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I worked for a short time as a cashier(出纳员)at a restaurant a few months age.I also helped to clean up the tables when it was very busy.One night, just before Christmas, I found a large black wallet on the floor near one of the tables.I guessed I should check it to find out who was the owner, but I was very busy at the time.And I imagined that if there was something valuable in the wallet, the owner would be back.Sure enough, an hour later a man came up to the counter and asked if anyone had found a wallet.I asked him to describe the lost wallet, and after he described tie exactly, I gave him the wallet.He expressed his thanks when I handed it to him.He asked me if I had opened it, and when I told him “no”, at once he opened it and showed that it had nearly $800 in cash(现金).He took not a twenty-dollar bill and handed it to me and I was amazed at this. “A reward(酬劳) for your honesty, young girl.” he said and then turned and walked away.

       Thinking about it later, I began wondering whether I would have been honest if I had known what was in the wallet! I thought that if I had no way to find the owner and no one returned to get it.But it also came into my mind that I actually saved someone’s Christmas plans by finding and returning the wallet.The good feeling it gave me was worth more than anything could buy.

1.What’s in the lost wallet?

       A.Nothing valuable.                                     B.A Christmas plan.

       C.About 800 dollars.                                    D.A twenty-dollar bill.

2.The writer didn’t give the wallet to the man until_____.

       A.she got a reward

       B.the man expressed his thanks

       C.the man described the wallet exactly

       D.she saw the man again in the restaurant

3.If the owner of the wallet couldn’t be found ,the writer might________.

       A.return it later                                              B.keep it herself

       C.call the police                                             D.give it to her boss

4.How did the writer feel after returning the wallet?

       A.She felt very happy shout it.

       B.She wished that be hadn’t done it.

       C.She was disappointed about what the man did.

       D.She was sad to lose the chance to keep the money.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:052

  Last year, we had an English teacher from the United States. We called him Mr. Smith. He often told us, “English is very useful in the world.” He taught us very well. He was strict with us all. In class he always gave us more time to speak English. At first I could hardly understand a word. I worked so hard that I could talk to my classmates in English then. So I began to like it very much.

  Now Mr. Smith taught in another school. This year we have a new teacher, Mrs. White. She teaches us very carefully, too. She often asks us to recite (背诵) the texts and play games. With the help of the two foreign teachers, we all have made great progress. Now I am enjoying studying English. I am sure I will learn better this year.

根据短文内容判断正 (T) 、误 (F)。

(1) This year our English teacher is still Mr. Smith.

(  )

(2) Mr. Smith is from England.

(  )

(3) In Mr. Smith's class, students have much time to speak English.

(  )

(4) Mrs. White doesn't often play games with us.

(  )

(5) “I” like studying English.

(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:053


M: Come in and sit down, please.

W: Thank you. Here's my personal information card.

M. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Morgan, 1

W. No, I haven't, but it's the kind of job I've always wanted to do.

M. Really? 2

W. Because I think it would give me an opportunity(机会)to develop the abilities I have learned in my job.

M: 3

W: I worked in a bookstore.

M. 4

W. Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments(争论)with my boss.

M. 5

W. He said he told me to type the letter for him and I didn't. I told him he didn't. He then got angry with me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it.

M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.

AWhat's your name, sir?

BWhat were the arguments about?

CWhy are you interested in it?

DHave you done this kind of work before?

EWhy did you leave?

FWhat was your last job?

GWhy didn't you ask the man over there?

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省营口市九年级中考模拟英语卷(一)(解析版) 题型:其他题


A. Where did you work?

B. Why didn’t you ask the man over there?

C. What were the arguments about?

D. Are you interested in it?                     E. Why did you leave the company?

F. Have you done this kind of job before?

G. Yes, please.


A: Hi, can I help you?

B:    1.   My name is Amy. I want to work for your company.

A: Nice to meet you, Amy.    2.  

B: No, I haven’t. But it’s the kind of job I’v always wanted to do.

A: Really?  3.  

B: Yes, I think it would give me an opportunity to develop my abilities.

A:    4.  

B: I worked in an ad company.

A:    5.  

B: Because I had a few arguments with my boss and he often got angry with me.

A: Oh, I see. I’ll talk with my manager about it and call you later.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省八年级12月检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


I had a summer camp with my classmates last year.

Early in the morning, we gathered(集合) at the bus station.

            1            It took us more than two hours to arrive at the campground.

We got off the buses happily. Laughing and shouting, we jumped and ran all over the place. ___       2            Some of us started to feel homesick(想家). However, when the night party and dances began, the homesickness was gone.

            3            At first, my friends and I worked hard, but the boat wouldn’t listen to us and kept going round and round. Then the teacher taught us how to work together. After many tries, we did much better.

Swimming class was my favorite. It was about the hottest time of a day and the best time to stay in the cool water.             4            During the week I learned a lot of new things and made many new friends.             5            

A. The swimming teacher was a funny man, and during the class he often made us laugh happily.

B. It was the first time for us to be away from the parents.

C. I hope I can live by myself.

D. The next day, everybody rushed to the boating class, hoping to be at the head of the others.

E. I also learned how to take care of myself.

F. After saying goodbye to our parents, we got on the buses.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A. snowy      B. lived      C. rock      D. outside      E. worked

F. smart       G. pop       H. clever     I. rainy,        J. inside

76. Bob is a __/__boy.

77. Mr. Green has        /        in this city for 5 years.

78. Sally is a fan of      /       music.

79. You' d better stay at home on a      /     day.

80. Let' s go and see what happened ,      /       .

