精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:Mr Zhang is always_______ ________(对…严格) his students.
小题2:Do you know how to_____ _____(处理,对付) this kind of problems?
小题3:You are_____ _____(不再) a child; try to do it by yourself.
小题4:Please_____it_____(仔细考虑)before making an important decision.
小题5:The driver_____ _____(减速) When he crossed the busy road.

小题1:strict with
小题2:deal with
小题3:no longer
小题4:think over
小题5:slowed down

试题分析:小题1:张老师总是对他的学生很严格。be strict with sb 对某人严格的
小题2:你知道如果处理这种问题吗?deal with处理,对付
小题3:你不再是个孩子了,试着自己一个人做它。no longer不再
小题4:在做重要的决定之前,请仔细考虑一下。think over仔细考虑
小题5:当通过繁忙的路段时,司机会减速的。slowed down减速

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Zhao Xing, with only a __小题1:___(地图), a travel bag, and 30 yuan , left the Chinese mainland for the __小题2:___(第一)time to Taiwan. At the __小题3:___(机场), she was helped by a man who even told her his phone number.  A bus driver was kind to wake her up when she fell __小题4:___(睡着的) on the ride.
In Taiwan, Zhao told the man who__小题5:___ (给) her a ride that she was from Beijing. The man asked if there was __小题6:___(任何事) else he could do to help make her journey __小题7:___(更好的).
“After coming back and thinking over everything I’ve experienced ,I realized that the people impressed me the most, not the beautiful scenes or tasty food.” Zhao __小题8:___(写) in her online diary.
From Beijing to Taiwan, so close, so __小题9:__(遥远的) away. Zhao’s wish is to encourage others to realize their __小题10:___(自己的) dreams of making the world a smaller , more friendly place for all.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

小题1:Don’t forget to buy a s       before you post the letter.
小题2:The old man lives in the house by himself , so he feels very l           .
小题3:You must t       away the waste . It’s very dirty.
小题4:Mother often w         me to practice playing the guitar harder.
小题5:The students often have a f         exam at the end of the term.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

It        Kitty half an hour        go to school on a bike every day.
We are        forward to        the local farm.
Would you like to        us        your hometown?
Sunshine Shopping Mall is        the        of our school.
There is               with my computer.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:In the past, most of people here___________(ride) bikes to work.
小题2:If you answer the questions    ___    (correct), you won’t get the present.
小题3:He finished his homework by __________ (ask)his sister for help.
小题4:Millions of trees _____________(plant) in the west of China so far.
小题5:All of us clapped and shouted with   __    (excite) when we saw the film star.
小题6:The goal of Project Hope is _________(help) students and schools in poor areas.
小题7:My friends _________(wait) for me at the entrance when I got to the station .
小题8:The parade was so wonderful that I couldn’t stop_________(take)photos.
小题9:The old man should _________( speak) to politely by the young people.
小题10:This kind of computer is _________(wide) used in our country.
小题11:I have less money ,but my life is much __________(meaning) .
小题12:The little girl is often heard ____________ (sing) in the room.
小题13:We are often told _________(not play) computer games all day.
小题14:The terrible noise sounds     ___      (please).
小题15:The singer Zhang Guorong __________(die) for ten years.Many fans miss him very much.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

This is not my book. It is         .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:If you want to be a __________(科学家),you must study really hard on your lessons.
小题2:I had an unpleasant ___________(经历)last Sunday and I didn’t tell it to anyone.
小题3:Mary made her             (决定;决心) to get better grades.
小题4:Don’t be ____________(紧张的). Everything is OK.
小题5:Everyone wants __________(自由), especially our teenagers.
小题6:Sorry, I kept you ____________ (wait) for a long time.
小题7:They enjoyed ______________ (them) yesterday.
小题8:Becoming a _____________ (profession) athlete might seem like a dream job.
小题9:Wuhan is one of the ________ (hot) cities in China.
小题10:Be careful not to get ___________ (injure) when you exercise.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I like Love Me Once More, Mom. It’s so __________(move)
小题2:It’s very important for you _________( listen) to your teachers carefully in class.
小题3:I couldn’t fall __________( sleep) because it was too noisy outside.
小题4:These stories end with _________(happy) and laughter.
小题5:Before making an important ____________ (decide ), think it over.
小题6:She was very sad because of her grandmother’s __________ (die).
小题7:The bicycle needs ___________ (little) space.
小题8:Beth, you don’t need ____________ (send) the letter by post. You can do it by e-mail.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—When shall we meet again?
—Make it _____ day you like. It’s all the same to me.

