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.Chris is not a traditional explorer(探险家)—he usually works in an office for a large organization. However, Chris’ job can be just as exciting and dangerous as being an explorer.
Chris works for MSF, an organization also known as Doctors Without Border(国界). Since 1971, MFS has sent trained doctors all over the world to help people who have suffered from disasters, such as wars and illnesses. Chris is a doctor from France who has traveled to many places to organize programs that help people.
At the moment, over 27,000 trained doctors have taken part in MSF projects. The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. All kinds of doctors can volunteer for MSF. They need to be ready to go almost anywhere in the world and, of course, they should face difficulties. Most of MSF’s work is in Africa. When MSF chooses a doctor for a task, they have to go for at least six months. When doctors have completed a few tasks, they might be sent on an emergency(紧急的) task following a disaster, such as an earthquake.
But why would doctors leave a comfortable life and a good pay to join MSF? According to Chris, the experience they have is a great help in their life. What’s more, just like the explorers of the past, they need to keep an open mind and learn to get on well with the people they meet. One thing that they can say at the end of any task is that they have made a real difference to people’s lives.
小题1:What may MSF’s work be like?
A.Tiring and boringB.Exciting and dangerous
C.Relaxing and colorful D.Peaceful and comfortable
小题2:As a volunteer doctor for MSF, he or she should ________.
A.have worked in Africa for six months
B.have been sent on an emergency task
C.be ready to work for a task for at least half a year
D.have suffered from wars, illnesses or other disasters
小题3:             Why would doctors like to join MSF?
A.Because they can get a good pay.
B.Because they can have a comfortable life.
C.Because they can help others and get experience.
D.Because they can travel abroad with their families.
小题4: What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Chris is a doctor who has organized programs to help people.
B.MSF received the Nobel Peace Prize for helping poor countries.
C.Volunteer doctors make a real difference to their own lives in MSF.
D.MSF offers medical help to people who have suffered from disasters.


小题1:细节理解题,由文中语句“Chris’ job can be just as exciting and dangerous as being an explorer.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,由文中语句“When MSF chooses a doctor for a task, they have to go for at least six months.”理解可知。
小题3:细节理解题,由文中语句“According to Chris, the experience they have is a great help in their life. What’s more, just like the explorers of the past, they need to keep an open mind and learn to get on well with the people they meet”理解可知。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Weekends are important for us. We can relax ourselves. Do you know what Americans in the early twentieth century (1900~1925) did on weekends? What do you do on weekends now? In the early twentieth century, people spent lots of time at home on weekends. Then, new inventions changed the weekends.
*People used electric streetcars to travel in the cities. On weekends, they rode the streetcars to the parks. Young people like roller coasters.
* The first movie lasted only one minute. In the 1920s, movie theaters sold millions of tickets each week! In 1927, movies finally had sound. Sometimes people stayed at home and listened to another new invention —the radio.
* People in cities worked indoors during the weekdays, so they wanted to be outdoors on weekends. Bicycling became a popular activity.
* Now there are more inventions in our life. People have more time and money, too. So they have many ways to spend their weekends.
* People travel by their own cars. Or they can visit big parks like Disney World and ride modern roller coasters and go higher and faster than ever before. *
They can choose from lots of different movie theatres. Or they can watch videos at home.
* More and more people begin to do all kinds of sports at gym.
Others turn on their TV and watch sports on "Family Night".
小题1:Before 1927, __________.
A.people can watch videos at home
B.the movie had sound
C.People could go to the movie theatres to see movies
D.people could watch sports on "Family Night"
小题2:Long time ago, people spent their weekends __________.
A.at home B.in the theatres
C.outdoors D.in Disney World
小题3:Which is a popular activity in the early twentieth century?
A.Watching TVB.Riding the electric streetcars
C.Listening to the radio D.Bicycling
小题4:The underlined word "lasted" means          .
A.beganB.was overC.playedD.spoke
小题5:Which is TRUE about the weekends in America?
A.They still see movies without sound now.
B.They didn't go outside in the early twentieth.
C.The weekends are not the same in different times.
D.They don't go to the parks any more now.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A lady in an old cotton dress and her husband, dressed in an old suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked into the president of Harvard’s outer office. The secretary could tell in a moment that such country people had no business at Harvard. She frowned(皱眉). “We want to see the president,” the man said softly. “He’ll be busy all day,” the secretary said coldly. “We’ll wait,” the lady replied.
For hours, the secretary didn’t talk to them, hoping that the couple would finally become tired and go away. They didn’t. And the secretary finally decided to disturb the president. “Maybe if they just see you for a few minutes, they’ll leave,” she told him. He frowned too. Someone of his importance obviously didn’t have the time to spend with them.
The president walked toward them unwillingly. The lady told him, “We had a son that attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard, and was very happy here. But he was accidentally killed. And my husband and I would like to set up a memorial(纪念碑) to him somewhere on campus. ” The president was so surprised that he shouted sharply, “We can’t put up a statue(塑像) for every person who attended Harvard and died. This place would look like a cemetery (墓地).
“Oh, no” the lady explained, “We don’t want to build a statue. We thought we would give a building to Harvard.” The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at their plain clothes, and said with surprise, “A building! Do you have any idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical buildings here at Harvard.”
For a moment the lady was silent. The president was pleased. He could get rid of them now. The lady turned to her husband and said quietly. “Is that all it costs to start a university? Why don't we just start our own?” Her husband nodded. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford walked away, traveling to Palo Alto, California where they set up the university with their name, Stanford University, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about.
小题1:What did the old couple go to Harvard for?
A.They wanted to see their son.
B.They had an important meeting
C.They went to Harvard just to start a university
D.They wanted to meet the president of Harvard.
小题2:Why didn’t the president come out to meet the couple?
A.He was really busy at that time.
B.The secretary didn’t allow the couple to meet the president.
C.He was important and didn’t have time for unimportant people.
D.He had an important friend to meet and had to spend some time together.
小题3:From the passage, we can know ______.
A.the old couple were in fact rich people
B.the secretary was afraid of the old couple
C.the old couple’s son was killed in Harvard
D.the president of Harvard was kind and patient to anyone
小题4:The best title of the passage is “______”.
A.A Statue or A Building B.How Stanford University Was Built
C.A Visit to Harvard UniversityD.A Strange Old Couple


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many Chinese people like American country music(乡村音乐 ),such as(例如) the songs of John Denver. But still some people don’t know when country music began.
Country music is from the folk music (民间音乐)of the Appalachian Mountains in the east of America. There, people sang while playing the violin and guitar. They sang about everyday life, love and their problems. So the songs were sometimes a little sad.
One of the most popular country music singers is John Denver, who is also quite famous to the Chinese. For Denver, music was a language that could bring the world together. He says music can bring people together. We will understand(理解) each other better through(通过) music. People are different in colour and they may speak different languages, but people are the same in mind and body(在心灵和精神方面). All of them love music and can understand music.
The world lost a great man when John Denver died in 1997. But his music and words will live on.
小题1: John Denver is a great         singer.
小题2:.American country music is from the         music of America.
小题3:.“Music was a language that could bring the world together” means (意思是)people        .
A.can sing songs together
B.from all over the world sing the same songs
C.show their feeling(感觉)through music and so they understand each other better
D.know language and music
小题4:.John Denver died in        .
小题5:.Which sentence is right?
A.Everyone knows when country music began.
B.Country music is from the jazz music.
C.John Denver is famous to Chinese people, too.
D.John Denver doesn’t think music can bring people together.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

2012 is the Year of the Dragon in China. It began on January 23 but not on January 1st. The dragon is a symbol* of power and wealth in Chinese culture. And it is also the sign of the Emperor of China. People born in the Year of the Dragon are active-minded. They show a strong interest in the world around them, and will try their best to make their dreams come true all their lives.
Dragon people are talented while these people enjoy being the center of attention. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. Dragon people are very friendly and if their friends face a problem, they will be there to offer help at once. There are some famous people who were born in the Year of the Dragon, such as the premier* of the Russian Putin and the famous Argentine soccer player Messi. In China, the CEO of Alibaba Group Mayun and movie star Zhouxun are dragon, too.
There are some big events in the Year of the Dragon. In China, the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) * will be held in Beijing in March. The 9th National University Games in Tianjin will happen in September. And soccer fans, they can meet at the 2012 European Cup in June in Poland. And In Britain, the 30th Olympic Games is being held in London on July 27.
小题1:What does “Dragon” stand for in Chinese culture?
A.powerB.wealthC.the emperorD.all of the above
小题2:When does the Year of Dragon begin?
A.January 1st.B.January 23rdC.January 2nd.D.January 22nd.
小题3:What will happen in July in London?
A.National People's CongressB.National University Games
C.2012 European CupD.the Olympic Games
小题4:Which of the following is NOT TRUE acorrding to the passage?
A.People born in the Year of the Dragon are active-minded.
B.People born in the Year of the Dragon enjoy being the center of attention.
C.If they face a problem, People born in the Year of the Dragon will give up.
D.If their friends face a problem, people born in the Year of the Dragon will offer help at once.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Europeans are being dug out from heavy snow after a week of very cold weather. The snowstorm is the harshest to hit Europe. Airports were shut down. And schools have been closed for a week.
Until Wednesday, at least 400 people across Europe had died because of the cold temperature. Several countries have said a state of emergency. In Ukraine, temperatures dropped as low as -33℉.
Although the situation is bad, at least one country is hoping the weather will last a little longer. In the Netherlands, the government is preparing for the country’s “11 Cities Tour”. The 125-mile ice-skating marathon will be held along a network which joins 11 towns and cities together in Friesland Province.
The ice along the way must be inches thick for the event. Up to 2 million people are thought to cheer on the race’s 16,000 competitors.
On Wednesday, Dutch soldiers joined in the preparations. They cleaned snow along the way. This will be the 16th time that the event has taken place since the first race in 1909. Dutch General Hans said his soldiers were happy to lend a hand. “We want to do our bit for this national party.” he said.
小题1:What is “11 Cities Tour”?
A.It’s a 125-mile ice skating marathon.
B.It’s a 11-mile ice skating marathon.
C.It’s a 16000-mile ice skating marathon.
D.It’s a 33-mile ice skating marathon.
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Thousands of people across Europe died because of the weather.
B.The ice should be less than 6 inches thick for the event.
C.No country is glad to see the cold weather.
D.The first “11 Cities Tour” began in 1909.
小题3:Who helped clean snow along the way?
A.French soldiersB.Dutch soldiers
C.Ukrainian soldiersD.American soldiers
小题4:The underlined word “harshest” means _______ in the passage.
A.safestB.most enjoyableC.most seriousD.happiest
小题5:The passage is mainly about______.
A.the hard situation Europe faces
B.the European cold weather
C.preparations for a national party
D.the coldest season in Europe


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe (欧洲) did not know anything about tea. Some people heard about it, but very few of them know what to do with it.
  There is a story about an English sailor (水手) who went to countries in the east,the west and the south. He went to India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a present for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a “tea party”. When her friends came to the “tea party”, the old woman offered (给) them brown tea-leaves (茶叶). The old woman’s friends began to eat them. Of course, nobody liked the tea-leaves.
  At that time the sailor came in. He looked at the table and said, “Mother, what have you done with the tea?”
  “I boiled (煮) it,as you said.”
  “And what did you do with the water?”
  “I threw it away, of course.” answered the old woman.
  “Now you may throw away the leaves, too.” said her son.
(    ) 1. Most of the people in Europe ________.
     A. drank tea every day 300 years ago        B. drink tea every day
     C. know nothing about tea               D. like to eat the tea-leaves
(    ) 2. One day the English sailor brought his mother some tea from ________.
     A. countries in the west                   B. countries in the south
     C. India or China                       D. a tea shop in England
(    ) 3. The sailor’s mother asked her friends to her house, because ________.
     A. the sailor told her to
     B. she wanted to ask her friends what to do with the tea
     C. she liked to show off (炫耀)
     D. she wanted to sample (品尝) the tea together with her friends
(    ) 4. At the “tea party”,________.
     A. all the woman’s friends spoke highly of the tea
     B. nobody knew what to do with the tea
     C. the woman offered her friends some dried (干的) tea
     D. the woman gave her friends each a glass of tea water
(    ) 5. What mistake did the old woman make? She ________.
     A. boiled the tea                       B. did as the sailor said
     C. poured away the water                D. didn’t throw away the tea-leaves


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day in March ,1964, Alaska began to shake . There was a great earthquake .It was the biggest earthquake the country ever had .
Shops and houses fell down . One street dropped 30 feet. One island rose about 11 metres into the air . Parts of the sea bottom became dry land . People felt the earthquake hundreds of kilometers away .
Each year there are many earthquakes . Most of them are small . They happen in different parts of the world . We are not sure what makes them . But if you are near , you can see the earth move . You may see a big crack (裂缝) in the ground . Sometimes the land drops on one side of the crack . There is a new hill . The old world has a new shape (形状).
小题1:The strongest earthquake in Alaska happened in April 1967.
小题2:The word“earthquake”in the story means a strong shaking or moving of the ground .
小题3:The story wants to tell us earthquakes changed the land .
小题4:From the story we know earthquakes happen in small countries .
小题5:From this story we can see earthquakes often do a lot of harm .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ironing a shirt is easy to learn. Just follow the steps in this short guide (指南), and you’ll learn how to iron your shirt properly with the help of the video. The most important thing is this: don’t try to iron a dry shirt.
● Get ready
You will need an iron, an ironing board and a bottle of water. Place the shirt on the ironing board. You can iron in whatever order you like, but most people like to start at the top — the collar. Have a bottle of water ready. Spray (喷) it onto the shirt to make it easier to iron.
● Do the ironing
First, iron the inside of the collar. Second, turn the collar over and iron the other side. Third, iron the back shoulders of the shirt. Fourth, iron the cuffs. Iron the inside, then the outside of the cuffs. Fifth, iron the sleeves. Sixth, iron the back of the shirt. Finally, iron the front of the shirt. Do one side, and then do the other side.
● Dry the shirt
Check your shirt and iron it again if you need to. Now put your shirt on a hanger and let it dry.

小题1: What’s the most important thing if you want to iron a shirt?
A.Have a bottle of water ready.
B.Don’t try to iron a dry shirt.
C.Wash your shirt carefully.
D.Place the shirt on the ironing board.
小题2:You will need all of the following things EXCEPT ________ before you iron a shirt.
A.a rulerB.an iron
C.an ironing boardD.a bottle of water
小题3:Most people like to start with ironing ________ of a shirt.
A.the sleevesB.the back shoulders
C.the cuffsD.the collar
小题4:How many steps are there to do the ironing, according to this guide?
小题5:The writer tells us it’s easy to learn how to iron a shirt by ________.
A.reading a bookB.watching a video
C.listening to the radioD.reading the newspaper

