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3.-Is John coming by bus?
-He should,but he _______ not.He likes driving his car.(  )

分析 -John坐公交来吗?

解答 答案:D

点评 情态动词的用法是英语中常考的语言点.通常考查的方式有虚拟和推测,本题考查的是情态动词的推测用法.学习时要注意积累.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Mrs.Brown was tired after her day's shopping in London,so she went into a restaurant for a cup of tea before catching the train home.When she had ordered her tea,she suddenly remembered that she had to buy some medicine for her husband,who had a cough.
"Is there a chemist's near here?"she asked the waiter.
"Yes,madam.It's only about three minutes'walk away.Turn right when you go out of the restaurant,then take the second turning on the left.You'll find a big chemist's about a hundred yards up the roads on the right hand side.It closes at five,but if you hurry,you'll just get there in time."
Mrs.Brown followed the waiter's direction carefully and found the chemist's shop without any difficulty.She bought the cough mixture and started to make her way back to the restaurant.She had left all her shopping there.But after she had walked for about ten minutes and there was still no sign of the restaurant,she realized that she must have made a mistake.
Then a policeman camp up and asked if he could help.Mrs.Brown explained what had happed."Well,first of all,"said the policeman,"we had better go back as far as the chemist's."
"Now,"suggested the policeman,when they got to the chemist's,"let's go in this direction.It leads to the main road,where we shall probably find your restaurant."
When they reached the main road,the policeman said,"I think you'll find the restaurant,along there,on the opposite side of the road."
Mrs.Brown said,"Thanks very much.I can't understand how I went wrong."
The policeman said with a smile,"It's quite easy to get lost in a big city like London."

35.What did Mrs.Brown do in London at that time?SheA.
A.did her shopping there 
B.spent her holidays there
C.went to a chemist's for her cough 
D.paid a visit to the famous city
36.At the chemist's shop.Mrs.Brown.B
A.bought some chemicals 
B.paid for some mixture for her husband's disease
C.bought some medicine for herself 
D.wanted to call on the chemist
37.Having bought some medicine,Mrs.Brown hurried toD.
A.return home
B.go to the station
C.go to a policeman
D.make her way to where she had stayed for tea
38.Why did the policeman say"It's quite easy to get lost in a big city like London"?C
A.To remind her of the large size of London.
B.To warn her not to be so careless next time.
C.To comfort her.
D.To tell her that he can't help her any more.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-What shall we do tonight?
-______.It's up to you.(  )
A.It all dependsB.No problem
C.I don't careD.Don't mention it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Since I started working part-time at a grocery store,I have learned that a customer is more than someone who buys things.To me,a customer is a person whose memory fails entirely once he or she starts to push a shopping cart(车).One of the first things customers forget is how to count.There is no other way to explain how so many people get in their express line,which is clearly marked 15 items(件) or less,with 20,25 or even a cart load of items.
Customers also forget why they came to the store in the first place.Just as I finish ringing up an order,a customer will say,"Oops,I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread.I hope you don't mind waiting,while I go to get it."Five minutes later,he's back with the bread,a bottle of milk,and three rolls of paper towels.What is stranger is that customers also seem to forget that they have to pay for their groceries.Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries,a customer will wait until I announce the total.Then,in surprise,she says,"Oh no,what did I  do with my check book?"After 5 minutes of digging through her purse,she borrows my pen because she has forgotten hers.But I have to tolerate customers because they pay my salary,and that's something I can't afford to forget.
21.What does the author say about his customers?D
A.They can not count numbers.
B.They sometimes jump the queue.
C.They don't know how to express themselves.
D.They behave as if their memories had totally failed.
22.According to the text,who are supposed to be in the express line?B
A  Customers with nothing purchased.
B.Customers with not more than 15 items.
C.Customers with items between 15 and 25
23.When customers arrive at the check-out counter,theyB
A.find their pens lost
B.go back and get more items
C.can not wait to pay for their groceries.
D.prefer paying by check to paying with a credit card.
24.We can infer from the text thatC
A.business in the grocery store runs well
B.the author finds his present job full of fun
C.the author's part-time job calls for patience
D.customers go to grocery stores without planning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Drunken driving-sometimes called America's socially accepted form of murder-has become a national epidemic (流行病).Every hour of every day about three Americans on average are killed by drunken drivers,adding up to an incredible 250,000 over the past ten years.
A drunken driver is usually referred to as one with 0.10-blood alcohol content or roughly three beer glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours.Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American manly image and judges were lenient in most courts,but the drunken killing has recently caused so many well-publicized tragedies,especially concerning young children,that public opinion is no longer so tolerant.
Twenty states have raised the legal drinking age to 21,reversing a trend (逆转潮流) in the 1960s to reduce it to 18.After New Jersey lowered it to 18,the number of people killed by 18-20-year-old drivers more than doubled,so the state recently upped it back to 21.Reformers,however,fear raising the drinking age will have little effect unless accompanied by educational programs to help young people to develop"responsible attitudes"about drinking and teach them to resist peer pressure to drink.
Though new laws have led to increased arrests and tests in many areas already,to a marked drop in accidents,some states are also punishing bars for serving customers too many drinks.A bar in Massachusetts was fined for serving six or more double brandies to a customer who was"obviously drunk"and later drove off the road,killing a nine-year-old boy.
As the accidents continue to occur daily in every state,some Americans are even beginning to speak well of the 13 years national ban of alcohol that began in 1919,which President Hoover called the"noble experiment".They forgot that legal prohibition didn't stop drinking,but encouraged political corruption (腐败) and organized crime.As with the booming drug trade generally,there is no easy solution.

31.What can be inferred from the fact of the traffic accidents in New Jersey?D
A.Young drivers were usually bad.
B.Drivers should not be allowed to drink.
C.Some drivers didn't surprise the legal drinking age.
D.The legal drinking age should be raised.
32.The underlined word"lenient"in the first paragraph meansC.
33.Which of the following statements best shows the writer's opinion of drunken driving?A
A.It is difficult to solve this problem.
B.It may lead to organized crime.
C.The new laws can stop heavy drinking 
D.There should be no bars to serve drinks.
34.In America,the number of people killed by drunken drivers on average isC.
A.3 per day                    
B.250,000 over the last 10 years
C.72 each day                      
D.less than 500 each week
35.Drunken driving has become a major national problem becauseB.
A.drinking is America's socially accepted habit
B.most Americans drink quite a lot
C.not many people realized the severe subsequences caused by heavy drinking
D.publicity did not pay much attention to road accidents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Editor Henry Slocum,
I read your May 10th article in the local newspaper Honesdale Times about electronic books,or e-books,with great interest.You made several good points about the disadvantages of e-books.You may have overlooked,however,some of the ways in which they are superior to traditional books.Yes,e-books are expensive,but they are also convenient.In addition,due to their environment-friendly nature,e-books have the potential to change our planet for the better.
E-books,for anyone who is unfamiliar with the term,are about the same size and shape as regular books.They have a large screen in the middle,however.This screen shows the reader a  page of text that has been downloaded from a computer.Once the reader has finished reading the  page on the e-book screen.he or she scrolls down to see a new page.The process continues until the entire book has been read.
As you pointed out.Mr.Slocum,it's great to lie on a warm,sandy beach with a book.You can do that just as easily with an e-book as you can with a traditional paper book.In fact,because e-books are so light,you can carry them anywhere.Say,for example,that you like to read on the bus.Which would you rather carry with you-a heavy 800-page novel,or an e-book that weighs only a few ounces?
Another important advantage is offered by e-books as well.They are more environmentfriendly than traditional books.At present,thousands of trees are cut down each year to meet the publishing industry's demand for paper.Books that don't sell are eventually returned to the Dublisher and destroyed.This terrible waste could be avoided if everyone used e-books,which require no paper.
David Eng
David Eng

59.What does Editor Henry Slocum think about e-books?B
A.Interesting. B.Expensive.  C.Convenient   D.Environment-friendly.
60.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?A
A.What an e-book is.
B.Why e-books are popular.
C.How e-books have developed.
D.Who are the readers of e-books.
61.In David's letter,he thinks thatC
A.E-books will come down in price
B.E-books come in various sizes and shapes
C.E-books do little harm to the environment
D.E-books are no better than traditional books
62.The main purpose of the letter is toD
A.explain how to read e-books
B.honor the person who invented e-books
C.scold publishers for wasting so much paper
D.provide evidence that e-books are a good idea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.---The garden has four gates in different directions,so you may enter it and relax through any of them in the daytime.
---        .(  )
A.Very goodB.Very convenientC.That's goodD.I like it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.Everyone is different and that is ________ makes our world so much better.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.---Look!Tom has fallen asleep on the sofa.
---He ________ feel tired after his long drive.(  )

