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“Why does the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!”
That’s an old joke in the west, but it came to my mind again when I saw people crossing the road at the intersection of Shanxi Road and Huaihai Road in Shanghai.
When the traffic light was red, a group of people were waiting for the light to change. Suddenly one man began rushing to the other side of the road. Soon others followed him at the crossing and more people did the same. Just like chickens, they didn’t mind the honking horns(喇叭声) and kept crossing the road in a mess.
Every year several thousand people are either killed or hurt on the roads in Shanghai. And at least one third of them were jaywalking(乱穿马路). Jaywalking is very common in Shanghai. It seems that jaywalkers are not afraid of the danger to themselves.
Traffic laws are to keep people safe. So we should obey them, and have good road-crossing habits. When someone starts to jaywalk, we should stop him, and never follow him. That way we can avoid the traffic accidents.
【小题1】The underlined word “intersection” here probably means “       ”.

A.road B.bridge C.crossing D.traffic
【小题2】The writer saw people      in Shanghai that day.
A.crossing the road in a mess B.waiting for the green light patiently
C.crossing the road with chickens D.hurting each other in the street
【小题3】How does the writer like what he saw in Shanghai that day?
A.He thinks it’s OK. B.He thinks it’s wrong.
C.He has no idea of it. D.He doesn’t mention it




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F)。
We are playing a hide – seek game (捉迷藏). My name is Bill, where am I?  I’m under the bed. My friend Tom and Tim are in the tree(在树上). My friend, Eric is in the big(大的) case. My sister, Gina is looking for us(寻找我们).
【小题1】Bill is under the bed.
【小题2】Tom and Tim are in the tree.
【小题3】Eric is Bill’s brother.
【小题4】Gina isn’t Bill’s sister.
【小题5】There are (有) 5 children(孩子) playing the game (做游戏).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Thank you for asking me to play soccer with you. But I’m afraid I can’t. I have a piano lesson on Tuesday. Maybe another time.
Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party on Friday. I’d love to come, but I have to go to New York that day. I hope you will have a happy birthday party.
Thanks a lot for your invitation. I’d love to go to your house for dinner on Thursday. But I have to get my things ready(准备) for traveling(旅行). How about coming to my house with Lily? My mother cooks fish very well. I think you’ll like it. I hope to see you before I’m leaving.
Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? Lucy and Lily will come.
【小题1】How many invitations does Nancy send?
A、Two.                 B、Three.               C、Four.
【小题2】        will have a birthday party.
A、Sam                  B、Sandy                C、Lucy
【小题3】Nancy will go to New York on       .
A、Tuesday              B、Wednesday            C、Friday
【小题4】What does Nancy have to do on Thursday?
A、To get her things ready for traveling.
B、To cook fish for Lucy and Lily.
C、To play soccer with Sam.
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A、Nancy is coming to Lucy’s house for dinner.
B、Nancy invites Rose to come to her house for dinner.
C、Lucy and Lily can’t come to Nancy’s house for dinner.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground. It was very wet after it rained. One day,when he got home,his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry and said,” don’t play in the water on your way home from school!”
On the next day Bruno came back wet and dirty(脏的)clothes. His mother became even angrier.” I’ll tell your father you come back wet again.” said his mother,” He’ll punish you,you know.”
The third day the little boy was dry when he came home.
“you’re a good boy today,” his mother said happily,”you didn’t play in the water.”
“No,” the boy said unhappily.” There were too many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon. There wasn’t any room(空地方) for me at all.”
【小题1】Bruno went to school _____every day.

A.by bike B.by bus C.by car D.on foot
【小题2】The playground was between _____.
A.two classrooms
B.the cinema and shop
C.Bruno’s house and school
D.the shop and Bruno’s school
【小题3】The little boy liked to play on the playground______.
A.when it snowed
B.when there was some water there
C.when the children played football there
D.when his father was busy with his work
【小题4】 Bruno was afraid of _____ most.
A.his father B.his mother C.his teacher D.the other boys
【小题5】 That afternoon, the boy’s clothes were dry because ____.
A.nobody made room(地方)for him in the water.
B.there was no water on the playground
C.he took off his clothes before he played there.
D.he played in the water carefully.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A lot of people are crazy doing shopping through the Internet now. Why is it so popular? There are some reasons. First, more and more people have their own computers and their computers can be joined with the Internet. So it is possible for many of them to do shopping through the Internet. Second, shopping through the Internet can save them some money and a lot of time. Third, they don't need to go to the shop themselves. Because of these good facts, few people refuse it.
On the other hand, some people don' t like this new way of shopping. They are worried about the safety of shopping online. Customers(顾客) can only see the pictures of productions (商品) on the Internet. And they can' t enjoy the pleasure of buying things in large supermarkets or some wonderful stores. These are the reasons why they do not like it.
But I think more and more people will like this new kind of shopping in the future.
【小题1】Many people are interested in shopping online.
【小题2】Shopping on line can only save money.
【小题3】All the productions on the Internet are good.
【小题4】Some people dislike shopping online because they don' t have their own computers.
【小题5】The writer of the passage supports (支持) shopping on line.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How important is music? When they are asked this question, students and parents usually answer that music is nice, but not very important. It is often considered only as entertainment, but not the first choice for education. This opinion is shortsighted. In fact, music education is necessary and important for all students.
Music tells us who we are. Music reflects the creators’ thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. For example, just as Mozart music represents a lifestyle, rock music represents a lifestyle, too. The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions.
Music provides a kind of ability to know the world in a different way. Science explains how the sun rises and sets. Music explores the emotive meanings. We need every possible way to discover and response to our world because no one way can get it all.
Music is a form of thought, as powerful as science. It is a way we human beings “talk” to each other. Through the language we expresses our feelings, our discoveries, our ideas, our imagination and our hopes so that they can be shared with others. When we do not let our children receive good music education, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses. Science does not tell us what it means to be human. Music does.
So music education is much more necessary than people generally realize.
Title: Music education is of 【小题1】

Passage outline
               Detailed information
Shortsighted opinion: Music is only a way of entertainment, not the top choice for education.
Truth: Music education is necessary and important for all students.
Main Body
A way to tell who we are:
Music not only reflects the social environment it came from but also expresses people’s thinking and __【小题2】____
A way to know the world:
We can’t discover and respond to our world in just one way.
Science explains how nature 【小题3】.
Music explores the emotive meanings of nature.
A way to communicate with others:
We use music to【小题4】our feelings, our discoveries, our ideas, our imagination and our hopes with others.
Music, 【小题5】from science, tells us what it means to be human.
Music education is necessary.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Paragraph 1: Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They say that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day. They are: (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds; (2) citrus(柑桔) fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and foods made from milk; (6) bread or cereal(谷物), rice is also in this kind of food; (7) butter, or something like butter.
Paragraph 2: People in different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways. People in different countries eat at different times of the day. In some places people eat once or twice a day; in other countries people eat three or four times. Scientists say that none of the differences is really important. It doesn’t matter whether foods are eaten raw or cooked. It doesn’t matter if a person eats dinner at 4 o’clock in the afternoon or at 11 o’clock at night. The important thing is what you eat every day.
Paragraph 3: There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on earth. The first is to find some ways to feed the world’s population so that no one is hungry. The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to make them grow to be strong and healthy.
【小题1】From the first paragraph we know noodles belong to a kind of ______ food.

A.vegetable B.fruit C.meat D.cereal 
【小题2】According to the scientists, which of the following groups is the healthiest for your lunch?
A.chicken, apples, cereal, cabbages B.potatoes, rice, bread, carrots 
C.oranges, bananas, fish, tomatoes D.beef, pork, fish, milk 
【小题3】People in different places of the world ______.
A.have the right kinds of food to eat B.cook their food in the same way 
C.have their meals at the same time D.eat food in different ways 
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.People in some places don’t have enough to eat. 
B.There are too many people in the world. 
C.One of the problems is that no one is hungry. 
D.The scientists are trying to make people grow to be strong and healthy. 
【小题5】If there is Paragraph 4, what do you think is going to be talked about?
A.When people eat their meals. 
B.What to do with the two problems. 
C.How to cook food in different ways. 
D.Why people in different places eat different kinds of food. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We sometimes have to meet some difficulties that we never expect, but we should develop a positive attitude to life. Keeping a positive attitude isn't always easy, especially when we are going through a difficult time in our life. However, we know, only when we take a positive attitude, can we overcome the difficulties.
On July 23rd, 1993, Wang Jiapeng lost his legs when his plane crashed. Wang was only 12 years old. He felt he was the unluckiest person in the world. When he saw students with their schoolbags on their backs, the sound of his wheelchair made him sick. Wang’s mother took him to a special hospital in Beijing. She looked after him in the daytime and worked at night to make money. But after two years,
Wang was still not able to leave the hospital. Wang’s mother became too tired to go on and one day she herself became a hospital patient! One morning she woke up and saw her son holding breakfast for her. Wang’s trip to the food shop was his first time outside the hospital in two years. The five-minute walk took him thirty minutes.
But he was finally able to make an important decision. He didn’t care how other people looked at him. He had to learn to do things himself.
For the next few years, Wang taught himself all his middle school subjects in the hospital and five years after the accident, he won a chance to study in a college in Norway. Wang learned to drive, go rock climbing and ski. He even won two gold medals for skiing in an international skiing competition.
“You are what you think you are,” said Wang. “If you think you’re disabled, you are. If you don’t think so, you aren’t.”
So we know that if you can keep a positive attitude, even when things aren't going well in your life, you are the true winner of life.
【小题1】Wang Jiapeng, born on July 23rd, 1993, lost his legs because of a plane crash.
【小题2】At first he felt very unlucky when seeing others going to school.
【小题3】In order to look after him, his mother had to stop work and she finally fell ill.
【小题4】He finished the middle school by himself and got a chance to go to college.
【小题5】Positive thinking benefited Wang Jiapeng and he became good at skating.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Martin Lynch, an American businessman, had been going on vacation to a small Mexican fishing village for a number of ears. One morning while going for a walk along the beach, he saw his friend Pablo Perez, a local fisherman. Martin watched Pablo unload his boat and pack the fish in a box.
Martin noticed Pablo was smiling and looked very happy. He could also see several large fish in the boat. Martin greeted Pablo and asked how long it took to catch the fish. “Just a few hours,” replied Pablo. Martin asked, “Why didn’t you stay longer and catch more fish?” “I have enough for my family,” Pablo said. “And what do you do with the rest of your day?” asked Martin. “I take a nap, play with my children, spend time with my wife, and go into the village to see my friends and play cards, I have a full and busy life.” Martin explained that if Pablo worked longer hours and caught more fish, he could make more money. With the extra money, Pablo could buy more boats and catch money more fish. By selling the fish, Pablo could open his own factory and sell direct to supermarkets.
“Then what?” asked Pablo. “Well you would probably have to move to Mexico City to run the business. Finally, you would be able to sell your business and make millions of dollars,” replied Martin. “How long will that take?” asked Pablo.
Martin thought for a while and said it would probably take at least 15 years.
“And then what” asked Pablo.
“Well, that’s the best part,” Martin said. “You will be able to retire, buy a house near the ocean, sleep longer, play with your children, spend more time with your wife, see your friends, and play cards.”
【小题1】.What is the story mainly about?

A.A businessman and a fisherman have become friends.
B.A businessman learns how to fish from a fisherman.
C.A businessman wants to become a businessman.
D.A businessman gives advice to a fisherman.
【小题2】What makes the Mexican fisherman happy is ______________.
A.many friends to visit him B.a full and busy life
C.more boats and more fish D.the house near the ocean
【小题3】How can the fisherman make more money in the businessman’s view?
A.By buying a supermarket.
B.To move to Mexico City.
C.By selling his own business.
D.To work longer and catch more fish.
【小题4】The underlined word “unload” in the passage means ____________.
A.put … into B.take … away from
C.break down D.set off
【小题5】.We can infer from the passage that ____________.
A.the fisherman will stay the same with his life
B.the fisherman will leave the village for Mexico City
C.the business man will buy the fisherman’s boat
D.it takes all day for the fisherman to catch large fish

