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International students in Christine Rhodes’ English class in Australia share their impressions (印象) of places they have visited in Australia.
Canberra, the nicest city in Australia
I went for a short holiday to Canberra. My uncle lives there. It’s the nicest city in Australia, a little bit similar to Cairns. There’re lots of big rivers and trees around the city.
Siggi Siebold from Germany
The small city of Mount Isa
I went to Mount Isa six months ago. It’s a long way from Brisbane — about 2,000 km. It’s a small city, with a population of 21,000, but it has all the basic facilities such as a base hospital, six schools and supermarkets. Here the weather is hot and gets very little rain. There’re two big lakes to keep rainwater for people in the city to drink.
Indra Ekanayake
Lake Moondarra and a mine (矿)
In Mount Isa, there’s a dam (水坝) called Lake Moondarra. At weekends you can go there with your friends, and it is beautiful. On the lake, there is water skiing. Also, people can go fishing there.
There’s a big mine in Mount Isa. Many people go to work in the mine and earn a lot of money. Mount Isa isn’t a beautiful green place, but many people love it.
Ida Robb from Indonesia
小题1:Siggi Siebold is from    .
A.Australia B.GermanyC.EnglandD.Indonesia
小题2:What does the underlined word “facilities” probably mean in Chinese?
小题3:Lake Moondarra is a    .
A.cityB.mountain C.mineD.dam
小题4:Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Ida Robb?
A.People can go fishing on Lake Moondarra.
B.There are 21,000 people in Mount Isa.
C.There’s a big mine in Mount Isa.
D.Many people like Mount Isa though it isn’t a beautiful green place.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Siggi Siebold stayed in Canberra for six months.
B.Mount Isa is a famous village in Australia.
C.People in Mount Isa drink rainwater.
D.People can’t go water skiing on the lake.


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Siggi Siebold from Germany”理解可知。
小题2:词义理解推断题,根据文中语句“such as a base hospital, six schools and supermarkets.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“In Mount Isa, there’s a dam (水坝) called Lake Moondarra.”理解可知。
小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“There’re two big lakes to keep rainwater for people in the city to drink.”理解可知。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

We are all busy talking about using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet?
Many people are ___36___ when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers ___37___ large and expensive. Computer networks didn’t work well. If one computer in the network ___38___ down, the whole network stopped. ___39___ a new network system(系统)had to be set up. It should be ___40___ to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, ___41___ could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on ___42___ all the time.
At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and ___43___ to use. Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing”(浏览)the Internet more convenient.
Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. ___44___ e-mail is more and more popular among students. The Internet has now become one of ___45___ parts of people’s life.
A.breakB.breaksC.brokeD.would break
A.good enoughB.well enoughC.enough goodD.enough well
A.informationB.informationsC.an informationD.the informations
A.workB.to workC.workingD.worked
A.easyB.easilyC.more easilyD.easier
A.SendB.SendingC.To be sentD.Sent
A.importantB.more importantC.most importantD.the most important


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

New York City is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move on their way to work and school?
In New York you can travel by subways, bus, taxi and private (私人的) car. The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. It crosses the city at different points and goes to all parts of the city. Travelling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.
The second way to travel is by bus. It is a slower way to travel.
You can also travel by taxi. This is very expensive, but the taxi will take you to every place you want to go to. If traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow. During the mornings and afternoons, there is the “rush hour”. This is the time when the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work..
The last way is to use your private car. It’s not good to drive during the “rush hour”. If there is an accident on the road, you will have to wait for a long time.
The best time to travel is from 9 a.m to 4.pm . Traffic will be less crowded during this time because most people are already at school or at work at that time.
小题1:How many ways of travelling are mentioned (提到) in the passage?
小题2:The word “rush hour” in Chinese means _____________.
A.高峰时间. B.匆忙时间C.冲刺时间D.繁忙时间
小题3:The fastest way to travel in New York City is ________________.
A.by busB.by subwayC.by taxiD.by private car
小题4:From the last paragraph we know that in New York City ____________.
A.there is no “rush hour” from 9.am to 4 p.m.
B.traffic is heavy at noon.
C.most Americans have lunch at home.
D.people go to work and school at 9:00.
小题5:Why do so many people go to work or school by subway, taxi, bus and private car?
A.Because New York City is a modern city.
B.Because New York City is a very large city.
C.Because New York City is new.
D.Because the people in New York City are very busy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Now, there is a new-type school in New York, which has no everyday lessons, no class teachers and even no school buildings. It is called “City-as-School”. The name just means the city itself is the place where students learn their lessons. They are from the age of 15 to 18. The students choose areas of work which interest them. Then they help to do that work. One girl spends her week in a government office helping the public with problems like housing. Then she goes to help in a theatre for a day and she spends a week for first-year courses at college.
Well, students have to pass Maths and science exams before they enter the “school”. These subjects are not easy to provide in“City-as-School”. Teachers watch the progress of the students. The success rate (比率) is high. 80% of the students go to college after the “City-as-School”.
The students like the duty of their work. They have the sense of purpose. They know a lot about different kinds of work in the city. One of the students, Lizette Martinez, writes “ I want to say that I do not know where I would be right now if I had never become part of City-as-School. Leaving my regular high school and going to City-as-School was the best decision I have ever made. The way the school works to get you to go out there and learn different fields instead of sitting in a classroom is wonderful. For all those who are in between school and dropping out, go to CAS and it will change your life forever.”
City-as-School High School is the nation’s leading (引导) external (外部地) learning or experiential (来自经验的) learning model for high school students.
小题1:What can we learn about“City-as-School”?
A.It has no teachers.
B.It has no school buildings.
C.It has only girl students.
D.It is the only school in the city.
小题2:What do students do in“City-as-School”most of the time?
A.They do whatever they like.
B.They learn Maths and Science.
C.They help with work in a certain area.
D.They learn all the college courses.
小题3:According to the passage,“City-as–School” can help _________.
A.all the students go to college
B.students forget the duty of their work
C.students earn much money while studying
D.students learn a lot about different kinds of work
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.A New CityB.A New School
C.A New-type SchoolD.A Girl in New York


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When does music in public places become noise pollution?
You may like at least some kind of music. But the problem is that, in lots of places, you’re made to hear somebody else’s choice in music. Say you’ve just landed at an airport. At the airport, the “background” (背景)music may be played loudly.
When you are on the way to your hotel, there may be another kind of music played by the taxi driver. Then you finally reach your hotel. But when you are taking the elevator(电梯),there is elevator music.
You go out to dinner and end up in a place where the owner of the restaurant thinks music will help make you eat more and spend more. Then a person playing the violin comes around. This is called the “music wallpaper”. It is to make you buy more and eat a lot.  Even the government thinks this is “noise pollution,” especially when the music is too loud.
Noise pollution may be bad for our hearing. It’s also bad for some of our daily activities, such as sleeping, conversations and so on.
The fact that you can’t see, taste or smell it may help explain why it has not received as much attention as other kinds of pollution, such as air pollution or water pollution. The air around us is always filled with sounds, but most of us would not think we are surrounded(包围) by noise. This can be bad for our health. So many people like soft and quiet music in their house.
小题1:In the restaurant, the music is to make you _____________.
A.have a nice meal
B.eat more food and spend more money
C.enjoy some wonderful music
D.have a great time in the restaurant
小题2:This passage doesn’t talk about ___________.
A.food pollutionB.water pollution
C.air pollution D.noise pollution
小题3:Music in public places becomes noise pollution because __________.
A.it’s played at the airport
B.it’s played by the taxi driver
C.it’s played when you are taking the elevator
D.you are made to hear someone else’s choice in music
小题4:From the passage we know that ___________.
A.music that is too loud is bad for our health
B.people pay as much attention to noise pollution as they do to air pollution
C.people like loud music in their house
D.most people think that there’s lots of noise around us


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mary parents buy everything their children want. If they go on(继续) doing so, the children won’t know that money  61  from hard work. When they grow up, they will waste(浪费) money but not  62  it.
Some parents like having birthday parties  63  their children. If they go on doing so, the children will think they  64  enjoy birthday parties every year. They may forget their parents’ birthdays and only remember  65 .
Many parents don’t let their children do chores. They think children have only one thing  66  . They should study hard  67  be good at their lessons. If parents go on doing so, children will think their parents should do  68  and won’t like cleaning the floor or the desk   69  they find a job. Parents should teach children to do chores because it can make them  70  and help them like work.
A.doB.to doC.didD.doing


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Biggie Burger, a new fast-food restaurant, will soon be opened in the town. A large group of kids and parents were holding signs shouting outside it yesterday. They were there because they didn’t want the restaurant to open. Never!
“This kind of food is really bad for us!” said Diana, “It’s high in salt, fat, and sugar. it’s unhealthy and we are going to say ‘no’ to it!”
“Our town has been a quiet place. Restaurants like these bring people and also a lot of trouble to this area,” said Barbara. “And I’m afraid they will take business away from our local restaurants.”
Other local people don’t agree. The officials(官员) believe that Biggie Burger will bring in huge amounts of money to help improve the town. And 17-year-old Sandy can’t wait for Biggie Burger to open.” I love their hamburgers and fried chicken wings! And I can get a job there.”
Sandy’s dad, a cleaner, agrees, “Biggie Burger’s prices are just right for a family like ours.”
Michael, who owns a toy shop next door to Biggie Burger, is excited, too. “Maybe people who come for a Biggie Burger will spend a few minutes in my store and pick up something.”
The town will hold a meeting on Thursday to hear sides. Everyone is welcome to take part in it. Come and give your opinion!
小题1:Biggie Burger was opened yesterday and many people were there.
小题2:Diana thinks that the food in Biggie Burger is too expensive.
小题3:Barbara is afraid that fewer people will come to the local restaurants.
小题4:Sandy and Michael welcome the opening of Biggie Burger.
小题5:The town doesn’t care about people’s opinions when making a decision.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A school report
Name:Edward Scott                  School: Kelvin High School
Grade:  8                              Term ending: May  6
Math: He is a little weak in this, but he tried his best to catch up with others.
Science: He can work out many difficult problems. Well done! (做得好)
English: He is the best in the class. Keep it up(保持).
French: His reading is very good, he can remember many words.
History: He is not so good at this, but has done better than before.
Geography: He is familiar(熟悉的) with the names of many places in the world.
Music: He doesn’t like pop songs, though sings very well.
No. in class: 9           absences: 8
Remarks(评语): Edward is able to do a lot better. He needs to do more work next semester.
Class teacher: Ivy
Principal: M. L. Martin
School reopens:  September 1
小题1:After reading this, we know it is ________________.
A.a studying plan of Edward Scott
B.a teaching plan of Ivy
C.a report card of Edward Scott
D.a working plan of M. L. Martin
小题2:Which subject is not mentioned(提到) in the report?              .
小题3:Edward’s best subject is _________________.            
小题4:Edward is not so good at ________________.
A.science and geography
B.math and history
C.history and French
D.music and English
小题5:Which sentence is not true?              
A.Edward can’t sing songs very well.
B.Edward doesn’t do well in history.
C.Edward can do better if he works harder next term.
D.Edward learns two languages at school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


Cats are the most popular pets among Americans. So it is not surprising there are many expressions about cats. Do you know any of them? Now let me introduce some to you.
Some cats like to catch small birds, like canaries. If someone looks very proud or satisfied with himself, we say he looks like the cat that ate the canary.
Sometimes, a cat likes to play with a small animal it catches. So if you play cat and mouse with someone, you change between different kinds of behavior when dealing with another person. For example, a child might offer something sweet to her little brother, and then take it away when reaches for it.
A cat will often catch a small animal and present it to its owner. The saying “that looks like something the cat dragged in (把…拖进来)” describes something in bad condition.
A fat cat is a person with a lot of money.
There are many other expressions about cats in America. How interesting! Which kind of cat are you, or which kind would you like to be?
小题1:Americans don’t like cats as pets very much.
小题2:The canary is a kind of bird.
小题3:If you have much money, we can call you a sad cat.
小题4:We can say he looks like the cat that ate the canary if someone is very pleased with himself.
小题5:The passage introduces us four expressions about cats.

