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小题1:Do you want to meet a _________ (特殊的) friend of mine?
小题2:The sun shines           (透过) the windows and each of us feels warm.
小题3:He often _________ (完成) his homework late in the evening.
小题4:Our teacher asks us not to eat snacks _________ (在……之间)classes.
小题5:They are           (计划) where to have a long holiday.



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:September is the n        month of the year.
小题2:Tell you the t        , I’m not interested in his article.
小题3:You can come to see me at any time b         three and five tomorrow.
小题4:Tomorrow is my f         birthday. Let’s get him a nice present.
小题5:It was so dark that I could h          see anything.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Restaurant  owners  have to know how    1     ( make) food. They also have to know how to make money. Here are some things they      2       (learn) from scientific studies. The color red     3      (make) people hungry. Red also makes customers     4       (eat) fast food restaurants, therefore, have red furniture or walls. Soft colors like pink and light blue make people    5      ( relax), so they spend more time      6      (eat) their meals. Soft lighting    7        ( make )people look good, but it makes food look bad. Loud music  makes people want      8    (  leave). Hard seats also    9       ( make ) customers want to eat quickly and leave. Many restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, use this knowledge 10        (make) customers eat faster.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:At last, she _____________she was lost(意识到).
小题2:They all shouted with___________________(激动).
小题3:The old soldier often tell us his _____(经历) in the past.
小题4:Riding a bike has more _____ (优势) than driving a car because of the heavy traffic.
小题5:My father _____ (放松) himself at the weekend.
小题6:They are _____ to see each other .(please)
小题7:Eating ______ is good for us. We must eat more vegetables. (health)
小题8:Look at her ______ (color) face. She must be badly ill.
小题9:We are celebrating my parents’ 20 years of _________________(marry)
小题10:His father’s ______ made them feel sad.(die)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Whose watch is this? Is it __________?
---No, it’s not __________watch. It’s __________.
A.yours; mine; her B.your; my; hers
C.yours; my; hersD.you; my; hers


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

_______ of them like to play basketball.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

阅读下面短文,并结合课文 内容 补充所缺信息,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。
Li Yundi, a (1)           Chinese pianist, always loved music. He was (2)          in 1982 in Chongqing. When he was a small boy, he (3)            hum songs and difficult  (4)          of music. He began to learn the accordion at the(5)          of four, and he started to learn the piano(6)           he was seven. In October 2000, Li Yundi(7)         
part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland. He (8)         first prize in his group. He was(9)           the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year(10)          of the competition to win this prize.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Look ! Stephen ______________(lie) on the bunk bed.
小题2:Lily, ________________(look) out of the window. There is a lovely dog.
小题3:Everyone in our family _________________(like) to watch Lucky 52.
小题4:It’s important__________________(not play) with fire.
小题5:They live a comfortable life and have nothing_______________(worry) about.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Miss Gao asks Nick and______ to show ______our new clothes.
A.I, his  B. me, her  C. I, him  D me, his

