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Saying goodbye to friends who are moving away is always hard. A Going-away Party can help to make everyone’s spirits bright and let your friends know how much you will miss them. We also have several other kinds of party invitations that my be suitable for a Going-away Party.

Invitation to a Going-away Party
Thursday, 19th March
Dear Joy and Mary,
You are invited to a farewell for the
Departure (启程) date: 4th May
The best part of our big adventure to Africa will be when we come face-to-face with elephants, lions, crocodiles and other African wildlife. We have always wanted to do this.
Party given by: Mr and Mrs Green, Tom and John
Date: Saturday, 11th April 2013
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Place: 29 King Street, New Town, Sydney
Reply by: Thursday, 2nd April
Phone: 6458515
Food and drinks will be prepared at the party.
P.S. This event is NOT to be missed! We hope to see you there!
【小题1】Who is the invitation sent to?
A.Mr and Mrs Green.B.Joy and Mary
C.Tom and John.D.Joy and John.
【小题2】The party will take place on          .
A.19th MarchB.4th MayC.2nd AprilD.11th April
【小题3】The Greens will go to Africa to          .
A.see some old friendsB.have a Going-away Party
C.see some African wildlife D.buy some food and drinks




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Last summer vacation I went to Taiwan with my parents.Taiwan is really beautiful! The weather is always warm and humid because the sea is around Taiwan.In the north,it’s cold in winter,but in the south,it is still warm in winter and you can enjoy sunshine every day.The typhoon(台风)season is from June to October.
There are many mountains in Taiwan.(A)A-li Mountain is one of the biggest mountain there.We went to climb A-1i Mountain one afternoon.There are many trees in the forest there. They are very tall and many of them are really old.
Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan.In the lake there are many kinds of fishes.
 (B)We also went to the beach and enjoyed the sunshineThere are many kinds of food in the small towns near the sea.Dumplings with shrimp(虾) in them are my favorite.
Taiwan, a beautiful island,I love it! I took many photos there .Would you love to see them?
【小题1】The writer spent the summer vacation with            .
【小题2】The trees in the forest in A-li Mountain are       .

A.tall and old B.shortC.newD.short and old
(1)What’s the weather like in Taiwan?
(2)Where did the writer spend his/her vacation?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

This is Fangfang. She is from China. Her(她的) telephone number is (010)8257-6644. She is in Beijing No.1 High School(北京一中). She is a good student. Miss Gao is her English teacher.
【小题1】Fangfang is from ________.
A. the U.S.A.        B. China               C. Cuba
【小题2】 She is in________ High School.
A.No. One           B. No. Two              C. No. Three
【小题3】Fangfang is a ________.
A. teacher                  B. mother               C. student
【小题4】Miss Gao is a(an) _________ teacher.
A.Chinese               B. English              C. Canada
【小题5】Fangfang's  telephone number is _________.
A.(010)8257-6644            B. (012)    )8257-6644          C. (101)2857-4466


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A lot of people are crazy doing shopping through the Internet now. Why is it so popular? There are some reasons. First, more and more people have their own computers and their computers can be joined with the Internet. So it is possible for many of them to do shopping through the Internet. Second, shopping through the Internet can save them some money and a lot of time. Third, they don't need to go to the shop themselves. Because of these good facts, few people refuse it.
On the other hand, some people don' t like this new way of shopping. They are worried about the safety of shopping online. Customers(顾客) can only see the pictures of productions (商品) on the Internet. And they can' t enjoy the pleasure of buying things in large supermarkets or some wonderful stores. These are the reasons why they do not like it.
But I think more and more people will like this new kind of shopping in the future.
【小题1】Many people are interested in shopping online.
【小题2】Shopping on line can only save money.
【小题3】All the productions on the Internet are good.
【小题4】Some people dislike shopping online because they don' t have their own computers.
【小题5】The writer of the passage supports (支持) shopping on line.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Chuck Wall teaches management and human relations at Bakersfield College. He walked into class one day and told his students that their homework was to perform one act of random(任意的) kindness. His students did not understand the homework and didn’t know what to do, but the professor would not answer their questions. He encouraged his students to work it out for themselves.
One week later, the students entered the classroom excited to share their stories. One student told of giving away blankets to the homeless. Another reported on helping a dog to find its owner, and another student had been trying to find a long, lost friend. Students were energized (给予活力) by the homework assignment and wanted other people to be kind too. With the support of local businesses, the students made stickers to put on cars that invited people to do something kind for others. They sold the stickers and decided to donate the money to a center for the blind---not surprising as Professor Wall is blind.
Since then, similar kindness activities have been started in schools around the world. Many schools organize a Random Acts of Kindness Week, around November 13th, to celebrate World Kindness Day. Some schools use each day of Random Acts of Kindness Week to perform a different kind act, such as making a new friend, helping someone, doing community service, or raising money for a charity. Students learn to consider other people and thank about how small actions can make the world a better place.
【小题1】The professor’s homework was to ask his students _________.

A.to write about kindness.
B.to be kind to strangers
C.to spend time helping other
D.to go out to raise money
【小题2】We learn from the passage that ________.
A.Chuck’s students are not clever enough
B.the students didn’t do Chuck’s homework
C.Chuck Wall is an unusual teacher
D.no students enjoyed Chuck’s homework
【小题3】It is certain that _________.
A.the students got good grades in Chuck’s class
B.kindness activities are not widely accepted
C.Chuck Wall was not good at designing homework
D.the students only helped people they knew
【小题4】In kindness activities students learn _________.
A.to deal with difficult things
B.to do great things every day
C.to know about the world
D.to consider other people
【小题5】Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Learning Kind ThingsB.Teaching Kindness
C.World Kindness DayD.Bakersfield College


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Paragraph 1: Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They say that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day. They are: (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds; (2) citrus(柑桔) fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and foods made from milk; (6) bread or cereal(谷物), rice is also in this kind of food; (7) butter, or something like butter.
Paragraph 2: People in different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways. People in different countries eat at different times of the day. In some places people eat once or twice a day; in other countries people eat three or four times. Scientists say that none of the differences is really important. It doesn’t matter whether foods are eaten raw or cooked. It doesn’t matter if a person eats dinner at 4 o’clock in the afternoon or at 11 o’clock at night. The important thing is what you eat every day.
Paragraph 3: There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on earth. The first is to find some ways to feed the world’s population so that no one is hungry. The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to make them grow to be strong and healthy.
【小题1】From the first paragraph we know noodles belong to a kind of ______ food.

A.vegetable B.fruit C.meat D.cereal 
【小题2】According to the scientists, which of the following groups is the healthiest for your lunch?
A.chicken, apples, cereal, cabbages B.potatoes, rice, bread, carrots 
C.oranges, bananas, fish, tomatoes D.beef, pork, fish, milk 
【小题3】People in different places of the world ______.
A.have the right kinds of food to eat B.cook their food in the same way 
C.have their meals at the same time D.eat food in different ways 
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.People in some places don’t have enough to eat. 
B.There are too many people in the world. 
C.One of the problems is that no one is hungry. 
D.The scientists are trying to make people grow to be strong and healthy. 
【小题5】If there is Paragraph 4, what do you think is going to be talked about?
A.When people eat their meals. 
B.What to do with the two problems. 
C.How to cook food in different ways. 
D.Why people in different places eat different kinds of food. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

It was the last night of my summer camp .  _______ I didn’t want to leave , I had to go back home the next day . I didn’t want to pack . I just wanted to make the night go ______ . How I wished that I could make time ________ at the moment ! However , it seemed that time flew more quickly than before . I lay on the bed , But I wasn’t ________ at all . I just closed my eyes , thinking the every minute I had ______ with the friends I met during the camp .
Just then , someone ______ the door, “ Open the door ,” said a soft _________ . I thought it was my friend , Elle . So I replied , “It’s open ” .  I was __________ .  There stood all my friends , Elle ,Lily , Sally and Alice . Together they walked over to my bed and then each of them gave me a big hug 拥抱. We hugged each other . We _______ our phone numbers and e-mail addresses . We said that no matter how far we would be away from each other and no matter how many other friends we had , we would ________ forget each other .
Just then , a tear 眼泪slowly rolled down my face . As I looked up , I noticed all of my friends’ eyes were filled with充满tears .

A. Until B. Unless C.Because D.Although
A. clearly B.quickly C.slowly D.easily
A. fly B.cross C.stop D.finish
A. sleepy B.healthy C.excited D.gentle
A. wasted B.missed C.spent D.talked
A. fixed up修理 B.looked at C.cleaned up D.knocked at 敲
A. noise B.sound C.voice D.cry
A.afraid B.nervous C. crazy D. surprised
A. changed B. forgot C. exchanged D.remembered
A.ever B.never C.seldom D.often


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A person's nose is important for breathing and smelling. The nose is also used in many popular expressions.
Some people are able to lead other people by the nose. For example, if a wife leads her husband by the nose, she makes him do whatever she wants him to do.
Some people are said to be hard-nosed. They will not change their opinions easily. And many people will never pay through the nose, that is, they will not pay too much money for something.
It is always helpful when people keep their nose out of other people's business.The opposite of this is someone who noses around all the time. This kind of person is interested in other people's private matters. He is considered nosy.
And my teacher often says, "If you put your heart into it, the answers should be right under your nose. " It means something can be found or seen easily.
As for ear, there are also some expressions.
When I want to say something to you, I hope you are all ears and listen carefully. I also advise you to keep your ear to the ground. This means to be interested in what is happening around you and what people are thinking.
Another expression about ear is to play it by ear. Someone is able to play a song or a piece of music by remembering the tune(旋律) and not by reading the music.
There are many other expressions about different parts of our body.
For example, if someone is playing a joke on you, you can say, "You are pulling my leg. " And to turn your hand to something means to begin to do something. If a child does something wrong, we say he will get it in the neck, or he will be punished.
【小题1】If a person always wants to lead others by the nose, that means     .

A.he always tells others what to do
B.he works harder than others
C.he cares about others instead of himself
D.he listens to his wife all the time
【小题2】If someone is hard-nosed,    .
A.he will be too interested in others' business
B.he will spend much money for daily things
C.he will find the answers to his problems soon
D.he will not change his mind easily
【小题3】When our parents or teachers are talking to us, what should we do?
A.We should be all ears.
B.We should keep our nose out of their business.
C.We should play it by ear.
D.We should pay through the nose.
【小题4】On April Fools'Day, what may some people try to do?
A.They may turn their hand to us.
B.They may think of ways to pull our legs.
C.They will get it in the neck.
D.They will nose around all the time.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Practicing yoga(瑜伽) is a helpful, popular way to keep fit. It has many followers around the world. There are many kinds of yoga. You may have heard of “hot yoga” before. Now, in India, a new kind of yoga, water yoga, is becoming more and more popular among the local people.
In the city of Agra, people practice yoga in water. It is more difficult to practice yoga in water than on land. But practicing yoga in water can be good for your flexibility (灵活性).
Harish Chaturvedi, a lawyer, teaches people water yoga for free—even the poor people can learn from him. “Water yoga can become more popular than other kind of yoga, because the body does not get tired so quickly,” he said. “Everybody can learn to swim, but if they learn yoga at the same time, they will never feel tired.”
“The level of Oxygen(氧气) is very high in water, and you will not have any breathing problem,” he added.
Harish believes that water yoga really helps people to keep away from illness. He mainly trains children. He has classes at the swimming pool of a local sports room regularly. Many children are interested in it and come to team from him.
“Harish is very good at performing yoga in water,” said Sudhir Narayan, a water yoga student. “He is teaching children free of cost and that is a very good thing.”
【小题1】What is Harish Chaturvedi?

A.A teacher. B.A lawyer.
C.A doctor. D.A swimmer.
【小题2】Why is water yoga more popular than others?
A. Because you can learn to swim at the same time. 
B. Because you don’t get tired so quickly.
C. Because it can keep people fat.
D. Both A and B.
【小题3】 The underlined phrase “for free” in the passage means _______.
A.快乐地 B.自由地
C.免费地 D.规律地
【小题4】There are more _______ than _______ in Harish’s yoga class.
A.children; adults B.adults; childr
C.women; men D.olds; adults
【小题5】 What can be the best title of the passage?
A.Ways to keep fit B.Water yoga in India
C.Hot yoga in the world D.Harish Chaturvedi and his classes

