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New Schedules of Cathy Pacific Airways
                           Shanghai ----------- Hong Kong
Tue. , Thur. , Sat. , Sun. 
Dep    Shanghai      20:30
Arr    Hong Kong    21:45  
                            Hong Kong -----------  Shanghai
Tue. , Thur. , Sat. , Sun,
Dep     Hong Kong  15:15
Arr     Shanghai    19:15  
                              Beijing   -----------   Hong Kong
Tue. , Thur. , Fri. 
Dep     Beijing          17:45
Arr     Hong Kong       19:45  
                             Hong Kong  -----------    Beijing
Tue. , Thur. , Fri. 
Dep      Hong Kong   12:50
Arr      Beijing       16:40  
小题1:The above is a  __________.
A.pictureB.piece of newsC.formD.timetable
小题2:It supplies information to people who are going between Shanghai and Hong Kong or Beijing and Hong Kong ____________.
A.by bikeB.by carC.by shipD.by plane
小题3:There are _________ flights from Shanghai to Hong Kong every week.
小题4:How long does it take you if you want to go to Hong Kong from Beijing by air ?
A.2 hoursB.4 hoursC.3 hoursD.five hours and a half
小题5:Suppose on arriving in Shanghai by Cathy Pacific flight on Thursday, you are told to return to Hong Kong by Cathy Pacific Airways at once. Now the most probable way is _________.
A.to wait until Saturday
B.to stay in Shanghai and take the Friday’s flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong
C.to go to Beijing and take the Friday’s flight
D.to take the same day’s flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong.

小题1:通过Schedules “时刻表”和表中的内容可知,以上表格是时间表。所以本题选D。
小题2:通过Airways “航空公司”可知,上表是航空时刻表。所以,它为人们提供的是乘飞机的时刻表,所以本题选D。
小题3:通过第一个表格和第二个表格可知,有四个航班,分别是Tue. , Thur. , Sat. , Sun.。所以本题选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


1. $________
Location (位置)
In the countryside
2. _________
Near transportation
3. _________
We will choose _1._______ because __2.____________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day, Wei Hua did some shopping at Baijiafu Cell. After going back home, he spoilt some drink over the receipt by mistake. Please help him answer the questions below. 
Baijiafu Cell
Item       Quantity    Price           Subtotal
shirt         1        $ 26           $ 26
CD          3        $ 5.5 (each)     $ 16.5
Coke        5         $ 1.2 (each)        ?
pen          ?        $ 3.5              7
Total                                    ?
Add: 616 Tongwu Street, Panjiawan
Tel: 6611189(shop)        13976617189  (manager)
Baijiafu Cell 百家福超市 receipt 收据 quantity 数量
subtotal 小计  total 总计
小题1:When did Wei Hua do the shopping?
A.On October 2 B.On February 10C.in the morningD.at night
小题2:How much did Wei Hua pay for Coke?
A.$ 1.2 B.$ 3.5C.$ 6.00D.$ 16.5
小题3:How much pens did Wei Hua buy?
A.One B.TwoC.Three D.Five


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What does the sign(标识) say?
1. Do not cross here. Use the subway.
2. PRIVATE FISHING   Keep to footpath away from water.
3. University Park. Opening hours: Apr----Sept: 6:30am- 9:30pm.
Oct--- Mar: 8:30am-4: 30pm.
4. FIRE! DANGER TO TREES   Don’t smoke here.
5. Slow down! Children Crossing.
6. No horses or bikes. Walkers only.
7. Tents one night  $ 10 -one or two people.
$ 15-family size.
8. SHEEP. Please close gate. Keep your dog on the head.
9. NO SWIMMING. When the red flag is flying.
小题1:What time does the University Park open in March?
A.At 6:00 amB.At 6:30 amC.At 8:00 amD.At 8:30 am
小题2:Which sign tells you not to smoke?
A.Sign 2B.Sign 4C.Sign 6D.Sign 8
小题3:Where can you see Sign 9?
A.On the playgroundB.At the school library
C.Near the swimming poolD.In the computer room


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读理解 (本大题共26分,每小题2分)

小题1:You can call Zhang Ying if you want to                 .
A.buy a bikeB.sell a bike
C.have your bike repairedD.borrow a bike
小题2:One of the reasons why Li wants someone to share his room is that      
A.he wants to live near the campus
B.he wants to improve his English
C.he wants his washer, dryer and kitchen to be used
D.he wants someone to use his kitchen
小题3:Joseph Hofman                 .
A.found John Smith’s briefcase
B.was a teacher
C.found the briefcase with many books
D.found the brown briefcase with some money


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:The Children’s Gym wants two male swimming coaches.
小题2: The coaches will work in the gym during the summer vacation.
小题3:The kids will spend a little money learning to swim in the Children’s Gym.
小题4:The coaches must be kind to kids.
小题5: The coaches need to work six hours a day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Channel(频道) 1                               Channel 2
18:00  Around China                        17:45  Computers Today
18:30  Children’s Programme               18:10  Foreign Arts
19:00  News                            18:30  English Classroom
19:30  Weather Report                      19:00  Animal World
19:40  Around the World                    19:25  China 2003
20:10  TV play: Sisters                    20:20  Sports
21:00  English for Today                   21:00  TV play: Guo Lanying
21:15  Popular Music                       21:45  English News
21:55  Talk Show                         22:06  On TV Next Week
小题1:If you want to watch a soccer game, the best programme for you would be ______.
A.TV PlayB.SportsC.Around the WorldD.Talk Show
小题2:The programme of ______ will let you know much about Western countries.
A.SistersB.Around ChinaC.Around the WorldD.On TV Next Week
小题3:If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, you can watch TV at _____.
小题4:English Classroom is a programme that ______.
A.lets you know something about classrooms
B.tells you something about students
C.lets you know something about school life
D.teaches you English
小题5:The programme at the end of Channel 2 means ______ on TV next week.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to Hotel Fun 4 Kids! Do you know what hotels are friendly to children or even your pets? We rate(评估) the hotels for you. You’ll decide on the right hotel if you know the meanings of these symbols when you travel. You can find more information on our website(网页) on www.hotelfun4kids. com.

小题1:What words of the following can help you find a pet-friendly hotel?
A.No Pets!B.Pets Too!C.Pets Are Not Welcome!D.Without Your Pets!
小题2:Mrs Black has to leave her 5-year-old son Tom in the hotel for a while. So, she’d better go to the hotel with the symbol      .

小题3:If Mrs Black’s 5-year-old son Tom stays in the hotel with the fourth symbol, he can         .
A.play with his petB.play in the game room
C.do many activitiesD.spend no money there
小题4:Hotel Fun 4 Kids is a         .
A.school for kidsB.park for kidsC.travel websiteD.TV program
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Not all the hotels are friendly to pets.
B.These four hotels are only for children.
C.The “5★” hotel is for both pets and children.
D.You can have a good time with your pets in the “4★” hotel.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

  Do you like watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala (春节晚会)? It is said that it is welcomed and loved by people around the world. It is called the most delicious “New Year’s Eve Dinner”. The first CCTV Spring Festival Gala was held on February 12th, 1983. Do you know the information about directors, hosts and hostesses (女主持) and show numbers of the Spring Festival Galas in recent years?
Host and hostess
Show number
Lang Kun
Zhu Jun;  Zhou Tao;
Dong Qing;  Bai Yansong;
Zhang Zequn;  Zhu Xun
Jin Yue
Zhu Jun;  Zhou Tao
Dong Qing;  Zhang Zequn;
Ouyang Xiadan;  Ren Luyu
Chen Linchun;
Ma Long;
Liu Gang
Zhu Jun;    Zhou Tao;
Li Yong;   Dong Qing;
Zhang Zequn;  Zhu Xun
Ha Wen
Zhu Jun;    Li Yong;
Dong Qing;  Sa Beining;
Li Sisi;    Bi Fujian
小题1:When did Lang Kun direct the CCTV Spring Festival Gala?
A.In 2010B.In 2009C.In 2011D.In 2012
小题2: Who hosted the four Spring Festival Galas?
A.Zhou Tao and Li Yong.B.Zhu Jun and Dong Qing.
C.Dong Qing and Zhou Tao.D.Zhu Jun and Zhang Zequn.
小题3: How many people directed the Spring Festival Gala with the least shows?
小题4:People could watch _____ shows in all in the 2010 Spring Festival Gala.
小题5:Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Ha Wen directed the latest Spring Festival Gala.
B.The four galas had the same number of hosts and hostesses.
C.There have been 30 Spring Festival Galas since 1983.
D.The 2012 Spring Festival Gala had the most shows.

