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OK,  no,  her, and,  thank,this, dictionary, spell, it's, in
A: Excuse me, Mary. What's this    1     English?
B:      2      a dictionary.
A: How do you     3      it?          
B: D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.
A:      4      you. And is     5     your dictionary?
B:      6      , it isn't. It's     7       dictionary.     8      that's my dictionary.
A:     9      . This is her     10    and that is your dictionary
1.in 2.1t's 3.spell 4.Thank 5.this
6.No  7. her   8. And   9. OK   10. dictionary

科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      Li Hai is from a family of three people. They like to eat different kinds of food. Li Hai likes hamburgers
very much. He likes to have them for every meal. But he doesn't like vegetables at all. Li Hai's father is
from Guangdong. He likes rice very much. But he doesn't like meat at all. Li Hai's mother is from Dalian.
She likes fish and vegetables very much, but she doesn't like rice or hamurgers. They all like fruit.
1. How many people are there in Li Hai's family?
2. Does Li Hai like hamburgers?
3. What does his father like?
4. What doesn't his mother like?
5.Do they like fruit?


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Sport is very interesting and  my  friend Paul likes it very much. He plays tennis with his  sister every
morning. At school, he likes P.E. class. His P.E. teacher teaches him to play sports. In the aftemoon, he
goes to the sports club in his school. He plays  basketball  and  volleyballthere. In the evening, he plays
ping-pong  with  his father.  He  watches  sports games on TV everyday,  and  he wants to be a sports
player(运动员 ).
1. Paul likes sports very much because it is_______________.
2. Paul and __________ often play tennis in the morning.
3. Paul plays basketball and volleyball_____________in the afternoon.
4. Paul plays ping-pong with his father_________.
5. Paul likes watching ____________on TV every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Dear Cindy,
       Thank you very much for your letter. You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument.
Now I tell you. I like swimming very much, and I like volleyball, basketball. Swimming is my favorite
sport. I am good at chess, too. My favorite instrument is violin. I like playing the violin every weekend.
What about you? What's your favorite sport? Do you like to play the violin7 Please tell me. I want to
hear from you again.
1. Who is the letter to?
2. Who is the. letter from?
3. What can Mary do?
4. What does Cindy want to know?
5. What sport and instrument does Mary like best?


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

阅读Peter Green的自述,然后填写一家运动中心的会员证。
    I'm Peter Green.  I'm 14 years old.  I am in Class 2,  Grade 7. I like playing volleyball and basketballl.  My friends and I often play volleyball and basketball after school.   I like playing sports.  I want to join
your school sport center.
First name:l. __________
Last name:2. __________
Class:3.  __________
Sports he likes:4. __________


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    Brain is a school boy. He's twelve. He __1__ (live) in Shanghai now. He __2__ (be) from England. He
  studies in a junior middle school. He gets up at half past five every day. He __3__ (have) breakfast at
 seven after that, he goes to school with his friends. They __4__ (have) four classes in the morning and two
  in the afternoon In the everning he__5__ (do) his homework at home, but he often watches TV on
 Saturday evening. Brain likes __6__ (draw). He and his friends __7__ (join) an art club. He likes reading
  story books. Now he is reading an English book in his room.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       Alice has a sister and a brother. Her sister's name is Helen and her brother's name is Peter. Alice and Helen can paint, dance and swim. Alice can sing and play the piano, but Helen can't. She likes chess, but
she and Alice don't play chess.  Peter plays chess. Peter likes music.  He plays the violin, and he can sing
and dance.
1. There are________ people in the passage.                   
A. five                      
B. two
C. three                   
D. four
2. Helen can_________
A. sing                  
B. play the piano
C. dance and swim        
D. play the violin
3. Can Alice swim and paint?
A. Yes, she can.          
B. Yes, she can't.
C.  No, she can't.          
D. No, she can.
4. Who can sing and dance?
A. Alice and Helen.
B. Helen and Peter.
C. Helen, Alice and Peter.
D. Alice and Peter
5. Which of the following is RIGHT? 
A. Helen has two sisters and a brother.
B. Alice doesn't play chess.
C. Peter can't sing, dance or play chess.
D. Helen can't dance or draw.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       Hello, my name's Gina Green. I am from England. I am ten years old. My birthday is June3rd.  I like
strawberries and bananas.  I have a little brother. His name is Tony Green. Tony likes French fries.  His
birthday is October 25th. He is eight years old. Mary Miller, my best friend, is eleven years old, and her
birthday is September 5th. She likes ice cream best.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     The  1  in Britain is very different from our Chinese food. For example, they eat a lot of potatoes. 
They like to eat  2  every day. They eat bread  3  breakfast and usually for one other meal. They eat
 their bread with butter,  4   cheese or jam (果酱). Cheese and butter are made from  5 . They drink a 
lot of milk, too. They drink the milk cold or  6 , and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their  7 ,
 too. They are the world's biggest tea   8 . They don't eat much rice. And they like meat or fish with  9 
and other vegetables. They serve all these together. After the main meal they always have  10  sweet. 
They call this dessert. They don't have dumplings in Beijing.
(     )1. A. apples  
(     )2. A. it        
(     )3. A. to        
(     )4. A. maybe    
(     )5. A. milk      
(     )6. A. hot      
(     )7. A. milk      
(     )8. A. makers    
(     )9. A. tomatoes  
(     )10. A. something
B. tea      
B. them      
B. with      
B. be        
B. cow      
B. many      
B. tea      
B. buyers    
B. bananas  
B. anything  
C. food      
C. one        
C. on        
C. may      
C. meat      
C. much      
C. coffee    
C. drinkers  
C. pears      
C. everything
D. fruit    
D. they    
D. for                          
D. may be  
D. bread    
D. bread    
D. meal    
D. sellers  
D. potatoes
D. nothing  

