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河水受到污染。请你向厂长写一封80 词左右的信,信中包含以下内容:

 1)建厂前河流的概况; 2) 工厂倾倒废水造成的后果; 3). 呼吁采取措施,保护环境.

参考词汇: river, clean water, fish, swimming, flowers and grass, open the factory, pour waste water, dirty, smell terrible, fish die, pollute, stop, clean up, do something, protect environment

Dear sir,

   I’m Xie Kai,                                                           




Dear sir, 

Dear sir, 

I am Xie Kai, a middle school student, and I am writing to inform you of the terrible consequences of your opening a factory near the river near my school. Before the factory was built, the river was clean and many fishes swam freely in it. Flowers and grass decorated the bank. Now, because of the waste water poured into it, the water is dark and smelly. Needless to say, all fishes have died. I ask you to do something to change the present situation and start to protect the environment. The earth is our home, and all should act to preserve it. The future is in your hand. 

Yours sincerely,

Xie Kai


试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文,描述学校附近的工厂开办后对河流的影响。本题给出了具体的材料, 在写作时要注意时态,结合所给材料可知,描写河流以前的情况时,应该主要用一般过去时,描写工厂倾倒废水后的情况和呼吁采取措施,保护环境时,应该主要用一般现在时。同时材料提供了一些参考词汇要注意使用。

【亮点说明】如果文章中使用了非常好的短语或句子会给文章增色,如write to、because of、ask sb. to do sth.。句中before、now、Needless to say等使上下文衔接的更好。




科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年山东聊城江北水城旅游度假区于集中学九年级上学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


河水受到污染。请你向厂长写一封80 词左右的信,信中包含以下内容:

 1)建厂前河流的概况; 2) 工厂倾倒废水造成的后果; 3). 呼吁采取措施,保护环境.

参考词汇: river, clean water, fish, swimming, flowers and grass, open the factory, pour waste water, dirty, smell terrible, fish die, pollute, stop, clean up, do something, protect environment

Dear sir,

   I’m Xie Kai,


