精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
4.More and more families go on a car trip each year.However,the thought of trouble on the road may prevent you from (101)goingout.To (102)avoid trouble,you need to make a careful plan for your trip.
First of all,choose a proper route(路线)for your trip.Consider(考虑)(103)where you are going and find several possible routes to it.Traffic and the (104)time that you will spend on the road must be considered when you decide one.
Consider your luggage(行李) needs.(105)Before you begin packing your necessities(必需品),think about how many people will be in your car and how much space they will need in order to (106)travel comfortably.
Try to miss busy times.Usually highways are (107)busy on Fridays and Sundays,so you'd better go on Tuesdays or Thursdays.Driving at night is also a great way to miss the traffic and the kids can sleep (108)during the trip.
(109)Finally,do not forget to check your car carefully before leaving so that you can have a (110)safe trip.

分析 这篇短文主要介绍了当下很受欢迎的自驾游需要注意的事项.出行前要做好充足的准备,选好路线,避开高速公路高峰期,最好周二或周四出行.检查好车辆等等,这样才能有一次安全的旅行.

解答 答案:101.going   考查动词ing.根据题干However,the thought of trouble on the road may prevent you from (101)g____out.可知句意应为 然而,考虑到路上的一些麻烦可能会阻止你出行.Prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事.是固定搭配.go out外出.结合首字母此空应该填go的ing形式.故答案为going.
102.avoid 考查动词.根据题干To (102)a____trouble,you need to make a careful plan for your trip.可知句意应为为了避免麻烦,你需要为你的旅行做好详细的计划.结合句意和首字母提示,可知此空应该填avoid,避免.故答案为avoid.
103.where     考查疑问副词.根据句子Consider(考虑)(103)w____you are going and find several possible routes to it.可知问的是地点,结合首字母,应用where哪里,即想好你要去哪并找到几条可行的路线.故答案为where.
104.time   考查名词.根据题干Traffic and the (104)t____that you will spend on the road must be considered when you decide one.可知句意应为在你决定好去哪之时,一定要考虑交通和你将会花费在路上的时间.结合语境和词语spend提示,可知此空应该填名词time,时间.故答案为time.
105.Before  考查介词.根据题干(105)B____ you begin packing your necessities(必需品),以及下文,可知句意应为在打包行李必需品之前,考虑下你的车里会有几个人,为了舒适地旅行需要多少空间.结合句意和首字母提示,可知填Before,在…之前.故答案为Before.
106.travel   考查动词. 根据题干.Before you begin packing your necessities(必需品),think about how many people will be in your car and how much space they will need in order to (106)t____ comfortably.可知句意应为在打包行李必需品之前,考虑下你的车里会有几个人,为了舒适地旅行需要多少空间.结合句意和首字母提示,可知填travel,为了舒适地旅行.故答案为travel.
107.busy  考查形容词.根据题干Usually highways are (107)b____on Fridays and Sundays,so you'd better go on Tuesdays or Thursdays.可知句意应为通常高速公路在周五和周日的时候是高峰期,所以你最好周二或周四出行.结合句意和上句Try to miss busy times.试图错开高峰时段.busy times高峰时段.故答案为busy.
108.during  考查介词.根据题干 Driving at night is also a great way to miss the traffic and the kids can sleep (108)d____the trip.可知句意应为夜晚出行也是避开高峰期的好方式,孩子也可以在旅途中间睡觉.结合句意和首字母提示,可知应填during在…期间.故答案为during.
109.Finally  考查副词.根据题干(109)F____,do not forget to check your car carefully before leaving   句意应为最后,为了你的安全在离开之前不要忘记仔细检查你的车.结合上文First of all,首先.和首字母提示,可知答案为Finally最后.故答案为Finally.
 110.safe 考查形容词.根据题干 do not forget to check your car carefully before leaving so that you can have a (110)s____trip.句意应为为了你的安全,在旅行之前不要忘记仔细检查你的车,这样你就可以又一次安全的旅行.结合句意和首字母提示,可知此空应填形容词安全的,safe.故答案为safe.

点评 主要是根据前提问题来做出相应的要求内的答案,题型比较灵活但是考查了学生多方面的知识和技能,要做好这类题,就要注意平时知识的积累,包括单词、词组、句型等.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-Why did you ________ the boy's help just now?
-I can't ask others for help as long as I meet a difficulty.I need to learn to help myself out.(  )
A.look forB.hear fromC.feel likeD.turn down


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.It's polite to listen to others quietly(静静地).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Taken each May by students all over the world,the AP Exam is the final step you take after a year of hard work in an AP class.These exams are designed to measure how well you've mastered the content and skills of the course-a successful score could even earn you credit in college.
Test Date:May 4,Monday
Morning (8AM):AP Chemistry        AP Environmental Science
Afternoon (12PM):AP Psychology
Test Date:May 5,Tuesday
Morning (8AM):AP Calculus AB       AP Calculus BC
Afternoon (12PM):AP Seminar           AP Chinese Language and Culture
Test Date:May 6,Wednesday
Morning (8AM):AP English Literature and Composition
Afternoon (12PM):AP Japanese Language and Culture  AP Physics 1:Algebra(代数)-Based
Test Date:May 7,Thursday
Morning (8AM):AP Computer Science A  AP Spanish Language and Culture
Afternoon (12PM):AP Art History    AP Physics 2:Algebra-Based
Test Date:May 8,Friday
Morning (8AM):AP German Language and Culture  AP United States History
Afternoon (12PM):AP European History
What to Bring to the Exam Room
You want to be prepared with items such as No.2pencils for your multiple-choice answer sheet,black or dark blue pens for free-answer questions in most exams,and your government-issued or school-issued photo ID.A calculator is allowed on specified (指定的) exams.
What NOT to Bring to the Exam Room
You don't want to bring any electronic equipment or communication devices,like cell phones,smart phones or anything else that can connect the Internet,any cameras or other photographic equipment,or even any watches that have an alarm.You may not have any food or drink in the exam room,including bottled water.
26.When is the test time for AP English Literature and Composition?B
A.At 12pm on Tuesday.
B.At 8am on May 6.
C.At 12pm on Friday.
D.At 8am on May 7.
27.What exam can you take on the afternoon of May 8?D
A.AP Art History.
B.AP Environmental Science.
C.AP Computer Science A.
D.AP European History.
28.What are you required to bring to the exam room?A
A.Your school-issued photo ID.
B.An electronic watch.
C.Your cell phone.
D.Photographic equipment.
29.What are you NOT allowed to bring to the exam room in all AP exams?C
A.No 2pencils.
B.Black pens.
C.Bottled water.
D.A calculator.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.We should protect animals,they are friends ofhumans.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

9.我们的生活离不开动物和植物.地球是我们的家,树和动物是我们的朋友.那怎么样才能与我们的朋友很好地相处呢?请根据下面的提示以"Protect the animals and plants"为题写一篇作文,说说你的方法.要求:60词以上,可适当发挥.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Let's do sports
I think it is important for everyone to do sports.I like sports because                               


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.-What time do you get to school every morning?-At a quarter past seven.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.71.What size is your T-shirt?A
72.Have you ever been to Duyun?D
73.Could you please close the window?E
74.You speak Chinese very well.B
75.Hello!May I speak to Amy?F
A.Size L.
B.Thank you.
C.It is very kind of you.
D.Yes,I have.
E.Sure,I will do it right away.
F.Just a moment,please.
G.Once a month.

