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   There was a girl called Anna,who was studying in a primary school in the United States. She was the most 1 in school,so her marks were higher than the others’. She was the best,but nobody wanted to be her friend and 2 her.

   One day,the teacher put an exam,but a boy called Robert signed 3 exam using Anna's name. So,when the teacher returned them the exams,everybody was 4,even Anna,when found out she had failed the exam,and the other kids were happy of it.

   The next day,when Anna arrived at school,all the kids wanted to be with her,and invited her to play.5 ,when Anna was playing with the other children,the teacher appeared to inform her that it had been a 6 ,and she didn't fail. After that,they all stopped playing with her.

   One day,the United States First Lady went to visit the school,and the First Lady saw Anna crying. And the First Lady asked her 7 she was crying. Anna explained to her what happened. She told her how the other kids didn't like her just 8 she was the most hard-working in school and she always got good results.

   Then,the First Lady told stories about her childhood,which were similar to Anna's. After that speech,all children realized that they had been 9 to Anna,and felt sorry. They should have been happy for having a 10 getting such good marks.

1. A. outgoing   B. hard-working   C. dangerous   D. beautiful

2. A. look for   B. laugh at   C. play with   D. give up

3. A. his   B. her   C. my   D. your

4. A. angry   B. worried   C. proud   D. shocked

5. A. Quickly   B. Suddenly   C. Usually   D. Clearly

6. A. mistake   B. surprise   C. success   D. difference

7. A. when   B. how   C. why   D. where

8. A. unless   B. because   C. although   D. whether

9. A. kind   B. polite   C. strict   D. rude

10. A. monitor   B. winner   C. friend   D. stranger

   Anna是学校成绩最优秀的学生,但正因为如此,同学们都不与她交朋友。美国第一夫人讲述了自己小时候和Anna 同样的经历,最后同学们认识到了自己的错误,她们本应该 为有Anna这样的朋友而高兴。

1 . B 由 her marks were higher that the others 可知,Anna 是学校里最勤奋的学生。

2. C根据but可知,没有人和她做朋友并和她一起玩。故选C。

3. A由a boy called Robert可知,此处用his ,意为“在他的试卷写上了 Anna的名字”。

4. D根据she had failed the exam可知,Anna每次成绩都最高,可是这次不及格,所以每位同学,甚至她自己都很震惊。D项符合语境。

5. B根据题意“当Anna和同学们正在玩时,老师出现了”,此处用Suddenly符合语境,因此选B.

6. A由she didn't fail可知,老师查出来Anna考试不及格的原因,所以上文中Anna考试不及格是因为弄错了,此 处选A.

7. C Anna正在哭,所以第一夫人问Anna哭的原因,选C.

8. B根据题意:the First Lady告诉Anna同学们不喜欢她仅仅是因为她是学校最勤奋的学生并且总是取得好成 绩。just because意为“只是因为”,选B.

9. D当听完第一女士的演讲后,学生们认识到自己以前对Anna太不礼貌了,此处用rude符合题意,选D.

10. C根据题意:他们本应该为有这样一位成绩优秀的朋友而高兴。因此选C..

sign v.签字 inform v.通知 childhood  n.童年 be similar to 与……相似


   She told her how the other kids didn't like her just because she was the most hard-working in school and she always got good results.她告诉她,其他孩子是怎样不喜欢她,只是因为 她在学校是最勤奋的,并且她总是有很好的成绩。

   She told her是主句,后面是连接副词how引导的宾语 从句,宾语从句中含有because引导的原因状语从句。


   这类题主要是通过短文中上下语境所透露的信 息进行解题,首先要正确理解所给信息,再进行合理 分析和推断,这种语境信息一定要遵循逻辑概念,符 合运动规律,时态的交替,以及特殊场合下的应急合 理判断。

   例如第1小题,根据下文多处语境her marks were higher that the others,fP she was the most hardworking in school and she always got good results 等可确定答案为B. 

题目来源:一本英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇中考 > TEST3


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A. Amy and Suzy ore chatting over lunch. Complete their conversation with the words in the box.

at the age of can couldn't do well in in hospital may seat take part in 

Amy:⑴ I take this (2) ,Suzy?

Suzy: Of course. Let's have lunch together. Amy,our class had a picnic in the park last Saturday,but I didn't see you.

Amy: I didn't go. My grandpa was ⑶ , so I went to see him.

Suzy: Oh,Tm sorry to hear that. Is he feeling better now?

Amy: Yes. Thanks for asking.

Suzy: Are you going to (4) the swimming competition next month?

Amy: Yes. I love swimming. I started to swim (5) seven.

Suzy: I (6) swim last year. I began to learn to swim this summer and now I (7) swim. Til join the competition too.

Amy: I'm sure you'll (8) it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Once upon a time,there was a forest where all the animals lived happily together. One day a family went to spend the day in the countryside,and one little boy left his 1 there. Soon after the family left,a raccoon (淀熊) came by,and 2 the socks. The raccoon decided to try them on. They fit so well,and he 3 them so much that he wouldn’t take them off. He spent his days walking 4 the forest in the socks.

   All the animals talked about the raccoon's 5 look,and some of them were a bit envious that he was getting so much attention. Before long,in that forest,there began appearing squirrels in shirts,pigs in boots,and 6 a mole (鼹鼠) with a hat on!

   Doctor Bear would shake his 7 , telling people, “This can't be good. Animals don't wear clothes,and we don't need them. ” But the mole didn't 8 him. He said Doctor Bear was just old-fashioned. One day,the mole tried to fit into his hole without first taking his hat off. He was stuck in that hole all day.Those who listened to the Doctor's advice stopped having 9 .

   The animals 10 that they didn't need clothes at all. Starting to wear them had been very silly,and they had only done it to make others envious of them,and to get attention.

1. A. shoes   B. gloves   C. socks   D. pants

2. A. lost   B. found   C. covered   D. passed

3. A. liked   B. hated   C. threw   D. picked

4. A. between   B. beside   C. against   D. through

5. A. cute   B. serious   C. new   D. young

6. A. even   B. ever   C. still   D. also

7. A. hand   B. arm   C. head   D. feet

8. A. listen to   B. go with   C. think of   D. look at

9. A. results   B. reasons   C. clothes   D. accidents

10. A. hoped   B. realized   C. forgot   D. ordered


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Lucy,

   In your last letter,you asked me how to show love to your parents. Here is my advice.

   ★ Make a picture for them. Whether with pencils or paints,it will be a treasure (财富) to them forever.

   ★ Write a letter to them. Take your time to put your thoughts in it.

   ★ Keep your room clean!Though it's a kind of the chore,it shows mom and dad that you care.

   ★ Cook them a dinner!It can be some rice,some cheese or some hot dogs;it can give them a break.

   ★ Tell them that you love them very often. Your love can make them feel warm and proud.

   ★ Never tell a lie (谎言) to them. Probably the biggest way to show them you love them is,never to lie. This shows them that you not only love them,but also believe in and respect (尊敬) them.

   ★ Create time to be with them. Watch a film with your mom once in a while,or go to a sports match with your dad once in a while just to show them how much you care and want to be closer with them.

   ★ If you do something wrong,apologize (道歉) and explain it!They will know you are sorry. You could do something for them to show you want to make it up to them. Just saying sorry can really show how much you love them.


Agony Aunt

1. The underlined word “it” refers to “”.

   A. the picture

   B. the letter

   C. the room

   D. the treasure

2. can give your parents a break.

   A. Studying for a test

   B. Drawing a picture

   C. Cooking a dinner

   D. Telling your love to your parents

3. What's the best way to show your love to your parents?

   A. Believing in them.

   B. Respecting them.

   C. Making friends with them.

   D. Never telling a lie.

4. Watching a film with your mom can .

   A. show you want to be closer with her

   B. make her feel proud

   C. cost her a lot of money

   D. make both of you healthy

5. Please apologize to your parents if you .

   A. don't love them

   B. go to a sports match with your dad

   C. do a wrong event

   D. say you are sorry to them


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Sand cats come from deserts like the Sahara (撒哈拉沙漠) .They have wide faces and big eyes. If you are lucky enough to see 1 in person,you will find it is one of the cutest animals.

   In the deserts of Africa and Asia,sand cats like living 2 lives. They usually live in holes made by other 3 animals. At their largest,they are a little less than two feet long. Their wide heads are what give them their young,lovely faces. They 4 food at night,feeding on small animals like snakes.

   There are not many sand cats in the world,so it's important to keep them  5 . However,it is difficult to keep them in zoos. Sand cats in zoos easily get kinds of common diseases,so, in order to successfully 6 sand cats,zoos have to create very special environment just for them. This means that,if sand cats are in danger,it's 7 to save them. It wasn’t until 2010 that a sand cat baby was successfully 8 in the zoo for the first time. Luckily,people have done something to 9 the sand cats from being in danger. Outside their native living places,there are not many opportunities to see sand cats. In the United States,there are only 26 sand cats in 10 . Most of us will just have to look at pictures and videos of these lovely wild animals online.

1. A. it   B. this   C. that   D. one

2. A. alone   B. noisy   C. loud   D. lonely

3. A. small   B. big   C. cute   D. dangerous

4. A. look at   B. wait for   C. take out   D. look for

5. A. free   B. busy   C. safe   D. dangerous

6. A. keep   B. stay   C. live   D. take

7. A. easy   B. interesting   C. boring   D. difficult

8. A. sold   B. bought   C. raised   D. brought

9. A. finish   B. stop   C. have   D. fight

10. A. zoos   B. parks   C. homes   D. houses


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   A 100-year-old Briton has become the world's 1 marathon runner after finishing a race in Canada. Fauja Singh, from Ilford, east London,ran the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in eight hours,25 minutes and 16 seconds.

   The record-holder hit the wall at 22 miles on the way,2 he kept on running for another two hours and finished in 3 ,850th place,ahead of five other 3 .

   Mr Singh 4 running only 11 years ago — after his wife and son died. He 5 every day by running 10 miles. His coach Harmander Singh said Mr Singh was overjoyed.

   “Earlier,just before we came around the 6 corner,”he said,44achieving this will be like getting married again. He's really overjoyed,he's achieved his lifelong 7 .”

   8 in India in 1911,Mr Singh was a farmer in the Punjab but moved to Britain in the 1960s. He holds the world record for the over-90 category (类别) after running the 2003 Toronto marathon in five hours and 40 minutes. His latest feat earns him another spot in Guinness World Records.

   On Thursday he broke another eight records for 100-year-old men by completing all eight distances ranging from 100 m to 5 ,000 m.

   Mr Singh said, “The 9 to a long and healthy life is to be stress-free. Be 10 for everything you have,stay away from people who are negative,stay smiling and keep running. ”

1. A. fastest   B. tallest   C. oldest   D. longest

2. A. and   B. although   C. but   D. so

3. A. runners   B. stars   C. players   D. visitors

4. A. kept on   B. stopped   C. took up   D. joined

5. A. walked   B. trained   C. came   D. played

6. A. first   B. second   C. third   D. last

7. A. wish   B. job   C. words   D. idea

8. A. Worked   B. Lived   C. Studied   D. Bom

9. A. way   B. chance   C. answer   D. secret

10. A. anxious   B. relaxed   C. grateful   D. worried


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Steve was bom in a poor amily with alcoholic (酗酒的) parents,and didn't like studying at school. He was often late for a class and could not get on well with his desk mate,Jim.

   That new term,Miss White,a new teacher worked as the head teacher for him. Her classes were very interesting and she was kind to the students,so they loved her very much.

   One day,Steve went to school without having breakfast,he was very hungry. He stole the money in Jim's pencil case and bought something to eat. The next morning,Jim told Miss White it was Steve that stole his money in class. Hearing this,Steve dared (敢 于) not look up at Miss White's eyes with the red face. However,Miss White said, “I don't believe Steve has done that,because he's a good student. ” After a while,she took the same number of money from her pocket and said, “A student in Class Two picked it up beside the gate of our classroom just now and gave it to me,and it is yours,Jim?” Jim said “yes”,with “sorry” to Steve. The poor boy could say nothing to his dear teacher with tears in both eyes.

   After that,Steve did his best to study hard and got good grades. Later,he became a famous doctor. He would never forget the kind head teacher in his middle school.

1. Steve's parents liked very much.

   A. playing games

   B. drinking wine

   C. playing sports with him

   D. cooking meals

2. Miss White the students and they all liked her very much.

   A. was friendly to   B. was tired of

   C. was strict with   D. was bad for

3. Steve was very hungry and he .

   A. ate a lot of food

   B. stole Jim's money

   C. bought lots of things with Jim

   D. borrowed some food from Miss White

4. Miss White gave some money to Jim, because.

   A. she wanted to help Jim

   B. it was actually Jim's money

   C. she wanted to give Steve some self-esteem

   D. Jim lost his money

5. What's the best title for this passage?

   A. A Lazy Boy Called Steve

   B. Steve and His Classmates

   C. A Kind Head Teacher,Miss White

   D. A Meaningful Lesson at School


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Do you want to help animals stop extinction?It is everyone's duty to help   animals to stop extinction (灭绝) ?As students,there are so many things you can do yourself too!Please look at the following tips to help the endangered animals.

   Send a letter to your local environment (环境) protecting center and show how you feel about the quick extinction of animals. Use the facts to write what you have found. And help the officers make the strong rules to save the animals.

   Draw pictures and make a poster. Put this poster somewhere at school or where people will usually see it. Add some texts in the sign to make it clear why you care about the loss of animals. It may encourage people to do something to protect the animals.

   Avoid (避免) buying things that come from endangered species (物种) . When you travel,be careful about what you buy. You shouldn’t buy some souvenirs made from endangered animals or endangered tree species from forests that the animals live on.

   Watch your diet. Before eating meals,you should see if you will break a food chain (食物链) . If you see somebody has done something bad for the food chain,please stop him at once.


The passage mainly gives us some advice to help animals 1.

Send 2 to your local environment protecting center.

It can help the officers make the strong rules to save the animals.

Draw pictures and make a poster.

It may encourage people to do something to 3 .

Avoid buying things that come from 4.

When you travel, be careful about what you buy.

Watch your diet.

Before eating meals, you should see if you will break 5 .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

                                  Green Water Lake 

   In my life I have traveled to many beautiful places. But I have 1 forgotten one place. It is my hometown's Green Water Lake.

   My hometown has one beautiful lake. It is called Green Water Lake. Actually,Green Water Lake is Green Water River;this river 2 two provinces.

Some company made a dam (大项) on the river,so the dam top's river 3 like a lake. The water is very clean and smooth,and there are hundreds of islands 4 the lake. There are some islands that have thousands of birds;there are some islands with a lot of bamboo,pines,and with many kinds of 5 I don't know the name of. The flowers are white,red,pink and purple 6 There are beautiful smells and beautiful sights.

   I lived in my hometown from the time I was ten years old to the time I was eighteen years old. In those 7 years,every summer I swam in the Green Water Lake. I love this lake very much. I liked to swim in the lake. I liked to dive in the water and watch the fish. Green Water Lake brought me a 8 time.

   Right now every year there are thousands of 9 who travel to Green Water Lake. I am very happy that people like the lake,but I 10 that people will pollute the lake because Green Water Lake in my heart is very important.

1. A. never   B. always   C. already   D. seldom

2. A. covers   B. crosses   C. comes   D. meets

3. A. would   B. feels   C. tastes   D. seems

4. A. of   B. at   C. in   D. to

5. A. plants   B. animals   C. fruits   D. stones

6. A. something   B. nobody   C. everywhere   D. anyone

7. A. six   B. seven   C. eight   D. nine

8. A. successful   B. terrible   C. careful   D. wonderful

9. A. farmers   B. scientists   C. tourists   D. doctors

10. A. hope   B. worry   C. believe   D. think

