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   Sand cats come from deserts like the Sahara (撒哈拉沙漠) .They have wide faces and big eyes. If you are lucky enough to see 1 in person,you will find it is one of the cutest animals.

   In the deserts of Africa and Asia,sand cats like living 2 lives. They usually live in holes made by other 3 animals. At their largest,they are a little less than two feet long. Their wide heads are what give them their young,lovely faces. They 4 food at night,feeding on small animals like snakes.

   There are not many sand cats in the world,so it's important to keep them  5 . However,it is difficult to keep them in zoos. Sand cats in zoos easily get kinds of common diseases,so, in order to successfully 6 sand cats,zoos have to create very special environment just for them. This means that,if sand cats are in danger,it's 7 to save them. It wasn’t until 2010 that a sand cat baby was successfully 8 in the zoo for the first time. Luckily,people have done something to 9 the sand cats from being in danger. Outside their native living places,there are not many opportunities to see sand cats. In the United States,there are only 26 sand cats in 10 . Most of us will just have to look at pictures and videos of these lovely wild animals online.

1. A. it   B. this   C. that   D. one

2. A. alone   B. noisy   C. loud   D. lonely

3. A. small   B. big   C. cute   D. dangerous

4. A. look at   B. wait for   C. take out   D. look for

5. A. free   B. busy   C. safe   D. dangerous

6. A. keep   B. stay   C. live   D. take

7. A. easy   B. interesting   C. boring   D. difficult

8. A. sold   B. bought   C. raised   D. brought

9. A. finish   B. stop   C. have   D. fight

10. A. zoos   B. parks   C. homes   D. houses

1. D 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A


1. D上文提及沙猫来自沙漠,下文用erne指沙猫中的任何一个,而不是特指。

2. D由短文最后一段中的“…there are not many opportunities to see sand cats.”可知沙猫“单独”生活.

3. A由“最大的沙猫不过两英尺长”推断,沙猫通常寄居在其他“小”动物的洞穴里。

4. D由下文“以像蛇之类的小动物为食”推断,沙猫晚上“寻找”食物。

5. C由“世界上沙猫不多”推断,保护沙猫“安全”非常重要。

6. A由“沙猫在动物园里很难存活”推断这里指为了成功“饲养”沙猫。keep表示“伺养”。

7. D由“动物园不得不为沙猫创造非常特殊的环境”推断,如果沙猫有生命危险就很“难”救活。

8. C句意:直到2010年才第一次在动物园成功“培育”了一只沙猫宝宝。raise表示“培育”。

9. B由Luckily推断,人们做了一些事以“防止”沙猫处于危险的状态中D stop... from doing sth.为常用结构,故选B.

10. A由“人们只能通过网络在图片或视频上看到沙猫”推 断,美国“动物园”里只有26只沙猫。

feed on 以……为食 opportunity n.机会


   It wasn’t until 2010 that a sand cat baby was successfully raised in the zoo for the first time.直到 2010 年,沙猫宝宝才第一次被成功地在动物园培育。

   该句是强调句型:It be +被强调部分+ that +其他; not... until…是固定搭配,意为“直到……才……”;was raised是一般过去时的被动语态,意为“被培育”。

题目来源:一本英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇中考 > TEST2


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B. Listen to the conversations between Benny and his mother. Write down the birthday of each of his family members.

Benny's grandma 

Benny's Uncle Jack


Benny's mum


Benny's dog



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Do you remember your first day of school? Maybe your mom or dad stayed at home from work so they could drive you to school,or maybe they waved goodbye to you as you were getting on the school bus. You probably wore new clothes for the first day of school,and maybe,you were just a bit scared.

   In Germany,parents go to the school with their children on the first day. That way the children are not alone. Parents stay at the school the whole day.

   When they get to school,each child receives a zuckertute (包裹) .A zuckertute is a cone-shaped (圆锥形的) package. It is filled with toys and sweets. The top of the package is covered with flowers. It is usually very large and sometimes stands as tall as the child!The zuckertute is brought to school by the parents before the school day begins. Children often put their picture on their zuckertute. The first day is spent exploring (探索) the classroom and getting to know one another. When the day is over,children and parents go home for a family party. The party is usually held at home,but sometimes it is held at a restaurant.Brothers,sisters,grandparents,cousins,aunts and uncles are invited to the party. In small towns,neighbors even come to congratulate (祝贺) the child. Everyone brings gifts to the child.

1. What do the parents do on the first day of school in Germany?

   A. Stay at home all day.

   B. Send the kids to the school bus.

   C. Drive their kids to school.

   D. Stay at the school the whole day.

2. What will the child find in his/her zuckertute?

   A. Pencils and erasers.

   B. Toys and sweets.

   C. Books and pictures.

   D. Money and telephone number.

3. When do the parents bring a zuckertute to school in Germany according to the passage?

   A. On the first day of school.

   B. On the evening of the first day.

   C. After their children go to school.

   D. Before the first day of school.

4. Where is the family party for the children's first day of school usually held in Germany?

   A. At school. B. At home.

   C. At a restaurant. D. In a hotel.

5. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Sweet First Day for German Children

   B. How do German Children Go to School

   C. The Zuckertute for German Children

   D. Parents and Children in Germany


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Keane Everton is a 6-year-old British boy. He looks just like any other boy of his age,1 he has done an unusual thing. He has gone on a bike ride to 2 money for research on PNH (血红蛋白尿) ,a disease that his grandfather died of last year.

   His mother,the 43-year-old Gail Everton,said,“3 Keane's grandfather's birthday came this year,I talked with my husband about last year's birthday. Keane heard it and asked what we were going to do for his grandfather's birthday this year,4 he had gone. I explicated (阐明) that we couldn’t really do anything for people's birthdays after they had gone. He was so 5 about this. Finally,we decided to do the ride to celebrate a( n) 6 birthday for his grandfather. ”

   “I think it will be good to 7 him to raise money for the research on PNH,” said Gail.

   A person from the PNH research team at St. James’ University Hospital said ,“We’re 8 to hear about Keane's fantastic story. This is clearly a wonderful thing and we should be 9 proud of him. ”

   “ We are also pleased to see he and his family make this endowment to our 10 . Every little effort really makes a difference ,” he added.

1. A. and   B. or   C. but   D. so

2. A. raise   B. make   C. get   D. find

3. A. Before   B. After   C. When   D. While

4. A. but   B. although   C. if   D. when

5. A. pleased   B. lonely   C. upset   D. surprised

6. A. unforgettable   B. interesting   C. lovely   D. special

7. A. ask   B. suggest   C. order   D. encourage

8. A. lucky   B. surprised   C. sad   D. pleased

9. A. only   B. certainly   C. mostly   D. hardly

10. A. idea   B. research   C. plan   D. topic


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   There was a girl called Anna,who was studying in a primary school in the United States. She was the most 1 in school,so her marks were higher than the others’. She was the best,but nobody wanted to be her friend and 2 her.

   One day,the teacher put an exam,but a boy called Robert signed 3 exam using Anna's name. So,when the teacher returned them the exams,everybody was 4,even Anna,when found out she had failed the exam,and the other kids were happy of it.

   The next day,when Anna arrived at school,all the kids wanted to be with her,and invited her to play.5 ,when Anna was playing with the other children,the teacher appeared to inform her that it had been a 6 ,and she didn't fail. After that,they all stopped playing with her.

   One day,the United States First Lady went to visit the school,and the First Lady saw Anna crying. And the First Lady asked her 7 she was crying. Anna explained to her what happened. She told her how the other kids didn't like her just 8 she was the most hard-working in school and she always got good results.

   Then,the First Lady told stories about her childhood,which were similar to Anna's. After that speech,all children realized that they had been 9 to Anna,and felt sorry. They should have been happy for having a 10 getting such good marks.

1. A. outgoing   B. hard-working   C. dangerous   D. beautiful

2. A. look for   B. laugh at   C. play with   D. give up

3. A. his   B. her   C. my   D. your

4. A. angry   B. worried   C. proud   D. shocked

5. A. Quickly   B. Suddenly   C. Usually   D. Clearly

6. A. mistake   B. surprise   C. success   D. difference

7. A. when   B. how   C. why   D. where

8. A. unless   B. because   C. although   D. whether

9. A. kind   B. polite   C. strict   D. rude

10. A. monitor   B. winner   C. friend   D. stranger


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   One Christmas Eve,Santa landed his sleigh (雪橇) on a house,grabbed his bag of toys and slid down the chimney. Once he was inside the house,he quickly went to work setting out two toys he had brought for the Reilly twins,Erin and Pat.

   When he was done,Santa noticed a plate of cookies and a glass of milk setting with a note that read: For Santa. Santa sat down in a big chair and soon he had eaten the whole plate of cookies and had drunk the whole glass of milk. As he got up to leave,he noticed another plate of fudge (软糖) . Before long,Santa had eaten everything on this plate,too.

   When he finished,he grabbed his toy bag and started to climb up out of the chimney. The only problem was,he had eaten too much and now he and his bag did not fit in the chimney. Santa went back to the Christmas tree and placed a few more toys under the tree from his bag and again he tried going up the chimney. Again,he did not fit. So back he went to the tree and this time,he placed every gift in his ba^ under the tree. At last,Santa was able to climb up the chimney to the roof.

   In the morning when the children came downstairs,there were toys everywhere.

1. This story happened .

   A. on Thanksgiving Day

   B. on April Fool's Day

   C. on Christmas Eve

   D. on Spring Festival

2. Santa brought for the Reilly twins,Erin and Pat.

   A. two toys

   B. a plate of cookies

   C. a glass of milk

   D. a bag of toys

3. Santa ate in Erin and Pat's house.

   A. only cookies

   B. only milk

   C. only fudge

   D. some cookies,milk and fudge

4. Santa couldn’t climb out of the chimney because.

   A. he was very tired

   B. he was very full

   C. he was very hungry

   D. he was very afraid

5. According to the passage,Santa's bag was when he left.

   A. heavy   B. full

   C. empty   D. old


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Every week,Julia would go to visit her grandparents. ( 1 ) The grandfather would give each child a few coins and tell them to buy something they like. They would buy toys and candy. After they grew a little bit older,their parents thought that it was time for them to learn how to manage (管理) money. So the parents asked the children to think of ways to manage money.

   Ruben is the cleverest boy. He decided to earn money by buying and selling things. He got support from the whole family. But Nico,the smallest child,still spent the money as usual. Ruben thought this was unfair and he stopped saving his money,too.

   For little Julia,she had a wonderful,secret plan. But her parents were very disappointed (失望的) with her. They thought Julia wasn’t doing anything.

   One day,Julia came with a violin and played it for the family. Everyone was surprised. They knew that Julia liked the violin,but her family was too poor to afford the violin classes for her. So,Julia found a street violinist and asked him to teach her. In return,she gave him all her money. The violinist was deeply moved by Julia. He taught her for months and rent a violin to her. Then,Julia gave performances (表演) with the violinist in the street. By doing this,she earned enough money to pay for the violin.


任务一:将(1) 处画线部分翻译成汉语。



2. The family thought Ruben was child,because he decided to make more money by buying and selling things,but at last he his plan.

3. Julia's parents were with her because they thought Julia was .


4. How did Julia make money to buy a violin?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   We all have our favorite teachers—those who treat us equally. But what about those bother some ones?

   You can do lots of things to get a good 1 with your teacher. First,do the obvious (明显的) job: 2 for class or finish your homework on time. Be smart,be respectful,and ask questions.

   Show an interest in the subject. Obviously,your teachers are really interested in their subjects or they wouldn’t have decided to teach them!Showing the teacher that you 3 —even if you’re not good at math or fluent in French—sends the message that you are a dedicated (专注的) student on his subject.

   It is possible to be 4 when trying,though. Here are some things to do when trying to establish a relationship with your teacher:

   ? Being sincere No teachers like the students who like telling lies. Tell him the true 5 why you can't finish your homework or why you are late again. And it's the most 6 of all.

   ? Trying to be teacher's pet Be a hard-working student. You must keep the rules in the school. Be teachers' lovely pet and let them 7 you.

   ? Giving small gifts It's OK to offer a small gift like a card,or something else on 8 days. But flashy,expensive items could send the 9 message,and a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.

   ? Don’t be afraid of the teachers Every teacher wants to teach you well,10 sometimes they are strict with you. Believe that they are very kind to you in fact and don't be afraid of them.

1. A. job   B. friend   C. relation   D. seat

2. A. Show up   B. Stay out   C. Keep on   D. Give out

3. A. want   B. care   C. need   D. hate

4. A. interesting   B. relaxing   C. helpful   D. hard

5. A. story   B. excuse   C. reasons   D. words

6. A. popular   B. difficult   C. important   D. successful

7. A. love   B. know   C. notice   D. believe

8. A. unforgettable   B. exciting   C. usual   D. special

9. A. wrong   B. correct   C. useful   D. true

10. A. although   B. but   C. even if   D. if


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B2. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations below using the words in brackets.

1 Millie: That's my new dress.

Sandy:   ! (what/pretty)

