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Mr Smith is an English teacher. He comes from America. He has a daughter. Her name is Amy, and she is a good engineer(工程师)in New York. Mr Smith likes traveling very much, and he can speak Spanish very well.  
Now Mr Smith is in China, so he wants to learn some Chinese. He works very hard at his Chinese, and he goes to Chinese classes in an evening school. He has a lot of friends in China and they often help him. He likes to talk with them. He tells his daughter that he can speak good Chinese, and he doesn’t have any trouble (困难) with his Chinese at all, but the Chinese have a lot.
1. Mr Smith works in ____________.
A. a hospital   B. a police station         C. a school         D. a restaurant
2. What’s Mr Smith’s daughter?    
A. A teacher.   B. A doctor.         C. An engineer.     D. A student.
3. Mr Smith learns Chinese ____________.
A. very well                              B. with his daughter  
C. every morning                          D. very hard
4. Where does Mr Smith learn Chinese? 
A. In an evening school.                    B. At home. 
C. In his friend’s home.                     D. In a park.
5. We know that Mr Smith is good at ____________.
A. Chinese           B. Spanish          C. Japanese      D. French

1. 推理题:从第一段的句子:Mr Smith is an English teacher. 可知斯密斯先生在一所学校上班。选C。
2.      细节题:从第一段的句子:Her name is Amy, and she is a good engineer(工程师)in New York. 可知斯密斯的女儿是一名工程师。选C。
3.      细节题:从第二段的句子:He works very hard at his Chinese, 可知斯密斯先生学习汉语很努力。选D。
4.      细节题:从第二段的句子:and he goes to Chinese classes in an evening school.可知斯密斯先生上的是夜校。选A。
5.      细节题:从第一段的句子:Mr Smith likes traveling very much, and he can speak Spanish very well.  可知斯密斯先生擅长西班牙语。选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

If you are writing or studying, it makes much difference where the light comes from. People     use   46  and pens every day. They have to be very careful about the way of the light because the light shines on their work.
Every  47   gets its light either from daylight   48   the window   49   from the lamps or electricity,   50  no matter what kind of light it is, the way it shines towards our books or work is very important to the eyes.
Take a book and sit with your   51   toward the window, and try to read. Your shadow(影子) falls all over the page and makes it   52   for your eyes as if you were in a   53   room.
Now turn around and face the window. The page is   54   shadow again, while the bright light is in your eyes.
Try sitting with your   55  side toward the window. This is very good for   56   , but if you were writing, the shadow   57   fall across the page and bother you  58  .
There is another way – sit  59   your left side to the window. Now everything is perfect for writing as well.
Whatever kind of light is in the room, the rule about the right way to sit is   60   the same.
A.good B.badC.usefulD.clear
A.can B.mayC.wouldD.will
A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little
A.by B.withC.againstD.near
A.onlyB.neverC.not oftenD.always


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

  Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now. She knows a little Chinese. She isn’t free from Monday to Friday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday (星期六).
  Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?”the girl in the shop asks her in Chinese. Mary thinks she can tell the boy what she wants in Chinese. So she says in Chinese, “A quilt (被子), please.”Then the girl goes to the back of the shop. “My Chinese is not bad. The girl understands (理解) me.” She thinks.
Mary is happy. Soon (不久) the girl comes back. She shows Mary a cup (杯子).
小题1:What’s Mary?
A. a student B. a doctor C. a teacher
小题2: What does Mary often do on Saturday?
A. do some washing B. go shopping C. go to school
小题3:How does Mary go to the shop?
A. by bus B. by train C. by car
小题4:What does Mary think of her Chinese?
A. very good B. very bad C. very poor
小题5:What does the girl think Mary need?
A. a cup B. a quilt C. books


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Have you ever planted a few trees on Tree Planting Day? Each year, millions of people, both 41.______, plant a lot of trees. But this may not be the best way to make your home a 42._____ place.
Last week we visited a park in Hebei. We were 43._____ to find most of the trees had been burned. The workers told us that the trees 44._____ soon after they were planted because they weren’t watered well enough. 45._____ workers burned them and cleaned the place for 46._____ trees to be planted this year. 47.______ a card found in one of the dead trees, a student wrote,” I hope this tree will grow up with me to 48.______ the backbone (栋梁) of our country.” The workers said that the survival (存活) of the trees was really more important than 49.______ trees were planted.
Some people in Beijing now have a new idea that they can donate (捐赠) some money and let professional (专业人士) plant and 50.______ the trees.
A.students and teachers B.old and young
C.boys and girls D.mother and father
A.how manyB.whenC.how soonD.why
A.take outB.take downC.take upD.take care of


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Internet can show you lots of jobs all over the world. If you want to find a job on the Internet, use the words “job search” or “employment (职业)” to find the websites you need. Type in what you want and where you want to work. In a few seconds, a list of jobs will appear on the screen. You can also type in the name of a company to learn about jobs there. Many websites list full-time and summer jobs.
Job search websites can help you in other ways, too. They show you how to write a good resume(履历) and how to get ready for an interview(面试). They also tell you what to say to an interviewer on the telephone. Some websites give you interview conversations to practice. One website even has a dictionary of interview words. A good employment website can be a big help in your job search.
Good luck with your job-hunting.
(    ) 11. What should you do first if you want to find a job on the Internet?            
A. To type in “job search” or “employment” to find the websites.
B. To write a good resume.
C. To get ready for an interview.
D. To get an English dictionary.
(    ) 12. Some employment websites tell you how to have a job interview            .
A. face to face       B. in an e-mail     
C. in a letter         D. on the telephone
(    ) 13. From the passage, we know that            .
A. you can’t look for a summer job on the Internet
B. Some websites show you how to write a resume
C. if you type in the name of a company, you will get a job there easily.
D. the Internet can only show you a list of jobs of your own country.
(   ) 14. The underlined word “job-hunting” means            .
A. searching a job       B. giving a job     
C. doing a job          D. changing a job
(   ) 15. What’s the main idea of the passage?            
A. The Internet lists a large number of companies.
B. You can find many websites on the Internet.
C. It’s about how you can use the Internet to find a job.
D. There are different ways for you to look for jobs.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mary 09:45:10
Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you!
I’m a girl. My name is Mary Green. My favorite color is red. My telephone number is 873-3516.
Jim 09:46:05
Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you, too!
I’m a boy. My name’s Jim Hand. My favorite color is blue. And my telephone number is 894-2015.
小题1:Mary likes ________.
小题2:The boy’s first name is _______.
小题3:Jim’s telephone number is _______.
小题4:The two kids (小孩) are on line (在网上) ________.
A.in the morningB.in the afternoon
C.in the eveningD.at night


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was quite late at night. I was reading a newspaper in my room when I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses standing there. Of course, I didn’t know him. He said that he was a friend of my sister’s and wanted to have a talk with her. I wanted to know if my sister had such a friend,but I had to let him in.
As he talked, I found that he knew nothing about my sister. Then I came to know that his words were not true. Suddenly my sister came back and the young man was so surprised that he didn’t know what to do for a moment. I caught the man by the arm at once while my sister was calling the police.
(  ) 1. This happened _____.
A. on one morning              B. on one afternoon
C. on one evening               D. on one night
(  ) 2. There _____ in the room when someone was knocking at the door.
A. was one person                     B. were two persons
C. were three persons                D. were four persons
(  ) 3. The writer saw the young man for the _____ time.
A. first      B. second          C. third      D. fourth
(  ) 4. The young man _____.
A. was a friend of the writer’s    B. was a friend of his sister’s
C. was a stranger to them       D. both A and B
(  ) 5. The young man was _____ when he saw the writer’s sister.
A. sad       B. surprised      C. happy        D. sorry


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you have lots of friends? What do you 36 friends and friendship? Are they very important for you? Some of your friends may have different views and interests, and some like doing the same  37 as you. Do you like friends different from  38 the same as you? You may like the friends who   39  the same interests as you. But I don’t really care.
I have two good friends, Peter and James. Peter is   40 me. I am a quiet boy, and Peter is also quiet. We  41 enjoy reading books and surfing the Internet. On weekends, we often go to the library or  42 on the computer together. But James is very different from us. He likes playing ball games, and he is more athletic than us. He is  43 more outgoing. He likes talking and often makes 44 laugh. You see, friends are not  45 to be the same. Do you agree with me?
A.talk aboutB.think ofC.thank forD.look at
A.a fewB.fewC.a lotD.little


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My    1   is Mary. I    2    eleven. Ted is my friend.     3   is thirteen. We    4  in the same(相同的) school. My     5   is a teacher(老师). She is a teacher in    6   school. My dad is a teacher,   7   . He is an    8   teacher in a college (大学). I have a cat.    9    name is Mimi. It is white and black. It’s a nice cat. We are good   10  .
(       ) 1. A. sister         B. friend          C. name
(       ) 2. A. is              B. are                 C. am
(       ) 3. A.I           B. He              C. She
(       ) 4. A. is             B. are               C. am
(       ) 5. A. dad            B. mom             C. teacher
(       ) 6. A. my             B. his                 C. hers
(       ) 7. A. to             B. too                 C. but
(       ) 8. A. tall           B. strong              C. English
(       ) 9. A. It’s           B. Its                 C. Hers
(       ) 10. A. friend        B. friends             C. friend’s

