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There was a young man named Bill in England. Before leaving school, he began to look for a job. Few companies needed new clerks due to the financial crisis(金融危机)at that time. It became harder and harder to find a job. Luckily, a chance camp up to him. A company wanted to employ(雇用)one person. He and the other twenty people joined in the first interview(面试). After that, three persons were allowed to enter the final test which would decide one person to be employed in the end. Bill was lucky to be among them. On the day of the second interview, Bill and the others arrived at the company on time. To their surprise, the interview was very easy. The interviewer only had a free talk with them, and then asked them to go back home waiting for the result. The next morning, Bill received a letter from the company which said he wasn't accepted. Certainly, he felt disappointed. On the evening of that day, Bill surprisingly received another letter, which said he was employed. But why was he accepted? As a matter of fact, the first letter sent to Bill was also part of the test. Every one of them got a letter which had the same meaning that morning. Only Bill replied with “Thank you” while the others said nothing.
Life isn’t all fun. There is always something making us unhappy. When you feel disappointed, please say “Thank you” to the person who disappoints you. That shows your great generosity(宽容) and politeness to others. If you do so, you’ll have more chances than others. 
【小题1】Bill was a student during the financial crisis.
【小题2】Twenty people wanted to get the job.
【小题3】Bill felt surprised when he received the second letter.
【小题4】All the three people were employed by the company.
【小题5】From the passage, we know that to be generous and polite can help you get more chances.


【小题1】细节理解题。根据文中第1.2句Before leaving school, he began to look for a job. Few companies needed new clerks due to the financial crisis(金融危机)at that time.毕业之前他开始找工作,在那时由于很少有公司需要招聘新的员工。可知答案选A。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据文中第一段的内容. He and the other twenty people joined in the first interview(面试)他和其他20人一起参加面试。可知答案选B。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据文中第一段的内容On the evening of that day, Bill surprisingly received another letter, which said he was employed.在那天的晚上,比尔奇怪地收到第二封信,并告之他被录用了。可知答案选A。
【小题4】推理判断题。根据文中第一段的最后一句Every one of them got a letter which had the same meaning that morning. Only Bill replied with “Thank you” while the others said nothing.那天早上他们每人都收到相同的一封信,只有比尔给了回信表示感谢,而其他人却没有。可知答案选B。
【小题5】细节理解题。根据文中第二段的最后两句That shows your great generosity(宽容) and politeness to others. If you do so, you’ll have more chances than others. 那就显示了你对别人最大的宽容和礼貌。如果你这样做了,你就会比别人有更多的机会。可知答案选A。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Microblog is used by more and more people in China. Do you know what it is?
Micorblog makes the people around the world know each other better. It helps people to find the information that they need more easily, also to get some information about the world they did not know before.
Many famous people are using microblog now, including singers, TV hosts and artists. The first day of Chinese New Year in 2013, people on Sina Microblog sent 9,873 microblogs to wish somebody a Happy New Year. Yao Chen, a movie star, became the queen of microblog because her microblog had over 1.3 million followers; Li Yuchun sent a microblog and got 11,760 comments (评论) within 24 hours; Cai Kangyong, who is a famous TV host and famous writer in Taiwan, had 15,143 followers within 24 hours.
Why is microblog so popular? The most important reason is that it is easy. People need not use too much time to write the articles to express their feelings. They can write at most 140 words, and then send them through computers or mobile phones onto the microblog. As soon as they send it out, their fans will know. They can send it out anytime, anywhere.
Many of my friends use microblogs to share things with others. They can talk about what they see, hear and think in a sentence or a photo. Also, they can follow their friends’ or their favorite stars’. They can even join in any discussion of anything. Microblog is a hit now! Have you microblogged today?  264
【小题1】According to the passage, ______.

A.microblog can make people know each other better
B.you can write as many words as you like in microblog
C.microblog is not very popular in China
D.microblog is only used by people under 18
【小题2】Microblog is very popular. The most important reason is that _____.
A.many famous people are using it now
B.it is easy, quick and very useful
C.people can share their photos with others
D.people can join in any discussion
【小题3】The word “hit” in the 5th paragraph means _____.
A.important information and comments
B.somebody interesting and helpful
C.something popular and successful
D.famous people and movie stars


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

【小题1】He developed the BASIC language for the first microcomputer and improved the software to make it easier for people to use computers.
【小题2】During his lifetime, he had over 1000 inventions, most of which changed the world.
【小题3】He is a great thinker. Many Chinese people are still influenced by his thoughts today.
【小题4】 He was a doctor. In 1938 he came to China from Canada to help the Chinese and died the next year after he operated on a Chinese wounded soldier.
【小题5】He is one of the Chinese famous persons. He is the first astronaut who flew into space in China. We are proud of him!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hi Jane,
I hope you and your family are all well. I'm e-mailing you to tell you about my new hobby, surfing.
My brother, Peter, is at home from college(大学)for the summer holiday. He is very good at surfing. We go to the beach every day and Peter teaches me to surf. I don't do well in it but it's fun. Most days we bring a picnic and stay on the beach all day. Surfing is a good exercise and an interesting way to get a suntan(晒黑)! All my friends think it's a great new hobby.
Bye for now.
【小题1】Who is the e-mail from?

A.Jane B.Rose C.Peter D.Love
【小题2】What is Peter?
A.He is a middle school student. B.He is a surfing teacher.
C.He is a college school student. D.He is a surfing player.
【小题3】What does Rose like now?
A.exercising B.e-mailing C.surfing D.picnic


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Today is Sunday, March 20. We, sixteen boys and seventeen girls, go to school early, but we have no lessons. Our teacher takes us to the zoo. We are very excited about the trip. We get on a bus, it goes fast and at half past nine we get there. How beautiful the zoo is! There're a lot of trees, some hills, and a big lake. The sun is shining and the flowers are coming out. There are all kinds of animals in it, elephants, monkeys, birds, fishes and many other animals. The birds are singing in the trees and the fishes are swimming in the lake. We like to watch monkeys. They are playing on the hill or having oranges, apples and bananas. There are many rules in the zoo. We mustn't do this and we mustn't do that. But we all have a good time. At one in the afternoon we leave the zoo. 
【小题1】 The weather is ______ today

A.sunny B.cloudy C.rainy D.windy
【小题2】 _______ students and a teacher go to the zoo by bus
A.Sixteen B.Seventeen C.Thirty-three D.Thirty -four
【小题3】We stay in the zoo for ____ hours.
A.four and a half B.three and a half C.four D.five


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Jane,
I have to(必须) go to work(工作) now. I prepare(准备) these things for you. Your schoolbag is on the desk. Your pen ,books,keys and your school card are in your schoolbag. Your clothes(衣服)and hat are on the dresser(梳妆台). The shoes(鞋子) are under the bed. Don’t forget your breakfast(早餐). It’s in the microwave oven(微波炉).
Love you.
【小题1】    leaves留下 the note便条.

A.JaneB.Jane’s fatherC.Jane’s brotherD.Jane’s mother
【小题2】What’s in the schoolbag?
a. the pen b. the shoes c. the keys d. the school card e. the hat
A.a b cB.b c dC.a c dD.c d e
【小题3】Where are the shoes?They’re     .
A.on the bed.B.on the dresserC.under the bedD.in the schoolbag
【小题4】Where are the schoolbag?
A.On the deskB.In the deskC.Under the bedD.On the dresser
【小题5】The underlined划线的“forget”means意思是    .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My name is Mary. I’m a student. I’m twelve. My father is a policeman. My mother is a nurse. Nick is my brother. We are all at home today, because today is Sunday. My brother Nick is a student, too. We are in the same school. There are thirty-five classes in our school. My classroom is very big.
【小题1】_______are students and in the same school.

A.My sister and I B.My brother and I 
C.My brother and my sister D.Andy and I 
【小题2】What’s Mary’s mother?
A.She is a teacher. B.She is a student. 
C.She is a nurse. D.She is a doctor. 
【小题3】There are _______ classes in Mary’s school.
A.25 B.35 C.24 D.34 
【小题4】How old is Mary?  ________.
A.12 B.14 C.13  D.30 
【小题5】Mary’s classroom is _______.
A.not big B.not very small C.not strong  D.not short 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tommy and his mother go shopping(去购物) today. Tommy’s father likes apples very much. They buy some red apples for him. Tommy’s mother likes yellow bananas, but the bananas are green. “Look! The strawberries are very nice, Mom. Do you like them?” Tommy says to his mother. “Yes, I like strawberries very much.” Tommy’s mother buys some for herself (她自己). The oranges are very nice. Tommy’s mother buys some for Tommy. He likes oranges very much.
They need some vegetables. The vegetables in the supermarket are very good. They buy some tomatoes, cabbages and carrots. Tommy doesn’t like carrots, but his parents like it. They like carrots very much. They buy lots of carrots.
【小题1】What does Tommy’s father like?

A.Apples. B.Bananas. C.Strawberries. D.Oranges.
【小题2】Tommy’s mother buys oranges for __________.
A.herself B.Tommy C.Tommy’s father D.Tommy’s sister
【小题3】The Chinese meaning (汉语意思) of “supermarket” is “__________”.
A.电影院 B.动物园 C.博物馆 D.超级市场
【小题4】Tommy doesn’t like __________.
A. B. C. D.
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true (下列哪项陈述是错误的)?
A.Tommy’s father likes carrots.
B.Tommy’s mother likes the strawberries.
C.Tommy and his mother buy some bananas.
D.Tommy and his mother buy some carrots.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Smiths are very busy. Mr. Smith is 60 and he has a lot of jobs. He is a postman, a car driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, a salesman(售货员), a cook and a milkman. Also he and Margaret have a shop and a small hotel. Margaret is Mrs. Smith.
Mr. Smith lives and works on a small island(岛) in Canada. Only 120 people live on the island. But every summer about 150 people from other places come here on Mr. Smith’s boat every day. So Mr. Smith gets up at six and makes breakfast for the people in the hotel. At eight, he drives the island’s children to school.
At nine, he gives letters to all the houses on the island. He also gives milk to them. 然后他在商店里帮忙。He says, “Margaret likes to be busy, too. We are busy and we don’t like watching TV in the shop. I cook dinner and Margaret helps. At ten, we have some milk and then we go to bed. Some people may think our _______ is very boring, but we like it.”
【小题1】There are only ______ people living on the island.
【小题2】将文中汉语译成英语。 Then he _______________________.
【小题3】文中空白处填入一个恰当的单词  _________
【小题4】Mr. Smith has ______ jobs.
【小题5】The Smiths are from ________.

