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(At the beach)
Ben: Hi, Judy!  I can’t believe you came to join us!
Judy: Hello, Ben.  I came because I like your idea: when you give, you’re rich.  I’m         happy that I can do something for the Earth.
Ben: Right.  That’s why we had this plan to get our clean beach back.  Do you know if Paul’s coming?  I remember he had the same idea and said he would try his best to come over.
Judy: But he just called and said he wouldn’t come today because it’s too hot.
Ben: I can’t believe it!  He always says, “We can do this and that….”
Judy: Don’t you know him?  He only pays lip service to what should be done but seldom does anything.
Ben: I see.  Let’s forget about him.  We’ll have Tony and Sophie to help us soon.
Judy: That’s great.  So where should we start now?  Should we pick up those bottles first?
Ben: Sure, let’s go.
小题1:Why are Ben and Judy at the beach?
A.To go swimming.
B.To clean up the beach.
C.To have a beach party.
D.To learn about sea animals.
小题2:What does Judy mean by saying Paul pays lip service?
A.He enjoys eating.
B.He is good at singing.
C.He talks a lot but does little.
D.He kisses people to show his thanks.
小题3:Which is true?
A.Paul comes to the beach in the end.
B.Judy feels bad about going to the beach.
C.Ben is surprised to see Judy at the beach.
D.Tony and Sophie will not come to the beach.


小题1:从对话的句子:That’s why we had this plan to get our clean beach back. 可知他们是来清理海滩的,选B
小题1:从后面的句子:what should be done but seldom does anything.可知Paul是光说不做的。选C
小题1:从第一句话I can’t believe you came to join us!可知Ben看见Judy感到惊讶。选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. Let’s look at the words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese is about the dog, for example, “a homeless dog”, “a mad dog”, “a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse”, have negative(消极) meanings. But in western countries, dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans. In English, people use the dog to describe positive(积极的) actions. For example, “you are a lucky dog” means you are a lucky person. And “every dog has its day” means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a person’s serious illness, they say “sick as a dog”. The word “dog—tired” means very tired. However, Chinese love cats very much. But in western culture, “cat” is often used to describe a woman who is cruel(冷酷的). There are many other examples of how “cat” is used differently as well.
The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose stands for love, peace, courage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries.
The words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used.
小题1:The word “dog” in Chinese usually ______.
A. stands for friendship    B. has a negative meaning   C. has a positive meaning
小题2:“Every dog has its day.” means “______”
A. Everybody in the world is lucky. B. Each person lives his own way of life.
C. Everybody has a time in life to be lucky.
小题3: Western people usually use “cat” to refer to “______”.
A. a tired person   B. a brave man  C. an unkind woman
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Words show differences in cultures. 
B. Western people think cats to be good friends.
C. Rose is the national flower of all western countries.
小题5: This passage mainly tells us ______.
A. negative or positive things  B. different countries have different cultures
C. what dog and cat mean in English and Chinese


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Have you ever heard of Agatha Christie, an excellent writer? Agatha Christie is, without a doubt,   16  mystery writer in the world. Her books have been translated into more than 100 languages. All 77 novels and story collections she wrote are still on the market 25 years after her   17 .
Agatha Christie was born in 1890 in a southwest England seaside town. She enjoyed a very comfortable childhood in a big house with   18  servants(仆人). Agatha was known   19  an imaginative child. With her sister and brother away at school, she often played alone. She passed the time by making up stories which she told to   20 .
Agatha Christie’s first novel was published in 1920. In it, she   21  one of her most popular characters, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. He went on to appear in 33 of her novels, and in several movies   22 . Although Poirot appears again and again in her novels, Christie certainly could not be considered as repeating her ideas. Her powers of invention and her ability to surprise continue to attract   23 readers around the world.
Christie also wrote several   24 . One of these, “The Mousetrap”, became the longest-running play in the history of theater. It is about a murder mystery that   25  in a country house. All these mysterious stories earned her the title “Queen of Crime”.
A.more practicalB.more famous
C.the most famousD.the most practical
A.muchB.plenty ofC.lotsD.a lot
A.her brotherB.herC.herselfD.her sister
A.alsoB.besidesC.as wellD.either
A.millionB.millionsC.millions ofD.million of
A.takes placeB.takes inC.takes offD.takes down


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Birthdays are celebrated(庆祝)all over the world. Some ways to celebrate birthdays are rather similar from county to country: candles, cakes, and birthday wishes. But there are also different ways to celebrate birthdays. Here are a few:

小题1:When someone is having a birthday in Denmark, you can see ________ outside the window.
A.flowersB.presentsC.a flagD.a chair
小题2: In _________  flowers are put on the chair of the birthday child.
小题3: In _______, only birthday children wear colored clothes to school.
小题4:In Japan, the birthday is more important for boys when they are ________.
小题5:The passage is mainly about __________.
A.similar ways of celebrating birthdays in some countries
B.different ways of celebrating birthdays in some countries
C.children’s birthdays in western countries
D.the importance of children’s birthdays


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Imagine you are an astronaut, you find a new planet that looks like the earth, and when you want to put the flag on it, you find out that this planet has already got population. What would you do?
The US astronaut, Charles “Chuck” Backer, in the new cartoon film Planet 51 just comes across this thing.
Planet 51 is a place where there is no human being. So Chuck arrives in the planet and wants to name it “the US”. But he suddenly finds himself surrounded by lots of little green aliens.
These aliens live in fear that they may be invaded by strange being. They have never seen an alien until Chuck arrives. They think it is terrible and they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck. They send him to the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum. Chuck is very scared and tries to escape. The only thing he can do is to make his spaceship work and fly back to the earth. Luckily, he makes friends with a young alien named Lem. Then the adventure begins.
Planet 51 is a science fiction movie. It tells us that whether we are on the earth or in another society with aliens, we should accept the things that are different in our lives and experience them actively. In this way, we can grow up and understand ourselves better by changing.
The film is very funny and full of happiness. Will Chuck return home? If you want to know, see it!
小题1:根据The US astronaut, Charles “Chuck” Backer, in the new cartoon film Planet 51 just comes across this thing.描述,可知选A。
小题2:根据They have never seen an alien until Chuck arrives. They think it is terrible (可怕的)and they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知选B。
小题3:根据they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知是保护自己的意思,故选C。
小题4:根据The only thing he can do is to make his spaceship work and fly back to the earth.描述,可知选B。
小题5:根据It tells us that whether we are on the earth or in another society with aliens, we should accept the things that are different in our lives and experience them actively. In this way, we can grow up and understand ourselves better by changing.描述,可知选B。
小题6:Charles “Chuck” Backer is a ___________.
A. US astronaut     B. green alien          C. US scientist
小题7:When the green aliens see Charles “Chuck” Backer, they feel ___________。
A. excited          B. scared               C. sad
小题8:What does the word “defend” mean in this passage?
A. 侵略             B. 隐藏             C.保护
小题9:How can Chuck get out of the bad situation?
A. He must make friends with aliens there.
B. He must make the spaceship work and return to the earth.
C. He must destroy the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum.
小题10: What can we learn from the movie?
A. We shouldn’t explore or invade other planets.
B. We should learn to accept new things in order to improve ourselves.
C. We should experience more on the earth in order to be an astronaut.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Here are two letters to George and his replies.

小题1:Alice is worrying about ________.
A. her friends   B. her marks          C. her height      D her weight
小题2:Bob should _______ according to George’s letter.
A.take more exerciseB.talk to his friends
C.join a basketball teamD.learn some French.
小题3:George advises Alice to talk to _____ for help.
A.her motherB.her teacherC.Bob’s teacherD.Bob’s friends


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Thousands of years ago, people didn't live in cold places because they didn't know how to keep themselves warm. Later they learned to make clothes. When an animal was killed, they made use of its skins to cover their bodies.    小题1:  .
小题2:   . It once helped people find fire, when lighting hit a forest and started a fire.    小题3:    The fire kept them warm, and also frightened wild animals. Soon people found the food cooked tasted much better, so they began to use the fire to cook food.
But people still didn't know how to make a fire. When they got a fire from the forest they tried to keep it burning.    小题4:
But later they found different ways to make fire. For example, they made fire by burning wood or knocking two pieces of stones.
Today it's easy for people to make fire because they have matches, lighters and different kinds of heaters.    小题5:
A. If it went out, they had to wait for years.
B. The skins keep them warm.
C. They can make fire at any time they need.
D. People took some of this fire to their homes.
E. Nature is people's good friend..


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you know what the White House is? Perhaps some of you do, while others don’t.
  The White House is a house in Washington. The president of the U.S.A. lives in it. It's really white. But do you know why the White House is white? The story happened in 1812. That year England was at war with America. The British army got to Washington and set the president's house on fire. In 1814,in order to hide the marks of the fire,the stone walls of the president's house were painted white and it has been the “White House” ever since.
小题1:White House is a house for ___________.
A. the American people.    B. the soldiers of U.S.A.
C. the presidents of U.S.A.   D. the patients of U.S.A.
小题2:England fought with America in ____________.
A.1810B.1812C.1814   D.1916
小题3:The house is called “White House” because ____________.
A.it's covered with snow
B.the house is very clean
C.the stone walls of the house were painted white
D.they like white color
小题4:The White House was painted white because ____________.
A.the house is old
B.the house is new
C.it was once on fire and was with marks
D.they have enough paint
小题5:“ever since” means ___________.
A.neverB.once  C.from then on  D.before


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“How many common English words were invented by Shakespeare?”
How long did it take people to find the answer to this question 15 years ago? And now! You can google it and find the answer immediately!
Google is the most popular Internet search engine(搜索引擎)in the world. It was invented by two students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They met in 1993, when they were studying computer science at Stanford University, USA. They dreamed of producing something that could also answer any question in seconds.
Internet search engines at that time were slow and gave many websites that weren’t useful. In January 1996, Page and Brin decided to make a better and faster search engine. They thought the results should be based on the most popular websites.
Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their own money. They also borrowed money from family and friends. Then, in 1998, they were given a cheque for $100,000, and they started their own company(公司). Their first office was in a friend’s garage(车库).The company name is Google, a word which comes from mathematics. A “google” is a very high number — 1 followed by a hundred zeros.
The Google search engine was soon used by thousands of people worldwide because it was fast, easy and correct. By 2002 it was the biggest search engine on the Internet. Now, more questions have been answered by Google than any other Internet service, from sport to science, and from music to medicine. Google hopes that in the future all the world’s information will be put on the Internet, so that everybody can find everything.
小题1:Why did the writer begin this passage by asking you a question?
A.Because he or she liked to begin this passage by asking readers a question.
B.Because he or she was afraid that the readers didn’t know this question.
C.Because he or she wanted to make the readers interested in this passage.
D.Because Shakespeare is one of the most famous people in the world.
小题2:The underlined word “cheque” in the fifth paragraph means _______.
小题3:From the passage we know that at the beginning of their project, _______.
A.there was not any search engine on the Internet
B.nobody supported them except their family and friends
C.Larry Page and Sergey Brin dreamed to answer any question
D.one of the most popular websites gave them a cheque for $100,000
小题4:Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Now the Google search engine is widely used in the world.
B.The Google search engine was not the biggest one before 2002.
C.Larry Page and Sergey Brin named google after a hundred zeros.
D.The service of the Google search engine is very popular.
小题5:The passage mainly tells us _______.
A.the development of the Google search engine
B.about Larry Page and Sergey Brin
C.how to find information on the Internet
D.how to use the Google search engine

