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I think the most terrible thing in life for my little brother is getting up in the morning. He is almost sick when my mother calls, “Herbert! It’s seven o’clock! Get up!”
Herbert answers, “I’m coming!” and goes right back to sleep. I’m not at all like my brother. I don’t like to go to bed at night but I don’t mind getting up in the morning.
I usually wake up before my mother calls me. I jump out of bed and go into the bothroom to take a shower . I great dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and get ready to go down stairs for breakfast as soon as my mother calls.
But not Herbert. He just sleeps. A military band (军乐队)in our bedroom could not wake him up . I call him and say, “Get up!” Mum will be up here to pull you out of bed if you don’t get up quickly.
But he just sleeps. After calling a few more times my mother has to come upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed. It’s that way every day with my little brother. Perhaps some day he’ll learn to get up on time, but I really don’t think so.
小题1:I’m not like my brother because I like to go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.
小题2: I usually jump out of bed and go into the bothroom for a shower before my mother calls.
小题3:When mother calls, Herbert doesn’t answer and keeps in bed .
小题4: My mother often has to go upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed as he refuses to get up.
小题5: Sometimes we have to send for a military band to wake Herbert up.


小题1:根据I’m not at all like my brother. I don’t like to go to bed at night but I don’t mind getting up in the morning.描述,可知本句表述错误.
小题1:根据I usually wake up before my mother calls me. I jump out of bed and go into the bothroom to take a shower .可知本句表述正确.
小题1:根据He is almost sick when my mother calls, “Herbert! It’s seven o’clock! Get up!” Herbert answers, “I’m coming!” and goes right back to sleep.描述,可知郝伯特回应了我的母亲,故本句表述错误.
小题1:根据After calling a few more times my mother has to come upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed.可知本句表述正确.
小题1:根据A military band (军乐队)in our bedroom could not wake him up . 可知在我卧室里面即使放军乐也不能把赫伯特吵醒,故本句表述错误.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Wang Hao and Wang Liqin, two of China’s top table tennis players, both saw the World Table Tennis Championships(世锦赛) as a chance to prove themselves. But there was only one trophy(奖杯) and Wang Hao, 25, won it last Tuesday in Yokohama(横滨), Japan.
Wang Hao, who won the men’s doubles title(对打) with Chen Qi last Monday, played with spirit to beat Wang Liqin.
Wang Hao said it was his mental toughness(心理韧性) that made the difference. “I was disappointed(失望) by my performances in past championships and the last two Olympic Games. But I have tried to pull myself together and prepared well. This is the result.”
Wang Hao said he has always understood the importance of physical training(体能训练) and technical skills(技巧). Now he knows the need for mental preparation as well. Having two Olympics silvers(银牌) had left him feeling bitter(辛苦的). The bitterness perhaps explains why he has not always played at his best in the past.
“I’ve come to understand that you can learn important lessons from failure,” he said. “Losing can build your character and make you a stronger player.” His next goal, or dream, is to win the gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.
Liu Guoliang, head coach of China’s table tennis team, sang the praises of Wang Hao’s victory. “This is just the beginning of his rise,” said Liu. “it’s the confidence-booster(信心) he needs to make further progress.”
小题1: Who won the trophy of the World Table Tennis Championships?
A.Wang Liqin.B.Wang Hao.
C.Both of them.D.Neither of them.
小题2:Which of the following is correct about Wang Hao?
A.He won the last two Olympic Games and the past championships.
B.He won the past championships but lost the last two Olympic Games.
C.He won the last two Olympic Games but lost the past championships.
D.He lost the last two Olympic Games and the past championships.
小题3: According to Wang Hao, he won the match because of ________.
A.his mental toughnessB.his technical skills
C.his physical trainingD.his good luck
小题4: If Wang Hao would like to make further progress, he should ________.
A.take more physical trainingB.improve his technical skills
C.keep the bitter feelingD.be a confident man


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空(共 15小题,每小题 1 分,满分15分)
A well-dressed man came into a famous jewellery (首饰)shop. He explained that he wished to buy a pearl(珍珠)for his wife’s birthday and that the  16  did not matter since business had been very good for him that year. After examin;ing a number of beautiful and valuable pearls, he chose a nice black one that _17_ $5000. He paid for that pearl , shook hands with the jeweler and left.
A few days later the man returned and said his wife had liked that pearl _18_ that she wanted another one just like it. It had to be exactly the _19_ size and quality as she wanted a pair of earrings made. “Can you give me any advice on _20_ to get such a pearl?” said the man. The jeweler replied , “I would say it’s _21_ to find an exact one like that pearl.”
The rich man _22_ the jeweler to advertise in the newspaper, and offered $25.000 for that matching pearl. Many people answered that ad, _23_ nobody had a pearl that was just right. Just when the jeweler had _24__  hope, an old lady came in. To his _25_ , she took a wonderful pearl from her handbag. “I don’t like to sell it, ” she said _26_. “I inherited (继承)it from my mother, and my mother inherited from _27_, but now I really need money.”
The jeweler was quick to pay her _28_ she changed her mind. Then he called the rich man’s hotel to tell the good _29_ to him. The rich man, however, was _30_ to be found. He had fled with the old woman a few more minutes before.
小题1: A. size               B. shape             C. price
小题2:A. spent               B. cost              C. took
小题3: A. a little              B. so much           C. at all
小题4: A. same               B. different           C. common
小题5:A. what               B. why              C. how
小题6: A. possible            B. easy               C. impossible
小题7: A. let                 B. make              C. asked
小题8: A. so                 B. but                C. and
小题9: A. found out           B. given up            C. come up with
小题10: A. disappointment      B. surprise             C. fear
小题11:A. happily             B. loudly             C. sadly
小题12:A. mine               B.his                 C. hers
小题13: A. when               B. before             C. after
小题14: A. news               B. advice             C. way
小题15: A. somewhere          B. anywhere           C. nowhere


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mrs. Green is a nurse. She lives in England. Her husband(丈夫) Mr. Green is a Japanese  56  at a high school. They have   57  kids: one is a son   58  his name is John. They also have two   59 : Lucy and Lily. This year they have another(另一个) baby. Mr. and Mrs. Green love her very much. But they have their work, so a woman looks   60  the young baby. She is new here. 
A neighbour(邻居)  61  the baby. She likes her very much.
“Look at the baby,” she says. “She looks very cute! I think she   62  Mr. Green. They
  63  have big eyes. But what’s her name?”
  64 ,” the woman says. “She is only five months(月) old. You know, she can’t   65 . ”
小题1:A. student                       B. teacher               C. doctor
小题2:A. two                   B. three                 C. four
小题3:A. and                     B. but                  C. so
小题4:A. sons                          B. daughters            C. brothers
小题5:A. at                            B. for                C. after 
小题6:A. finds                    B. studies                C. sees
小题7:A. looks like                       B. thinks about           C. comes from
小题8:A. all                        B. both               C. some
小题9:A. I don’t know      B. That’s all right          C. I think you are right
小题10:A. tell                         B. speak               C. say 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In China,people born in and after the 1980s are called the post-80s generation(一代人).Most of them come from single-child families.However,this generation is playing a more and more important part in China,and their image(形象) in people’s minds is changing.Han Han,a popular youth writer,is one of them.
Han Han was born in 1982 in Shanghai.His talent for writing was clear at an early age.When he was 17,he attracted the public’s attention with the article Viewing the People throughthe Glass.The article won first prize in the national New Concept Composition Competition.Later,Han Han again surprised the public by leaving high school.“I didn’t do well in Grade One of high school and failed to move up to the next grade.I tried my best to improve my studies,but failed,so I gave up.However,I am always learning,since learning and going to school are two different things,” Han Han said.
Han Han’s first novel Three Folded Gates sold very well in China.Later the book was translated(翻译)into several languages and sold abroad.
In the following years,Han Han wrote a lot of books.All of them were welcomed by the market.In 2006,he started blogging (写博客)and had great success.Today,Han Han’s blog has become one of the honest blogs on the Internet.
小题1:The post-80s generation        
A.have changed China’s image
B.are playing an important role in China
C.are very good at writing
D.are people who are more than 80 years old
小题2:When did Han Han begin to write a blog?
A.When he was seventeen.B.In 1982.
C.When he was twenty-four.D.In 2008.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUEaccording to the passage?
A.Three Folded Gates was only sold in China.
B.Nobody was surprised that Han Han left high school.
C.Han Han was not liked by the post-80s generation.
D.Han Han’s blog is very popular on the Internet.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I will never forget my first English class. It is very interesting. It’s the first
class in the morning. The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile on his
face. At the beginning, he makes a self-introduction(自我介绍). And he tells us
that his English name is John. Then he asks all of us to think of English names
for ourselves. We are very excited(兴奋的) to find a good name. Then he asks
us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I think about my English
name for a long time. Then I come up with(想出) a beautiful name ---Shirley.
All the students write their names down and give the paper to the teacher. When
the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls stand up at the
same time.
小题1:What do we do in the first English class?
A.Tell the teacher our Chinese names.B.Find English names for ourselves.
C.See an English film.D.Draw pictures.
小题2: What does our teacher do first?
A.He asks every student to make a self-introduction.
B.He introduces(介绍) himself to all of us.
C.He asks us many difficult questionsD.He tells us a story.
小题3:What’s the English name of our English teacher?
小题4: Where do we write down our English names?
A.On the blackboard.B.On the desk.C.On our hands.D.On the paper.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The teacher gives every student an English name.
B.Our teacher is a young girl.
C.Three girls choose(选择)the name “Shirley”.
D.The teacher calls our Chinese names in class.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Let me tell you my pen friend Ivan. He is 12 years old. He likes playing football. He usually play football with his friends at weekends.
Ivan lives with his father and mother in a city in France. They have a dream home with five rooms, a swimming pool and a garden. They often have a party in the garden at weekends. They like to help their neighbours. His home is not near his school, so Ivan takes a bus for an hour and then walks for 10 minutes to school. There is a Basketball Club near his school. He likes play basketball in the club.
Ivan’s father is a worker. He is busy. Ivan’s mother is a doctor. She is nice to the patients. Ivan wants to be a teacher when he grows up. I want to be a teacher, too. Every month Ivan writes two letters to me. He’ll come to Suqian next year. We’ll meet then.
小题1:What are Ivan’s hobbies?
A.Basketball and swimmingB.football and basketball
C.Football and swimmingD.Reading and swimming
小题2:How old is Ivan when he comes to Suqian?
A.He is 11.B.He is 12.C.He is 13.D.He is 14.
小题3: How often does Ivan write to me?
A.Twice a month.B.Twice a week.
C.Every day.D.Every week.
小题4: Ivan studies in _________ now.
小题5:Which is the best title(标题) for the passage?
A.How to Make PenfriendsB.Something About Ivan
C.What Is Ivan’s Home LikeD.Ivan’s School Life


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When I was a foreign teacher in China,every day I taught English to my students and they taught me about China.One day the topic mined to saying “I love you”.I was shocked to learn that not one of my students had said this to their mothers,nor had their mothers said it to them.“Does your mom love you?” “Of course,”they answered.
“How do you know?” was my logical question.They responded that their moms cooked and Always told them what they were doing wrong to show their earning.I was strummed. So mom’s cooking and criticizing read our as “I love you”.”Then how do you say ‘I love you to her?” They agreed that getting good grades, followed by good jobs would be how they showed their love.
I come from a culture where most people are expressive enough,so I repeated these queries in clauses over time.Gradually,I began to get different responses.Some of them had exchanged those sentiments with their moms.
One of my favorite stories of change came from a girl.When she came home from university,her mother met her at the door and hugged(拥抱)her.This had never happened before,but her mom said,“Now that you have gone I have more time to myself.I noticed that in some places mothers and children hug each other and I decided it was a good idea and that I would begin hugging you.”
In my family we all say “I love you” a lot.While it is true that we often say the words without having great depth of feelings at that moment,it is almost like a blessing we give each other. Those three little words carry a world of meaning,even when said as a greeting, but most especially if they are the lax words we say to or hear from those we love.
小题1:The foreign teacher _________.
A.comes from AmericaB.is a young woman
C.is expressive enoughD.knows much about China
小题2:Chinese people prefer to show love by __________.
A.saying “I love you”B.cooking
C.getting good grades D.doing something helpful
小题3:In paragraph 4, what’s the real meaning of the mom’s hugging?
A.She is meeting her daughter at the dour.
B.She loves her daughter and misses her.
C.She is glad that she has more time to herself.
D.She finds it interesting to hug her daughter.
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Say “I love you” more to your family.
B.Say “I love you” a lot to Chinese people.
C.Say “I love you” as a greeting to others.
D.Say “I love you” without great depth of feelings.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Li Hua is thirteen years old. He’s a   小题1: . He’s the only child in the family. He doesn’t   小题2: his things.
One morning when the students of Class Two are   小题3: an English class, Li Hua goes to the door and says, “   小题4:  I come in, Mr. Wang ?”
“Oh, you are  小题5: again,” says the teacher, “Can you tell me why you are late ?”
“My grandma  小题6: some apples, bananas and bread in my schoolbag this morning. I take the schoolbag with me after I have小题7:. But   小题8: my way to school, I find there are no  小题9: in my schoolbag. I have to  小题10: and take them.”
A.look at
B.look like
C.look for
D.look after
A.get back
B.return home
C.go to school
D.come back

