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Thanksgiving Day was near. The Grade 7 teacher asked her students to   16  a picture of something for which they were thankful.

People celebrated the   17   with turkey and other traditional goods of the season. So,   18   of her students’ pictures were about them.

However, Jack made a ___19____ kind of picture. Jack was not the same as other boys. He always looked sad. When asked to draw a picture of something for which he was   20  , he drew a hand. Other students were all very    21   in the picture. Whose hand could it be? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers feed    22   . Another suggested a police officer, because the police   23   and care for people. Still    24   guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us. And so the    25   went on until the teacher almost forgot the young artist himself.

When the children had gone on to other subjects, she stopped at Jack’s desk and asked him   26    it was. The little boy looked up and said in a   27   voice, “It’s yours, teacher.”

She remembered the times she had taken his hand and    28    with him here or there, as she had with the other students. She often said, “   29   my hand, Jack. We’ll go outside.” Or, “Let me show you how to use your pencil.” Jack was most thankful for his  ___30____ hand.

1.A. print          B. find         C. draw         D. take

2.A. festival   B. week         C. night            D. Sunday

3. A. little        B. none         C. few          D. most

4.A. nice           B. different        C. same         D. best

5.A. thankful   B. pleased     C. sorry            D. afraid

6. A. sad   B. interested       C. careful          D. angry

7.A. chickens       B. dogs         C. cats         D. turkeys

8. A. hurt          B. protect          C. harm         D. smile

9.A. another    B. other            C. others           D. the other

10. A. tile       B. speech         C. discussion       D. talk

11.A. what          B. where            C. which        D. whose

12.A. high          B. low          C. hard         D. beautiful

13.A. walked            B. said         C. sang         D. taught

14.A. Touch             B. Look         C. Take         D. Push

15.A. mother’s B. classmate’s C. teacher’s      D. friend’s




















1. 此题考查动词,ask sb to do sth表示让某人做某事,根据句意选择draw


3. 此题考查形容词,根据句意可知选择most,表示大多数。

4. 此题考查形容词,根据下文可知Jack与众不同,故选different。

5.此题考查形容词,由文中语句“He always looked sad.”可知选择   A

6.此题重点考查固定短语be interested in sth.对…感兴趣。







13.此题考查动词,walk here and there走来走去





科目:初中英语 来源:2009—2010学年江苏省宿迁市初一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

I do not need a calendar to tell me when it is winter. All I need is my nose. When I wake up in the morning and smell the tasty treats my mom is cooking downstairs, I know winter has arrived.
The first one is the smell of chocolate. During the holiday season (from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day) my mother makes her special hot chocolate. She always adds a peppermint candy cane (薄荷味拐棍糖) to the drink and tops it with cream.
The hot chocolate gets me out of bed, but it is my mother’s chocolate fudge (软糕) that makes me run downstairs. It is a thick chunk (块) of chocolate that tastes like heaven. My mother adds nuts. That gives it more texture (质感).
But my mother isn’t done yet. She also makes a treat she calls “window panes (窗玻璃)”. She takes a few different colored marshmallows (棉花糖) and melts them together with chocolate. The final product looks like a colorful church window, so we call it “window panes”.
These tasty holiday treats are usually eaten after a meal as a dessert. But don’t tell Santa Claus because I secretly eat them all day long.
【小题1】What wakes “me” up in the morning?

A.The alarm clock.B.My mom.C.The noise upstairs.D.The smell of food.
【小题2】 In the author’s eyes, the taste of the chocolate fudge is ____.
A.terribleB.wonderfulC.awfulD.so so
【小题3】With nuts, the chocolate fudge tastes _____.
【小题4】The “window panes” the author mentions refer to _____.
A.special hot chocolate drinkB.decorations on the window
C.chocolate cake with fruits on itD.a mixture of marshmallows and chocolate
【小题5】Why does the author look forward to the winter?
A.There is plenty of time to play around.B.The food his mom cooks is mouthwatering.
C.It’s great fun to play outdoors.D.He can have a good rest during the winter.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省苏州市吴中区木渎实验中学七年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

In America and Canada, people also have___16__festival. It is____17___ Thanksgiving Day. It is ____18____the fourth Thursday of November.On that day,families get together and eat a big____19____.They have a lot of___ 20____for dinner.They usually eat turkeys. A turkey ____21____a chicken, ___22____ it is much bigger____23____a chicken.In America and Canada, many people say ____24___for the ____25____.    .

A.a springB.a summerC.an autumnD.a winter
A.isB.likesC.likeD.looks like
A.my GodB.thank youC.goodbyeD.Yeah
【小题10】A.autum          B harvest           C. new year        D. moon


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省海门市正余初级中学初三中考适应性考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

How old was I? I can’t remember. Maybe I was only 10. It was the first    16   without my father because he was away for something. He left me to fill that sad place in my mother’s heart. It was the Christmas when I stopped being a    17   and tried to play Father Christmas myself. I really wanted to make it happy and bright again. It was the Christmas of the    18  .
Mom first saw the coat at Tobias, a nice    19   shop in our town’s little shopping mall. It was dark green. And it was a    20  , heavy, wool dress coat. Mom pulled it out from the rack(架) and held it up. “Long enough,” she said in a low voice and    21  .
“I need a new coat,” Mom smiled before the mirror. She looked good on any clothes,       22   this coat suited her much better. She looked at the    23  , then hung the coat back on the rack, standing there once more to    24   
Eighty-seven dollars. But I decided to buy it for her. As we moved on    25  the mall, I found some excuse to return and asked one of the Tobias ladies to    26   the coat.
I helped clean every yard(庭院) in our neighbourhood—some yards twice, and soon I got the coat. The store ladies helped me put it in their biggest    27   with bright blue paper and thick silver ribbon(丝带). I don’t remember    28   I got it home, but I can still feel the wonderful    29   and pride that filled me. I would imagine the big space which the box would take up under our tree. Here it was—joy, peace and    30  —all in the box, waiting for Mom’s surprise.

A.Easter B.Christmas C.Halloween D.Thanksgiving
A.childB.son C.student D.teacher
A.tree B.bag C.coat D.ribbon
A.children’s B.women’s C.girl’s D.men’s
A.big B.wide C.thin D.long
A.tried it on B.put it on C.kept it on D.turned it on
A.though B.or C.for D.and
A.price B.design C.color D.material
A.taste B.feel C.sound D.smell
A.through B.over C.past D.across
A.sell B.send C.keep D.wash
A.tank B.basket C.bag D.box
A.how B.why C.whether D.when
A.development B.excitement C.improvementD.advertisement
A.courage B.confidence C.love D.honesty


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届安徽毫州风华中学九年级下期期末考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

The American Museum of Natural History

Address: Central Park West at 79th, St., New York
Tel: 212-769-5100
Traffic: located on the Upper West Sideof Manhattan, the museumis conveniently reached by bus, underground or car.
Parking: There is a small parking place which charges only $7.75 per day, but is often full. Parking in the neighborhood is also limited.
Museum hours: 10:00 am to 5:45 pm Sunday through Tuesday; 10:00 am to 9:00 pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Admission: $3.20 for grown-ups, one-fourth for children, and free on Friday and Saturday evening from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
The museum is open every day of the year except Christmas and Thanksgiving.
【小题1】The American Museum of Natural History is in    .
C.BostonD.New York
【小题2】There is a parking place outside the museum, but    .
A.people cannot park their cars there
B.it is not big enough to park all the cars
C.it will cost you $7.75 per week
D.nobody wants to park his car there
【小题3】If four grown-ups and four children want to pay a visit to the museum at 3:00 pm on Saturday, they will pay    .
A.$16B.$19.2C.$25.6D.no money
【小题4】You can visit the museum    .
A.at 7:00 am on Monday
B.at 8:00 pm on Tuesday
C.at 11:00 am on Sunday
D.at 10:00 pm on Friday
【小题5】From the passage, we can learn that    .
A.the museum lies in the east of New York
B.the small parking place charges more than $8 a day for a car
C.one can get to the museum by car, by under-ground or by bus
D.the museum is the most popular one in America


科目:初中英语 来源:2014届江苏省大丰市八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

 Which of the following is a Chinese festival?

A.Christmas                             B.Halloween

C.Mid-Autumn Festival                     D.Thanksgiving Day


