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根据对话内容,填写适当单词补全对话(每空0.5 分,共5分)
A: 【小题1】____  me, could you ___【小题2】______  me the way to the nearest book shop, please?
B:Certainly. Go along this road and turn right ____【小题3】____ the traffic ____【小题4】___ .
Then walk on __【小题5】____ you reach the second crossing. And then turn left. You will see a bridge. Go across the bridge. You will find the shop __【小题6】__ the right. It's __【小题7】__  the post office __【小题8】____ the fruit shop. You can't _【小题9】___ it.
A:Thank you very much.
B:You're ___【小题10】___ .




科目:初中英语 来源:2013届浙江省宁波市江北区初三学业模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空

Have you ever __【小题1】__ that some people can’t read or write __【小题2】__ they usually have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they cannot write them down in a little __【小题3】__. They must remember dates, names, songs and __【小题4】__; so their memories are being exercised the whole time.
So if you want a good memory, learn from these people: __【小题5】__ remembering.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省启东市九年级中考适应性考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空


fall   think   prepare  pass   say


【小题1】Emily is very kind and she never __________ any bad word about her classmates.
【小题2】—What’s the terrible noise, Lucy?
—The neighbours ______ for a birthday party.
【小题3】 —__________ Edward __________ the driving test?
—Yes, he practised for a long time.
【小题4】The old man was riding along the river when he __________ into the water.
【小题5】—I have to be off now.
—What a pity! I ___________ you could stay with us a little longer.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江西萍乡四中七年级月考英语卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空


do; give; book; listen; apple; it; her
Victor is seven years old and begins to school this fall(秋天). He studies hard and 【小题1】___________ to his teachers. He is polite(有礼貌的)and has some friends. They all like him. It’s Sunday today. Victor, his sister Tina and his mother stay at home. His mother is 【小题2】___________ some housework and he’s watching TV and the girl is doing her homework. At eight thirty his father comes back with a bag of 【小题3】____________. The boy likes 【小题4】________ very much and wants to eat some. His mother 【小题5】____________ him four and says, “Which one do you want, Victor?”
“The biggest(最大的)one,Mum. ”
“What?” says his mother. “You should(应该)be polite and take the smallest one. ”
“Should I tell a lie(撒谎)just to be polite, Mum?” says Victor.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省徐州市中考模拟英语卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空

选用方框里的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的,共5 分

terribly, was told, doctor’s, heavily, ourselves, death,
【小题1】His father’s      made him very sad.
【小题2】How       it was raining when he got home yesterday!
【小题3】He         to answer the questions in public just now.
【小题4】I felt better, so I didn’t go to the          .
【小题5】They kicked a goal, but we soon got one         .


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省盘锦市中考模拟(二)英语卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空

Learning in class is a way for students to study. Students sit in the classroom and【小题1】to the teacher. Is this the【小题2】way for students to learn something? Of course not. There is another way to learn, that is, students can teach【小题3】.
How do you teach yourself ? The【小题4】thing you must do is reading. Read something you are interested in,【小题5】what you have to read. The second is that you must ask yourself【小题6】. You can write down the questions. A clever student is usually good at【小题7】questions. The third is to answer the questions yourself【小题8】thinking hard, by reading the text or other books, and sometimes by asking other people. This is the way of teaching yourself. And you must do all these by yourself. If you keep【小题9】like this for a long time, you are sure to【小题10】in your study.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013年初中毕业升学考试(江苏无锡卷)英语(带解析) 题型:选词填空

On Thanksgiving Day. About 88 percent of Americans eat turkey. But one l   【小题1】 turkey not only survives but also becomes famous! Every year, turkey farmers p     【小题2】a turkey to the U.S. president. However the president does not e      【小题3】this turkey. But gives in a “pardon”. The turkey is s       【小题4】to Florida for a Thanksgiving parade. Then it lives on a farm for the r       【小题5】of its life.
Turkeys come from North America and have been part of American culture for c      【小题6】. Benjamin Franklin even wanted the turkey, i   【小题7】of the bald eagle, to be America’s icon.
Turkeys living on farms are large birds that cannot fly. But w       【小题8】turkeys are quite fast. They can fly at a s      【小题9】up to 88 kilometers per hour. They can also run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour.
Turkeys don’t have ears. They h            【小题10】with a snood (肉垂) above their beaks. But their hearing is five times better than human’s.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年四川省安岳县七年级下学期期末教学质量监测英语卷 题型:句型转换

【小题1】His father watched a talk show last night. (对画线部分提问)
                      his father       last night?
【小题2】Did you play the piano this morning?(作肯定回答)
          , I           .
【小题3】 Gina always stays at home on weekends.(用last weekend作状语改写句子)
Gina         at home last weekend.
【小题4】My mother watches TV every day. (用now 作状语改写句子)
My mother                      TV now.
【小题5】 Mary is very sad because she doesnt do well in her English.(对画线部分提问)
                Mary very sad ?


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江西省景德镇市初二下学期月考英语试卷 题型:句型转换

【小题1】I like koalas because they are cute.(就划线部分提问)
_____________ _____________ you like koalas?
【小题2】They usually _go to the movies on Sundays. (就划线部分提问)
___________ do they usually ________ on Sundays?
【小题3】Excuse me, is there a pay phone near here? (同义改写)
Excuse me, is there a pay phone                     ?
Pandas are _____________ _____________ shy.
【小题5】She likes pandas and monkeys. (就划线部分提问)
_________  __________does she like?

