精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:Listening to music or visiting interesting places can make you forget your          (sad).
小题2:As we all know China          (successful) sent up her first man-made satellite in 1970.
小题3:It's very          ( polite) that she left without any words.
小题4:The         (angry) the mother is, the more scared the children become.


小题2:句意:我们都知道在1970年中国成功的发射了第一颗人造卫星。sent up发射,因为修饰动词应用副词,故填successfully。
小题3:句意:她什么也不说的离开是非常没礼貌的。根据she left without any words.可知是没礼貌的,故填impolite。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

In China, a lot of food is wasted every year and the waste food is e 小题1:  for 200,000,000 people. The food is wasted in restaurants, at home and in schools, etc.
In restaurants or at home, people often o 小题2:  or cook too much food. But they can’t eat it up . When they go out of a restaurant, f 小题3: and happy, they n小题4: look back at the uneaten food on the table again. Should Chinese consumers(消费者) feel sorry for the terrible w 小题5:  ?
In schools, we can often see a lot of students throw food away after m 小题6: and they only eat the food they like.
Everyone is supposed to have enough food to eat. However, in some p小题7: , the food is so little that  a lot of people died from hunger. T 小题8: China has tried hard to solve the problem of hunger over the past thirty years, the job is not f 小题9: yet. Food is important to us all. We can’t live without food. So it    is necessary for us to love food and try to eat up e 小题10:  on our plates. When we eat in restaurants, we should pack up the leftovers. We also need to tell other people to stop wasting food as soon as possible.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Everyone came to the meeting late for        (different) reasons.
小题2:What a great        (建议) the teacher gave me. It is always good for my study.
小题3:Now the student has begun to        (get to know and understand ) that he was wrong.
小题4:My teachers often        ( 鼓励 ) me not to give up when I face difficulty.
小题5:Bill Gates’ achievements go       setting up Microsoft Corporation. He has also donated lots of money to charity.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Musical training can make you smarter,         (尤其) when you start at a young age.
小题2:Li Minhao’s ________(到达) made the fans scream excitedly.
小题3:The real purpose of study is to ____________(make better) your abilities.
小题4:The CD-ROM helps you learn English by testing your _____(information and understanding in the mind) of English grammar.
小题5:As we know,        is the second month of a year.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

A: Good morning! Can I help you?
B: Good morning! Yes, please. I think that this house is for (____小题1:______).
A: That’s right.
B: May I have a look at it?
A: (__小题2:________). Come in, please.
B: How long have you lived here?
A: (___小题3:_______) ten years. I have been here since 2001.
B: How much does it (____小题4:______)?
A: 8600 pounds.
B: That’s a lot of (__小题5:_______)!
A: It’s worth every penny of it.
B: I like it very much. But I can’t (__小题6:________) yet. My wife must look at it first.
A: Women always have the last words.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Thursday is the        (five) day of the week.
小题2:John’s aunt felt even   ______(bad). She had to see a doctor again.
小题3:Jake asked me where           (buy) the book.
小题4:When I see our          (nation) flag, I feel very proud of our country.
小题5:It is ________(terrible) cold today. You should put on more clothes.
小题6:-----What were the twins doing when the telephone rang?
-----They _____________ (prepare) for tomorrow’s party.
小题7:Mother is busy __________ (cook) for the coming big dinner in the kitchen.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Where is my jacket? Could you help _______ find it, dear?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Nothing can prevent us from ____________ (实现) “The China Dream”.
小题2:Doctor Wang became a crazy mountain climber in his __________ (四十).
小题3:The speech seemed endless and there appeared many ______ (厌烦) looks on the audience’s faces.
小题4:“Don’t be nervous when facing a hard choice. Just stay ____________ (放松) .” Mother always encouraged me. 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--- Who will send you to the new school, your mom, your dad or your uncle?
--- _______. I’ll go there by myself.
A.AllB.Either C.NeitherD.None

