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Imagine you are an astronaut, you find a new planet that looks like the earth, and when you want to put the flag on it, you find out that this planet has already got population. What would you do?
The US astronaut, Charles “Chuck” Backer, in the new cartoon film Planet 51 just comes across this thing.
Planet 51 is a place where there is no human being. So Chuck arrives in the planet and wants to name it “the US”. But he suddenly finds himself surrounded by lots of little green aliens.
These aliens live in fear that they may be invaded by strange being. They have never seen an alien until Chuck arrives. They think it is terrible and they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck. They send him to the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum. Chuck is very scared and tries to escape. The only thing he can do is to make his spaceship work and fly back to the earth. Luckily, he makes friends with a young alien named Lem. Then the adventure begins.
Planet 51 is a science fiction movie. It tells us that whether we are on the earth or in another society with aliens, we should accept the things that are different in our lives and experience them actively. In this way, we can grow up and understand ourselves better by changing.
The film is very funny and full of happiness. Will Chuck return home? If you want to know, see it!
小题1:根据The US astronaut, Charles “Chuck” Backer, in the new cartoon film Planet 51 just comes across this thing.描述,可知选A。
小题2:根据They have never seen an alien until Chuck arrives. They think it is terrible (可怕的)and they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知选B。
小题3:根据they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知是保护自己的意思,故选C。
小题4:根据The only thing he can do is to make his spaceship work and fly back to the earth.描述,可知选B。
小题5:根据It tells us that whether we are on the earth or in another society with aliens, we should accept the things that are different in our lives and experience them actively. In this way, we can grow up and understand ourselves better by changing.描述,可知选B。
小题6:Charles “Chuck” Backer is a ___________.
A. US astronaut     B. green alien          C. US scientist
小题7:When the green aliens see Charles “Chuck” Backer, they feel ___________。
A. excited          B. scared               C. sad
小题8:What does the word “defend” mean in this passage?
A. 侵略             B. 隐藏             C.保护
小题9:How can Chuck get out of the bad situation?
A. He must make friends with aliens there.
B. He must make the spaceship work and return to the earth.
C. He must destroy the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum.
小题10: What can we learn from the movie?
A. We shouldn’t explore or invade other planets.
B. We should learn to accept new things in order to improve ourselves.
C. We should experience more on the earth in order to be an astronaut.


小题1:根据The US astronaut, Charles “Chuck” Backer, in the new cartoon film Planet 51 just comes across this thing.描述,可知选A。
小题1:根据They have never seen an alien until Chuck arrives. They think it is terrible (可怕的)and they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知选B。
小题1:根据they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知是保护自己的意思,故选C。
小题1:根据The only thing he can do is to make his spaceship work and fly back to the earth.描述,可知选B。
小题1:根据It tells us that whether we are on the earth or in another society with aliens, we should accept the things that are different in our lives and experience them actively. In this way, we can grow up and understand ourselves better by changing.描述,可知选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People in different countries have different ways of doing things. Something that is polite in one country may be quite impolite in another. In Britain, you mustn’t lift (举起) your bowl to your mouth when you are having some soup. But it’s different in China. And in Japan you even needn’t worry about making a noise when you have it. It shows that you are enjoying it. Making a noise is considered as (被认为) bad manners (举止,礼仪) in Britain. If you are a visitor in Mongolia, what manners do they wish you to have? They wish you to give a loud “burp” (打嗝) after you finish eating. Burping shows that you like the food.
In Britain, you should try not to put your hands on the table when you’re having a meal. In Mexico, however, they hope you keep the hands on the table during a meal. But Arabians consider you must be very careful with your hands. You mustn’t eat with your left hand. Arabians consider it very bad manners eating with left hands. So, what should you do if you are on a visit in another country? Well, you can ask the local people to help you or just watch carefully and follow them if you are on a visit in another country.
小题1:It is impolite to lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having some soup in _________.
A.Britain B.ChinaC.JapanD. Mexico
小题2:In Mongolia, burping after eating shows that _________.
A.you are rudeB.you are hungry C.you dislike the food D.you like the food
小题3:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.People in different countries have different ways of doing things.
B.British people are very polite.
C.You mustn’t eat with your left hand.
D.Don’t worry about making a noise when you have soup.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using in a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.
● Make rules for Internet use with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can go online.
● Don’t give your password (密码) to anyone else, and never leak out the following information---your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information. 
● Check with your parents before giving out a credit (信用) card number.
● Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say it’s OK.
● Check with your parents before going into a chat room. Different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents must make sure it’s a right place for you.
● Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parent’s permission (允许). Never meet anyone you met on line alone.
● Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as strangers.
● If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. Tell a parent or teacher right away.
● Treat other people as you’d like to be treated. Never use bad language.
● Remember—not everything you read on the Internet is true.
小题1: If you want a true friend on the Internet , you can ____________ .
A  tell the people what your name is .      B  meet the people on line alone.
C  write an e-mail about yourself .        D  get your parent’s permission.
小题2:It’s good for children to ________ on the Internet.
A.give password to othersB.get useful knowledge and information
C.give out a credit card numberD.go into a chat room as they’d like to
小题3: The underlined phrase “leak out” in the third paragraph may mean “________.”
A.give awayB.leave outC.give outD.put away
小题4:If your parents don’t agree, never ________.
A.read anything on the InternetB.relax in your free time
C.have a face-to face meeting with anyone you met online
D.treat other people as you’d like to be treated
小题5: This passage is mainly about “________”.
A.How to use ComputersB.Surfing on the Internet
C.Information on the InternetD.Internet Safety Rules


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple tree he grew.
One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but he did not know where to plant it.
He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbors would come at night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit. Finally he planted the tree in his wood. But without sunlight and good soil(土壤),the tree soon died,
Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place. "What’s the difference? " the farmer said angrily and then told what he had thought.
"Yes," said the friend, "but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed (毁掉) a good apple tree !"
小题1:What gift did the farmer get from his friend one day?
小题2:How many people are there in the story?
小题3:Where did the farmer plant the apple tree at last?
小题4:Why did the apple tree soon die?
小题5:Who destroyed the apple tree?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My problem is my parents. They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night! None of my friends have got such terrible parents. What should I do?
My best friend has suddenly turned her back on me and I don’t know why! Last week we phoned each other every day and e-mailed too, and over the weekend we went shopping together and she was fine. But at school on Monday morning she didn’t look at me or speak to me. I don’t know what I’ve done. She now spends all her time with another group of friends.
I have a really bad habit of chewing(嚼)the ends of my hair. I try to stop, but I can’t! My mom is starting to get really angry about it. Have you got any ideas?
Hi _________,
Why should your parents do all the washing-up? You should help around the house—it’s only fair. I don’t think you should change your looks though. Young people should look like young people.
Wearing your hair pulled back in a ponytail(马尾辫)will help keep it out of your mouth. When you feel like chewing something, try bubble gum(泡泡糖). Give yourself time and you should be able to break this habit. The first few days are usually the hardest. Good luck!
③Hi ________,
Don’t worry about it so much! Phone your friend up as usual and she won’t be able to refuse you. I am sure you will get along well with each other. Everything will be fine.
小题1:根据所读内容将Helen, Jane, Gina 三个名字分别填入相应的横线上。(共3分,每空1分)
①________________________ ②________________________ ③________________________
小题2:The three girls wrote to ask for ________________________. (1分)
小题3:The underlined words “turned her back on me” means “________________________” in Chinese.(2分)
小题4:It is clear that Helen is not ________________________ with her parents.(2分)
小题5:According to the advice, Jane should ________________________ her friend as usual.(2分)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

(At the beach)
Ben: Hi, Judy!  I can’t believe you came to join us!
Judy: Hello, Ben.  I came because I like your idea: when you give, you’re rich.  I’m         happy that I can do something for the Earth.
Ben: Right.  That’s why we had this plan to get our clean beach back.  Do you know if Paul’s coming?  I remember he had the same idea and said he would try his best to come over.
Judy: But he just called and said he wouldn’t come today because it’s too hot.
Ben: I can’t believe it!  He always says, “We can do this and that….”
Judy: Don’t you know him?  He only pays lip service to what should be done but seldom does anything.
Ben: I see.  Let’s forget about him.  We’ll have Tony and Sophie to help us soon.
Judy: That’s great.  So where should we start now?  Should we pick up those bottles first?
Ben: Sure, let’s go.
小题1:Why are Ben and Judy at the beach?
A.To go swimming.
B.To clean up the beach.
C.To have a beach party.
D.To learn about sea animals.
小题2:What does Judy mean by saying Paul pays lip service?
A.He enjoys eating.
B.He is good at singing.
C.He talks a lot but does little.
D.He kisses people to show his thanks.
小题3:Which is true?
A.Paul comes to the beach in the end.
B.Judy feels bad about going to the beach.
C.Ben is surprised to see Judy at the beach.
D.Tony and Sophie will not come to the beach.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Betty is an American. She speaks English. She can also speak a little Chinese. She’s in Beijing now. She’s studying in a primary school(小学) of Beijing. She has classes on weekdays(工作日). On Sundays she often plays games with her Chinese friends. Her father is working in Beijing. Her mother teaches English in a middle school of Beijing. Betty and her father like Chinese food. And they like China and Chinese people very much.
根据短文内容辨别正(T)误 (F)
小题1:Betty and her parents are in China.
小题2:Betty is a middle school student in Beijing.
小题3: Betty has no class on Sundays.
小题4:Betty can’t speak Chinese.
小题5:Betty likes Chinese food, but her father doesn’t.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)is one of the most famous tourst places in the United Stafes.However,it wasn’t the Americans who designed and built it It was given as a gift of friendship from France.
In 1865,a young French artist named Bartholdi took part in a big party near the town of Versailles.At the party,someone hoped to give America a special gift for the country’s hundredth birthday in 1876.Bartholdi was interested in the idea and suggested a big statue of some kind.Back home,he thought about it for the next six years.By 1871,Bartholdi had planned most of the details of the statue.It was going to be a lady calld Liberty,who held a torch(火把)high over her head in hear right hand and a book close to her body in her left hand.It seemed that she was lighting the way to freedom.
But it was such a huge project that a large amount of noney was needed.And also,for many resaon,Bartboldi and his team couldn’t finish it on time.The big statue wasn’t finished until June 1884.On July22,1885,it arrived in New York from France by water.The statue was finally placed on a small island called Manhattan near New York in April 1886.
小题1:Who first had the idea of giving a hundredth birthday gift to America?
A,The host of the party.   B.The president of France
C.Bartholdi     D.It isn’t mentioned
小题2:We know the United States of America was set up in _____ according to the passage.[
小题3:What’s in the left hand of the lady called Liberty?
A.A bookB.A fanC.A torchD.A hat
小题4:The statue was carried to New York _____ after it was finished.
A.on the airplanB.on the seaC.in the carD.on the train
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE,according to the passage?
A.The statue of Liberty was built by an American who lived in France.
B.The building of the statue of Liberty cost much mony.
C.The building of the statue of Liberty was finished in 1886.
D.The ststue of Liberty appeared in New York on time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Motor cars were first made in England just before 1900. The parts for the bodies and engines were hand-made and the cars were built from these. One at a time. This took a long time, and the cars cost a lot of money. Then a quicker and cheaper way of making cars was found. Instead of making all the parts at their own works, some car factories asked other factories to make some of them. All the parts were then fitted together in the car factories.
Modern car-making factoriess are so large that each one is really a lot of factories close together. Each workshop makes some parts. The pieces of a car body are joined together by welders(电焊工) . All the bits and pieces that make up each car are collected and put ready for the assembly line(装配线) , where they are fitted together.
小题1:The first motor cars were probably made by______.
A.EuropeansB.the WhitesC.the BlacksD.the English
小题2:A quicker and cheaper way of making motor cars was______.
A.found in 1900
B.that all parts of motor cars were no longer made by hand
C.the one that they should be made in a large car factories
D.the different parts of motor cars were produced in different works
小题3:"Modern car-making factories" means "______".
A.the factories which modern cars are making at
B.the factories where cars are made by modern workers
C.the new factories at which cars are being made
D.the factories where modern cars are made

