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Do you hate exams? If you do, you aren’t ____. Students in many other countries. hate them, too.

_____ for them, British students have less exam than Chinese students. They only have them once year. Every summer they have a test on each _____. Each test____about an hour.

These exam don’t count much. Even if a student does really____he still can progress to the next grade.

When the ____come out they are then placed in an end-of –year report. The report is sent to the student’s parents. It describes____the student performed and behaved through the year.

This report is private ,so ___the teacher, the student and his parents see it. This means that a student doesn’t know how other students scored in the text. Some students choose to tell each other, but others ___ .

Parents’ meeting are held____a year, at the end of the winter term and then at the end of the summer term. Children along with their parents to meet their teachers privates and discuss their performance at school.

1.A. lonely B. silent C. alone D. quietly

2.A. Luckily B. Luck C. Luckly D. Unluck

3.A. lesson B. lessons C. subjects D. subject

4.A. lasts B. spends C. pays D. shows

5.A. well B. bad C. badly D. fast

6.A. pictures B. results C. textbooks D. information

7.A. how B. when C. why D. whether

8.A. all B. any C. only D. none

9.A. tell their parentsB. tell their teacherC. tell their friendsD. tell nobody

10.A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times














1.形容词及语境的理解。句意:你讨厌考试吗?如果是的话,那么跟你一样的人有很多。lonely 孤独的,强调内心的感受;silent 沉默的,无言的;alone 独自一人;quietly安静的。根据文意可知,讨厌考试的人有很多,所以不只你一个人。故选C。

2.副词及语境的理解。句意:对于他们来说幸运的是,英国学生的考试比中国的更少。luckily 幸运的是,是一个副词;luck 运气,幸运,是一个名词;luckly和 unluck两种形式不对。根据句意可知,英国学生的考试更少,所以他们是幸运的。故选A。

3.名词及语境的理解。句意:每年夏天,他们在各个科目上进行考试。lesson 课程;lessons 是复数形式;subjects 科目,复数形式;subject科目。根据句意可知,学生们考试各个科目,故A和B不对;空前有each,故这里用单数形式。故选D。

4.动词及语境的理解。句意:每场考试持续大约一个小时。lasts 持续;spends 花费,度过;pays 付款;支付;shows 展示。根据句意可知,这里说的是考试持续的时间。故选A。

5.形容词及语境的理解。句意:即使一个学生在考试中表现得很糟糕,他也能升入到下一个年级。well 副词,好的;bad 糟糕的;badly 副词,糟糕地;fast 快的。根据文意可知,在英国,这样的考试是不那么重要的,所以即使在考试中没有考好,也可以升级。空前的do是一个动词,所以后面跟副词badly。故选C。

6.名词及语境的理解。句意:当考试结果出来的时候,他们会被写到期末的成绩报告单上。pictures 图片;results 结果;textbooks 教科书;information信息。根据文意可知,这篇短文说的都是考试的事,所以这里应该是考试的结果。故选B。

7.连词及语境的理解。句意:成绩报告单上展示的是学生这一年来在学校中的表现。how 怎样;when 什么时候;why 为什么;whether 是否。根据句意可知,成绩报告单可以告诉学生的家长,自己的孩子在学校里表现怎么样。故选A。

8.副词及语境的理解。句意:成绩报告单是私人的,因此只有老师、学生和家长能看到。all 所有的,全部;any 任何一个;only 只有,仅仅;none没有一个。根据句意可知,成绩报告单是私人的东西,所以知道的人很少,故选C。

9.动词短语及语境的理解。句意:有些学生会选择互相告诉成绩单,但是还有些学生不会告诉任何人。tell their parents 告诉他们的父母;tell their teacher 告诉他们的老师;tell their friend 告诉他们的朋友;tell nobody不告诉任何人。根据上文的意思可知,老师、家长都是知道成绩单的,所以A和B不对;前一句话已经说了,有些学生会告诉别人,这里用but表示转折,所以应该是还有些学生谁也不告诉。故选D。

10.名词短语及语境的理解。句意:每年举行两次家长会,一次是在冬季学期的末尾,还有一次是在夏季学期的末尾。once 一次;twice 两次;three times 三次;four times 四次。根据后面这句话的意思可知,每年举行两次家长会。故选B。



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学福建省九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Chairman Mao once said, “It is not hard to do one good deed. It is hard to do good deeds all your life.” Guo Mingyi, a 52-year-old worker in Anshan, Liaoning did just that. Over the past 20 years, Guo 60,000 ml of blood(血). That is the blood of 10 people put together.

Once, the cold winter of 2009,Guo got a call from the hospital. The doctors told him a patient needed a blood donation. Guo didn’t have time to have lunch. He traveled in the snow to the hospital. When he finished donating the blood, he was tired that he fell asleep on the hospital bed.

Guo and his family live a life. They live in a house of only 40 square meters. they don’t have a lot of money, Guo saves money to support poor children. In the past 16 years, he has given away over 100,000yuan to more than 180 poor students. When the parents met him, many cried, “He looks than us.” they said.

Guo has also offered help to thousands of workers, friends and strangers. His warm heart has moved many people. They him a “Modern-Day Lei Feng”.

Recently, Chinese leaders called on people to learn from Guo. They say young people especially should learn his selfless devotion (奉献). But Guo said he did these things in order not to get famous. “It’s just that some people need some help, and there should be someone standing out to give a hand.” he said.

1.A. has donatedB. had donated C. have donated D. donates

2.A. on B. in C. at D. above

3.A. that B. which C. what D. who

4.A. arrive B. get to C. reach at D. get

5.A. such B. very C. so D. too

6.A. happily B. unhappy C. rich D. simple

7.A. So B. And C. Because D. Though

8.A. richer B. better C. poorer D. kinder

9.A. say B. call C. shout D. speak

10.A. them B. him C. her D. their



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河南原阳第一初级中学九年级模拟8英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子



W : Mr. White B: Mr. Black

W: Good morning! 1.__ ____?

B: Good morning! Yes, please. I believe that this house is for sale.

W: That’s right.

B: 2.____ ____?

W: Yes. Of course. Come in please.

B: 3.____ ____?

W: For ten years. I have been here since 2001.

B: 4.____ ____?

W: 8600 pounds.

B: That’s a lot of money!

W: It’s worth every penny of it.

B: 5._ _____. But I can’t decide yet. My wife must have a look at it first.

W: Women always have the last words.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河南原阳第一初级中学九年级模拟8英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- How do you like the book?

--- __________.

A. Very kind B. Very delicious

C. Very lucky D. Very interesting



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河南原阳第一初级中学九年级模拟7英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空


阅读短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。 请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。注意:①每个词只能用一次。②每空限填一词,有 些词需要做相应的变化。③其中有两个多余选项。

opportunity difficulty great be experience pass boring different volunteer surprise time agree


Student life is not what it used to be. There are a lot of subjects to learn and different tests_1.__. It’s not_2.__ that students say they don’t have time to volunteer! However, volunteering isn’t as ___3._as you think.

There are lots of volunteering__4._. They allow you to do as much or as little as you choose. Times can be__5.__ with the organizations. Many of them are grateful for even one hour a week.

Think about it, the time you give __6._ always worth more in the long run. The effects to the community is much__7._ than the hours you give. For the example, if you spend an hour with a child helping them to read, it will make a great __8.__in his or her life.

And think of what volunteering can do for you; you will get __9.__and learn important skills in the __10.___work. A few hours in volunteering now will help you in the future.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河南原阳第一初级中学九年级模拟7英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

______ the work is difficult, all the workers are keeping on working .

A. But B. Although C. And D. So



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河南原阳第一初级中学九年级模拟7英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

More than _____children took part in activities last month.

A. two thirds B. thirds second

C. second three D. two third



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河南原阳第一初级中学九年级模拟6英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

That man ______be Mr Wang , because he has gone to Beijing.

A. couldn’t B. might not

C. can’t D. mustn’t



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河南永城实验中学九年级模拟8英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Jean is very pretty, but she hasn’t any good friends. _________ , being beautiful doesn’t mean being liked.

A. As a result B. That is to say

C. For example D. On the other hand


