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3. We two application letters so far.

a. received    b .have received     c .were receiving


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


       Around the world,people have different ideas about what good manners (礼貌) are. 

       When you go to restaurants in different parts of the world,it's important to know the

right and wrong things to do. (2)For example,in China it's OK to make a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact,if a restaurant isn't noisy and lively? you may think there's something wrong with it. However,in many Western countries,restaurants are quiet places. If a table is too loud,other people who are eating there will be unhappy. Paying the bill is also (1)country to country. In China one person usually pays for everyone. In Western countries,if friends eat together,they usually share the cost. This is called “go Dutch”. Also ,

when Westerners pay the bill,they usually leave some money for the waiter. This is called “leaving a tip (小费) ”.Leaving a tip is thought to be polite.

       The way people eat food is different in the world? but you can find the same kinds of food in many countries. Chinese and Italian food,for example,are popular all over the world.


1.在(1) 处填上适当的词,使句意完整,上下文通顺:

2. 将(2) 句译成中文:


3. How will other people feel if a table is too loud in Western countries?


4.在文中找出 People think it's polite to leave a tip 的同义句:





科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Some of the sentences below are wrong. Underline the mistakes and correct them in the blanks. Put a tick (√) in the blank if it is correct.

1 This box is very heavy. Let me carry it for you.

2 Look at the tiger on TV. He is so strong!

3 There is a small bag under the bed. Can you see it?

4 My sister is going to have a baby soon. I guess she is a girl.

5 This TV programme is very funny,isn^ this?

6 The book about travelling is very interesting. I love reading them.

7 Isn't it boring to watch such a long film?

8 —Who's knocking at the door?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Simon: What ⑴ you usually (do) at the weekend,Amy?

Amy: I usually (2) (read) books and magazines. Since I ⑶ (write) an article about music these days,Tm going to read something about Peter Tchaikovsky this weekend. My mum often

(4) (go) shopping on Saturday. I sometimes (5)(go) with her. What about you,Simon?

Simon: I usually (6)(play) football with my friends at the weekend.

Amy: (7) you (watch) football games too?

Simon: Yes,I do. There's going to be a game between Manchester United and

Real Madrid this Saturday. It (8) (start) at 2 a.m.

Amy: Is Manchester United your favourite football club?

Simon: Yes,but my favourite football star (9) (leave) the club next Sunday. What a pity!

Amy: Oh,my mum (10) (call) me for dinner. I have to go now. See you.

Simon: See you.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My dearest mum

There wae always somebody Standing beside me in the paetyaare.

When I (sleep) ,

I (2) (small) the dellcloue breakfaetyou were

making for me.

When you ⑶ (coma) home after work,

I  (4) (do) homework in my comfortable bedroom.

Whan I(5)(watch) TV, You (6) (cook) dinner.

Whan I(7) (drink) eoft drinks,

You (8)(put) dirty cbthes into the washing


When I  (9) (talk) on the phone ,

You (10) (clean) my room. Thank you  so much

For doing everything for me

In the past years.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(B : Abbreviations are often used in informal writing. Write the abbreviations of the words below. You may use a dictionary to help you.

1 September            2 kilogram

3 especially            4 Thursday

5 mathematics          6 Wednesday

7 July               8 centimetre 

9 government            10 minute

11 information          12 transitive verb


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Complete the sentences below with object clauses.

1 Did you notice Mary leave the party early yesterday?

Did you notice that ?

2 Millie saw two planes fly over her home just now.

Millie saw that.

3 Amy considers it uncomfortable to go to school by bus.

Amy considers that

4 I do not find it easy to repair this bicycle.

I do not find that.

5 Philip heard his neighbour playing the piano this morning.

Philip heard that.

6 She thinks it necessary to go jogging every day.

She thinks that ,


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4 Carl went to Russia with his parents at the age of eight, (when)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Simple future tense with be going to

B1.Read the sentences and complete the questions and answers below.

1 Amy is going to borrow a book from the library.

Q:  a book from the library?

A: Yes, .

2 David and Tommy are going to see a film this evening.

Q:   a film this evening?

A: Yes, .

3 The sun is shining. It is not going to rain this afternoon.

Q:   this afternoon?

A: No, .

4 Mr Wang gets up late this morning. He is going to be late for work.

Q:  late for work this morning?

A: Yes, .

