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 These days it is found that school students hardly have any sports. Is it because they have no 1        in sports? It may not be true. They often say they have 2        more important things to do.

What are these important things? Exams!They have to 3        themselves ready for all kinds of exams and tests in school. So many of them almost 4        bookworms (书呆子) .In the past in the summer holidays,they could do 5        they liked,but now they have to 6        all their time preparing. So7       have kept them away from going in for sports.

Because of the pressure (压力) from 8        parents and teachers,they9       to work harder and spend most of their time 10        books. As for the students themselves,they don't want to 11        the lessons because they want to further their studies. So it is necessary to give 12        of their spare time to their studies and 13        up their school sports.

It's true a good education cannot go without physical training,the14       is true,a quick mind hardly goes along with a15       body. Without a strong body,you can never do anything well,how can you make great success in life?

(   ) 1. A. interests B- interested   C. interesting   D. interest

(   ) 2. A. another   B. other   C. much   D. some

(   ) 3. A. make   B. have   C. get   D. let

(   ) 4. A. turn   B. grow   C. look   D. become

(   ) 5. A. anything   B. something   C. everything   D. nothing

(   ) 6. A. give   B. spend   C. take   D. cost

(   ) 7. A. teachers   B. parents   C. studies   D. holidays

(   ) 8. A. his   B. one's   C. their   D. other's

(   ) 9. A. try   B. hope   C. have   D. enjoy

(   ) 10. A. in   B. at   C. to   D. on

(   ) 11. A. miss   B. lose   C. leave   D. fail

(   ) 12. A. few   B. any   C. all   D. none

(   ) 13. A. give   B. take   C. put   D. send

(   ) 14. A. thing   B. same   C. word   D. kind

(   ) 15. A. strong   B. heavy   C. weak   D. ill


1. D空格前的no表示后跟名词,interest表示"兴趣",为不可数名词,.have no interest in表示"对……不感兴趣"。

2. C比较级前可用much ,表示比较的程度。

3. C与后面的ready for搭配的动词是get。

4. D四个选项的动词除了look (看起来) 外,都表示变化,turn常用于颜色,后跟形容词;grow 常用于状态,后跟形容词;只有become后可跟名词。

5. C与现在的死啃书本相对而言,过去学生可做everything they liked0

6. B与后面动词preparing搭配的动词是spend,牢记spend... doing sth.句型。

7. C使学生不能从事运动的是studies

8. C此处所指学生们的家长和老师,用复数的物主代词。

9. C学生处在各种压力之下,表示客观逼迫用"have to"。

10. D在……上花时间可表达为"spend... on sth."。

11. D根据空格后的"because they want to further their studies",说明学生不愿意学习不及格。

12. C上文表示学生要将全部时间用于学习。

13. A句意和空格后的up搭配,选用"give",是放弃的意思。

14. B与上句相对应,意思一致。

15. C句意表示"同样如此,身体虚弱就不会思维敏捷"。做题时,一定要注意类似hardly,rare,seldom等单词o

题目来源:中学英语组合训练完形填空+短文填词七年级 > Unit25


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A thirsty bee went to a river to drink. As it was drinking,the bee was 1        away by the running water.

A kind bird saw that the bee was in 2       . It picked 3        off a tree and threw 4        into the water in front of the bee. The bee climbed 5        the leaf,and it was brought 6        to the land. The bee thanked the bird a lot and then 7       .

Not 8       that,the bird was sitting 9        the branch of a tree. It did not know that a man was shooting at it. But the bee saw 10        the man was doing. So it flew into the man's 11        and stung (刺蜇) him. The 12       in the man's eye was so great that he was not able to 13        the bird,and the bird flew away. 14       the bee,15       life had been saved by the bird,was able to save the life of the bird.

(   ) 1. A. flying   B. brought   C. flowing   D. carried

(   ) 2. A. trouble   B. a trouble   C. danger   D. dangerous

(   ) 3. A. a leaf   B. leaves   C. leaf   D. the leaf

(   ) 4. A. them   B. one   C. it   D. this

(   ) 5. A. onto   B. on   C. to   D. at

(   ) 6. A. safety   B. safe   C. saved   D. safely

(   ) 7. A. climbed away   B. ran away

   C. flew away   D. got away

(   ) 8. A. long before   B. before long

   C. after long   D. long after

(   ) 9. A. in   B. on   C. at   D. by

(   ) 10. A. that   B. what   C. which   D. when

(   ) 11. A. eye   B. nose   C. mouth   D. ear

(   ) 12. A. pain   B. bee   C. bird   D. earache

(   ) 13. A. shoot   B. shoot at

   C. shoot to   D. shoot on

(   ) 14. A. In the way   B. On the way

   C. In a way   D. In this way

(   ) 15. A. her   B. the   C. whose   D. its


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The students were having their chemistry (化学) class. Miss Li was telling the c 1       what water was like. After that,she asked her students, "What's water?" No one s 2       for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again," Why don't you a 3       my question? Didn't I tell you w 4       water is like?"

Just then a boy put up his h 5       and said , " Miss Li,you told us that water has no c 6       and no smell. But where to find such kind of water? The water in the river behind my house i 7       always black and it has a bad smell. "Most of the children a 8       with him.

"I'm s 9      ,children, "said the teacher,"Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier. That's a p 10      .”

1. c       2. s       3. a       4. w       5. h         

6. c       7. l       8. a       9. s       10. g         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

"It's over!Thank goodness!" School was 1        and I was tired. I2       at the front of the school bus.

Janie,the driver,tries to 3        the uncomfortable atmosphere by striking the match of talks. I try to listen4      ,but usually I am too 5        thinking about my day. On this day,however,her talk was worth6       .

"My father's ill," she said to no one in particular (特别地) .I could see worry in her 7      . I had never seen her like this before. She always meets students8       a smile.

With a sudden change of interest,I asked, " what's wrong with him?"

With her eyes wet and her voice9      ,she answered, " Heart trouble."Her eyes lowered as she continued. "I've already 10        my mum,so I don't think I can stand losing him."I couldn't answer. My heart ached for her.

I sat on the 11        thinking of the great pain my own mother was thrown into when her father died. I saw how hard it was,and still is,for her. I wouldn't want anyone to go through that.

Suddenly I realized Janie wasn't only a bus12      ,that was just her job. She had a whole world of family and cares13      

I suddenly 14        very selfish. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver. I had judged her by her job and brushed her off as unimportant.

I shouldn't have been so selfish and selfcentered. 15       people is an art.

(   ) 1. A. in   B. off   C. over   D. on

(   ) 2. A. ran   B. walked   C. sat   D. stood

(   ) 3. A. rest   B. break   C. close   D. open

(   ) 4. A. polite   B. rude   C. politely   D. quickly

(   ) 5. A. busy   B. free   C. busily   D. freely

(   ) 6. A. looking at   B. agreeing with

   C. talking to   D. listening to

(   ) 7. A. eyes   B. face   C. mouth   D. ears

(   ) 8. A. with   B. within   C. without   D. for

(   ) 9. A. usually   B. usual   C. unusual   D. truly

(   ) 10. A. remembered   B. forgotten

   C. lost   D. missed

(   ) 11. A. seat   B. house   C. room   D. desk

(   ) 12. A. worker   B. driver   C. teacher   D. doctor

(   ) 13. A. also   B. either   C. too   D. at all

(   ) 14. A. felt   B. feel   C. thought   D. was

(   ) 15. A. Looking at   B. Understanding

   C. Getting to know   D. Watching


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mrs. Andrews had a young cat,and it was the cat's first winter. One evening it was 0 1       when it began to snow heavily. Mrs. Andrews1 2      for it everywhere and shouted 1 3       name,but she did not find it,so she telephone the police and said , " I have1 4       a small black cat. Has anybody found one?""No,madam," said the policeman at the other end, "But cats are r5       very strong animals. They sometimes1 6       for days in the snow,and when it melts (融化) or somebody f7       them,they are quite well." Mrs. Andrews f8       happier when she heard this. "And," she said, "Our cat is very c9       . She almost talks."

The policeman was getting tired, " Well then," he said" Why don't you put your telephone down? Maybe she is t10       to telephone you now."

1. o        2. 1       3. i       4. 1        5. r         

6. 1       7. f       8. f       9. c        10. t       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. They have visited many        in these two         .

   A. cities,countries   B. citys,countrys

   C. cities,countrys   D. citys,countries


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 11. These        want to have some        for lunch. So they decide to catch many.

   A. Germans,fish   B. Germans,fishes   C. Germen,fish   D. Germany,fish


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 28. The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a (n)        of courage and power.

   A. example   B. sign   C. mark   D. symbol


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. By the end of 2003,the peasants had planted        trees in their village.,

   A. five hundreds of   B. hundred of

   C. five hundred   D. five hundreds

