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  Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now. She knows a little Chinese. She isn’t free from Monday to Friday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday (星期六).
  Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?”the girl in the shop asks her in Chinese. Mary thinks she can tell the boy what she wants in Chinese. So she says in Chinese, “A quilt (被子), please.”Then the girl goes to the back of the shop. “My Chinese is not bad. The girl understands (理解) me.” She thinks.
Mary is happy. Soon (不久) the girl comes back. She shows Mary a cup (杯子).
小题1:What’s Mary?
A. a student B. a doctor C. a teacher
小题2: What does Mary often do on Saturday?
A. do some washing B. go shopping C. go to school
小题3:How does Mary go to the shop?
A. by bus B. by train C. by car
小题4:What does Mary think of her Chinese?
A. very good B. very bad C. very poor
小题5:What does the girl think Mary need?
A. a cup B. a quilt C. books


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“ Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“So she often goes shopping on Saturday”理解可知。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop.”理解可知。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Mary thinks she can tell the boy what she wants in Chinese.”理解可知。
小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“She shows Mary a cup”理解可知。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are over 800 boarding (寄宿) schools in the UK. Children of 7 to 18 can go to boarding schools.
In the UK, boarding schools have three terms in a school year, each student has his or her  subject plan. Besides the usual classrooms and laboratories, the boarding schools also have music rooms, boats, swimming pools, cinemas and theatres for their students.
There are some rules for the students at boarding schools to obey. Students study and live together. They can’t go outside if they are not allowed to. Most boarding schools have a “light out” time. So when it’s time to go to bed, all the lights in the bedrooms are turned off.
Nearly all students at boarding schools wear a school uniform. Boys usually wear a shirt and a tie, and girls wear a white blouse, sometimes also a tie and a skirt. As students get older, the rules become less strict.
In the UK, boarding schools provide students with delicious food. They can choose to have a full English breakfast or simply bread. They can also choose between a meal with no meat and another meal at lunch and dinner. Students can also make themselves something to eat at any time in a kitchen.
从A, B, C, D中选择正确的选项作为文章第2-5段的小标题,并填入76-79四个空格中。
小题1: ___________       
小题2: ___________      
小题4: ___________
A.What to eatB.What to wearC.What to learnD.What to obey
小题5: Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Boarding schools in the UKB.How to study in the UK
C.Students work hard in the UKD.The history of boarding schools in the UK


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world, each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains thousand words. Before you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more.
The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are a lot of books written in English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word, find it in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.
小题1:The number of different languages spoken is about 1500.
小题2:Before you leave your school, you’ll learn more than three thousand words.
小题3:You must have a large English dictionary to make you know bigger vocabulary.
小题4:If we know about five thousand words, we can read as many books as we like.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last Sunday the Greens went to the movies. They got home very late. Father opened the front door and went into the house. It was very dark, so mother turned on the light. On the way to their bedroom, mother said, “Listen, John! I can hear someone in the bedroom. ” They all stood quietly outside the bedroom. They could hear some voices in the room.
“You are right. ” father said, “There are two men in it. They are talking. ” Then he shouted, “Who’s there?” But no one answered. Father opened the door quickly and turned on the light. The room was empty. Then father found something and laughed. “The TV is still on. I forgot to turn it off this morning!” father said.
小题1:The Greens got home very early.
小题2:On the way to their bedroom, mother heard someone in the bedroom.
小题3:They all stood quietly in the bedroom.
小题4:There were really two men talking in the room.
小题5:Father opened the door slowly and turned on the light.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Lisa is a successful movie star. She plays in a lot of good movies. Many people are her fans (迷) and like her very much. Most people think a star’s life is different (不同的). But Lisa doesn’t think so. She says, “I am only an ordinary (普通的) girl. I like T-shirts and jeans like many girls. I like Chinese action movies best. I am a fan of many Chinese action stars. I like to go to the market (市场). People can not often recognize (认出) me in the market. It is interesting.”
小题1:Lisa is a successful star, because _______.
A.she is beautifulB.she has many friends
C.she plays in many good filmsD.she likes seeing movies very much
小题2: According to(根据) the passage, most people think ___________. 
A.it is interesting to play in a filmB.a movie star’s life is boring
C.Lisa’s life is differentD.Lisa is not a happy girl
小题3:According to Lisa, most girls like _______.
A.sweaters and jeans B.long dresses
C.T-shirts and skirts D.T-shirts and jeans
小题4:Of these stars, which (哪一个) may Lisa like?

小题5:In the market, ________________. 
A.Lisa isn’t happy, because people cannot recognize her
B.all people know she is a movie star
C.people don’t know she is a star sometimes
D.Lisa sees her movies there


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I’m taking my family to Europe to have a trip. My wife (妻子) and our two children are   1 going along. My brother is   2  to go with us for vacation. Because he   3  went to other countries, he is even more   4  than the children. He can’t wait to go. My father would like to stay at home, but we’ll send him postcards   5  Europe.
We’re   6  next Friday. We’re going to New York by train,   7  taking a ship to Europe. When we   8  in Europe, we are going to   9  countries for sightseeing. We’re going to those places by train or by bus and we’re  10  a week there. Then we are flying home.
A.soB.forC.asD.and then
A.fewB.a lotC.a fewD.much


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I have an American friend.Her name is Lily.This is a picture of her new school.Look! There are six floors(层)in the teaching building.There are fifteen classrooms on every floor.In the school,there are 3,200 students and 300 teachers.The teachers’ offices are behind the classrooms.The dining hall is next to the teaching building.Lily often has lunch there.After lunch she often has a talk with her friends.In front of the dining hall is a library.It’s a good place to read books.
Lily gets to school at 7:40 a.m.The first class begins at 8:00 a.m.She has four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.There is a big gym behind the dining hall.After school,Lily likes going swimming there.
The school is big and nice,and Lily likes it very much.
小题1:How many classrooms are there in the teaching building?
小题2:What does Lily like doing after school?
A.Playing basketball.B.Going swimming.
C.Talking with her friends.D.Reading books.
小题3:Where is the school library?
A.It’s behind the classrooms.B.It’s next to the offices.
C.It’s in front of the dining hall.D.It’s behind the dining hall.
小题4:What does the word“begin”mean in Chinese?
小题5:What’s the best title(标题)of the passage?
A.My American FriendB.Lily’s Good Friends
C.My Favorite School D.Lily’s New School


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tomorrow is Saturday. I’m not going to work, and my brother isn’t going to school. We are going to play table tennis. We are going to have lunch in a restaurant. We’re coming home at five. My parents are going to visit my grandparents. They are going to get home at half past five. We are going to help my mother cook the dinner. After supper, I am going to dance with my friends, and my brother is going to watch TV with my parents.
小题1:What day is it today?
小题2: My brother is a        .
小题3:My brother and I are going to       tomorrow.
A.have a picnicB.visit our friends C.go fishingD.play table tennis
小题4:My parents are going to come back         .
A.at 7:30B.at 5:30C.at 6:30D.at 7:00
小题5:I’m going to dance          .
A.after breakfastB.with my friendsC.in the morningD.with my patents


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr Smith is an English teacher. He comes from America. He has a daughter. Her name is Amy, and she is a good engineer(工程师)in New York. Mr Smith likes traveling very much, and he can speak Spanish very well.  
Now Mr Smith is in China, so he wants to learn some Chinese. He works very hard at his Chinese, and he goes to Chinese classes in an evening school. He has a lot of friends in China and they often help him. He likes to talk with them. He tells his daughter that he can speak good Chinese, and he doesn’t have any trouble (困难) with his Chinese at all, but the Chinese have a lot.
1. Mr Smith works in ____________.
A. a hospital   B. a police station         C. a school         D. a restaurant
2. What’s Mr Smith’s daughter?    
A. A teacher.   B. A doctor.         C. An engineer.     D. A student.
3. Mr Smith learns Chinese ____________.
A. very well                              B. with his daughter  
C. every morning                          D. very hard
4. Where does Mr Smith learn Chinese? 
A. In an evening school.                    B. At home. 
C. In his friend’s home.                     D. In a park.
5. We know that Mr Smith is good at ____________.
A. Chinese           B. Spanish          C. Japanese      D. French

