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Small talk is a good way to kill time and make friends. If you travel to other countries, do you know what to say to        small talk with local people?
In Britain the best topic is the weather. British        changes quite often. It’s a safe topic. You can start small talk simply by saying “It’s a lovely day today, isn’t it?”      the weather, it’s good to talk about gardens with English people. For example, you could say, “Those roses look really beautiful,       ?” English people love their pets. So it’s also nice to begin with “What a lovely        ! What’s its name?”
In America, people like to talk about sports,        Amecican football and basketball. They also talk about clothes by saying “It’s a nice shirt! Where did you get it?” The weather is a        topic there, too.
Of course, you should avoid a lot of topics during small talk in western countries. Don’t ask people “How old are you?”. Age is usually secret ,        for women.        ask “How much money do you make?” It makes people uncomfortable. Don’t ask strangers whether they have a girlfriend         boyfriend. Politics(政治) and religion(宗教) is not a good topic for two people who have just met, either.
【小题1】A. end                    B. start                        C. speak
【小题2】A. weather                    B. people                      C. food
【小题3】A. Besides                 B. Except                      C. But
【小题4】A. isn’t it                   B. aren’t they                 C. don’t they
【小题5】A. picture                 B. dog                     C. boy
【小题6】A. the same as             B. so that                    C. such as
【小题7】A. safe                        B. dangerous                    C. hard
【小题8】A. extremely                  B. especially                  C. exactly
【小题9】A. Never                   B. Usually                  C. Please
【小题10】A. with                  B. and                     C. or


解析试题分析: 闲聊是一种消磨时间的好方法,但是在不同的国家闲聊要选好正确的话题。文中作者介绍给我们几种话题。比如在英国我们可以以天气,花园等开始聊天,在美国我们可以以服装,运动等开始聊天。总之不要问年纪,收入等隐私问题。
【小题1】考查动词及语境的理解。A. end结束,B. start开始,C. speak说,讲。句意:如果你去了另一个国家,你知道怎么跟当地人开始聊天吗?故选B。
【小题2】考查名词及语境的理解。A. weather天气,B. people人们,C. food食物,根据In Britain the best topic is the weather.可知英国的天气变化非常快。故选A。
【小题3】考查连词及语境的理解。A. Besides除了(包含在内),B. Except 除了(不包含在内),C. But但是,句意:除了谈论天气,还可以谈论花园。故选A。
【小题5】考查名词及语境的理解。A. picture照片,B. dog狗,C. boy男孩儿,根据English people love their pets英国人也非常喜欢他们的宠物,故选B。
【小题6】考查短语及语境的理解。A. the same as和……一样,B. so that因此,C. such as像,例如。句意:比如美国足球,美国篮球。故选C。
【小题7】考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. safe安全的,B. dangerous危险的,C. hard困难的,根据too,可知在美国谈论天气也是安全的话题,故选A。
【小题8】考查副词短语及语境的理解。A. extremely非常,及其,极端地,B. especially特别地,C. exactly精确地,正确地,句意:年龄是一个秘密,特别是对女士来说。故选B。
【小题9】考查副词及语境的理解。A. Never永远不,从不,B. Usually通常地,C. Please请,根据It makes people uncomfortable.那使人不舒服,可知永远不要问你赚多少钱?故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same       ?
A new          — Hi, Ke’ai is on at Beijing Children’s Art Theater. It tells the story of a boy called Ke’ai. His parents would like him to become a painter or a          one day. They teach him to          and to play the violin, but Ke’ai doesn’t enjoy these activities. Then one day Ke’ai’s parents see Liu Xiang win a gold          at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to be a sportsman.
        do they want me to be someone else?” Ke’ai asks and says, “I only want to be         .”
The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to          their children. It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.
Young audience (观众) enjoy the story, and also the          in the play. There are two songs in the play. One of them, Ke’ai’s Song is very          to learn, so the audience can sing the song on their way home after the play!

A.easy B.difficultC.importantD.Necessary


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

We think it’s probably a good idea for parents to allow teenagers ____in groups during the evenings. I know we get ____sometimes, but we learn a lot from each other. We also think that vacations should be ____.At present they’re too short. Longer vacations would give us time to do things like volunteering. ___summer I had an opportunity ___at the local hospital, but I couldn’t because I had to go back to school.

A.to watch B.to study C.study D.play 
A.noisy B.quiet C.crowded D.lonely 
A.short B.quicker C.longer D.slower. 
A.Last B.Next C.Before D.In 
A.volunteering B.to volunteer C.volunteering D.volunteered 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

I was so excited after I had found the holiday in the guidebook. It said, “Enjoy a week of sightseeing in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities     staying at one of its best hotels. ” Now I wasn’t so sure. I had waited fifteen minutes at reception  (前台) when I     and now the shower in my room wasn’t working. I       hotel reception.
“Hello. This is Room 308. There isn’t any     in my bathroom. ”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure!”
“I’ll    our hotel engineer at once. ”
An hour later, the engineer came to look at the     . He hit the pipes (水管) a few times and looked     . “Sorry, but I cannot fix it today. Maybe, tomorrow.” Then he      his hand. I couldn’t believe it! He wanted a tip (小费) for doing     ! I was very angry. But suddenly, I had a better idea.    , I gave the engineer a few coins. He hadn’t fixed my shower but he had taught me something      staying in his country. Two minutes later I was at the reception desk. I explained the       to the receptionist (接待员) and he replied, “Sorry. This is a    situation, but what can we do?” I knew exactly      to do. I gave the hotel manager a very large tip. Fifteen minutes later I    into Room 405. It was twice the size of Room 308, it had a wonderful view (景色) of the city, a comfortable bed and, most importantly, there was water in the bathroom.

A.put upB.cleaned upC.looked afterD.held out


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Qi Haoran, a Junior One student at High School was quite busy over the last winter vacation, not just with homework. Qi, together with ten other classmates made a       group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign(光盘行动).
The       students went to many restaurants and told the people the importance of       food. “ Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to       ? Could you please not       food? ” They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.
    ,the activity has got the support of many people. In a restaurant in Xinjing, the owner gives the guests who have eaten all the food they ordered a ticket. People can enjoy a       meal
when they have ten tickets. More than 750 restaurants in Beijng have begun to offer       dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers(剩菜) home.
Wasting food is a serious problem around the      , not only in China. It’s said that 1.3 billion tons of food ends up as waste last year. This is as       as one third of all the food in the world. The UN Environment Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization held a “ Think, Eat, Save” program in January, 2013 to help reduce food waste.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

  Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people _____ so much time at malls that they are called “mall rats”. Mall rats shop until they visit hundreds of stores.
People like malls for ____ reasons. They feel happy because malls have police stations, parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls ____ beautiful rest places with waterfalls and large green trees.
The first indoor mall in the United States _____in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota. People love doing all their ____in one place. More malls are built around the country. Now malls are like town centers and people come there _____many things. When they shop, of course, they also eat in food courts and they can have food _____all over the world. They see films at theatres. Some people even get _____daily exercise by doing the new sport of “mall walking”. _____ go to malls to meet friends.
In some malls, people can see a doctor or a dentist and even go to the church. In other words, people can almost do_____ in malls. Now people can even live in their favorite shopping center.

A.take B.spend C.cost D.use
A.much B.many C.a lot D.a little
A.had B.has C.have D.there are
A.built B.was built C.made D.is made
A.shopped B.shopping C.shops D.shop
A.to do B.do C.did D.doing
A.at B.from C.in D.with
A.theirs B.they C.them D.their
A.Another B.The other C.Others D.Other
A.best things B.things C.anything D.something


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

     If you have no special plans for your holidays, why not be a volunteer with us? Being a volunteer, you don’t think only of         . You work, and you don’t get money.         your helping hands can make both others and yourself happy. More and more young people are ready to           us. Let’s share some of their stories and plans.
Mary, 17
I visited the forest park with Mr Cao last week. I found there were not enough         there. I’m going to help the Forest Centre build new hiking paths in the mountains. It’s going to be great           —I’ll spend seven days living in a forest and enjoying the clean mountain air. I’m going to           with friends in the day and then sleep under the moon and stars. It will be a nice sport, and I’ll be able to do         good at the same time.
Andy, 18
This summer, I’m going to volunteer with Loving Pets Program. I         my neighbours’ pets last summer. And I fell in love with dogs and cats. This summer, I will work in the         centre and         my kindness and love to more pets. I am sure to make friends with more       !
Haitao, 16
Some children find reading         . They have problems with reading. They need our help. I’ll work for a       called Reading for Life. Every day, I’m going to help them choose and read books            they like. I want to be a          when I grow up, and I love children and reading, so this experience will help me in many ways.

A.looked forB.looked atC.looked aroundD.looked after


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

What can you do in two minutes? Cyrus Siu, 12, made a great speech in English and     the hearts of everyone.
Siu studies at Singapore International School in Hong Kong. He     the Junior high category (初中组) of the 11th “21st Century Cup” National High School and Primary School English Speaking Competition in Xiamen, Fujian on March 22.
His speaking skills and good English won him the top     .
Siu said his first secret to success was     many English books. He has read all the seven Harry Potter books, each four to five times. Now he is reading Steve Jobs: A Biography(《乔布斯传》)
“These books may be     for my age, but reading helps me to learn new words,” he said.
Siu likes English-speaking movies. Super hero movies,      Iron Man(《钢铁侠》) and The Avengers(《复仇者联盟》), are his favorite.
“Every boy has the dream of becoming a super hero one day. Sometimes I imagine
      to be one of the heroes and shout out the English lines(台词). It’s good to combine(结合) your      with learning English.
It’s also important to     an English-speaking environment for yourself. Siu talks to his classmates and teachers in English all day long at school.      his parents talk to him in Cantonese(粤语) at home, he still tries to answer in English.
“There is no shortcut(捷径) to studying English. Just practice, practice and practice!”Siu said.

A.won B.lost C.broke D.made
A.dropped out of B.worried about C.gave up D.took part in
A.shape B.price C.prize D.work
A.selling B.making C.losing D.reading
A.interesting B.difficult C.helpful D.easy
A.such as B.instead of C.because of D.above all
A.herself B.myself C.ourselves D.itself
A.answers B.questions C.interests D.problems
A.buy B.build C.invite D.publish
A.Before B.Though C.Since D.Because


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

“I’m really thankful to our government, for it provides us with such a good training program. The training greatly helps us live well. I will certainly study hard and learn the skills. Then I can (41) my family difficulties and do good to other people.” a learner on the job training program said, feeling (42).
The learner’s grandfather is nearly 80 years old, and has mother is (43) in bed. So his father, who is a farmer, is the main (44) of the family. The family is poor. The learner graduated from high school and did not (45) the college entrance exam. The job training program helps him learn the skills that he’ll (46) in the work place.
The story reminds me of another (47). It goes like this: Once upon a time, there was a man who liked fishing very much, and was (48) to catch lots of fish every day. The man was a kind-hearted person, so he always (49) his fish with his neighbors who did not know how to fish. One day, he thought that it would be (50) if he taught them how to fish. So he (51) his neighbors together and showed them how to fish. Everybody was very happy that they could (52) the fish they themselves caught.
At present, there are still a lot of poor people throughout the world. But it’s not good if we give only (53) to them. (54), we should give them a chance to learn new skills. Therefore, a technical training is very important to people in need, and the will learn the ability to (55) money. People can learn a lot of useful things in the training program and what they learn can help them on the way to find jobs.

A.solve B.change C.study D.find
A.surprised B.excited C.relaxed D.interested
A.ill B.alone C.silent D.dangerous
A.problem B.example C.relative D.support
A.pass B.copy C.know D.mind
A.repeat B.forget C.need D.test
A.story B.learner C.family D.program
A.afraid B.lucky C.sorry D.able
A.shared B.cooked C.exchanged D.weighed
A.easy B.great C.useless D.crazy
A.drove B.stopped C.called D.searched
A.feed B.save C.touch D.eat
A.time B.fish C.food D.clothing
A.Next B.Instead C.Luckily D.Especially
A.pay B.give C.use D.make

