

                     Annual meeting of robots is a great success!

    This year's annual meeting of robots was held last month in Paris,France. The French hosts were very friendly,and all the robots enjoyed their time in this beautiful city.

   A very special event was the robot cookery class. Robots learnt how to cook different dishes from around the world. I think all the robots especially enjoyed the Italian cookery class一robots from Italy taught everyone how to make delicious pizzas and spaghetti. It was great fun!

   The title of "Most Beautiful Robot” went to Electrica Robottie from India. She needed to travel a long way to get to Europe,but she was pleased to be at the meeting in Paris. After dancing,beauty and intelligence tests,the judges agreed that Electrica Robottie was the winner of this year's competition. Electrica Robottie was very happy with the result and said it was a big honour for her and her country.

   The competition for the strongest robot was next. Robots from around the world carried cars and ran long distances to show us their strength. All the robots did very well. This year,the strongest robot was Techo Tim from Germany. He is 190 cm tall.

    In order for us all to see the new types of robots this year,there was a new robot show on the final day of the meeting. This is what we had all been waiting for. We saw robots from China with digital cameras inside them.

We also saw a new type of robot from Switzerland—it is powered by solar batteries. It was very interesting for all the robots.

   The president of the International Robot Society,Kim Pyoota from South Korea,closed the meeting by thanking all the robots for coming to Paris.

 He said the meeting was a great success. Next year,the meeting will be held in Sydney,Australia.

(B2,Simon is taking notes about the report. Help him complete the table below.

            Annual meeting of robots in Paris



Special event

Robots learnt (2)

Robots especially enjoyed

Competition 1



Activities: dancing,beauty and intelligence teete

Competition 2

strongest robot

Winner: (6)

Activities: (7)



Robots from China with digital

  (9) inside them.

A new robot from (10)

powered by solar (11) .

(B3  Annie wants to know something about the meeting. Help Simon answer her questions.

1 What did robots from Italy teach everyone to cook?

2 Which country is the winner of "Most Beautiful Robot" from?

3 How tall is Techo Tim?

4 When was the new robot show?

5 How did the meeting go?

6 Where will the meeting be held next year?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(C3  Put the words in the correct order and use the words in brackets to make sentences. Then rewrite them with to-infinitives.

1 laugh/Mr Cao/made/humorous/was/he/everyone in the room (so ... that)

2 is/today/Lucy/ill/cannot/she/play tennis (so …that)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(A3  Complete the sentences below with because,if... not or when and the correct expressions in the box.

he is busy with his work        he was 57

her novels were popular         I take the underground

she was two years old            the temperature of the water was high

they were both 29 years old        you have a mobile phone

1 Mr Zheng is not going to the cinema tomorrow .

2 Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

3 How can you contact your friends ?

4 The baby was able to speak.

5 She became famous.

6 It may take me more time to go to the airport.

7 They got married.

8 The fish died.

(A4  Rewrite the sentences in Part A3 using simple sentences with prepositional phrases.










科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Good neighbours make good neighbourhoods. What makes a good neighbour? Tick (/) the things that you think make a good neighbour. Then work in pairs and discuss your answers.

A good neighbour ...

is always polite to others.

keeps the neighbourhood clean.

drives fast in the neighbourhood.

helps others in need.

holds loud parties late at night.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4 He (washed/was washing) his car at this time last Wednesday.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. What they at the meeting the other day?

a. have; discussed   b .did; discuss    c .do; discuss

