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Beautiful pictures of mountains and forests, clear skies, flying birds, wild animals, silly faces — you can find them all in one place. 46  ? On a postcard! Have people always sent postcards? No! Before postcards, people  47 sealed (密封的) letters.
The 48  for the first decorated (装饰的) postcard came to John P. Charlton in 1861. He thought a simple card  49 a border would be a great way to send a note. Then in the late 1800s, postcards which had pictures on them 50  . By law, people had to write their note on the front—on the picture! The back was 51 for the address. Several years later, England allowed a divided-back (背面隔开的) postcard. Then people could write their 52  on the back left side. And they put the address 53 . During the early 1900s, the golden age of postcards, people around the world were more and more 54  picture postcards. In 1908, Americans alone mailed over 677 million postcards.
Today, postcards are the 55  most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins. You can always see or get a lot of newly-designed postcards, especially on New Year's Day.
A.How B.When C.Why D.Where
A.liked B.hated C.found D.lost
A.advice B.picture C.idea D.card
A.above B.with C.under D.for
A.happened B.changed C.ended D.appeared
A.even B.only C.still D.ever
A.note B.word C.address D.letter
A.on the frontB.on the back C.on the left D.on the right
A.surprised atB.interested in C.expected by D.worried about
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth

小题1:由后文“on a postcard”可知:是询问在哪里能够找到这些山脉、森林等。
小题1:a simple card with a border 带有饰边的简单卡片。
小题1:由后文“In 1908, Americans...postcard”可推知:人们对图画卡片很感兴趣了。
小题1:由文中的“stamps and coins”可知:是第三个最受欢迎的收藏品。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Now, most people have watches. As we know, Switzerland(瑞士) is famous for its watches. ___ , the watch was not _ in this country. It was the British who did. Many years ago, an Englishman traveled to Italy and on his way he went     a small town in Switzerland. This Englishman traveled in a carriage(马车) inside which there was a carriage watch. This was the __ kind of watch. A blacksmith’s(铁匠) assistant hoped to see the watch. He __ what it was. __ he asked the Englishman about it. “ It is a carriage watch,” said the Englishman. “ This machine can tell the ___ but now it isn’t working.”
At once the blacksmith’s assistant decided to try to __ it. So the traveler handed him the watch. He was very __. So it was not surprising that he was __ in showing it right. He even remembered how it was made. As soon as the traveler had gone, he made a watch of exactly the same kind.
So the watch-making was started in Switzerland. Today Swiss watches are sold all over the world.
A.knewB.wondered C.thoughtD.wrote
A.hardworking B.strongC.forgetfulD.clever


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

We have no idea about   1 men first began to use salt. But we do know that it had been used in many different ways __2___ the history.
For example, in many history books it is __3_ that people who lived three thousand years ago __4__salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt(埃及), salt __5_ keep the dead. It can keep the dead bodies __6__ decay.(腐烂)
In the eighteenth century, a person who stole salt was __7__ to have broken the __8__. if a person was caught stealing salt, he would be thrown into __9__. Books also record that in England about ten thousand people were put into prison during that century __10__ stealing salt! In the year 1553, if a man took __11__ than his share of salt, he would be thought to have broken the law and would be __12__ punished(惩罚).
Salt was very __13__ on the dinner table of a king. It was always put __14_ the king when he sat down to eat. Then important visitors sat near the salt __15__ less important visitors were given seats farther away from it.
A.throughoutB.thought C.though D.although
A.say B.reportedC.recordedD.reading
A.eat B.ate C.eatingD.have eaten
A.used toB.was used toC.was usedD.used
A.off B.fromC.onD.out
A.law B.glassC.computerD.time
A.because B.because of
C.by D.as
A.serious B.badC.terrible D.seriously
A.important B.necessaryC.cleverD.cheerful
A.in the front of B.behind
C.in front of D.before


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Mayan(玛雅的)Indians lived in Mexico for thousands of years before the Spanish arrived in the 1500s. The Mayan achievements were many. They had farms, beautiful palaces, and cities with many buildings. The Mayan people knew a lot about nature and the world around them. This knowledge helped them to live a better life than most people of that time, because they could use it to make their lives more comfortable and rewarding(值得的). Knowledge about tools and farming, for example, made their work easier and more productive.
The Maya believed in many gods, including rain gods, sun gods, and corn gods. The people built large temples to honor the Mayan gods. Skillful workers built cities around these temples. It was difficult for them to build these cities, because they had no horses to carry the heavy stone they used to build with. Workers had to carry all of the building materials themselves. Today, many of these ancient Mayan cities and temples are still standing.
Although the cities that the Maya built were beautiful, and the people worked hard to build them, very few of the people lived in them. Usually, only the priests(牧师)lived in the cities.
The other people lived in small villages in the forests. Their houses were much simpler than the elaborate buildings in the cities. They lived in small huts(小屋)with no windows. The walls were made of poles covered with dried mud, and the roof was made of grass or leaves. Most Maya lived a simple life close to nature.
The Mayan priests studied the Sun, the Moon, stars, and planets. They made a calendar from what they learned. The year was divided into 18 months of 20 days each with five days left over. The Mayan calendar was far more exact than the European calendars of the time.
Around the year 800, the Maya left their villages and beautiful cities, never to return. No one knows why this happened. They may have died from some disease. They may have left because the soil could no longer grow crops. Archaeologists(考古学家)are still trying to find the lost secrets of the Maya.
小题1:What does the underlined word “elaborate’’ mean?
A.easily builtB.carefully made C.slowly fixed D.quickly designed
小题2:From the passage we can infer(推理)that   .
A.most Maya lived in beautiful cities
B.many Mayan cities and temples are still standing
C.the Maya were intelligent and culturally rich people
D.the Mayan calendar was the same as European calendars
小题3:Why it is said that the Mayan people lived a better life than most people of that time?
A.They had better building skills and housing conditions.
B.They believed in many gods, and honored the Mayan gods.
C.They had knowledge about tools and faming.
D.They studied about nature and the world around them.
小题4:What can be the best title for this article?
A.Mayan GodsB.Mayan Buildings
C.Productive MayaD.Mysterious(神秘的)Maya


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dragon Head-Raising (龙抬头) Day is a traditional Chinese festival. It comes on the   46   day of the second lunar (农历的) month. In 2010, it is   47  March 7.
On the day in ancient times, people put paths of ashes (灰) into kitchens and around water vats (缸). This was   48  the dragon into the house.
On this day people eat noodles, dumplings and fried pancakes. All the day’s foods are   49   after dragons. For example, people eat “dragon whisker (龙须)”   50  called “dragons teeth”.
In some ancient Chinese stories, dragons have power over the wind and rain. They often   51  rain to the world on the second day of the second lunar month.
It is said that after that day there will be more and more rain. This is   52  the day is often called “Spring Dragon Day”. It was hoped that   53  the help of the dragon, ploughing (耕种) would be easier and the autumn would bring a good harvest.
It was said that a haircut during the first lunar month brought   54  luck to the uncles in family. This is why you still see many people   55  their hair cut on Dragon Head-Raising Day.
A.ledB.leadC.to leadD.be led
A.namedB.namingC.callingD.to call
A.noodle and dumplingB.noodles and dumpling
C.noodles and dumplingsD.noodle and dumplings
A.was gettingB.to getC.gotD.getting


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Different people have different hobbies. For example, some people like reading, some people like swimming and some people like collecting something and so on. I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and traveling. I used to read books in my free time. I like reading because I could learn much by reading. At that time, reading was part of my life. Every day, I spent most of my free time reading books, newspapers and magazines. At night, I could hardly get  to sleep without a novel in my hand.
But later I found I could only learn from books by reading. I couldn’t get knowledge from others. I needed a  change . Traveling is my hobby now. I can visit many different places by traveling. I can learn a lot about people, geography and history. It’s very interesting.
I have many good friends. They all have their hobbies. Ann studies very hard. So her hobby is reading all kinds of books. Tony loves working with her hands, and his hobby is gardening. He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard. Judy is a quiet girl. She likes knitting(编织). She always knits sweaters for her dolls. We have different hobbies, but we are all good friends.
小题1:           is not the writer’s hobby according to the passage.
小题2:The writer used to          before he went to bed.
A.watch TVB.listen to music
C.play sportsD.read a novel
小题3:The underlined word   change  refers to
A.from reading to travelingB.from traveling to reading
C.from reading to skatingD.from writing to skating
小题4:         hobby is gardening.
小题5:What is the best title of this passage?
A.Different people have different hobbies.
B.How to make friends
C.Reading is important
D.Ways of traveling


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One afternoon last year, I went to a hospital in Ghana to visit a doctor friend. When I                the hospital hall, I saw a woman. She had traveled from a faraway village just to bring injured girl to the hospital. The girl              to be dying. But the nurses in the hospital wouldn’t help her, perhaps because she didn’t have                 money.
When I saw that she was crying for      , I took her straight to the doctors. The doctors                 her daughter and told the mother that her daughter needed a transfusion (输血). She would need blood (血). This sad woman was too poor to                blood. I said I would give her the blood.
A nurse then tested my blood. Your type was O. The nurse said, “The girl is lucky. You have the           type as hers.” The nurse then took my blood and gave            to the girl. The mother was          thankful that she said I brought back hope to her family.
I was very            that I had been able to save the girl’s life. Since that day, I’ve always tried to help where I could.
A.ask for B.look for C.search forD.pay for


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Love is a two - way street
A father sat at his desk and looked at his bills when his young son rushed in and announced: "Dad, because today is your birthday and you're 40 years old, I'm going to give you 40 kisses, one for each year!" When the boy started making good on his word (履行诺言 ) , the father shouted:  "Andrew, don’t do it now. I'm too busy! "
The boy soon fell silent as tears fell from his big blue eyes. Feeling sorry, the father said: "You can finish later.  The boy said nothing but quietly walked away." That evening the father said:  "Come and finish the kisses now,  Andrew!" But the boy didn’t.
Unfortunately, a few days later after the father's birthday, the boy had an accident and died.  His sad father wrote: "If only(要是...,该多好)i could tell him how sorry I am for my thoughtless words,  and how much my heart is hurting."
Love is a two-way street.  We must warmly accept any loving act,  or others will take it as a "NO" and it can leave a scar(伤痕). If we don't receive love, our life will lose its true meaning.  Nothing is more important than accepting love from those who are near and dear to us .
小题1:On his father's birthday, the boy wanted to
A.help pay the billsB.have a talk with his father
C.buy his father a giftD.give his father kisses
小题2: The boy felt _         when his father refused him.
小题3:A few days after the fathers birthday, the boy      _
A.was badly hurt in an accident
B.was killed in an accident
C.had to go back to school
D.became unhappy with his father
小题4: The headline "Love is a two-way street" means
A.love keeps one busy all the time
B.love can make people happy and unhappy
C.we should learn to give and receive love
D.it's important to love people around us
小题5: We can know from the story that
A.the father is busy with his work
B.the boy is hard -working
C.the father doesn’t like the boy
D.the boy is too careless


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Kyle walked into Ernie's Pet World, he looked very worried. He walked quickly to the front counter(柜台). The owner of the shop, Ernie, jumped out to greet Kyle. He was the shop's first shopper of the day.
"Good morning, sir!" Ernie said. "What can I help you with?"
"Well, I...," Kyle started to say.
"Wait, don't tell me," Ernie interrupted (打断) him. "You're looking for a … a little dog... for
your daughter 's birthday.  Right?"
"No T really, l just..."
Ernie didn't let him finish. "Ah, I've got it, You just moved into a new house, and you want some fish for it. I have some very nice tanks over here."
"In fact, I..." Kyle was starting to look very nervous (紧张的). His face had a strange expression(表情)on it.
"No fish? Ah, a cat! You look like a cat person. At Ernie's Pet World, we have the best kinds. Take a look at this Persian— long, white hair, and look at that cute expression. She's looking at you. She's thinking, ‘Take me home. Take me home.’ Would you like some cat food and toys as well?"
"No, thank you," Kyle said. By this time, he was walking up and down. He had a pained (痛苦的) look on his face. "Really, I'm not interested in cats or fish or little dogs."
"What do you want, then?" Ernie asked.
Kyle looked like he was going to cry. "I just want to know if I can use your bathroom!" he finally said.
小题1: What does the writer want to tell us?
A.A good pet owner.B.A funny story.
C.A wonderful shopkeeper.D.A strange pet shop.
小题2:What was true about Ernie's Pet World?
A.The shop was not busy.B.Kyle went there often.
C.The shop was about to close.D.Kyle knew the shop owner well.
小题3: What do you think of Ernie?
A.He is careful.B.He is helpful.
C.He likes talking.D.He is clever.
小题4:Why did Kyle look anxious and pained?
A.He wanted to get a cat very much.B.He didn't like animals.
C.He was late for work.D.He was not comfortable.

