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7 January, 2014
A new report says more and more international students are attending colleges and universities in the United States. It also notes a large increase in the number of international students from China.
These findings are from the latest Open Doors Report. The report documents the record number of international students in the United States during 2012, 2013 school year. It says more than seven hundred sixty-four thousand four-hundred such students were attending American colleges and universities during the last two years. That represents an increase of almost six percent than one year earlier.
On the other hand, the number of Americans studying overseas (海外) increased by one percent, which reached nineteen thousand this year.
The report says one hundred ninety-four thousand students at American colleges and universities were from
China. That is an increase of more than twenty-three percent over the year before. Peggy Blumenthal, an expert(专家) of international education, described the effect of the increase in Chinese students.
"Now they have been coming for some time. But this year was the highest level ever." She says many Chinese families are able to pay for the highest-quality education for their children. The children mainly choose to study in America.
"We know many of them have enough income to be able to afford to send them anywhere in the world that they want to go. And for the most part, looking around the world, Chinese students still prefer to come to the United States as their choice."
Chinese students are not the only ones who want to attend American colleges and universities. After China, India sends the second largest number of students to the United States for higher education. India has about one hundred thousand students in American schools. South Korea is third with about seventy two thousand students.
Why do so many foreign students study in the United States? Peggy Blumenthal provides one reason.
"The advantage America has is that we have a huge system and a very perfect system. So there are over four thousand universities and colleges in the United States. Among them are some top ones in the world, and what that tells us is there is still a lot of room to host international students."
Foreign students represent less than four percent of the total student population in American higher education. And from Learning English, that's the VOA Special English Education Report. I'm Bob Doughty. Thanks for listening.
【小题1】Bob Doughty seems to be ________.

A.an exchange student from the USA
B.an expert of international education
C.a viewer of VOA
D.a reporter from VOA
【小题2】Which country below has the fewest students studying overseas?
A.South KoreaB.IndiaC.ChinaD.America
【小题3】Which is NOT the reason why so many Chinese students go to the USA for further study?
A. Lots of Chinese families are able to pay for the highest-quality education for their children
B. The USA has a huge and a very perfect education system.
C. There is a lot of room to host international students in the USA.
D. The USA has some top universities and colleges in the world.
【小题4】Which of the following statement is true?
A.China has 122,000 more students than South Korea at American colleges and universities.
B.The number of Americans studying overseas is becoming smaller and smaller.
C.The number of Asian students has an increase of 6% over the past two years.
D.Most of the international students in the United States are Chinese.
【小题5】This passage from VOA Special English is most likely to be ________.
A.An advertisement B.A radio programmeC.A science reportD.A tour guide


【小题1】细节理解题。根据短文最后一段的总结语 that's the VOA Special English Education Report. I'm Bob Doughty. 可知Bob Doughty是VOA中的一名新闻报道员;故选D。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据短文第六段She says many Chinese families are able to pay for the highest-quality education for their children.可知,A项正确;第十段The advantage America has is that we have a huge system and a very perfect system. 可知美国拥有巨大的教育资源和完善的教育体系;B项正确;第十段So there are over four thousand universities and colleges in the United States. Among them are some top ones in the world可知D项正确;C项的内容文中没提,也不是主要原因;故选C。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据短文第三段On the other hand, the number of Americans studying overseas (海外) increased by one percent, which reached nineteen thousand this year.可知B项错误;短文第二段That represents an increase of almost six percent than one year earlier.可知,在过去的两年里,美国所有留学生的数量增加6%,不仅仅指亚洲;故C项错误;文中并没有提到美国留学生的绝大多数都是中国人;故D项错误;根据第四段内容可知,中国留学生在美国的数目是194,000,而倒数第四段South Korea is third with about seventy two thousand students.中可知南韩的在美留学生数目是100,000,由此可知,中国比南韩的留学生人数要多122,000;故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Apart from keeping fit, students can learn many important lessons about life from life doing sports. Sports can teach students about winning and losing, When they win, they will get a lot of 【小题1】___, but they will also have to 【小题2】   it when they lose. This will help students understand competition, and make them more 【小题3】___ and hardworking. All this will【小题4】   them for the difficult challenges they will face at school and in 【小题5】____.
The introduction of school uniforms has helped to 【小题6】___ school violence. Much of school violence is linked to the clothes which different youth gangs wear. In schools with youth gangs, the number of fights 【小题7】___ by 40 percent after uniforms were introduced. Uniforms also 【小题8】____ a message that students are at school to study, not to play. They create school 【小题9】_____. These things help to reform problem students and improve their 【小题10】____ at school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Do you think it’s hard for you to learn English? Listening to English songs may be a fun way to learn. You might be thinking: Where can I find some online music? Well, there are plenty of places to listen to and download English songs.
Google music is a good website. It has about 350,000 songs for download. You can search by artist and song name. You can also search by criteria(标准). For example, if you want to find a slow song by a female singer, just choose “ female singer” and “slow” on the page. On Google music, you can read the lyrics to the songs as you listen.
Baidu MP3 is another big online music database(数据库). You can find some of the newest songs on Baidu and download them.
If you just want to listen to music, you can try www. aiting.com and www. haoting. com. They are two large online Mp3 players.
After you pick(挑选) the songs, you can start learning. Learning language from music is fun, so don’t think of it as work. You can listen on your way to school or before you go to sleep. Close your eyes and try to get the meaning of the songs.
【小题1】There are _____________________________________ songs to download on Google music.
【小题2】We can download English songs from ________________ and ____________________.
【小题3】The ways of searching songs are ______________________________________
【小题4】When we listen to songs, we can read the lyrics on__________________________________
【小题5】The best title of the passage is _______________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Can you swim? Do you like swimming? Yes? Well, how can you learn to swim? I think the best way is to go into the water and learn. I’m afraid you’ll never learn to swim just by reading books about swimming or looking at others swimming. It’s the same with the English study. We must practice, practice and practice.
Listening and speaking are very important for beginners. The children in English-speaking countries first listen to others. Then they try to imitate(模仿) and speak. We can listen to English programs on radio. You may just understand a few words. It doesn’t matter. Just be relaxed, try to catch every word.
Somebody may be a good listener. But he is terrified to speak. He’s afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don’t be afraid. We must be brave. If you really want to learn English well, you must try to speak with everyone so long as he knows English. Whether you know him or not is not important. When there’s nobody to talk with, you can talk to yourself in English. It’s interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English. Remember, the more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.
Reading and writing are more important for senior school students. First we must choose the books we’re interested in. A lot of reading will improve your language sense(语感). This is the most important.
Keep writing English diaries. We can also write English articles. You may even post them to English magazines. Don’t be afraid of failure. Failure is the mother of success.
Easier said than done. Well, let’s do more practice from now on. I’m sure you’ll learn English better in this way.
【小题1】You can learn to swim by_______.

A.reading books about itB.looking at others swimming
C.having lessons on itD.going into the water and learning
【小题2】We should learn English by _______.
A.listening and speakingB.reading and writingC.swimmingD.A and B
【小题3】What will you do with mistakes when you speak?
A.Don’t make mistakes.B.Study hard.
C.Don’t be afraid.D.Try not to speak English.
【小题4】What’s more important for senior school students?
A.Listening.B.Reading and writing. C.Speaking.D.Learning.
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It’s easier to do than to say.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.Practice makes perfect.
D.All things are difficult before they are easy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Do you care about your memory(记忆力)?The following ways can help improve your memory.
Sleep: Sleep plays an important part in improving your memory. Enough sleep is very important to have a good memory.
Don’t watch TV while eating: Do not watch television while eating. Some people keep talking and eating while watching TV. Eating is a time when you can take a break from studying and rest your eyes.
Healthy food: Healthy food is important for a healthy mind. Have milk, eggs, fish and fruits. These foods have a lot of nutrients(营养成分)
Make the things interesting: If you find the things the teachers ask you to memorize interesting, you will memorize them more easily. For example, include music and different colors in the things you need to memorize.
Repeat(重复)the things: Repeat the things by singing or talking. Repeating is a good way to memorize things.
Exercise: Do exercise every day. It not only improves the body but improves the mind. Air in the morning keeps your mind clear. A clear mind is needed for memorizing things.
Have a rest: Don’t study for long hours. Have a rest from time to time. Studying for a long time will make you tired and you will find it harder to remember and learn things.
【小题1】 How many ways of improving memory are there in the passage?

【小题2】Why shouldn’t you watch TV while eating?
A.Because it will make you eat less.
B.Because you need to rest your eyes.
C.Because you can’t take in enough nutrients in this way.
D.Because it is bad for your mind.
【小题3】 Which is NOT good for improving memory according to the passage?
A.Plenty of sleep.
B.Healthy food.
C.All work and a play.
D.Repeating the things you need to memorize.
【小题4】The passage is written for _______.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I  am a Middle School student.I am a girl. My name is Wang  Ling.Iam 12.I am in No.7 Middle School.  I am in Class2, Grade1.  There are 23 boys and 22 girls in my class.
Miss Cui is my English teacher. She is a good teacher. We all like her, and we all like English very much .Every morning I practice English with my classmates. I want to write something about Britney Spears on the blackboard.She is from America. She is 23 years old. She is my favourite singer.(歌唱家)
【小题1】Is Wang Ling a Chinese girl? 
Yes , he is.     B.Yes , she is.  
C. No,he isn´t  D. N0,she isn´t.             
【小题2】Wang Ling is__________years  old.        
A .11           B. 12         C.13            D.23               
【小题3】There are_________students in the class.    

A.23 B.22 C.12 D.45
【小题4】Miss Cui is a __________ .    
teacher of Chinese  B.student  
C.teacher of England  D.teacher of English 
【小题5】Which is right according to the passage?     
Briney likes MissCui very much.        B.Wang Ling likes Briney very much.
C.Briney is English.                           D. Briney is 24.  


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Students learn their lessons in class. In class teachers teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something? Of course not. There is another way to learn. That is students can teach themselves. For example ,if you can’t remember something when you are doing your homework, you can look at your book to find the answer .This is a way to teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing. We can do this at any place and at any time.
How do you teach yourself? The first thing you must do is reading. Read something you are interested in, or you have to read .The second is that you must ask yourself questions. The question is something you don’t understand, or you want to know more about .You can write down these questions. A clever student is usually good at asking questions. The third is to answer the question yourself by thinking hard ,by reading the text of other books, and sometimes by asking other people .This is the way of teaching yourself .And you must do this all by yourself. If you keep doing like this for a long time, you are sure to succeed in your study.
【小题1】Listening to the teacher is ____for the students to learn something.

A.not a way B.the best way
C.the only way D.not the only way
【小题2】Which of the following is right?
A.Students can teach himself only in class.
B.It’s a bad way to learn from the teacher .
C.A student can learn to teach himself if he wants to.
D.Students know very well how to teach themselves.
【小题3】In teaching yourself, the first thing you must do is_____.
A.writing B.reading C.asking D.answering
【小题4】A clever student usually likes ____.
A.asking questions B.answering questions
C.finding questions D.teaching others
【小题5】If you want to succeed,you’d better learn_______.
A.how to teach others B.how to teach yourself
C.to read and write carefully D.how to ask questions


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Happy birthday to Wally
Welcome to Formosa Zoo! Our beloved llama, Wally, will be 5 years old on Nov. 14. Come and join us to celebrate his birthday.

Picture Drawing
Let’s decorate Wally’s home together—
School students under 12 are invited
to draw pictures of Wally
Time: 12:30p.m.—2:30p.m.
Place: Children’s Park
Grandpa Lin’s Story Time
Where is Wally from?
What is Wally’s favorite food?
Is Wally married?
… … …
Want to know more about Wally?
Let Grandpa Lin tell you!!
The Little Theatre
The Birthday Party 
Wally will be happy to see you at his birthday party from 3:00p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Children’s Park.
Come and enjoy cakes, drinks, and music, and take pictures with Wally.
Special presents for people who were born on Nov.14
Best Wishes to Wally
Write down your best wishes for Wally.
【小题1】Llama is a(n) _____.
A.zoo B.boy C.animal D.child
【小题2】Who can be invited to draw a picture of Wally?
A.Susan, a college student who studies art.
B.Tony, a father who loves drawing animals.
C.Tom, a high school student who loves drawing.
D.Linda, a primary school student who loves drawing.
【小题3】How long will Wally’s birthday party last?
A.Thirty minutes. B.Two hours. C.Three hours. D.Four hours.
【小题4】The Browns will visit Formosa Zoo on Nov.14. Who can get a special present?
A.Ted. He will draw a picture of Wally.
B.Susan. She will send an email to Formosa Zoo.
C.Mr Brown. He has the same birthday as Wally.
D.Mrs Brown. She will help make cakes for Wally’s party.
【小题5】Mary wants to learn about Wally’s life and history. Which activity should she join?
A.Grandpa Lin’s Story Time B.Picture Drawing
C.The Birthday Party D.Best Wishes to Wally


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

