A: Look at this picture. What¡¯s it?
B: Oh, it¡¯s a robot!
A: You¡¯re right. it¡¯s the newest robot in the world.
B: ¢Ù______________?
A: It can help with housework.
B: ¢Ú______________?
A: Of course. Besides(³ýÁË) sweeping the floor, it can also take care of kids and old people.
B: ¢Û______________?
A: No, I won¡¯t. I can¡¯t afford it.
B: ¢Ü______________.  Is it very expensive?
A: Yes. It¡¯s 50,000 dollars. But we can have a look at it tomorrow. it is on show in the Science Museum.
B: Sounds great. ¢Ý______________?
A: What about at my home at 9:00 am?
B: OK. See you then.

1. What can it do?
2. Can it sweep the floor?
3. Will you buy one?
4. How much is it?
5. When and where shall we meet?½âÎö:

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A: You look worried. ¢Ù______________?
B: Miss Gao told us to write a letter to our pen friends, ¢Ú______________.
A: Can¡¯t you write a letter?
B: ¢Û______________.  But she told us to write in English. I¡¯m weak in english. ¢Ü______________?
A: you can read the passage on Page 15 of our book. It¡¯s a letter from an english girl. Read it again and again until you understand it.
B: But I don¡¯t know how to use some English words.
A: ¢Ý______________.  You can look them up in an English-Chinese dictionary.
B: You are right. Thank you very much.


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A: ¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿____¡¡ me, could you ___¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿______ ¡¡me the way to the nearest book shop, please?
B:Certainly. Go along this road and turn right ____¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿____¡¡the traffic ____¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿___¡¡.
Then walk on __¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5¡¿____¡¡you reach the second crossing. And then turn left. You will see a bridge. Go across the bridge. You will find the shop __¡¾Ð¡Ìâ6¡¿__¡¡the right. It's __¡¾Ð¡Ìâ7¡¿__ ¡¡the post office __¡¾Ð¡Ìâ8¡¿____¡¡the fruit shop. You can't _¡¾Ð¡Ìâ9¡¿___¡¡it.
A:Thank you very much.


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A:    71 . Could you please tell me the way to the post office?

B: Sure. Go down the road and then turn left. It's next to Xinhua Bookstore.

A:    72 ?

B: It's about 10 minutes' walk. A: Can I take a bus?

B:    73 .

A:    74    bus can I take?

B: The No.9 bus or the No. 12 bus.

A: I see. Thank you very much.

B: You're   75 .


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µÚÒ»½Ú ²¹È«¶Ô»°£¨Ã¿Ìâ2·Ö£¬¹²10·Ö£©

A:    71 . Could you please tell me the way to the post office?

B: Sure. Go down the road and then turn left. It's next to Xinhua Bookstore.

A:    72 ?

B: It's about 10 minutes' walk. A: Can I take a bus?

B:    73 .

A:    74    bus can I take?

B: The No.9 bus or the No. 12 bus.

A: I see. Thank you very much.

B: You're   75 .

