精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A. Every area of your map should be filled in with colors
B. For a clear map, it must show a number of things
C. On your map, you must tell people where the hospital is
D. Next, fill in the shapes of the places and roads in light colors
E. Think about places you often have to go to
A map is a picture of a place. There can be many different maps of the same place. A map cannot show everything about a place.    1   . Here, you will get to make a map which shows the things that make your community a special place to live in.
Before you start drawing, make a list of the places and things in your community that you want to include on your map.    2   , places where your relatives and friends live and your favorite places. How do you get there? What roads or paths do you take? What kind of things do you see along the way? As you know, some maps are made to show locations and other maps show us how to get there. They can also show the distances.
Now, let’s create a map of your community. On a large piece of paper, draw pictures of the places or the things you decide to include on your map.    3  . Use darker colors to fill in the areas between the features and roads on your map to make your map more interesting to look at.    4  . When your map is finished, show it to your friends or family members to see what they think of it.   


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:A: A computer is on the teacher’s desk.
B: ________ ________ a computer on the teacher’s desk.
小题2: A: We play basketball on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
B: We play basketball ________ ________ a week.
小题3:A: Shall we go to see a film together?
B: ________ ________ go to see a film together?
小题4:A: Kate went to bed after she finished her homework.
B: Kate ________ go to bed ________ she finished her homework.
小题5:A: Whose China Today is this?
B: Who(m) ________ this China Today ________ to?
小题6:A: Could you tell me how I can get to the nearest supermarket?
B: Could you tell me ________ ________ to the nearest supermarket?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

    ______, I don’t like his new hairstyle at all.
______ my father ____ I love watching basketball matches.
______ ______ the time passed!
I want to know___ ____ _____ late for school again today.
The classroom windows ______ ___ by the students every week.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

根据所给汉语将下列句子补充完整 (每空一词)。
小题1: 我的宠物狗使我的生活充满了乐趣。
My pet dog ______ my life______ great pleasure.
小题2: 海伦经常晚上开着灯就睡着了,因为她怕黑。
Hellen often  ______  ______  _______ with the bedroom light ______ because she’s terrified of the dark.
小题3: 这轻音乐使你想起了什么?
What does the soft music_______  _______  _______?
小题4: 我们在伦敦期间,他们想尽办法使我们感到像到了家一样。
They ______  _______  _______ their______ to make us feel at home when we were in London .
小题5: 飞机起飞的时候天正下着大雨。
It_____  ______ heavily when the plane ______  ______.
小题6: 我们不应该逃避问题,而应勇敢面对并解决它们。
We shouldn’t _____  ______  _______ the problems. We must face and solve them bravely.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:He    ▲   off the bike when he was riding it.
小题2: I'm not sure which hair style    ▲   me best.
小题3: He got up early this morning    ▲   the first bus.
小题4:Sally, go and see who    ▲   on the door.
小题5: You should study hard, or you    ▲   many good chances.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

everything,  robot,  spend,  factory,  fly,  able,  housework,  answer,  other,  work,  space,  science
In one hundred years everyone will carry a small computer. The computer will give people the ①____________ to all their questions. We will all have ②____________ at our homew. So we’ll be ③____________ to let robots do most of the ④____________. While making a telephone call, we’ll also be able to see the people on the ⑤____________ end at the same time.
A lot of people will live and work under sea or in ⑥____________ because there will be big towns and ⑦____________ there. Robots will do most of the work, and people will just ⑧____________ two or three days a week. They’ll be able to ⑨____________ to the moon in a spaceship and ⑩____________ their holidays there.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

1. want, I, have, bike, my, repaired, tomorrow, to
2. fell, father, asleep, I, TV play, while, watching, the, was
3.found, wallet, way, his , he, a, on, home
4. study, pleased, your, with, mother, is, your
_      ?
5. used, the, what, was, knife, for


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

…teach       lie       write      fly        put…
1. Mr. Wang                 the poor students in western areas for two months in 2009.
2. ―I didn’t see you at yesterday’s farewell party.
―Oh, I                   an article for today’s report at that time.
3. The Whites                  to Japan for a trip, so no one answers the doorbell today.
4. ―Why don’t you make the bed, Peter?
―Mum feels very sleepy and she                    in it.
5. The naughty boy             his school bag on the table and rushed out to play football.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:Betty is often seen ______(help) the old man with his housework.
小题2:He prefers ______(take) part in the public activities rather than stay at home alone.
小题3:They ______(agree) with each other, so they argued for a long time.
小题4:Animals are our friends, so ______(protect) them is our duty.
小题5:You have ______(award) a scholarship to study violin at our School of Music.

