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2012 is the Year of the Dragon in China. It began on January 23 but not on January 1st. The dragon is a symbol* of power and wealth in Chinese culture. And it is also the sign of the Emperor of China. People born in the Year of the Dragon are active-minded. They show a strong interest in the world around them, and will try their best to make their dreams come true all their lives.
Dragon people are talented while these people enjoy being the center of attention. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. Dragon people are very friendly and if their friends face a problem, they will be there to offer help at once. There are some famous people who were born in the Year of the Dragon, such as the premier* of the Russian Putin and the famous Argentine soccer player Messi. In China, the CEO of Alibaba Group Mayun and movie star Zhouxun are dragon, too.
There are some big events in the Year of the Dragon. In China, the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) * will be held in Beijing in March. The 9th National University Games in Tianjin will happen in September. And soccer fans, they can meet at the 2012 European Cup in June in Poland. And In Britain, the 30th Olympic Games is being held in London on July 27.
小题1:What does “Dragon” stand for in Chinese culture?
A.powerB.wealthC.the emperorD.all of the above
小题2:When does the Year of Dragon begin?
A.January 1st.B.January 23rdC.January 2nd.D.January 22nd.
小题3:What will happen in July in London?
A.National People's CongressB.National University Games
C.2012 European CupD.the Olympic Games
小题4:Which of the following is NOT TRUE acorrding to the passage?
A.People born in the Year of the Dragon are active-minded.
B.People born in the Year of the Dragon enjoy being the center of attention.
C.If they face a problem, People born in the Year of the Dragon will give up.
D.If their friends face a problem, people born in the Year of the Dragon will offer help at once.


小题1:根据文章内容The dragon is a symbol* of power and wealth in Chinese culture. And it is also the sign of the Emperor of China. People born in the Year of the Dragon are active-minded.可知答案为D
小题2:根据文章内容It began on January 23 but not on January 1st可知答案为B
小题3:根据文章内容And In Britain, the 30th Olympic Games is being held in London on July 27. 可知答案为D

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

  A turkey named Courage gave thanks to President Obama for saving his life on the day before Thanksgiving. Honouring a 62-year-old tradition, the President pardoned(赦免)the bird on Thanksgiving eve.
The tradition of a turkey pardon at Thanksgiving began with President Truman in 1947. Courage comes from Ellsworth, Iowa. The name Courage was chosen by voters (投票人)who took part in a survey posted on the White House website. The lucky turkey walked on the lawn of the Rose Garden and posed for the cameras at the presidential podium(讲台).
The dinner that has become known as the First Thanksgiving was actually a harvest festival celebrated in December of 1621. That’s when English settlers in Plymouth, Massachusetts, gave thanks for the progress they had made after a hard winter in their new country. As America grew, Thanksgiving customs also spread and got bigger. George Washington declared that the first national Thanksgiving would be on November 26, 1789. In the decades to follow, however, people celebrated Thanksgiving locally, with no official date. President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November 1863 a national day of Thanksgiving. It stayed that way until 1939, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved it one week earlier. He wanted to lengthen the shopping period before Christmas to encourage gift-buyers and to help businesses. So Congress(议会) ruled that, after 1941, Thanksgiving would be an official federal holiday falling on the fourth Thursday of November.
This year we celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday, November. Millions of Americans got together to give thanks with friends and family. The lucky turkey, Courage, was one of them. After his pardon, Courage would be sent to Disneyland Resort in California, where he would be the grand assemble of Disney’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
小题1:That the turkey Courage was pardoned was decided by ________.
A.George BushB.Congress
C.President TrumanD.the public
小题2: The first Thanksgiving Day was held to ________.
A.celebrate the harvest of British settlers
B.celebrate the progress of Americans
C.encourage the struggle with British settlers
D.celebrate the joy of all Americans after a hard winter
小题3: We can infer(推断)from the passage that ________.
A.President Obama pardoned a turkey before Thanksgiving because of the economic crisis
B.the turkey named Courage was pardoned by President Roosevelt before Thanksgiving
C.the pardoned turkey walked on the lawn of the Rose Garden on Thanksgiving eve
D.the pardoned turkey will appear in a celebrating parade of Thanksgiving Day


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When I crossed a small road on my first day in Kolkata, I was surprised because I heard a bell-not a horn (喇叭),  It was a tiny man pulling a rickshaw, He stopped and picked up two children from the front door of their house and pulled them to school. For many people, the rickshaw in Kolkata has many advantages. When the traffic is bad, rickshaws find a way through the traffic. If your miss your bus and there aren't any taxis, you can always find a rickshaw in Kolkata. Rickshaws are from your house to the market and waits for you. Then he loads (装载)all your things, drops you off outside your home and helps you unload, No other type of public transport offers this kind of service.
From June to September, Kolkata gets heavy rain. Sometimes it rains for 48 hours without a break. In some parts of the city, the roads flood (水淹), and anything with an engine(发动机) is useless, But the rickshaw drivers never stop working, even with water all around them.
But not everyone thinks rickshaws are a good thing. The local government want to ban rickshaws. They believe it is wrong for one man to pull another person when there is modern transport in the city. However, there is a problem with this plan. Many of the rickshaw drivers come from the countryside. The only job they can find in Kolkata is pulling a rickshaw, If the city bans rickshaws, these men won't have a job. So for the moment, the people of Kolkata still go by rickshaw.
小题1:What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?
A.The rickshaw drivers carry things for local people in Kolkata.
B.Parents need rickshaws for taking children to school in Kolkata.
C.Rickshaws can find a way through the bad traffic in Kolkata.
D.Rickshaws are very useful for the people's daily life in Kolkata.
小题2:Which type of transport may you take when the roads flood in Kolkata?
A.A bus.B.A taxi.C.A car.D.A rickshaw.
小题3:What does the underlined word "ban" mean?
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The rickshaws in Kolkata have loud horns.
B.The rickshaw is still a part of public transport in Kolkata.
C.The local government offer many other jobs to the rickshaw driven.
D.The people in Kolkata are supposed to take rickshaws instead of cars.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

History, as we know, is filled with facts, with places, names, dates, and events.
History is also filled with feelings, with pain, joy, excitement, and fear.
Facts are set down in books, but what happens to feelings? How can you take the pain, for example, and write it into a history book? You can’t. But you can put it to music. Take the blues for example.
The blues started when black musicians in the South began to sing about their hard times, those times which made them feel blue. The early blues was the beginning of other musical styles, from jazz to rock and roll.
Music, you might say, is a record of feelings.
Of course, facts are important: the civil rights movement, the race for space, the Vietnam War. But the feelings behind these events – the pride of being black, the excitement of a rocket blast (点火起飞), the pain of a war – are also an important part of history.
小题1:In the passage, the word “blue” and the word “blues” are related to __________.
A.a feeling and a kind of musicB.a color
C.a kind of music and a personD.people and their feelings
小题2:According to the writer’s idea, what can make people feel blue?
A.A history bookB.Music.
C.History.D.Hard times.
小题3:Besides the above, the writer also explains ___________.
A.what caused the Vietnam War
B.the feelings behind some important events
C.the relation between history and music
D.why he wrote the article


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In Britain, some people say they will do anything if a famous person they love asks them to. One in three people in Britain have a new kind of disease(病)—they love a famous person too much.
Some people love famous stars like Britney Spears, David Beckham or even Tony Blair. It is not just the young, grown-ups have the same problem. One in four people are so interested in their heroes that it affects their life.
There are two ways of worshipping(崇拜) famous people. One way is just to follow them or talk about them with friends for fun. The other is a more serious way. People have very strong feelings for them and think they are their friends. People who do so for fun are found to be happier. But those who have strong feelings for a famous person are perhaps to feel more lonely and worried.
“Worshipping famous people is not certainly a bad thing,” Dr.John, an expert said, “But like many things, overdoing it may not always be good for you.”
小题1:From what some people say, we know         .
A.they are friends of the famous people
B.famous people can pay them a lot of money
C.they must go to the hospital
D.there is something wrong with their mind
小题2:How many people in Britain have got this kind of disease?
A.About one thirdB.About a quarter
C.More than halfD.Just two or three
小题3:What does the writer think of the two ways of worshipping famous people?
A.The first one is better
B.The second one is better
C.Both of them are good
D.Neither of them is good
小题4:People who have strong feeling for a famous person often feel worried because           .
A.they cannot become famous themselves
B.they think the famous person may be in trouble
C.they are afraid the famous person may not like them
D.they cannot get anything in return from the famous person
小题5:Dr. John tells us         .
A.worshipping of famous people is a good thing
B.anything overdone may bring some trouble
C.famous people are not always friendly to us
D.we mustn’t worship anybody or anything


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

.Chris is not a traditional explorer(探险家)—he usually works in an office for a large organization. However, Chris’ job can be just as exciting and dangerous as being an explorer.
Chris works for MSF, an organization also known as Doctors Without Border(国界). Since 1971, MFS has sent trained doctors all over the world to help people who have suffered from disasters, such as wars and illnesses. Chris is a doctor from France who has traveled to many places to organize programs that help people.
At the moment, over 27,000 trained doctors have taken part in MSF projects. The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. All kinds of doctors can volunteer for MSF. They need to be ready to go almost anywhere in the world and, of course, they should face difficulties. Most of MSF’s work is in Africa. When MSF chooses a doctor for a task, they have to go for at least six months. When doctors have completed a few tasks, they might be sent on an emergency(紧急的) task following a disaster, such as an earthquake.
But why would doctors leave a comfortable life and a good pay to join MSF? According to Chris, the experience they have is a great help in their life. What’s more, just like the explorers of the past, they need to keep an open mind and learn to get on well with the people they meet. One thing that they can say at the end of any task is that they have made a real difference to people’s lives.
小题1:What may MSF’s work be like?
A.Tiring and boringB.Exciting and dangerous
C.Relaxing and colorful D.Peaceful and comfortable
小题2:As a volunteer doctor for MSF, he or she should ________.
A.have worked in Africa for six months
B.have been sent on an emergency task
C.be ready to work for a task for at least half a year
D.have suffered from wars, illnesses or other disasters
小题3:             Why would doctors like to join MSF?
A.Because they can get a good pay.
B.Because they can have a comfortable life.
C.Because they can help others and get experience.
D.Because they can travel abroad with their families.
小题4: What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Chris is a doctor who has organized programs to help people.
B.MSF received the Nobel Peace Prize for helping poor countries.
C.Volunteer doctors make a real difference to their own lives in MSF.
D.MSF offers medical help to people who have suffered from disasters.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Throughout history, people have been interested in knowing how language first began, but no one knows exactly where or how this happened. However, we do know a lot about languages, the language of today and also the languages of earlier times. There are probably about three thousand languages in the world today. Chinese is the language with the most speakers. English, Russian and Spanish are also spoken by millions of people. On the other hand, some languages in the world have less than one hundred speakers.
There are several important families of languages in the world. For example, most of the languages of Europe are in one large family called Indo-European. The original language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years ago. Many of the present-day languages of Europe and India are modern forms of the language of 4,500 years ago.
Languages are always changing. The English of today is very different from the English of 500 years ago. In time, some even die out completely. About 1,000 years ago, English was a little known relative of German spoken on one of the borders of Europe.
If a language has a number of speakers, or if it is very old, there may be differences in the way it is spoken in different areas. That is, the language may have several dialects. Chinese is a good example of dialect differences. Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of people. The differences between the dialects of Chinese are so great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China can’t understand speakers from other parts.
小题1:The first paragraph mainly tells us that_______.
A.most people in the world speak Chinese
B.there are thousands of languages in today’s world
C.man has much knowledge about languages
D.some people know several languages
小题2:Most European and Indian languages_______.
A.will soon die out completely
B.were once a relative of English
C.are no longer spoken
D.come from the same family of language.
小题3:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Chinese is the language with the most speakers.
B.English was a well-known relative of German spoken on one of the borders of Europe.
C.A language has many speakers, but there may be no differences in the way it is spoken in different areas.
D.Speakers of Chinese from some parts of China can understand speakers from other parts.
小题4:It is considered a most difficult thing for one to learn to speak Chinese because_______.
A.there are great differences between the dialects of Chinese
B.Chinese and many foreign languages are not of the same family
C.Chinese is a very old language
D.there are great differences between the old Chinese and the present-day Chinese
小题5:The underlined word “dialect” in the last paragraph means_______.
A.a special language spoken by Chinese
B.the sign used by Chinese people in a special area
C.the difference between the old and today’s Chinese
D.the form of a language used in one part of the country


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My biggest problem is that I’m too busy. When I was young, I ___ to have so much time, but these days I get up ____ and stay in school all day. Then I go right home and eat ___. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games __ my friends, but  I just don’t have the time anymore. In the evening, I used to ____ TV or chat with my grandma, but now I ____ to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to ___. These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts. I do my homework and go to bed. I really ____ the old days!
A.watchB.turn onC.seeD.turn off


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

People in different _______ like to eat different food. _______ kind of food do people would like ________? For example _______, fried potatoes chips are very _______ . Sometimes people _______ them at home, but they usually go to a fast food restaurant _______ them. They can _______ them in the restaurant _______ bring them away at home. Sometimes, they ________ like to eat them in the park.
A.eatB.to eatC.eatingD.eats
A.in a UKB.in an UKC.in the UKD.in UK
A.cookingB.cooksC.are cookingD.cook
A.buyB.buysC.buyingD.to buy
A.hasB.haveC.to haveD.having

