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(   ) 4. They have visited many        in these two         .

   A. cities,countries   B. citys,countrys

   C. cities,countrys   D. citys,countries

4. A以"辅音字母+y"结尾的名词变为复数时,把y改为i再加-es。

题目来源:中考英语丢分题修订版 > 单项选择


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes brought him b 1       umbrellas,and then he took them to a big shop in London. They were mended there. One day Mr. Brown went to London by train. He f 2       to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of h 3       was a man with an umbrella standing beside the seat. When the train a4       in London,Mr. Brown picked up the umbrella as he often did d 5       his journey by train. Just as he was getting off,he was stopped by the man. He said angrily, "That's m 6      !" Mr. Brown' s        face t 7       red and he gave it back to the man at once.

When Mr. Brown got to the big shop,the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at each of them,he said, "You've m 8       them very well. " In the afternoon he got into the train again. The s 9       man was in tie same seat. He looked at Mr.

Brown and his six umbrellas, "You've had 1 10       day," he said.

1. b       2. f       3. h       4. a       5. d         

6. m        7. t       8. m       9. s       10. 1      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 The Inspector of Schools arrived yesterday morning,and he spent the whole day examining the classes. The headmaster had told us a few days 1        that he was coming. I think the headmaster was very 2        about it,for every day,he came to all the classes,3       the teachers over and over again what they must do and examined the boys himself to see 4        they were ready for the inspector. He told us in our class that we were all fools and would be sure to make him lose face before the inspector. All this made us very nervous;and when the 5        walked into our class we were all very afraid. I felt that all I 6        knew had gone clean out of my 7       . The inspector is a tall man. He wears glasses and always looks very strict. He 8       on examining the class in English,and I was asked to read. I felt very nervous,but I got 9        without any bad mistakes. Some of the other boys,10       ,did not do well and the inspector 11        serious,though he did not say 12        We got along with history and geography;but when it came to math,he set us some very 13        problems to solve which we failed to do; so he looked very angrily at our teacher. Our teacher was very 14        with us later;but I am sure we should have done better if we had not been so afraid. I think I should like to be 15        when I grow up,because everyone should be afraid of me.

(   ) 1. A before   B. after   C. ago   D. later

(   ) 2. A. nervous   B. angry   C. afraid   D. sure

(   ) 3. A. asked   B. needed   C. promised   D. told

(   ) 4. A. whether   B. how   C. why   D. that

(   ) 5. A. teacher   B. students   C. headmaster   D. inspector

(   ) 6. A. never   B. often   C. ever   D. even

(   ) 7. A. hand B finger   C. heart D mind

(   ) 8. A. finished   B. stopped   C. kept   D. went

(   ) 9. A. on   B. through   C. down   D. out

(   ) 10. A. but   B. however   C. though   D. whatever

(   ) 11. A. looked   B. felt   C. seemed   D. sounded

(   ) 12. A. little   B. many   C. much   D. few

(   ) 13. A. easy   B. hard   C. interesting   D. simple

(   ) 14. A. pleased   B. surprised   C. angry   D. strict

(   ) 15. A. a teacher   B. an officer   C. an inspector   D. a headmaster


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The United States,Great Britain took the war on Iraq (伊拉克) in late March,2003. 1       over twenty days American soldiers were in Baghdad,the2       of Iraq. They ended the government (政府) of Saddam. 3       Iraqis died in the war. Saddam is4      . No one knows 5        he's dead or alive.

In some parts of the city there was no light because of the war. Some oil wells (井) were set on fire. Now the Iraqis need food,water and6       . Many soldiers and people who were hurt in the war need hospital care. People also need 7        to find their family members.

After the war,some Iraqis broke into Saddam's palace,government buildings,and stores. They8       many things from Iraqi Museums. Other Iraqis are angry that the U. S. soldiers didn't stop the robbers (抢劫者) .So far there is 9        no government of Iraqis.

The reason for American soldiers taking the war is that they are 10        weapons of mass destruction (大规模杀伤4生武器) .But by June6,they hadn't found any at all.

(   ) 1. A. In   B. After   C. By   D. During

(   ) 2. A. city   B. town   C. capital   D. village

(   ) 3. A. Thousand   B. Thousand

   C. Thousand of   D. Thousands of

(   ) 4. A. A tired   B. run   C. gone   D. forgotten

(   ) 5. A. if   B. when   C. how   D. that

(   ) 6. A. spaceships   B. flowers   C. people   D. medicine

(   ) 7. A. an idea   B. a way   C. a plane   D. a bridge

(   ) 8. A. bought   B. borrowed   C. stole   D. brought

(   ) 9. A. still   B. ever   C. yet   D. already

(   ) 10. A. looking at   B. looking for

   C. giving up   D. putting down


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 These days it is found that school students hardly have any sports. Is it because they have no 1        in sports? It may not be true. They often say they have 2        more important things to do.

What are these important things? Exams!They have to 3        themselves ready for all kinds of exams and tests in school. So many of them almost 4        bookworms (书呆子) .In the past in the summer holidays,they could do 5        they liked,but now they have to 6        all their time preparing. So7       have kept them away from going in for sports.

Because of the pressure (压力) from 8        parents and teachers,they9       to work harder and spend most of their time 10        books. As for the students themselves,they don't want to 11        the lessons because they want to further their studies. So it is necessary to give 12        of their spare time to their studies and 13        up their school sports.

It's true a good education cannot go without physical training,the14       is true,a quick mind hardly goes along with a15       body. Without a strong body,you can never do anything well,how can you make great success in life?

(   ) 1. A. interests B- interested   C. interesting   D. interest

(   ) 2. A. another   B. other   C. much   D. some

(   ) 3. A. make   B. have   C. get   D. let

(   ) 4. A. turn   B. grow   C. look   D. become

(   ) 5. A. anything   B. something   C. everything   D. nothing

(   ) 6. A. give   B. spend   C. take   D. cost

(   ) 7. A. teachers   B. parents   C. studies   D. holidays

(   ) 8. A. his   B. one's   C. their   D. other's

(   ) 9. A. try   B. hope   C. have   D. enjoy

(   ) 10. A. in   B. at   C. to   D. on

(   ) 11. A. miss   B. lose   C. leave   D. fail

(   ) 12. A. few   B. any   C. all   D. none

(   ) 13. A. give   B. take   C. put   D. send

(   ) 14. A. thing   B. same   C. word   D. kind

(   ) 15. A. strong   B. heavy   C. weak   D. ill


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. People in America eat much         .

   A. beef   B. potatoes   C. onions   D. hamburgers


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 16.        turn green in spring.

   A. Leaf   B. Leafs   C. Leave   D. Leaves


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3. My friends and I are interested in drawing,but        of us is good at it.

   A. neither   B. both   C. none   D. all 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 14. He served in the army in        when he was in his twenties.

   A. 1940's   B. 1940s   C. the 1940's   D. the 1940s'

