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Friendship Day is celebrated all over the world. The beginning of Friendship Day celebrations was in 1935. Friendship Day is not only a day for your friends, (1)______ for you to relax. So, no matter (无论) how busy you are, spend time with your friends. If you are thinking of how to celebrate it, here are some ideas.

Camp Out

   Plan a camping trip with your friends. Go outside with your friends and do lots of activities like swimming, climbing (2) and so on.

Organize (组织) a Friendship Day Party

(3)It is the time to celebrate and show everyone how special your friends are. Organize a party to celebrate your friendship. Toast (为……举杯敬酒) your friendship and prepare lots of things that your friends like.

Watch a Movie

  (4)To watch a good movie with your friends is great. If there is a good movie, you can go to watch it with your friends. If not, then you can get some movies on DVD about friendship and watch them at home.

Talk About Old Memories

  Has it been too long that you have not seen your friends? Have you been too busy with your personal life? Friendship Day is the best time to celebrate your friendship together. Call your friends and go through your albums (相册). Remind (使想起) them of your fun memories of childhood together and how you became friends.


1. 在(1)处填入一个合适的单词或短语,使句子意思通顺:_____________________

2.(2)处and so on 在此的汉语意思是:_____________________________________

3. 将 (3) 处划线句子译成汉语: ___________________________________________

4. 将 (4) 处的句子用It 作主语改写:


5. 回答问题:What does the writer advise you to do when talking about old memories?


1. but also   2. 等等  

3. 这是庆祝并向大家展示你的朋友如何特别的时刻。(答案不唯一)

4. It is great to watch a good movie with your friends.

5. Call your friends and go through your albums.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I have three best friends at school. They are all good students.
Jacky is the youngest of them. He was born in 1995. But he is very tall, about 1.70 meter! He is a sporty boy. He likes playing basketball. And he is really good at it. He is the centre(中锋) in our basketball team. Jacky says he wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.
Peter is the oldest. He is two years older than Jacky. But he is shorter than Jacky. He doesn’t spend much time on sports. He likes music. He is crazy about Jay Chou’s songs. And he collects everything about Jay Chou. He says R&B is so cool. Of course, we often share music together.
And Mary, a lovely girl. She always wears a smile on her face. She is a top student in our class. She is good at all her lessons. We all admire her very much. If we have any problems with our lessons, we will go to her. It seems(似乎) nothing is difficult to her!
I am so lucky to have them as my friends. And we often have a good time together. Would you like to make friends with them?
1. Is Peter as tall as Jacky?        ___________, he ______________.
2. When was Peter born?         He was born in ________________.
3. If they have any problems with their English, who will they go to for help?
They will go to ____________for help.
4. What does Jacky want to be when he grows up?
He wants to be ___________________when he grows up.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省泰州市海陵区九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。

Christmas is a season to spread joy. Can we spread this joy by caring a little more about nature and going green? Here are some good ideas.

  Reduce the use of the decorative (装饰) lights. Make use of the eco-friendly(环保的)lights on the market. In this way you can save electricity.

  Reuse the wrapping (包装) paper to wrap the gifts. You don’t need to buy new wrapping paper every year. Also try using the same small decorations for your Christmas tree.

  Recycle (循环利用) all those decorations that your can not use any more. You can send out Christmas cards made from recycled paper. It’s a thoughtful way of going green for Christmas. (1)There are many charities selling these cards made from recycled paper.

  There are some other ideal ways to go green for Christmas.

  (2)You can make Christmas _________ by _________. You needn’t go shopping for your family and friends. Homemade Christmas chocolates, handmade soft toys, homemade candles are wonderful. There is a saying that goes, “It is the thought that counts.”

  If you have no time for gifts, you can also invite your family and friends over to have a home cooked meal. They can even help you with the cooking. This can make your relationship stronger.

  Let’s use these green Christmas ideas to celebrate an eco-friendly Christmas!



3.回答问题:Why do we use the eco-friendly lights for Christmas?

4.在文中找出与This can help improve your relationship.意思相近的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。




科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省兴化市九年级一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。

What must you do when you receive a gift for your birthday? You have to sit down and write a thank-you note. The words “thank you” are very important. We have to use them on many occasions. We say them when someone gives us a drink, help us to pick up things, hands us a letter, lends us a book or gives us lift.

(1)______ important word is “please”, _____ many people forget to use it. (2)It is impolite to ask someone to do something without saying “please”. We have to use it when we ask for something , too. It may be a book or a pen, more rice or more milk, help or advice. It may be in the classroom, at home, at the bus stop or over the counter. We have to use “please” to make request pleasant.

We have to learn to say “sorry” too. When we have hurt someone’s feeling, we will have to go up and say we’re sorry. When we have told a lie and feel sorry, we will have to use the same word. When we have forgotten something or broken a promise, we will have to explain with that word, too. “Sorry” is a healing word. We can make people forget wrongs by using it sincerely.

“Thank you! Please! Sorry!”—these words are simple but important. Man had to use them long ago. We have to use them now. Our children will have to use them again.


____________ 、____________


3.回答问题:What will you say if your friends help you?



When we haven’t told the truth, we must use the word “sorry”.






科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏泰州高港实验学校八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and to do things with. (1) Of course , sometimes ________need to stay by ________. We don’t always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.

There aren’t two people who are just the same in the world. Friends sometimes don’t get on well. It doesn’t mean that they don’t like each other any more. Most of the time they will make up(言归于好) and become friends again.

Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much , but we can call them and write to them. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.

There is more good news for people with friends. (2)They live longer than people who don’t have good friends. Why? It could be because they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares about you. If someone cares about you, you will take better care of yourself.

1.在(1)句中的空白处分别填入一个恰当的词使句意完整,上下文通顺:________  ______

2.What can we do when friends move away?





Maybe it is because they live more happily.






科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省泰州海陵区六校八年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:其他题


I have three best friends at school. They are all good students.

Jacky is the youngest of them. He was born in 1995. But he is very tall, about 1.70 meter! He is a sporty boy. He likes playing basketball. And he is really good at it. He is the centre(中锋) in our basketball team. Jacky says he wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.

Peter is the oldest. He is two years older than Jacky. But he is shorter than Jacky. He doesn’t spend much time on sports. He likes music. He is crazy about Jay Chou’s songs. And he collects everything about Jay Chou. He says R&B is so cool. Of course, we often share music together.

And Mary, a lovely girl. She always wears a smile on her face. She is a top student in our class. She is good at all her lessons. We all admire her very much. If we have any problems with our lessons, we will go to her. It seems(似乎) nothing is difficult to her!

I am so lucky to have them as my friends. And we often have a good time together. Would you like to make friends with them?

1. Is Peter as tall as Jacky?        ___________, he ______________.

2. When was Peter born?         He was born in ________________.

3. If they have any problems with their English, who will they go to for help?

They will go to ____________for help.

4. What does Jacky want to be when he grows up?

He wants to be ___________________when he grows up.




