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16.Much of the work to _______ things _______ has happened in the browser,which people use to load a specific website quickly.(  )
A.bring; outB.turn; downC.speed; upD.take; off

分析 加速打开内容的大量工作已经在浏览器里实现了,浏览器是人们用来快速加载一个特定网站的工具.

解答 答案:C   
A bring out 带来,出现,生产;   B turn down 关小,拒绝;   C speed up 加速;   D take off 起飞,脱掉.结合上下文,应该理解为"通过改进浏览器就使得打开速度快了",所以用speed up,故答案选C.

点评 本题考查动词辨析,首先分析每个选项中动词的意思和用法,然后结合句意确定恰当的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.With the sun    down mercilessly from the clear sky,the traveler felt thirsty and tired out.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Nowadays women appear to have a positive image of themselves as safer drivers than men.
In a survey done for insurer MetLife,51% of women said they drive more safely.The evidence is on their side:Men are 3.4 times more likely than women to get a ticket for careless driving and 3.1 times as likely to be punished for drunk driving."Women are on average less aggressive and more law abiding (守法的) drivers,which leads to fewer accidents,"the report says.However,not all male drivers share the same opinion.Of the men surveyed by MetLife,39% claimed male drivers were safer.The findings did back them up on one point:automotive knowledge.The report showed that more men are familiar with current safety equipment such as electronic stability control,which helps prevent rollover accidents.
Auto safety unavoidably matters to Money.Insurance companies focus on what classes of drivers have the lowest dollar amounts of claims,and for now,that mainly includes women.In general,women pay about 9% less for auto insurance than men.A study by the website Insweb also showed that auto insurance rates are lower for women in most states.Among individual states,women get the greatest advantage in Wyoming (where they pay 20% less),South Dakota and Washington,D.C.,where their insurance costs are 16% lower.
"More than 11,900 male drivers died in U.S.traffic accidents in 2009,compared with just under 4,900 women drivers,"according to the study."Based on miles traveled,men died at a rate of 2.5 deaths per 100 million miles traveled,vs.1.7 deaths for women."
64.According to the study,female driversC
A.are more aggressive while driving         
B.are more interested in auto knowledge
C.are more likely to stick to driving laws 
D.are more familiar with safety equipment
65.Insurance companies focus on female driver clients probably because theyDA.cause more accidents on the road
B.pay more money to the insurance companies
C.take the most part of the insurance clients
D.have the lowest amount of money on insurance claims
66.We can infer from the passage thatD
A.men are 3.1 times more likely to get tickets than women
B.all women in the USA pay the same for their auto insurance
C.more female drivers die every year than male drivers
D.women are generally safer drivers than the opposite gender
67.The writer mainly develops paragraphs byB.
A.giving examples                      
B.making comparisons
C.drawing a conclusion                  
D.presenting an argument.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Brooklyn designer Andrew Hill designed an amazing map that _______ every river running
through America and shows what direction it flows in.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.For most seventh graders,life doesn't get much harder than a history test.But for Grant Reed of Bellville,Ohio,it's his own current events that are so painful."Honestly,I don't want to die,"Grant says.Last year,doctors at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus found a tumor(肿瘤)in Grant's brain.They cut it out,but the surgery left him with stroke-like symptoms.Plus,he had to go through months of radiation and chemotherapy to try to stop the spread of the disease.
    Yet,through it all,Grant has shown remarkable determination,which he owes,partly,to Ohio State football.His parents,Troy and Denise,were both in the OSU marching band and fell in love during halftime of the Michigan game.His cat is named   after the team Buckeye.His wardrobe is painted scarlet(the color of the team's sportswear).The point is,almost nothing mattered more to Grant than Ohio State  football-until he got sick,of course.
‘‘I didn't like the word cancer,"Grant says.So he decided not to use the word.Instead,the kid named his cancer Michigan and insisted everyone in his life refer to it as such,because Ohio State always beats Michigan.That was something he could understand and make it into a competition.He was going to beat this disease.
    It's now been more than a year since Grant issued that announcement."And if you
look at his scans,"Dr.Randal Olshefski at Nationwide Children's says,"There's nothing there.There's a big space,but there's no tumor.''
"Grant is beating Michigan.And although much of it has to go to science,don't discount the semantics(语义学).You have to do something to make it a disease you can fight.And for Grant,that was naming it Michigan."his parents say.
    This weekend,Ohio State and Michigan will be battling like their lives depend on it.But in this house,the Reed family will be watching with a calm insight:it's just a game.
41.What's the main idea of the first paragraph?B
A.History is a difficult subject.
B.Grant suffered a serious dlsease.
C.The operation was successtul.
D.The tumor has spread all over.
42.From the second paragraph,we can infer thatA.
A.Grant was born a football fan
B.football makes a full man
C.interest is the best teacher
D.God helps those who help themselves
43.Why did Grant name his cancer Michigan?D
A.Because he dare not face it.
B.Because he doesn't want to die.
C.Because Michigan is his favorite team.
D.Because his favorite team can always beat Michigan
44.Apart from radiation and chemotherapy,Bis helping Grant beat the disease.
A.the semantics      B.his strong determination
C.the football game   D.his cat Buckeye
45.By saying that it's just a game,we can infer that the Reed familyC
A.has lost interest in the match between Ohio State and Michigan
B.believes Michigan will surely beat Ohio State this weekend
C.has a better understanding of life
D.views the match as a matter of life and death.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The shocking collapse of one of the West Coast's biggest wild salmon runs has prompted even cash-trapped fishermen to call for an unprecedented (空前的) shutdown of salmon fishing off the coasts of California and Oregon.
The Sacramento River salmon run is usually one of the most productive on the Pacific Coast,providing the bulk of the salmon caught by sport and commercial   trollers off California and Oregon.
But only about 90,000adult salmon returned to the Central Valley last fall--the second lowest number on record and well below the number needed to maintain a healthy fishery.That number is projected to fall to a record low of58.000this year.
The council,which regulates Pacific Coast fisheries,will choose between three management options:a total ban on salmon fishing off the coast of California and Oregon;extremely limited fishing in select areas;or catch-and-release fishing for scientific research.
For consumers,it will be hard to find any Chinook,also known as king salmon.which are prized by trollers,seafood critics and upscale restaurants.There should still be abundant supplies of farm-raised salmon.but prices could be higher.
Biologists and others are trying to figure out what caused the salmon collapse so they can make sure California's Chinook populations rebound.
There are many potential factors,because wild salmon are born in streams and rivers,migrate to the ocean when they're juveniles and spend two to four years there before returning to spawn(产卵)in the areas where they were born. In between they have to navigate the often dangerous waters of the Sacramento Delta and San Francisco Bay.
The council has asked state and federal scientists to research possible causes,including water diversions,habitat destruction,dam operations,agricultural pollution,and ocean conditions.Many scientists point out that unusual weather patterns disrupted the marine food chain along the Pacific Coast in 2005,when thousands of seabirds washed up dead or starving because they couldn't find enough to eat.
Researchers believe those poor ocean conditions also devastated the juvenile salmon that would have returned to the Central Valley last year.Young Chinook couldn't find the tiny shrimp and fish they depend onto survive.

36.The underlined word"troller"in the 2nd paragraph meansA.
A.fisherman    B.merchant    C.seafood dealer  D.organizer
37.Which of the following statements is true about the passage?A
A.Last fall,there was the second lowest number of grown salmon returning on record.
B.The salmon migrates to the ocean when they grow up.
C.The farm-raised salmon is not as delicious and nutrients as the wild salmon.
D.Salmon fishing off the coasts of California and Oregon is strictly forbidden.
38.The underlined sentence"In between they have to navigate the often dangerous waters of the Sacramento Delta and San Francisco Bay."in Para 7indicates thatC.
A.a11the salmon with their young are able to come back to their birthplace.
B.Sacramento Delta and San Francisco Bay are off the coast of California.
C the salmon has to be strong enough to survive the rapid flowing waters.
D.the salmon has to swim across the Sacramento Delta and San Francisco Bay once in their life.
39.The possible causes of the salmon decrease mentioned do NOT includeC.
A.abnormal weather patterns broke me marine food chain along the Pacific Coast
B.bad ocean condition prevented the salmon from returning to their birthplace
C.many salmons are eaten in the ocean before they are capable of returning
D.the dam operation may change the salmons'living environment in the river
40.The passage is mainly about--.B
A.the agricultural pollution soils the coast,
B.the declining number of salmon could bring fishing ban
C.the disrupted food chain in the Pacific Coast
D.the fishermen could make little profit of salmon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.The taxi driver was put into        prison because his car had killed        child crossing the street.(  )
A.a; theB.a; aC.不填; aD.the; a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.They do have  a different          to the  problem of overpopulation.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.I must find out ______ so many students made the same mistake.(  )
A.it was why thatB.why was it thatC.was it why thatD.why it was that

