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Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a boy he was not happy in school. He seemed to be slower than others and he often failed in his exams. Most of his teachers did not like him. His parents, however, loved him very much. They often said to the teachers, “Albert is a bright boy. He failed in some of the exams because he had no interest in those subjects.” They believed their son would do something great. One day, the Einsteins and their friends were having a picnic by the riverside. Someone said, “See how the other children play and laugh, but not Albert. He just sits and looks off across the river.” Albert’s mother heard this and said, “Albert is quiet, because he’s thinking. Let’s wait and see. He’ll become a great scientist, I believe.”
She was right. Later, Albert became one of the greatest scientists in the world. He won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.
小题1:Albert Einstein was _________.
A. an artist        B. a journalist    C. a scientist    
小题2:He won the Nobel Prize for _______in 1921.
A. medicine       B. physics       C. chemistry    
小题3:Einstein often failed in some exams because___________.
A. he was quiet               
B. he wasn’t interested in those subjects  
C. he was not clever               
小题4:Einstein’s mother ________.
A. understood her son               
B. complained about her friend
C. was pleased with the teachers     
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Einstein enjoyed playing with others.        
B. Einstein was happy at school.
C. Einstein was born in Germany.

小题1:细节理解题。根据Albert became one of the greatest scientists in the world. 阿尔伯特成为世界上最伟大的科学家之一,可知答案填C
小题2:细节理解题。根据He won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.他在1921年获得诺贝尔物理奖,可知答案填B
小题3:细节理解题。根据He failed in some of the exams because he had no interest in those subjects.他一些考试不及格因为他对那些科目没兴趣,可知答案填B
小题4:细节理解题。根据They believed their son would do something great.他们相信他们的儿子会做大事的,可知答案填A
小题5:推理判断题。根据As a boy he was not happy in school.See how the other children play and laugh, but not Albert. He just sits and looks off across the river.作为一个男孩,他在学校不开心,看其他的孩子们如何玩和笑,但没有阿尔伯特,他只是坐着看河对面,可知答案填C

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What’s the meaning of “dark horse”? It’s someone who wins when no one expects it.
Han Xiaopeng took China’s first gold on snow. He became an Olympic “dark horse” last Thursday by winning the gold medal in men’s freestyle aerial skiing(自由式滑雪空中技巧) at Turin in Italy. He made two almost perfect jumps for the highest score. Han had never won a world gold medal before, let alone(更不用说) in the Olympics!
“I never thought this would happen,” said the 23-year-old. “I feel like I’m in a dream.” It’s China’s second gold medal at the Turin Olympics. But more important, Han’s gold was the country’s first ever in a snow sport. In 2002, China’s Yang Yang won the gold for speed skating at the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, US.
Just because Han’s win was unexpected doesn’t mean that he didn’t work hard.
Han grew up in Jiangsu Province. Before he started his training on snow, he used to be an acrobat(杂技演员) at a circus. In 1995, a coach found his talent(才能). The coach, Yang Er’qi, said Han had the agility(灵活性) and courage to be a ski jumper. When Yang first took the 12-year-old to northern China, the boy couldn’t swim, skate or ski. But he wasn’t afraid of the high platform(跳台) and kept on training.
Han almost left the sport after hurting his knee months before the Salt Lake Games. In that Olympics he only got 24th. “I was hopeless at that time, but my family and the coach stood firmly(坚强地) behind me, helping me through,” he recalled.
Han Xiaopeng worked so hard that he won the gold medal in the Olympics at last. Because of his success, more and more people in China are becoming interested in skiing. We are proud of him and we hope he will have another big success in the next winter Olympics.
小题1:What does ‘dark horse’ mean? It means _____________.
A.a horse which is dark
B.someone who is expected to win
C.a horse which likes living in the dark
D.someone whose win is unexpected
小题2:Where did Han Xiaopeng take China’s first gold on snow?
A.In China .B.In Italy.C.In America.D.In Australia.
小题3:What made the coach, Yang Er’qi, choose Han Xiaopeng to be a ski jumper?
A.He had the agility and wasn’t afraid of the high platform.
B.He was good at skiing though he was only 12 years old.
C.He was born in the north of China and liked sports on snow.
D.He had the talent and he had won a world gold medal before.
小题4:Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.He was 23 when he won the gold medal at the winter Olympics.
B.He made two almost perfect jumps and got the highest score.
C.No one had won the gold before Han Xiaopeng at the winter Olympics.
D.He never gave up even though he had faced many difficulties.
小题5:What is the best title for this passage?
A.A Dark Horse at the Winter Olympics
B.A Wonderful Match
C.A Hopeless Snow Game
D.An Exciting Horse Race


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

George worked in London. He wasn't married, and usually had his lunch, and sometimes his dinner, in small restaurants. One evening he decided to go to an expensive restaurant, and when he got in, he saw a large, heavy man whom he had not seen for several years sitting by himself at a  table. He thought for a few moments and then remembered the man's name. So he went up to him and said politely, "Hello, Mr Grey. How is your business?"
"Oh, it's not good at all," the large man answered.
George looked at the expensive food and wine on Mr Grey's table and was surprised. "It certainly doesn't look like what you said," he said.
"Well," Mr Grey answered sadly, "I'm afraid you are wrong. A few years ago I was doing very well, and I could afford to bring my wife to this place for dinner too."
小题1:George usually had his lunch in small restaurants because ______.       
A.he wasn't able to do some cooking
B.he had no wife
C.he liked to do so
D.there were only small restaurants around
小题2:______ one evening.
A.George was invited to dinner in an expensive restaurant
B.George invited some friends to have dinner in an expensive restaurant
C.George went to an expensive restaurant himself
D.George ate a lot of expensive food and wine
小题3:Mr Grey told George ______.
A.his business wasn't as good as before
B.his wife wasn't well at all
C.he hadn't seen him for some years
D.he was used to eating expensive food and wine
小题4:Mr Grey's wife ______.
A.often had dinner in small restaurants
B.always had dinner in expensive restaurants with her husband
C.knew George very well
D.used to have dinner with her husband in the expensive restaurant
小题5:When Mr Grey said his business wasn't good at all, George ______.   
A.didn't believe what he saidB.was not surprised to hear that
C.agreed with what he saidD.was asked to have dinner with him


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hao Xue, a Grade Nine top student had a problem recently. She used to get marks of over 110 points on her math tests. But in the last final exam, her math score was only 90 points.
It was a shock. "I don't know what happened, "said Hao, who kept feeling nervous and frustrated like Hao, many of us have setbacks(挫折) in life. What should you do to deal with these setbacks?
Hao chose to face her problem. Her parents and teachers also gave her help. After some hard work her math marks were between 100 and 110. Although she still wasn't at her original level, she didn't panic anymore."Don't be scared by setbacks, you will beat it. "said Hao.
Chen Xingzhu in Shenzhen also has a story to tell. The 15-year-old girl is not good at doing sit-ups,
which is necessary for the coming high school PE entrance exam. One student has to do at least 35 sit-ups in a minute to pass the test. Most of her classmates can do 40. However, she can only do 20.
Feeling worried, Chen decided to do something. She did sit-ups for half an hour every day after school. Now after a month, she can do 30 sit-ups in a minute."I finally found what made me slow through
continuous practice and then improved little by little."said Chen, "I believe I will be able to do 40 next month."
小题1:Why did Hao Xue keep feeling nervous and frustrated?
A. She lost interest in math.
B. Her math score dropped.
C. She couldn't catch up with her classmates.
小题2:The word "panic" in the fourth paragraph probably means ______.
A. be scared        B. feel relaxed         C. work hard
小题3:How many sit-ups could Chen Xingzhou do at first?
A. 20.          B. 30.                     C. 40.
小题4:We can tell from the story that Hao and Chen both______.
A. turned to their teachers and parents for help
B. felt worried and escaped from their problems
C. faced their problems and worked hard to solve them
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A. When Hao felt down, nobody offered to help her.
B. With hard work, Hao is back to her original level in math.
C. Chen is confident and she will pass the coming PE test.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A young man once went to town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he found that they were about two inches (英寸)long.
He went to the kitchen, there his mother and two sisters were doing housework .He said to them, “The new trousers are too long. Could one of you help me to shorten them by two inches?” But they were too busy and they said nothing and were still working.
After his mother finished washing all the plates ,she shortened the trousers by two inches. Then one of his sisters remembered his trousers and shortened them by two inches. When the other sister came back from cinema, she also remembered the new trousers. “I nearly forgot that,” she thought. Then she shortened them by two inches.
Answer the questions(回答下列问题):5%
小题1:Who did the young man buy the pair of trousers for?
小题2:What did he want his family to do?
小题3:Did his family hear what he said?
小题4:Who shortened the trousers first?
小题5:How many people shortened the trousers?
小题6:How would the man probably feel when he tried on the trousers the next day?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was the first week of the summer vacation. Dad said to Mike, “Charlie hurt his foot and can’t      for two weeks. Can you work with      on the boat?” Charlie was Dad’s helper.
Mum said, “We know you had plans with your friends, but Dad really needs your     .”
“Sure, Dad, I would love to,” Mike replied.
Dad and Mike left early the next morning. “Fishing is a(n)     job,” Mike thought. But he kept working. When he found they were      more and more crabs (蟹), Mike was so excited.
It was late afternoon when they returned home. Mum       had dinner ready for them, but Mike was so tired that he went straight to bed.
The next morning Mike’s arms hurt a lot.    , he had such a good time with Dad that he decided to keep helping him. 
The       week(s) passed soon. Charlie came back to work. Mike enjoyed being out on the       , so he asked, “May I come too?”
Dad looked surprised and said, “Sure!”
They all jumped       the boat and set off to the ocean. The rest of the summer would be great for the three of them.
A.hardB.easyC.new D.old
A.stillB.already C.neverD.always


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The wolves (狼) are very hungry饿. They go out to look for food. There are many sheep ( 羊 ) near the hill( 山). There are also a few sheepdogs with them. The wolves think of an idea. They speak to the sheepdogs,“ You are like us and we are brothers. But we have a very different life. We do what we like, and you must work for man. They make you look after照看 their sheep. They eat meat and give you the bones (骨头). If you listen to us and give  us the sheep, we can eat them together. All of us will be happy,right?”The dogs are happy and do like this. The wolves ask the dogs to go to their house. The sheepdogs go to the wolves’ home. But the wolves eat them and then eat the sheep.
小题1:The wolves go out for food because           .
A.they see the sheep near the mountain
B.they see the sheepdogs
C.they are hungry
D.they want to go out
小题2:The sheepdogs work for                    .
小题3:Why do the wolves ask the sheepdogs to go to their home?
A.Because they want to eat them.
B.Because they want to be sheepdogs ’ friends.
C.Because they want to help sheepdogs to get freedom( 自由).
D.Because their home is near this mountain.
小题4:What do the sheepdogs do?
A.Play with the sheep.B.Look after the sheep.
C.Work with man.D.Eat the bones.
小题5:What do you think of the wolves?
A.Shy. B.Lazy.C.Kind.D.Sly(狡猾).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Marc sat next to me when we were in Hill Junior School. He had a serious    in communicating with people. One always had to guess what he was saying.    , most of my classmates did not like to be with him because his hands and shirts were always    . I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by    him several times a day to wash his hands. But he just could not understand.
One day, our teacher Miss West walked up to Marc.     saying anything, she took Marc to the washroom. Slowly, Miss West washed his    and told him that he should keep  himself clean. She did that every day for one month.     , Marc understood.
Miss West's love has given me a good example to follow when I   my job. I always remember to teach my students by showing them the right   to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them    to learn and to grow up.
A.At lastB.At firstC.Such asD.So far
A.didB.am doingC.have doneD.am going to do
A.more adviceB.less adviceC.more timeD.less time


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When I was fourteen years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time I had been abroad (Like many English children, I had often been to France). So when I went to America I thought I would have a nice easy holiday without any language problem.
How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a public telephone to tell my American friend Danny that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked if he could help me.
“Yes,” I said, “I want to give my friend a ring.”
“Well, that’s nice,” he said, “Are you getting married? But aren’t you too young?”
“Who is talking about marriage?” I replied, “I only want to give my friend a ring to tell him I’ve arrived. Can you tell me where there is a phone box?”
“Oh,” he said, “there is a phone downstairs.”
When at last we met, Danny explained the misunderstanding to me.
“Don’t worry,” he said to me, “I had so many difficulties at first. There are lots of words which Americans use differently in meaning from British people. You’ll soon get used to all the funny things they say. Most of the time, British and American people understand each other.”
小题1:The writer was from________.
小题2:The writer thought ________ in America at first.
A.he wouldn’t have any language difficulties
B.he would be lost and he had to call the police for help
C.he wouldn’t understand the Americans
D.he would have a terrible holiday
小题3:The writer wanted to ________ at the airport.
A.have a mealB.buy a mapC.call his friendD.find an old man
小题4:According to the friendly old man, “give somebody a ring” means “________”.
A.make a telephone call to somebody
B.be going to get married
C.buy a ring for somebody
D.ask somebody to wear a ring
小题5:The underlined word “they” refers to ________.
A.the old man and the boyB.the British
C.the FrenchD.the Americans

