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Jim is an American boy. He is  1  New York. He likes   2  football matches,     3  he doesn’t have enough money   4  tickets. He has to watch the matches  5 TV at home when he has   6  homework. He   7  go to school from Monday to Friday, so he missed a lot of important football matches.
A big football match would be held(举行) in the afternoon the next day.   8  wanted to watch it very much. But he couldn’t. He would have a physics(物理) test in the   9  afternoon.
“Can we have a video, mom?” Jim asked his mother   10  he went to school. “Then from our TV set you can record the match for me.”
“I’m   11  we can’t afford(买得起) one,” said his mother.
The next morning Jim went home with a smile,   12  a new video.
“But where did you get the   13  , Jim?” His mother asked in   14 .
“That’s   15  , mom. I sold our TV set.”
A.to buyB.buyingC.buyD.bought
A.fewB.a fewC.manyD.quite a little
A.surpriseB.personC.a low voiceD.great pain


小题1:根据题干,本句的意思是“他来自纽约”。“来自”是be from。故本题选C。
小题5:根据题干本句的意思是“他不得不在电视上看比赛。”“在电视上”是on TV。故本题选B。
小题11:根据we can’t afford(买得起) one可知,应该是“买不起”。故用“恐怕”afraid。ACD都是快乐高兴的意思。本句的意思是“恐怕我们买不起”。所以本题选B。
小题14:根据上文中we can’t afford one,我们知道吉姆家买不起录像机,而现在吉姆又拿了一台录像机,所以他妈妈应该是比较吃惊。故本题选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Your peers are people your age or close to it. Besides close friends, your peers include other children you know who are the same age------like people in your grade, sports team, or neighborhood. Peers may have a positive influence on each other and play important roles in each other’s lives:
Positive examples
Peers set plenty of good examples for each other. Having peers who do well in school or do their best in a sport can influence you to work hard to realize your dream, too. Peers who are kind and helpful can influence you to build these qualities in yourself. Even peers you’ve never met can be role models(模范). For example, watching someone your age compete in the Olympics or give a piano concert might inspire you to go after a dream of your own.
Feedback(反馈) and advice
Your peers listen and give you feedback as you try out new ideas. They can help you make decisions, too: what courses to take, whether to get your hair cut or let it grow, or how to solve a problem. Peers often give each other good advice. Your peers will be quick to tell you when they think you’re making a mistake or doing something dangerous.
Being with your peers----such as classmates or teammates----gives you a chance to learn how to make friends and deal with disagreements with people.
New experiences
Your peers might get you involved(参与) in clubs, sports, or volunteer groups. Your world would be far less rich without peers encouraging you to try some new food for the first time, or listen to a CD you have never heard before.
小题1:The first paragraph is mainly about     .
A.who your peers are
B.how to find peers whose interests are similar to yours
C.the negative influence of peers on each other
D.the difference between your close friends and your peers
小题2:The author makes  points of how peers have a positive influence on each other.
小题3:With which of the following may the author agree?
A.Peers you have never met cannot influence you.
B.You can ask your friends to make a decision for you.
C.You should not play with peers you don’t like.
D.Your peers may cause you to experience new things.
小题4:The author mentions that good role models can influence you to      .
① work hard to realize your dream
② do something dangerous
③ build good qualities in yourself
④ have fewer friends
A.①③B.②④C.②③ D.③④
小题5:From the fourth paragraph, we can learn that being with your peers gives you a chance to       .
A.influence other people
B.play an important role
C.learn how to make more friends
D.improve your English skills


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once a man wanted to go   1   one side of a river to  2   in a boat. He  3   take  4   him a sheep, a wolf and a basket of vegetables. But he could take only one of them  5  , because the boat was very  6  . “If I  7   the wolf and the sheep together, the wolf may eat the sheep,” he said to  8  .“If I leave the sheep and the vegetables together, the sheep may eat the vegetables.” He thought and thought. At last, he had an idea. And he  9   able to get to the other side of the river with the sheep, the wolf, and the vegetables. Do you know   10  ?
A.on  B.in   C.from   D.with
A.another   B.the other C.others   D.other
A.had to   B.has to   C.have to   D.must
A.after  B.with  C.about     D.up
A.once a timeB.at time   C.in timeD.at a time
A.large  B.big C.small   D.beautiful
A.will leaveB.left  C.leave  D.have left
A.oneself  B.myself  C.itself  D.himself
A.was  B.is   C.be   D.can
A.how did he it B.what did he it
C.how did he do it D.how he did it


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A young man once went to buy a pair of pants. When he got home, he went upstairs(上楼)to his bedroom and put them on. He found that they were two inches(英寸) long.
Then he came out of his room to see his mother and his two sisters. They were washing something in the kitchen.“These new pants are too long, they need to be shortened(缩短) about two inches. Would one of you like to do this for me, please?” His mother and sisters were busy and none(没有) of them said anything. The mother went upstairs after she had finished washing and shortened the pants two inches. But she didn’t tell her daughters about it.
Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother’s pants. So she went upstairs without saying to anyone, and shortened the pants two inches.
The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came back, she also remembered what her brother had said. So she ran upstairs, and took two inches
off the legs of the new pants
小题1:The new pants were _______.
A.too long for the young man
B.two inches long
C.six inches long
D.too short for the young man
小题2:The young man asked ______to shorten his pants.
A.his mother and his two sisters
B.his mother and one of his sister
C.his mother
D.his mother or one of his two sisters
小题3:_______,his elder sister shorten his pants.
A.After supper
B.After the mother finished washing
C.After the young man went upstairs
D.After the younger sister went to the cinema
小题4:How many inches were the legs of the new pants shortened by at last?
小题5:When the young man put on the pants, he would _______.
A.feel happyB.be very sad
C.thank his familyD.be very excited


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The day is like any other day in his life. Tom walks past the shop at the street corner. He stops to look at the front row of shoes, and he feels happy to see that pair of shoes he wants very much is still there. But he feels sorry for himself. He really wants to have them for his birthday.
He sadly walks away and thinks how to tell his mother about it. He knows she will give him anything he likes if she can. He also knows very well that she has little money. He decides not to go home so quickly, because he looks worried and his mother will see it. So he goes to the park and sits on the grass. Then he sees a boy in a wheel chair. He notices that the boy moves the wheel chair with his hands. Tom looks at him carefully and is surprised to see the boy has no feet. He looks at his own feet. "It's much better to be without shoes than without feet," he thinks. There is no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad. He smiles and he is happier.
小题1:Tom passes the shop______.
A.by busB.on footC.by bikeD.in a car
小题2:Why does Tom stop in front of the shop?
A.Because he has the same shoes like the ones in the shop window.
B.Because he wants to look at the Shoes he likes.
C..Because he wants to buy the shoes.
D.Because the shoes are very beautiful.
小题3:The pair of shoes he likes is______.
A.too expensiveB.quite cheap
C.not there D.still there
小题4:Tom goes into the park because he ______.
A.is thinking how to tell his mother about it
B.wants to see the boy in a wheel chair.
C.doesn't want to make his mother worried
D.he feels sad because he wants the shoes
小题5:From the story we can know that Tom _____.
A.loves his mother very much
B.doesn't want to stay at home
C.doesn't want to go to school
D.likes new shoes very much


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once, there was a beautiful girl who didn’t like herself, because she was blind, she couldn’t see anything.
In fact, the girl  1  nobody except her boyfriend, for he was always  4  to help her. She used to tell her boyfriend, “ I could see the world, I would marry you.”
One day, someone donated a pair of  4  to the girl. When the bandages came off,she was able to see  5 ,including her boyfriend for the  6   time. He asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you  7  me?” The girl looked at her boyfriend and was greatly surprised to see that he was blind,  8  . She had never expected that, and she would not like to be with a blind husband for the rest of her life, so she  9  to marry him.
Her boyfriend left in tears and a few days later wrote a  10  to her, saying, “My dear, take good care of your eyes. Before they are yours, they were  11 .”
So, this is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember  12  life was like before. And we often ask for more than we need. Life is a gift. Today, before you complain about the  13  of your food,think of those who have nothing to  14 . Before you complain about life,think of some ones who went to heaven too early. Before you complain about your old  15 , think of the people who are living in the streets. And when you are tired and complain about your job, think of those who have no jobs.
In a word, enjoy the things you have and don’t forget your past.
A.forgotB.lovedC.disliked D.needed
A.readyB.excitingC.angry D.sad
A.shoesB.glassesC.pants D.eyes
A.firstB.secondC.next D.1ast
A.decidedB.agreedC.refused D.wanted
A.yoursB.yourC.mine D.my
A.whichB.whatC.that D.how
A.tasteB.sizeC.color D.shape
A.foodB.houseC.clothes D.car


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shining car. “Is this your car, Paul?” he asked.
Paul answered, “Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing? Boy, I wish…”He hesitated.
Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly.
“I wish,” the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.” Paul looked at the boy in surprise, then he said again, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”
“Oh yes, I’d love that.”
After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, “Paul, would you mind driving in front of my house?”
Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbours that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are?” the boy asked.
He ran up to the steps. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the step and pointed to the car.
“There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent. And some day I’m going to give you one just like it …then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas window that I’ve been trying to tell you about.”
Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began an unforgettable holiday ride.
注:urchin顽童, hesitate犹豫, , crippled残疾,cent 美分
小题1:The street urchin was very surprised when _______________
A.Paul received an expensive carB.Paul told him about the car
C.he saw the shining carD.he was walking around the car
小题2:From the story we can see the urchin _______________
A.wished to give his brother a car
B.wanted Paul’s brother to give him a car
C.wished he could have a brother like Paul’s
D.wished Paul could be a brother like that
小题3:The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house ____________
A.to show his neighbours the big car
B.to show he had a rich friend
C.to let his brother ride in the car
D.to tell his brother about his wish
小题4:We can infer(推断) from the story that___________
A.Paul couldn’t understand the urchin
B.the urchin had a deep love for his brother
C.the urchin wished to have a rich brother
D.the urchin’s wish came true in the end
小题5:The best name of the story is ____________
A.A Christmas PresentB.A Street Urchin
C.A Brother Like ThatD.An Unforgettable Holiday Ride


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Li Shizhen was born in 1518. When he grew up, he liked his father’s job and he was interested in medicine. He read many books about medicine and found something wrong in them. So he decided to write a new one. He tried his best to study medicine. He set out many times on long trips to collect herbs(采集草药)and talked with old farmers. In this way, he learned a lot from the working people.
After many years of hard work and study, Li Shizhen at last finished his great work, the Ben Cao Gang Mu in 1578. The book was one of the most important books in the medical science of the world.
小题1:Li Shizhen’s father was a           perhaps.
小题2:He decided to write a new medical book because there were         .
A.no medical booksB.many medical books
C.only a few medical booksD.no good medical books
小题3:He often traveled long way for          .
小题4:“his great work” means his           Ben Cao Gang Mu.
小题5:He finished his work when he was          years old.
A.sixtyB.fiftyC.in 1578D.seventy


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

If you often have a cold, headache or backache, there is something wrong with your health. Eating healthy food   43  good for our health. Tofu(豆腐), milk, vegetables are healthy for us.
Tofu is a kind of traditional(传统的)   44  food. We often   45  it in China. Now more and more people   46  other countries think tofu is good for health,  47 . They also like eating it.
Milk is   48  kind of healthy food. Every day you should   49  one or two glasses of milk. It can   50  us strong.
Vegetables are very important. You should eat   51  them. There are vitamin(维他命) A, B, C, D , E and so on in them.
As we know, it’s important   52  a balanced diet(均衡饮食). We must have the right kinds of food. We should also eat some pork, chicken and beef. We should eat more fruit and vegetables but less meat.
A.areB.isC.will beD.was
A.JapaneseB.American .C.EnglishD.Chinese
A.the otherB.otherC.anotherD.others
A.drinkingB.drinkC.takeD.to take
A.a lotB.plentyC.muchD.a lot of
A.makingB.to keepC.keepingD.to drink

