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…teach       lie       write      fly        put…
1. Mr. Wang                 the poor students in western areas for two months in 2009.
2. ―I didn’t see you at yesterday’s farewell party.
―Oh, I                   an article for today’s report at that time.
3. The Whites                  to Japan for a trip, so no one answers the doorbell today.
4. ―Why don’t you make the bed, Peter?
―Mum feels very sleepy and she                    in it.
5. The naughty boy             his school bag on the table and rushed out to play football.

小题2:was writing
小题3:have flown
小题4:is lying

小题1:考查时态。根据in 2009可知,用过去时。故填taught。
小题2:考查时态。根据at that time可知,用过去进行时。故填was writing。
小题3:考查时态。根据句意可知,怀特一家已经去日本了,因此没人开门。发生在过去的动作,对现在造成了影响,用现在完成时。故填have flown。
小题4:考查时态。根据句意可知,妈妈正在床上睡觉,用进行时,故填is lying。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

anyway, impossible, succeed, another, no, six, once, plan, after, because
When he decided to produce his V-8 motor, Henry ford chose to make an eight- cylinder (汽缸) engine-block in one piece. But the engineers said that was 8___________
Ford said, "Produce it ______9_____."
"But," they replied, "it is impossible."
"Go ahead," Ford said, "and stay on the job until you   10  , no matter how much time is required."
Six months passed and nothing happened. Another   11    months passed, and still nothing happened, The engineers tried every possible   12   to carry out (执行)the orders , but lire request (要求) seemed impossible.
At the end of the year, the engineers again informed Ford they had found _ 13 way to carry out his orders.
"Go right ahead," said Ford. "I want it, and I'll have it."
They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke (轻触) of magic, the secret was discovered. Ford had won   14 more!
Henry Ford was successful     15  one of his principles of success is that he believe what
he wants. If you can do this, you can equal (与……相当) your achievements in any calling for which you are suited.
小题1:______________ 小题2: _____________ 小题3: _______________     小题4:_____________
小题5:______________ 小题6:_____________ 小题7: _________________    小题8: _______________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A. Every area of your map should be filled in with colors
B. For a clear map, it must show a number of things
C. On your map, you must tell people where the hospital is
D. Next, fill in the shapes of the places and roads in light colors
E. Think about places you often have to go to
A map is a picture of a place. There can be many different maps of the same place. A map cannot show everything about a place.    1   . Here, you will get to make a map which shows the things that make your community a special place to live in.
Before you start drawing, make a list of the places and things in your community that you want to include on your map.    2   , places where your relatives and friends live and your favorite places. How do you get there? What roads or paths do you take? What kind of things do you see along the way? As you know, some maps are made to show locations and other maps show us how to get there. They can also show the distances.
Now, let’s create a map of your community. On a large piece of paper, draw pictures of the places or the things you decide to include on your map.    3  . Use darker colors to fill in the areas between the features and roads on your map to make your map more interesting to look at.    4  . When your map is finished, show it to your friends or family members to see what they think of it.   


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:The grandchild nods his head to show his ________(同意) to his grandpa.
小题2:I think __________(回收) can not only protect the environment but also save money.
小题3:Humans have come to realize the ___________ (重要)of protecting animals.
小题4:A large population can cause lots of __________ (困难)for the whole nation.
小题5:There are several chemical factories _______ (倾倒)waste water into the streams.
小题6:Some parents in less_________(发展) areas prefer boy or girls, don’t they?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

go to sleep, learning…by themselves, used up, come ture, be angry with
1.Sometimes,I would    my best friend,but not for long.
2.Tom,it’s time for you to    or you will get up late tomorrow.
3.The young man    all the paper.
4.I think my dream will    sooner or later.
5the students in poor areas are    some subjcts    .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

例:When we___________________(起床)early in the morning, it was still dark.(get)
答案:got up
小题1:The teacher says he _____________________(擅长)listening and speaking.(be)
小题2:Li Ming is a funny boy because he loves____________________(讲笑话).(tell)
小题3:The sports shows_______________________(将推迟)because of the rain.(put)
小题4:Now you _______________________(已长大),you should act like a man.(grow)
小题5:I didn’t know_______________________(你是否取得进步)last year.(make)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the given words.
1. If you are not sure of the correct ___________ of the word, look it up in your dictionary. (pronounce)
2. The customer was ___________ by the efficiency of the staff. (impression)
3. It’s not ___________ to do the project. You have been so busy recently. (advice)
4. Do you think the solution to the problem is ___________? (accept)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:My ___________ ( name / name’s) Tom.
小题2:______________ ( She / Her ) is my mother.
小题3:That’s ______________(a / an )alarm clock.
小题4:I have three _______________ ( ruler / rulers ).
小题5:Excuse ______________ ( I / me ). Is it your book?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Today we make a survey about the popularity of computer games among middle school students. Half of male students in our class like playing computer games very much. Though our teachers and their parents tell them not to play games any more again and again, they play the computer games daily and they don’t go to school. They spend a lot of time playing computer games each time, so they often ask their parents for money or borrow money from their classmates. Some students even use mobile phones to play the games in class. They don’t listen to the teacher carefully and usually forget to do their homework. I think it’s really bad for their lessons.
Playing computer games wastes money and it is also bad for students’ health and study. So I hope those who have got the habit of playing computer games could give it up as soon as possible.
Information Card
The popular activity among middle school students
小题1:                             .
Situation in playing games
小题2:                  in our class like playing computer games very much. Some students even小题3:            in class.
Writer’s points
Playing computer games 小题4:           and it is not good for 小题5:                           .

