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  The students’ life today can be very stressful(紧张的).They are under pressure(压力)every day.They need a break from it.Parents should ask children to do something else.(1)________ not let them relax in front of the TV.A hobby is the perfect answer.

  There are many different kinds of hobbies.Chess is a good example.It is a very enjoyable game and it also helps children develop their thinking skills.

  Collecting something is also a good hobby for children.A child can collect almost anything: key rings, stamps, postcards, old coins, etc.Many of these collecting can be both interesting and fun.They teach children a lot and broaden(益处).For example, gardening(园艺).For example, gardening is a useful hobby because it is a physical activity and it also teaches children about nature.

  (2)A hobby can be useful learning tool.Children may becomes experts in something if they really love their hobbies.Children will also learn to become more organized and make places.Hobbies will also teach children a lot about responsibility(责任).



It is a god hobby for children to collects something.

3.How many kinds of hobbies can you find in this passage?

4.Why is gardening a useful hobby?



1. But

2. Collecting something is also a good hobby for children. 

3. Three 

4. Because gardening is not only a physical activity but also it teaches children about nature.

5. 一个爱好可能成为有用的学习工具。



科目:初中英语 来源:牛津版初二下学期英语月考试题(Units 1-3,) 牛津版 题型:053


  (1)Cars are an important part of life in the United States.Without cars most people feel that they are poor.And even though a person is poor, he doesn't really feel poor when he has a car.

  Maybe you have heard of Henry Ford.He first started making cars in large numbers.Perhaps he didn't know how much the car was going to be to American culture(文化).(2)The car made the United States a nation on wheels(车轮).And it helped make the United States what it is now.

  The car has become popular in the United States.The Americans like to move around in cars.With a car people can go to any place(3)不需要花很多钱



3.It helped make the United states ________ it is now.

4.The Americans like to move around ________.


With a car people can go to any place ________.


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省仁寿县联谊学校2012届九年级下学期第一次调考英语试题 题型:051


  A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple tree he grew.

  One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to plant it.The farmer was pleased with the gift, but he did not know where to plant it.

  He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit.If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbors would come at night and steal some of the apples.If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit.Finally he planted the tree in his wood.But without sunlight and good soil(土壤),the tree soon died,

  Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place."What's the difference?" the farmer said angrily and then told what he had thought.

  "Yes," said the friend, "but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit.Now you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed a good apple tree!"

1.Was the farmer famous for planting the apple tree?


2.What gift did the farmer get from his friend one day?


3.Did the farmer plant the apple tree near his house or in his wood at last?


4.Why did the apple tree soon die?


5.Who destroyed the apple tree?



科目:初中英语 来源:山东省济南天桥区2012届九年级中考二模英语试题 题型:051


  Welcome to the energy science exhibition, Journey of Harmonious(和谐的)Energy.It opened on March 20th in Beijing.In this cool place, you can learn about different types of energy, how to use energy and how to protect our environment.Let's take a look.

  When you walk your dog, you use energy.When you do your homework, you also use energy.When you listen to music on the radio, you are using energy again.

  Energy is the ability(能力)to do work, and it's everywhere.

  Energy has many different forms.Every time you watch television or turn on a light, you are using electrical energy.The food you eat has chemical energy.The energy you use to move is called motion.

  Our bodies also use energy.Do you want to know how much energy you use every day? A special machine at the exhibition can tell you.Type in some information about your weight, height, age and job.Then the machine gives you your answer.According to the exhibition, a person usually uses 9.3 liters(升)of oil worth of energy a day.

  Visitors can also learn about some advanced technologies(高科技)for getting energy.For example, they can use some technology for exploring the deep sea and finding oil.

  How can we save energy?

  ●Turn off the lights, computers, TV and other electrical things when you aren't using them.

  ●Change the water level on your washing machine to match the load(装载)size.

  ●Lower the temperature setting on your water heater to save energy.

  ●Take a short shower instead of a long one.

  ●Don't open the microwave door too often to check on your food.Every time you open it, you waste some heat energy.

  ●Don't open the door of your refrigerator(冰箱)very often.A refrigerator needs a lot of electricity to get cold again after you open it.

  Did you know?

  If you shouted for a total(合计) of eight years, seven months and six days, you would make enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

  ●A desktop computer uses twice as much energy as a laptop one.(笔记本电脑).

  ●A lot of sunlight falls on the Earth every minute.It's enough to meet the world's energy needs for a year.


From the first paragraph of the passage, we know ________ and ________ the energy science exhibition opened.


According to the passage, try to use a laptop computer because it can use ________ energy ________ a desktop one.


According to the passage, how many types of energy can you learn from the energy science exhibition? What are they?





To protect the environment, what do you want to do most after the Journey of Harmonious Energy?



科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省黄冈市蕲春县张榜中学2010-2011学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:053


  There are some things(物品)in the lost and found case.Mr.Green meets Lisa.

  Mr.Green:Hi, Lisa.Is that your watch?

  Lisa:No, it isn’t.It’s Jim’s.He lost it yesterday.(昨天)

  Mr.Green:Is that your pencil case?

  Lisa:Yes, it is.I lost this morning.(今天早晨)

  Mr.Green:Whose(谁的)clock is that?

  Lisa:It’s Tina’s.



科目:初中英语 来源:宁夏回族自治区2011年初中毕业暨高中阶段招生英语试题 题型:053


The Greenest School in Britain

  The pupils and teachers at Fairfield School think it's worth looking after the environment! This is what they've been doing:

Growing vegetables

  Fairfield School pupils started their own vegetable garden.Both children and teachers plant and water the seeds(种子), then I hey pick the vegetables, which are used in school meals.Now they can all enjoy healthy food at lunchtime."School dinners are tastier than ever before! " says one pupil.


  The Fairfield pupils don't just bring their books to school-they bring their rubbish too! There are recycling bins(回收箱)in the playground for cans, plastic bottles, batteries and paper.The teachers give a prize every month to the pupil who's tried the hardest to recycle.

Planting trees

  "This used to be one of the least beautiful areas of the city with no green areas, says the head teacher Lynne Johnson."Now every child has planted their own tree, which he or she looks after during the week.They've made the view from the classroom more beautiful!

Finding cleaner ways to get around

  Everyone walks or cycles to Fairfield School! "When the roads are busy, it’s faster to ride bikes than to go by car anyway,” says one pupil.Even the teachers don't use their cars."We won't encourage our pupils to look after the environment if we don't do it ourselves! " says one teacher.

1.Every month the pupil who has done the best to recycle will _________ _________ from the teachers.

2.Neither the _________ nor the _________ in Fairfield school go to school by car.

3.The pupils have made the view from the classroom more beautiful by _________.

4.From the passage we know that the teachers in this school set a good _________ to the pupils in protecting the environment.

5.They use the vegetables which are _________ and picked by themselves in school meals.

