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小题1:The Children’s Gym wants two male swimming coaches.
小题2: The coaches will work in the gym during the summer vacation.
小题3:The kids will spend a little money learning to swim in the Children’s Gym.
小题4:The coaches must be kind to kids.
小题5: The coaches need to work six hours a day.


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The Children’s Gym needs two swimming coaches for kids during the summer vacation. One is male(男性), the other is female.”理解可知。两位教练一个是男性,另一个女性,故此句是错误的。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The Children’s Gym needs two swimming coaches for kids during the summer vacation”理解可知,游泳教练在暑假期间任教,故此句是正确的。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“All the kids will learn to swim for free”理解可知,小朋友在此学习游泳是免费的,故此句是错误的。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“You must:--- be kind”理解可知,游泳教练必须是和蔼的,故此句是正确的。
小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The time is 9:00 – 12:00 a.m., 15:00 – 18:00 p.m.”理解可知,教练在体育馆需要工作6个小时每天,故此句是正确的。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Shop F.Y. – Elisabeth Online Shopping!
Do you want to buy some good things? Do you want to buy them at low prices? Do you want to buy them at home? Do you want to buy them right now?
F. Y. can help you!
There are hundreds of good things for you to choose. Just do it! The thing you need is a computer. Here is the way to buy things online.
1. Choose a kind of thing you want to buy and click on the describing words. For example, if you want to buy a sweater, you can click on the word – clothes.
2. Choose the color and size. If you want a small black sweater, you can click on the words- small and black.
3. You can see a list of small black sweaters with the price. You just click on the sweater you like.
4. Enter your name, address, telephone number and ID card number.
OK! The shop assistant will send your sweater in one day. Isn’t it easy? Enjoy your shopping here!
小题1:This ad is for_____________.
A.a jobB.a shopC.sweatersD.computers
小题2:If you buy something ________, the first thing you need is a computer.
A.onlineB.at schoolC.on TVD.in a shop
小题3:After you find sweaters online, you want a small black one and you can click
on “__________”.
A.clothesB.smallC.blackD.small and black
小题4:What don’t you need to enter into the computer?
A.Your name.B.Your address.
C.Your ID card number.D.Your age.
小题5:What does the underlined word “click” mean?
A.查找B.点击C.选择  D.勾出


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

摘录信息,阅读短文, 然后完成内容摘要。
Peter: I found an ID card. My phone number is 512-8843
Jim: I lost a computer game. If you find, call me at 680-7432.
Paul: I lost an English dictionary. Who found it, please call 555-0287.
Sam: I found a notebook with the name (有……名字) “Kevin Clark”. My phone number is 476-3539.
Is this your ID card ? Please call  Peter  at    1      .
      2     .
My  name is Paul.  Please  call  me at  555-0278.
A computer game.
My name is    3     .
My phone number is 680-7432.
Is this your (84)    4      ?
Please call me at   5           
 .              Sam.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Please do not leave your valuables in your room unattended.
The hotel provides safe deposit boxes(保险箱)at the reception desk.
When you leave the hotel, please put your key at the reception desk.
The local government has
advised skaters not to go out on
the central pond today.
There is a danger of the ice
breaking. Skaters are advised to
enjoy their sport at the local
indoor ice rink (溜冰场) instead
Sports fans
Don’t miss out!
Tennis rackets – down to $15
Basketballs – down to $ 10
Aerobic wear – from just $ 10
Swimwear—from just $5
First five people in the store today
will meet Yao Ming .
Hotel Rendezvous
30 Kings Road
Mr. & Mrs. Biggs
80 Cuscaden Road
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Biggs,
We are pleased to confirm your reservation as follows:
Date:21-23 June (2 nights)
Room: double
Rate: $120 a night
小题1:If you have some expensive things, where can you leave them when you live in the hotel?
A.Take them with you everywhere you go.
B.Leave them in the room you live in.
C.Put them in the safe deposit boxes.
D.Call friends for help.
小题2:How much should the Biggers pay for the Hotel Rendezvous each night?
小题3:When you take a bus, what can you do?
A.Talk with the bus driver loudly.
B.Read the newspapers.
C.Distract the driver when the bus is moving.
D.Discuss something with the strangers loudly.
小题4:Bruce likes skating, he can’t _________ .
A.go shopping with friendsB.meet Yao Ming
C.skate at the local indoor ice rinkD.skate on the central pond
小题5:Which is not TRUE according to the passage?
A.The cheapest swimwear is $5.
B.Hotel Rendezvous is in the UK.
C.Buy sports things in the store, you also can meet basketball athlete.
D.When you leave the hotel, you should put the key at the reception desk.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

New Schedules of Cathy Pacific Airways
                           Shanghai ----------- Hong Kong
Tue. , Thur. , Sat. , Sun. 
Dep    Shanghai      20:30
Arr    Hong Kong    21:45  
                            Hong Kong -----------  Shanghai
Tue. , Thur. , Sat. , Sun,
Dep     Hong Kong  15:15
Arr     Shanghai    19:15  
                              Beijing   -----------   Hong Kong
Tue. , Thur. , Fri. 
Dep     Beijing          17:45
Arr     Hong Kong       19:45  
                             Hong Kong  -----------    Beijing
Tue. , Thur. , Fri. 
Dep      Hong Kong   12:50
Arr      Beijing       16:40  
小题1:The above is a  __________.
A.pictureB.piece of newsC.formD.timetable
小题2:It supplies information to people who are going between Shanghai and Hong Kong or Beijing and Hong Kong ____________.
A.by bikeB.by carC.by shipD.by plane
小题3:There are _________ flights from Shanghai to Hong Kong every week.
小题4:How long does it take you if you want to go to Hong Kong from Beijing by air ?
A.2 hoursB.4 hoursC.3 hoursD.five hours and a half
小题5:Suppose on arriving in Shanghai by Cathy Pacific flight on Thursday, you are told to return to Hong Kong by Cathy Pacific Airways at once. Now the most probable way is _________.
A.to wait until Saturday
B.to stay in Shanghai and take the Friday’s flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong
C.to go to Beijing and take the Friday’s flight
D.to take the same day’s flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tom, an 11-year-old boy, was ill. He had got a cough, and his mother was worried and took him to see a doctor. The doctor looked over Tom carefully and said, “Tom, nothing serious.” Then he gave him some medicine. These are the words on the instruction of the cough medicine.
Take three times a day after meals.
Dose (剂量): Grown-ups: 2 spoon(汤匙) each time
Children (8-14 years old): one spoon
(4-7 years old): 1/2 spoon
Not fit for children below(在……之下) the age of 4.
Notes: 1.Store in a cold place.
2.Use before Oct., 2006.
Add: No. 10 Nanjing Road, Shanghai
小题1:Tom should take three spoons a day.
小题2:Tom had better have his meals before he takes the medicine.
小题3:The medicine can be kept in a fridge(冰箱).
小题4:Children aged five can’t take this medicine.
小题5:From this instruction we know Tom can go on using the medicine after Oct. 2006.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Betty: I want to get some pictures of Beijing.
小题2:Tony: I would like to have some information about basketball.
小题3:Daming: I want to learn English.
小题4:Lingling: I want to buy a birthday present online.
A. www.NBA.com: The latest news about Rockets basketball players.
B. www.24en.com: You can speak, write, read and listen to English.
C. www.ebay.com: A really big shop online. You can buy anything you need.
D: www.beijingphoto.com: Pictures about some places in Beijing.ch


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Earthquakes can be very scary(吓人的). But you need to keep your mind stable (坚定的) in order to make sure you are safe. Be calm and try not to run here and there.
If you manage to come out of your house, go to an open space like a garden or a park where you will be a lot safer. If you live quite some floors above in your building, try to find a place near a bulky(坚固的) object such as a bed. Curl up (蜷缩) and sit on the floor and make sure you are not near a window, fireplace, gas stove and so on. Remember don’t use lifts or escalators.
Some people say you should stand on a doorway. That is not true. If the doorway jambs (侧壁) are weak, they might fall on you. Also if people want to pass through that door, you may stop them. Leave all doorways free.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that you mustn’t climb down the stairs during an Earthquake. If the tremors (震动) stop, after a few seconds, just climb down the stairs as quickly as you can and move out of the building, but don’t run.
Earthquakes usually destroy gas pipes and electrical wires. Turn off the main gas. And don’t light candles or lighters and create an even bigger disaster.
If you’re driving and feel a shake, stop your car at the side of the road and get out. Make sure you are not on a bridge. Bridges and overhead roads (高架路) have the biggest danger of falling.
小题1: The best title for the passage should be       .
A.Dos and Don’ts Before an Earthquake.
B.What to Do in Case of Earthquake
C.Tips for Earthquake Preventions
D.Tips for Children in Earthquake.
小题2:When an earthquake suddenly happens, you should       .
a. remain standing near a window             b. turn off the main gas
c. stay in an open space                     d. stand on a doorway
e. keep off  overhead roads
A.a, b, cB.c, d, eC.b, c, eD.b, d, e
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true, when an earthquake suddenly happens?
A.We can’t use the lift.
B.Curling up may be very dangerous.
C.We must turn off the gas.
D.We must get out of the car when the earthquake comes
小题4: It can be learned from the passage that     .
A.keeping calm in time of earthquake is very important.
B.measures should be taken to make buildings stronger.
C.Knowledge of first aid must be used in an earthquake.
D.lots of things must be done to survive an earthquake.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Exchange Students’ Experience
Name:  Susan Lane
Exchange Country:  Iceland
I think it was a turning point in my life. I began to understand more about my own culture by experiencing a different culture in this country.
Name:     Sara Small 
Exchange Country:  Germany
I enjoyed this trip. I found German people were not as serious as I thought before. Although I made a lot of German friends, I still missed my family and friends in Australia.
Name:     David Links 
Exchange Country:  Australia
I wanted to try something that was very different from Australia in culture. In Australia everything was different, but I soon got used to it.
Name:    Tom Jennings  
Exchange Country:  France
There were some challenges (挑战), but I liked them, experiencing a different culture. You just have to face each situation as it comes.
小题1:Where did Susan Lane study?
A.In Iceland.B.In Germany.C.In Australia.D.In France.
小题2:Who made a lot of friends in Germany?
A.Susan Lane.B.Sara Small.C.David Links.D.Tom Jennings.
小题3:How many students talk about their exchange experience?

