精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:In the past, most of people here___________(ride) bikes to work.
小题2:If you answer the questions    ___    (correct), you won’t get the present.
小题3:He finished his homework by __________ (ask)his sister for help.
小题4:Millions of trees _____________(plant) in the west of China so far.
小题5:All of us clapped and shouted with   __    (excite) when we saw the film star.
小题6:The goal of Project Hope is _________(help) students and schools in poor areas.
小题7:My friends _________(wait) for me at the entrance when I got to the station .
小题8:The parade was so wonderful that I couldn’t stop_________(take)photos.
小题9:The old man should _________( speak) to politely by the young people.
小题10:This kind of computer is _________(wide) used in our country.
小题11:I have less money ,but my life is much __________(meaning) .
小题12:The little girl is often heard ____________ (sing) in the room.
小题13:We are often told _________(not play) computer games all day.
小题14:The terrible noise sounds     ___      (please).
小题15:The singer Zhang Guorong __________(die) for ten years.Many fans miss him very much.

小题4:have been planted
小题6:to help
小题7:were waiting
小题9:be spoken
小题11:more meaningful
小题12:to sing
小题13:not to play
小题15:has been dead

小题4:句意:到目前为止,中国西部已经植了成千上万的树。结合语境可知本句描述的是现在已经完成的动作,故用完成时态。主语是动作对象,故用被动语态。trees 是复数,故助动词用have,填:have been planted 。
小题6:句意:希望工程的目的是帮助贫困地区的学生们和学校。不定式做表语表示具体的将要进行的动作,结合语境可知填不定式to help,帮助。
小题7:句意:当我到达车站时,我的朋友们正在入口处等我。结合语境可知前文描述的是过去某时正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时态。主语my friends是复数,故助动词用复数形式,填:were waiting,等待。
小题8:句意:阅兵队伍是如此精彩,因此我禁不住拍了一些照片。短语couldn’t stop doing sth禁不住做某事,故填动名词taking,拍照。
小题9:句意:年轻人应该礼貌地对老年人说话。结合语境可知本句主语为说话的对象,故用被动语态。结合前文情态动词should,可知填be spoken,说话。
小题11:句意:我的钱很少,但是我的生活更有意义。结合语境可知填形容词比较级more meaningful,更有意义的,作表语。
小题12:句意:常常听见这个女孩在房间里面唱歌。Hear后接不带to的不定式做宾语补足语,但是当变为被动语态后,要在不定式前面加上不定式符号to,故填:to sing,唱歌。
小题13:句意;我们经常被告诫不要整天玩电脑游戏。Tell后接带to的不定式做宾语补足语,不定式的否定式是在不定式符号前加not,故填:not to play,不要玩。
小题15:句意:歌手张国荣已经死了十年了。许多粉丝非常想念他。结合语境可知前文描述的是已经持续了十年的状态,故用现在完成时态。主语张国荣是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用单数,本句强调的是持续到现在的状态,故用持续性动词be,填:has been dead

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Dear students,
As we all know, good health is important for success in exams, so I’m   小题1:  (写) to give you all some ways which are    小题2:  (有帮助的) to you
First of all, it is necessary that you sleep well    小题3:  (在……期间) the exam period in order that you can have   小题4:  (足够的) energy. Second, a healthy, balanced   小题5:  (饮食) is important to your success. In order to eat healthily, try to avoid eating food high in fat. It’s   小题6: (更好) for you to eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are   小题7: (充满) of vitamins. Besides, don’t forget to take exercise no matter how busy you are. It can help you build a strong  小题8:   (身体) as well as making you relaxed.
 小题9: (另一个) way I will share with you is this: studying with other people will help you discuss and form your own ideas. Plus, you won’t feel   小题10: (孤单的)!
Best wishes and stay healthy.
Li Hua


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

There is going to b  小题1:   a “helping hands” meeting in the hall of Sunshine Community centre this Sunday morning .
If your hair is t  小题2: long or want to change y小题3:   hairstyle, the hairdressers at the Beautiful Hair Club will h 小题4: you .They cut hair very well, the C 小题5:   Group knows a lot about computers .Bring your b 小题6:   computers to them . The helpers will 小题7:  them for you. People can also learn m  小题8: about computers from them. If you want to cook delicious food f 小题9:  your family ,the Delicious Kitchen w 小题10:help you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Is Beijing the ______________(首都) of China?
小题2:      (/?f?l??/) me, boys and girls! Let’s enjoy our trip to the zoo.
小题3:Would you like to live in a _____________(宫殿)
小题4:Jane,        (记住) to put your English book into your bag before going out.
小题5:We are very        (幸运的) to have a good teacher like Mr. Wang.
小题6:Would you please open the windows? The air is not        (清新的) at all.
小题7:Hangzhou is            (近的) to Shanghai.
小题8:Just go        (径直) along the road, and you’ll see the bookshop on your right.
小题9: —Please send me a text        (信息) about the trip to Australia?
— Sure.
小题10:Mo Yan is quite f      (known by many people) now. Many people know about him.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Mr Zhang is always_______ ________(对…严格) his students.
小题2:Do you know how to_____ _____(处理,对付) this kind of problems?
小题3:You are_____ _____(不再) a child; try to do it by yourself.
小题4:Please_____it_____(仔细考虑)before making an important decision.
小题5:The driver_____ _____(减速) When he crossed the busy road.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

首字母填空 根据所给字母提示填写对话中所缺的单词
Disneyland is called by kids all o 小题1:the world the “Happiest Place On Earth”. This year Disneyland turns over 50!
I小题2:1955, the American man Walt Disney built Disney’s first theme park in California, the US. When he opened it, he wanted t 小题3:make a dreamland.In the dreamland parents and c小题4:___ could both  enjoy the happiness and adventure. From Sleeping Beauty’s castle to the spinning teacups, there’s a lot to see and d  小题5:in this dream town.
There a  小题6:now 11 Disneyland parks in the world. Since 1955, Disneyland parks h 小题7:welcomed over 500 million visitors. The 11th Disneyland is in Hong Kong. It will be the first Disneyland in China and will open in September.
Disneyland parks will give dance shows and open new castles to c 小题8:___ the birthday. Visitors can take their pictures t 小题9:with their favourite Disney stars, like Mickey M__小题10:.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用  用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)
小题1:The first lesson _______ (start) at 7:00 a.m. every day.
小题2:The weather will be even _____________(bad) the day after tomorrow.
小题3:A few minutes later, I heard the ____________(excite)shouts.
小题4:Some wild animals are in danger of the _______________ (lose) of living areas.
小题5:Our English teacher encourages us ____________ (speak) English as much as possible.
小题6:Mrs. Green asked the children to help ____________ (they) to some cakes.
小题7:If we don’t protect the wetlands, it will be______________ (possible) to see these endangered birds, such as pandas and swans.
小题8:Do you know how sharp            (wolf) teeth are?
小题9:It was very clear that he was very angry because he looked at me ___________(angry).
小题10:— I didn't see you at the party yesterday.
— Oh, I _____________ (wait) for an important call from my brother.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Low-carbon is a popular word nowadays.  We should make a great contribution to__________(保护)the environment.
小题2:There are 56_______(民族)in China.  We are like a big family.
小题3:There will be a ________(强) Wind in the northeast of china.
小题4:GPS is one of the greatest__________(发明) in the world.
小题5:Bolt is a magic__________(奔跑着) in the world I think.
小题6:I’m Sorry to tell you that the situation has become _______(坏) than before.

