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Mrs. Green is a nurse. She lives in England. Her husband(丈夫) Mr. Green is a Japanese  56  at a high school. They have   57  kids: one is a son   58  his name is John. They also have two   59 : Lucy and Lily. This year they have another(另一个) baby. Mr. and Mrs. Green love her very much. But they have their work, so a woman looks   60  the young baby. She is new here. 
A neighbour(邻居)  61  the baby. She likes her very much.
“Look at the baby,” she says. “She looks very cute! I think she   62  Mr. Green. They
  63  have big eyes. But what’s her name?”
  64 ,” the woman says. “She is only five months(月) old. You know, she can’t   65 . ”
小题1:A. student                       B. teacher               C. doctor
小题2:A. two                   B. three                 C. four
小题3:A. and                     B. but                  C. so
小题4:A. sons                          B. daughters            C. brothers
小题5:A. at                            B. for                C. after 
小题6:A. finds                    B. studies                C. sees
小题7:A. looks like                       B. thinks about           C. comes from
小题8:A. all                        B. both               C. some
小题9:A. I don’t know      B. That’s all right          C. I think you are right
小题10:A. tell                         B. speak               C. say 


小题5:本句的含义为由于格林夫妇很忙,所以让一个妇女来照顾他们年幼的婴儿,look after表示照顾的意思,故本题选C。
小题7:本句的含义为邻居说格林夫妇的孩子像格林先生,look like表示看起来像的意思,故本题选A。
小题9:本句的含义为照顾婴儿的妇女不知道婴儿的名字,I don’t know表示此意,故本题选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Charles Chaplin was born in London on April 16, 1889. His parents were music hall actors. The Chaplin family were very poor, and life was difficult in London. Charlie, as he was called, used to do his mother’s job in the theatre when she was ill.
When he was only 17 years old, Chaplin got his first real job as an actor. What he did was to do silly things to make people laugh in the theatre. Seven years later he went to the USA. And over the next four years, he formed his own way of art. He developed the character (~J ~, )of a homeless gentleman which became very popular.
From the 1920s to the 1950s, Chaplin made his most famous films. The film Modern Times (1936) shows his care about the modern industry workers. Many of his films describe the poor life and hard time of the working people during that period.
Although Charlie Chaplin was British, he lived in the USA until 1953. But he never got US nationality. Then Chaplin, his wife’ and his five children had to move to Switzerland where he lived until he died. When he was 83 years old, he won his only Oscar for the music he wrote for the film Limelight. He was named Sir Charles Chaplin at the age of 85. Charlie Chaplin died in Switzerland on December 25th, 1975.
小题1: Chaplin used to __ when his mother was ill.
A.look after herB.do the housework
C.do his mother’s jobD.do his father’s job
小题2:From Paragraph 2, we can know that __
A.Chaplin went to the USA when he was 24 years old ~
B.Chaplin became famous when he was 17 years old
C.people liked Chaplin because he was a homeless gentleman
D.Chaplin did many silly things to make people laugh in the street
小题3:  __ Chaplin made his most famous films.
A.From 1889 to 1936B.From the 1920s to th~ 1950s
C.From 1953 to 1975D.From the 1950s to the 1980s
小题4: We can infer.from the passage that Chaplin left the USA because of __
A.his familyB.his work
C.the US governmentD.the Swiss government
小题5: Chaplin won the Oscar for __ when he was 83 years old.
A.the actingB.the artC.the filmD.the music


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hans Bethe
The late German-American physicist(物理学家)Hans Bethe once described himself as “the H-bomb’s midwife(氢弹的半路妻子)”. He left Nazi Germany in 1933, after which he helped develop the first atomic bomb(原子弹), won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1967 for his contribution to the theory of nuclear reactions(核反应)and advised controls over nuclear weapons(武器)for the peaceful use of the nuclear energy.
Francis Crick
The late Francis Crick, one of Britain’s most famous scientists, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology(生理学)or Medicine in 1962. He is best known for his discovery with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins, of the double helix structure(双螺旋结构)of the DNA, though he also made important contributions in other fields. He died in 2004.
Peter Hall
Sir Peter Hall’s life in the theatre has seen him running the Arts Theatre, founding the Royal Shakespeare Company when he was only 29, and directing the National Theatre. He also directed Akenfielf for London Weekend Television and runs the Peter Hall Company, which has 40 productions worldwide to its name.
小题1: The above information is about _________.
A.famous physicistsB.great peopleC.great directionsD.Nobel Prize winners
小题2: Francis Crick won the Nobel Prize before ________ years of his death.
A.32B.24 C.42D.45
小题3: Peter Hall founded the Royal Shakespeare Company at the age of _________.
A.42B.92 C.39D.29
小题4: ________ has 40 productions all over the world.
A.The Peter Hall CompanyB.The Royal Shakespeare Company
C.The Arts TheatreD.The National Theatre


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

  When Mr. David retired (退休) , he bought a small house in a village near the sea . He liked it and hoped to live a quier lift in it .
But to his great surprise , many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays , for it was the most interesting building in the village . From morning to night there were tourists outside the house . They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr. David’s garden . This was too much for Mr. David . He decided to drive the visitors away . So he put a notice on the window . The notice said “If you want to satify your curiosity (好奇心) , came in and look round . Price : twenty dollars .” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming , but he was wrong . More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house . “I came here to recite , not to work as a guide , ” he said angrily . In the end , he sold the house and moved away .
小题1:Mr. David’s house was so ________ that many tourists came to see it .
小题2:Mr. David put a notice on the window in order to _________ .
A.drive the visitors awayB.satisfy the visitor’s curiosity
C.let visitors come in and look roundD.get some money out of the visitors
小题3:The notice made the visitors___________.
A.more interested in his house
B.lose interest in his house
C.angry at the unfair price
D.feel happy about the price
小题4:After Mr. David put up the notice ___________ .
A.the visitors didn’t come any longer
B.more and more tourists came for a visit
C.no tourists would pay the money for a visit
D.fewer and fewer visitors came to see his house
小题5:At last he had to sell his house and moved away because _________.
A.he did not like it at all
B.he could not work as a guide
C.he wanted to buy a new expensive house
D.he could not live a quiet life in it


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

JOLIN Tsai (蔡依林), a famous singer, has become an English teacher! But she is not staying in a classroom to give you talks in English. Instead, she has published (出版) a new book, "Jolin’s English Diary Book". It came out in Taiwan in March. Jolin is helping you learn English in a light hearted way and give you useful words for life outside your textbooks.
  "I hope it’s a happy English book," she said, "When you learn English in a fun way, you will keep on doing it." This certainly doesn’t mean just reciting (背诵) words. Jolin has a lot of clever ways of learning. She likes to listen to English songs or find friends to talk to in English. She has been good at English since Grade 3 in primary school (小学). Because of this, she hosted (主持) news programme on the radio herself.
  Jolin knows it’s important to put English to good use. So, in her English diaries, she wrote something about her everyday life, like study, fashion (时尚), travel and family. After each diary, she gives you lots of notea.You can use them often, too! Jolin also asks you to keep diaries like hers.
小题1: When did Jolin Tsai publish "Jolin’s English Diary Book" ?
A.In MayB.hi AprilC.In MarchD.In June
小题2: She has been good at English ___.
A.since she became a famous singerB.since she was in Grade 3
C.since she was in college (大学)D.since she was 3 years old
小题3: Jolin thinks that ___ is important for us to learn English.
A.just reciting wordsB.hosting a programme on the radio
C.studying in the classroomD.putting English to good use
小题4: What’s the meaning of "light-hearted" in the passage?
小题5:From the passage we know that ____.
A.she is not only a famous singer but also an English teacher in a primary school
B.you don’t have to keep English diaries
C.she teaches us how to be a famous singer in "Jolin’s English Diary Book"
D.Jolin Tsai shows us how to learn English in a fun way


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Once there was a piano player in a bar(酒吧). People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.
‘I don’t sing,’ said the man.
But the lady told the waiter, ‘I’m tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!’
The waiter shouted across the room, ‘Hey, friend! If you want to get your money, sing a song!’
So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully!
He had talent(天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.
You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.
小题1:The lady asked the player to sing a song because ______________.
A.she had paid him for thisB.she knew him very well
C.she wanted to have a changeD.she enjoyed his singing
小题2: Nat King Cole succeeded because ______________.
A.the lady helped him a lotB.he caught the chance
C.he continued to play in the barD.he stopped playing the piano
小题3:From the story we know if you have some talent, you should ______________.
A.hide it and waitB.ask others for help
C.pay no attention to itD.work hard to improve yourself


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I think the most terrible thing in life for my little brother is getting up in the morning. He is almost sick when my mother calls, “Herbert! It’s seven o’clock! Get up!”
Herbert answers, “I’m coming!” and goes right back to sleep. I’m not at all like my brother. I don’t like to go to bed at night but I don’t mind getting up in the morning.
I usually wake up before my mother calls me. I jump out of bed and go into the bothroom to take a shower . I great dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and get ready to go down stairs for breakfast as soon as my mother calls.
But not Herbert. He just sleeps. A military band (军乐队)in our bedroom could not wake him up . I call him and say, “Get up!” Mum will be up here to pull you out of bed if you don’t get up quickly.
But he just sleeps. After calling a few more times my mother has to come upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed. It’s that way every day with my little brother. Perhaps some day he’ll learn to get up on time, but I really don’t think so.
小题1:I’m not like my brother because I like to go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.
小题2: I usually jump out of bed and go into the bothroom for a shower before my mother calls.
小题3:When mother calls, Herbert doesn’t answer and keeps in bed .
小题4: My mother often has to go upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed as he refuses to get up.
小题5: Sometimes we have to send for a military band to wake Herbert up.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My name is Lucy. I have two good friends, Mary and June. Mary is thirteen years old. June and I are twelve years old. My birthday is November 11th. June’s birthday is September 11th. And Mary’s birthday is January 18th. I like red, but they like green. Mary and June are in the same(相同的)school. They have an Art Festival and a school trip every year, but I only have a Music Festival at my school.
小题1:How old is Lucy?
A. 11.                 B. 12.                      C. 13.
小题2:Who is 13 years old?
A. Mary.                B. June.                    C. Lucy.
小题3:When is Lucy’s birthday?
A. September 11th .                B. November 11th.             C. January 18th.
小题4:Who likes green?
A. Mary and June.               B. Lucy and June.          C. Lucy and Mary.
小题5:What does Lucy have at her school every year?
A. An Art Festival.             B. A school trip.              C. A Music Festival.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mr White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his    41   and now he has near sight (近视). But he wouldn’t want   42  to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses. It often   43   him some trouble.
One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business. He    44   a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn’t smooth(平坦). He fell over some times and it     45   his clothes dirty.    46    he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school while his    47   was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn’t get it. He couldn’t understand why his hat ran into a house as if(似乎) it had    48  . And he ran into the house,   49  .
A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, “   50    are you running after my hen for?”
A.anybody elseB.nobodyC.womanD.somebody
A.follows B.takesC.bringsD.carries
A.tookoffB.got offC.got onD.came on
A.At firstB.At homeC.At timesD.At last
A.clothes B.bagC.hatD.glasses

