精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
根据中文或英文单词填写单词 (每空1分,共10分)
小题1:             (兔子) like eating carrots and vegetables.
小题2: The princess has been asleep for many            (世纪).
小题3: The firemen were so ________(勇敢的) that they rushed into the fire.
小题4: Can you find the answer in the story __________(在……的下面)?
小题5: It took a long          (时期) of time to build the Great Wall in China’s history.
小题6: When I was in high school, most of my classmates            (骑车) to school.
小题7: One metre is 100 centimetres, or thirty-nine        (inch).
小题8: Air is so important for us. We can’t live              (with) it.
小题9: There is something            usual) in today’s newspaper. You should read it.
小题10: Millie and her friends enjoyed            (they) very much at the party.


小题4:句意:你能在下面的故事里找到答案吗?find the answer找到答案;这里below作定语修饰前面的名词story,故用 below。
小题5:句意:在中国的历史上花费了相当长的时间来修筑长城。这里是固定句式:It tekes +some time +to do sth ;这里是短语a period of time 一段时间。故用period。
小题6:句意:在我上高中的时候,大部分同学都骑自行车上学。根据When I was in high school可知句子的谓语动词应该用过去式,这里是短语ride to school骑车去上学,故用rode。
小题8:句意:空气对我们来说很重要,没有空气我们不能活。这里是短语be important for sb对某人来说是重要的。根据句意用否定意义的介词without。
小题9:句意:在今天的报纸上有异常的内容,你应该读一下。根据You should read it可知这里应该用形容词unusual。
小题10:句意:在聚会上米莉和他的朋友玩得很开心。这里是短语enjoy oneself玩得开心,故用themselves。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

单词拼写  根据首字母或汉语提示,写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。(共10小题,计10分)
小题1:There were too many p______ in the bus and the air in it was dirty. I chose to travel by train.
小题2:I want to see English movies to improve my English, but they speak too q_______ for me tocatch their meaning.
小题3:Thursday is the f__________ day of a week.
小题4:Yellow River, the___________ (two) longest river in China, has a lot of problems now.
小题5:All the students were____________ (excite) when they were told to have seven days off.
小题6:I improved my_____________ (pronounce) by listening to BBC every day.
小题7:Potato chips were invented by a chef____________ (name) Gorge Grum.
小题8:Lucy came to Xi’an for the first time, so she had difficulty_______(find) her daughter’s home.
小题9:As students, we shouldn’t always think of__________ (we). We should try to help others.
小题10:I would rather you had told her the____________ (true).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:His effort made the two companies reach an _____________ in the end. (agree)
小题2:These engineers __________ developed a new kind of energy saving car last year. (success)
小题3:We all felt ___________ to find out he wasn’t involved in this murder. (relax)
小题4:He has lung cancer because of ___________ second hand smoke for many years. (breathe)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

In China, a lot of food is wasted every year and the waste food is e 小题1:  for 200,000,000 people. The food is wasted in restaurants, at home and in schools, etc.
In restaurants or at home, people often o 小题2:  or cook too much food. But they can’t eat it up . When they go out of a restaurant, f 小题3: and happy, they n小题4: look back at the uneaten food on the table again. Should Chinese consumers(消费者) feel sorry for the terrible w 小题5:  ?
In schools, we can often see a lot of students throw food away after m 小题6: and they only eat the food they like.
Everyone is supposed to have enough food to eat. However, in some p小题7: , the food is so little that  a lot of people died from hunger. T 小题8: China has tried hard to solve the problem of hunger over the past thirty years, the job is not f 小题9: yet. Food is important to us all. We can’t live without food. So it    is necessary for us to love food and try to eat up e 小题10:  on our plates. When we eat in restaurants, we should pack up the leftovers. We also need to tell other people to stop wasting food as soon as possible.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:I don’t like the boy because he keeps____________(talk) in class.
小题2:Chinese _______________ (learn) by more and more people from all over the world now.
小题3:Our teacher often asks us _____________ (discuss) questions in groups.
小题4:When I got home, my mother _____________(cook)in the kitchen.
小题5:---Where is the morning paper?
---Sorry. I ____________ (get) it for you at once.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1: Protecting the            (环境) is protecting ourselves.
小题2:What the girl said makes her look even _________(丑陋的).
小题3:People often grow rice in the ___________(南方) part of China.
小题4:Whose are the key rings? They are one of my ____________ (亲戚) .
小题5: We’re going abroad for a ____________ (几个) of years.
小题6: ---Could you post the letter for me?  --- With             (pleased).
小题7:I don’t mind ____________ (print) the letters for you.
小题8: We should speak to the old man          (polite).
小题9: His little dog           (die) last week and that made him very sad.
小题10:You usually ask your teacher for some _________ (advise) books.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

“Are you OK?” “Yes, I am OK.” You may hear this kind of talk around you. “OK” ____most widely ________(use) around the world. Where did “OK” come from?  Let’s take a look!
“OK” was first written in the Boston Morning Post on March 23, 1839. It read: o.k. - oll correct (all correct). It was only a joke at that time. But later “OK” _____(become) popular. People used it______ (say) that all was well.
Today we use this expression many times a day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Everyone came to the meeting late for        (different) reasons.
小题2:What a great        (建议) the teacher gave me. It is always good for my study.
小题3:Now the student has begun to        (get to know and understand ) that he was wrong.
小题4:My teachers often        ( 鼓励 ) me not to give up when I face difficulty.
小题5:Bill Gates’ achievements go       setting up Microsoft Corporation. He has also donated lots of money to charity.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Where is my jacket? Could you help _______ find it, dear?

