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B2. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations below using the words in brackets.

1 Millie: That's my new dress.

Sandy:   ! (what/pretty)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.Write the names of the different forms of transport in the blanks. Which kind of transport is the most convenient? Which is the most expensive? Discuss what you think with a classmate.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Simple past tense (II)

A.  Complete the questions and answers with the simple past tense of the verbs in brackets.

1 Q:   you (watch) the match?

A: Yes,we (do) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

E. Simon just came back from a camping trip with his family. He wrote an email to his friend Neil. Listen to Simon and fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Dear Neil,How is your summer holiday going? I just came back from a camping trip with my family and we had a great time.

We ⑴ our tents in a field by a river. There were lots of (2) 

living there!The weather was nice. We played games and (3)  .We also went cycling (4) the countryside. It was good fun!

We met many families from different places there. We  (5)  with them and I made some new friends too!

I hope you're having a great holiday too. Are you doing any (6)   activities?

Best wishes,Simon


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A. Millie wrote about one of her days. Complete her article with the help of the first letter of each word.

One day I was (1) a at home. I am (2) a of staying in a dark house,so I turned on all the lights. I tried to heat some food on the stove,but soon I forgot about it. Then I smelt something bad. I (3) r into the kitchen. It was full of (4) s. I quickly turned off the gas. When Mum came back and knew about tiiis,she said, "It's (5) d to leave the stove on. You should be more (6) c next time."


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A. Amy and Suzy ore chatting over lunch. Complete their conversation with the words in the box.

at the age of can couldn't do well in in hospital may seat take part in 

Amy:⑴ I take this (2) ,Suzy?

Suzy: Of course. Let's have lunch together. Amy,our class had a picnic in the park last Saturday,but I didn't see you.

Amy: I didn't go. My grandpa was ⑶ , so I went to see him.

Suzy: Oh,Tm sorry to hear that. Is he feeling better now?

Amy: Yes. Thanks for asking.

Suzy: Are you going to (4) the swimming competition next month?

Amy: Yes. I love swimming. I started to swim (5) seven.

Suzy: I (6) swim last year. I began to learn to swim this summer and now I (7) swim. Til join the competition too.

Amy: I'm sure you'll (8) it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

F.Benny would like to recommend Chu Xiong for the Helping Hand Award. Help him complete his report with the information in Parts B and E.

I would like to ⑴ Chu Xiong for the Helping Hand Award.

Chu Xiong can do a lot of things. He can epeak Engliah and

(2) well. We can play (3) , and he can play the (4) .

I recommend him becauee he (5) the Wvee of two

(6) . He helped them (7) a fire.

Chu Xiong should gat the (8) bacausa he wae very

(9) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Sand cats come from deserts like the Sahara (撒哈拉沙漠) .They have wide faces and big eyes. If you are lucky enough to see 1 in person,you will find it is one of the cutest animals.

   In the deserts of Africa and Asia,sand cats like living 2 lives. They usually live in holes made by other 3 animals. At their largest,they are a little less than two feet long. Their wide heads are what give them their young,lovely faces. They 4 food at night,feeding on small animals like snakes.

   There are not many sand cats in the world,so it's important to keep them  5 . However,it is difficult to keep them in zoos. Sand cats in zoos easily get kinds of common diseases,so, in order to successfully 6 sand cats,zoos have to create very special environment just for them. This means that,if sand cats are in danger,it's 7 to save them. It wasn’t until 2010 that a sand cat baby was successfully 8 in the zoo for the first time. Luckily,people have done something to 9 the sand cats from being in danger. Outside their native living places,there are not many opportunities to see sand cats. In the United States,there are only 26 sand cats in 10 . Most of us will just have to look at pictures and videos of these lovely wild animals online.

1. A. it   B. this   C. that   D. one

2. A. alone   B. noisy   C. loud   D. lonely

3. A. small   B. big   C. cute   D. dangerous

4. A. look at   B. wait for   C. take out   D. look for

5. A. free   B. busy   C. safe   D. dangerous

6. A. keep   B. stay   C. live   D. take

7. A. easy   B. interesting   C. boring   D. difficult

8. A. sold   B. bought   C. raised   D. brought

9. A. finish   B. stop   C. have   D. fight

10. A. zoos   B. parks   C. homes   D. houses


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

7 My mouse likes to under my bed!

a ride b hide 

