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Two brothers worked together on a farm. One was married and had a large  51 . The other had no wife yet. Although they lived in different houses, they shared everything they got from their farm.
One day, the single brother said to himself, “It’s not  52  that we share all the rice. I’m  53  and I need less than my brother.” So, every night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and  54  across the field  55  their houses, putting it into his brother’s store-room.
At the same time, the married brother thought, “It’s not fair to share all the rice. I’m married and I have my wife and children to  56  me when I am  57 . However, my brother has no one to take care of his  58 .” So, each night he also took a bag of rice and put it into his brother’s store-room.
Several months passed by. They found  59  strange that their rice never became less. Then, one dark night the two brothers ran into each other. Slowly they began to understand what was happening. Their bags fell onto the ground and tears  60  their eyes at once.
A.look afterB.look forC.look outD.look at


小题1:根据前一句内容The other had no wife yet.故选B
小题2:根据上下文的描述,可知答案,为A。单身弟弟认为 均分是不对的!
小题3:根据上文的意思The other had no wife yet.,可知答案为C,表示独自一人的意思。
小题4:go across,表示穿过的意思,为固定搭配,故选答案为C
小题6:根据文章后面内容,my brother has no one to take care of his  58 .,可知答案为A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Beijing is facing severe (严重的)  traffic problems."Roads are wider now, but traffic jams (堵塞) often happen every day. " Yuan, a Beijing taxi drivers said.
Beijing government is trying to do something to make traffic jams less.  Before 2007, there were a few subway lines in Beijing. There was only line 1, line 2, line 13 and Batong Line. But now there is line 5, line 10, line 4, the airport fast -track and the Olympic branch line. And there will be 13 subway lines under construction in Beijing at the same time at the end of this year.
The opening of the new subway line is convenient to tourists. Before, arriving in Beijing, many visitors would usually take a taxi to interesting places of Beijing. Today, as soon as people get off the plane, they can take the Airport Express Line, going to different interesting places through the subway lines. The government also strives to open a new line each year from now until 2015. The subway of Beijing reached 300 kilometers in 2010 and it will reach 561 kilometers in 2015.
Miss Xiao, who lives in South Water Bridge and works at Hepingli, said that traveling by her car still took her at least one hour from home to work because of traffic jams. Now, because of the railway line 5, Miss Xiao can arrive at her office in less than haft an hour.
小题1:What are the trafc problems in Beijing now?
A.Drivers drive too fast.B.Roads are not wide enough.
C.Traffic jams often happen.D.Traffic lights are always broken.
小题2:What does the underlined phrase "under construction" mean in Chinese?
小题3:Why is the opening of the new subway line convenient to tourists?
A.Because the new subway line is very interesting.
B.Because the new subway line's ticket is very cheap.
C.Because people in Beijing can cost less money than that before.
D.Because visitors can take the subway to many different interesting places.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Visitors like to take a taxi in Beijing better.
B.The subway of Beijing will reach 300 kilometers in 2015.
C.There will be 15 subway lines in Beijing at the end of the year.
D.It takes Miss Xiao less time to get to her workplace by railway line 5.
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.People in Beijing invented high -speed trains.
B.Railway lines in Beijing only covers some areas.
C.Beijing welcomes visitors from different places.
D.Beijing government has done something to make traffic jams less.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Having a few days off always sounds so great. Everyone needs a   1 . And so does US President.US President Barack Obama went on holiday with his family in   2  in 2011. Where did they go and did the first family enjoy   3 ? Now, Obama is trying to   4  his experience (经历) with us. Let’s listen to him.
“We travelled to Honolulu, Hawaii, in December 2011 for   5 . Of course we went there by air. We spent 17 days there. Hawaii is my hometown. We had a wonderful time there. This was one of the   6  vacations in my life.
My wife Michelle and I visited US Marines (海军) and their families in Hawaii on Christmas Day. I   7  held the eight-month-old baby of a captain in my arms.
I also spent part of Christmas Eve playing golf with my old friends from Hawaii and some White House staff.
I went to Hanauma Bay Nature Park with my   8  daughters. That’s our favourite place. We dived there,   9  set four sea turtles free.
We all had a good time. And both my daughters said that they wanted to go there for a   10 time later.”
C.HalloweenD.Thanksgiving Day
A.tooB.stillC.evenD.as well


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are many wetlands (湿地) in China and some of them have become the world‘s important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home for many different kinds of birds and animals. The world’s largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve(自然保护区) is in them. More than 700 milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands.
  The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There is a lot of rain and sunshine, too. They are really good places for wildlife. Offering food and home for some special kinds of animals and birds is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they also prevent flood. But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.
  Luckily, more and more people are beginning to realize the important of wetlands and wildlife. Every year, on February 2nd, many activities are held to tell people more about wetlands.
小题1:The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _______ of China.
A.east B.southC.westD.north
小题2:Usually the weather in the wetlands is _______.
小题3:   The World Wetlands Day is on _______.
A.April 22B.June 25C.February 2D.March 22
小题4:We must protect wetlands because _______.
A.they are home for wildlife
B.they can prevent flood
C.they can offer food to the animals and birds
D.all of the above
小题5:The best title for the passage is _______.
A.China‘s Wetlands Have All Entered the World’s List
B.Wetlands—Home for Wildlife and Human Beings
C.Special Animals in the Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands
D.Wetlands—Valuable Recourses(资源) of Land on the Earth


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Beijing Opera is also called Peking Opera.. It came into being after 1790 when the famous four  Anhui opera troupe(戏班) came to Beijing. Its music and singing(唱腔) came from Xipi and Er-huang in Anhui and Hubei. Its costtumes are all fascinating and artistic.It is the highest expression of the Chinese culture. It’s full of famous stories , beautiful facial paintings, and wonderful gestures and fighting. This kind of opera is very popular with Chinese people.
There are four main roles in Beijing Opera: Sheng ,Dan, Jing and Chou. Sheng is the leading male(男性) actor。For example , a Wusheng is a soldier or fighter .A Xiaosheng is a young man . A Laosheng is the comedy actor or clown.Dan is the female (女性)role 。 Jing,mostly male , is the face-painted role and Chou is the comedy actor or clown.
Stories in Beijing Opera are very intetesting . Some of them are from the history book ,but most of them are from the literature , especially famous novels . The people in the story usually have some disagreements. They become angry and uhappy . They are sad and lonely . Sometimes they are nervous and worried. Then they find a way to make peace . The stories usually end with happiness and lunghter and people are all happy in the end.
小题1:.Beijing Opera’s singing is from _______.
A.Anhui and hubeiB.Beijing and Anhui
C.the history bookD.the literature and novls
小题2:.The second paragraph(段落) of the reading is about the______of Beijing Opera.
小题3:From the reading ,we know the the Chou most probably has a(n) _____feature.
小题4:.Which of the following statements is TURE?
A. Peking Opera is full of different gestures.
B. There are only four roles in Beijing Opera.
C. Beijing Opera is the most popular in the world.
D. The people in the story usually are in agreement.
小题5:What role is Sheng ?
A.the eading male actorB.the female role
C.the comedy actor or clown.D.the face-painted role


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every year people celebrate the Spring Festival in China.Usually it is in January or February.It’s the most important(重要的)festival in China.So before it comes,everyone buys many things,and they often make a special kind of food called dumplings-It means“come together”.Parents always buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their parents.On the Spring Festival eve(除夕),all the family members come back home. They sing, dance and play cards.When they enjoy the meal,they give each other the best wishes for the coming year.They all have a good time。
小题1:Which is the most important festival in China?
A.The Mid-Autumn FestivalB.The Spring Festival
C.Children’s DayD.May Day
小题2:The Chinese usually have their Spring Festival in.        .
A.January or FebruaryB.February or March
C.September or OctoberD.December or January
小题3:What’s the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in
小题4:The food dumplings means“         ”.
A.be niceB.be hungryC.come togetherD.come back


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most American students have said goodbye to fancy(高级的) fruits these days. In school canteens across the country, cheaper fruits like apples and oranges have taken their places.
“People are afraid to spend now,” said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store. “They don’t know what the future will bring.”
During the financial crisis(金融危机), several of the country’s biggest banks have been forced to sell or close. This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive goods.
Samira Marino, a restaurant owner in Miami, has found everyone is ordering water instead of juice and more people are sharing meals. In more than two dozen interviews with The Associated Press across the country last month, Americans talked about their concerns, from worries about small businesses to doubts about simply making ends meet.
The crisis began last year. Experts think it was because US banks lend money too easily. Last year a lot of people and companies, who borrowed money, have found themselves unable to pay it back. This left the banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money. Since the banks borrowed money between themselves and even across borders(国界), the whole world was in trouble.
This month the US government agreed on a $700 billion plan to try to save the financial market. But no one is sure whether it will help or not. President George W. Bush has warned it will take some time.
Last week top finance officials from 20 countries promised to work together to find a way out of the money trouble.
小题1:Why are people in the US afraid to spend?
A.Because they think it’s unnecessary.
B.Because they don’t have the habit of spending money.
C.Because they worry about their future.
D.Because they don’t have enough money.
小题2:The fifth paragraph mainly _________.
A.tells what it is like in a crisis
B.explains why there is a crisis
C.warns people of the danger of the crisis
D.asks people not to borrow money from banks
小题3:People feel ______ about the US plan to save the market.
小题4:The best title for the story is ________.
A.Ways to make ends meet
B.The money problem facing the world
C.Healthy fancy fruits
D.The art of borrowing


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Cowboy without a Horse
A cowboy rides into a town and stops at a café for a drink. ___1___ he finishes his drink, he finds his horse is stolen(偷窃). He ___2___ back into the café, holds his gun up into the air and "fires a shot (开枪) ___3___ even looking. ”Which one of you stole __4____ horse?” he shouts loudly.
___5___ answers. “Alright, I’m going to have ___6___ beer, and if my horse isn’t back outside by the time I finish, I’m going to do __7____ I did in Texas! And I don’t like to have to do it.”
Some of the people in the town are very ___8___. After the cowboy has one more beer, he walks outside. His horse is back! He ___9___ his horse and starts to ride off.
The waiter goes __10____ the café in a hurry and asks, “Say, before you go, what happened in Texas?”
The cowboy turns back and says,” I had to walk home.”
A.Because B.When C.While D.If
A.goes B.rides C.flies D.drives
A.with B.for C.without D.of
A.his B.my C.her D.your
A.Somebody B.Everybody C.Anybody D.Nobody
A.other B.another C.none D.no
A.that B.which C.what D.when
A.happy B.excited C.relaxed D.afraid
A.gets on B.gets off C.gets up D.gets down
A.out of B.into C.in front of D.behind


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Gregory Gale is one of the few people in England who are 100 years old. On the day of his birthday, he played a game of tennis and went for a long walk. A few days later a radio reporter came to his house and asked him if he had any “secrets of long life”. This is what Mr. Gale said, “No, I don’t know any secrets like that, but there are a few simple rules of good life. I’ve always kept them all my life. The first is this: Don’t listen to those fools who tell you to give up all the pleasures of life! The second is to enjoy all the pleasures of life in moderation(节制). For example, I’ve always smoked a few good cigars every day. Not many, mind you! Only two or three! I’ve always also drunk a little good wine with my meals, perhaps two or three glasses. The third rule is to take a little exercise every day. I’ve taken a little and on Saturdays I’ve played a little tennis or golf.”
小题1:Which of the following isn’t true?
A.Mr. Gale is still young.
B.Mr. Gale is 100 years old.
C.Mr. Gale is one of the oldest men in England.
D.Mr. Gale was interviewed by a radio reporter after his 100th birthday.
小题2:Which of the following doesn’t Mr. Gale do in his life?
A.Playing.B.Drinking.C.Eating a lot.D.Smoking.
小题3:Why is Mr. Gale able to live such a long life?
A.Because he knows some “secrets of long life”.
B.Because he keeps a few simple rules of good life.
C.Because he gives up all the pleasures of life.
D.Because he enjoys all the pleasures of life without thinking of his health.

