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11.Since I started working part-time at a grocery store,I have learned that a customer is more than someone who buys things.To me,a customer is a person whose memory fails entirely once he or she starts to push a shopping cart(车).One of the first things customers forget is how to count.There is no other way to explain how so many people get in their express line,which is clearly marked 15 items(件) or less,with 20,25 or even a cart load of items.
Customers also forget why they came to the store in the first place.Just as I finish ringing up an order,a customer will say,"Oops,I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread.I hope you don't mind waiting,while I go to get it."Five minutes later,he's back with the bread,a bottle of milk,and three rolls of paper towels.What is stranger is that customers also seem to forget that they have to pay for their groceries.Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries,a customer will wait until I announce the total.Then,in surprise,she says,"Oh no,what did I  do with my check book?"After 5 minutes of digging through her purse,she borrows my pen because she has forgotten hers.But I have to tolerate customers because they pay my salary,and that's something I can't afford to forget.
21.What does the author say about his customers?D
A.They can not count numbers.
B.They sometimes jump the queue.
C.They don't know how to express themselves.
D.They behave as if their memories had totally failed.
22.According to the text,who are supposed to be in the express line?B
A  Customers with nothing purchased.
B.Customers with not more than 15 items.
C.Customers with items between 15 and 25
23.When customers arrive at the check-out counter,theyB
A.find their pens lost
B.go back and get more items
C.can not wait to pay for their groceries.
D.prefer paying by check to paying with a credit card.
24.We can infer from the text thatC
A.business in the grocery store runs well
B.the author finds his present job full of fun
C.the author's part-time job calls for patience
D.customers go to grocery stores without planning.

分析 本文主要讲述了作者在兼职工作中遇到的一些事,有很多人在购物的时候会忘记自己需要什么,而我也会遇到各种各样的客户,这份工作需要我拥有足够的耐心,作者通过这篇文章告诉我们什么工作都不容易,要认真完成自己的工作.

解答 21.D  细节理解题,由第一段To me,a customer is a person whose memory fails entirely once he or she starts to push a shopping cart(车).可知对我来说顾客开始推购物车时好像失去了记忆,故选D.
22.B  细节理解题,由第一段There is no other way to explain how so many people get in their express line,which is clearly marked 15 items(件) or less,with 20,25 or even a cart load of items.可知不超过十五个商品的顾客应该在快车线路,故选B.
23.B  细节理解题,由第二段Just as I finish ringing up an order,a customer will say,"Oops,I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread.I hope you don't mind waiting,while I go to get it."Five minutes later,he's back with the bread,a bottle of milk,and three rolls of paper towels.可知当顾客到达结账台的时候他们会返回去拿更多的东西,故选B.
24.C 理解推断题,结合全文可知作者的兼职需要他具有足够的耐心,故选C.

点评 本文考察日常生活类阅读,要把握好人物的活动内容,时间和地点,根据题目中关键词寻找文中答案,查找文中细节后作出合理推断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

69.According to Warranty Limitations,a product can be under warranty ifD.
A.shipped from a Canadian factoryB.rented for home use
C.repaired by the user himselfD.used in the U.S.A.
70.According to Owner's Responsibilities,an owner has to pay forB.
A.the loss of the sales receiptB.a servicer's overtime work
C.the product installationD.a mechanic's transportation
71.Which of the following is true according to the warranty?C
A.Consequential damages are excluded across America.
B.A product damaged in a natural disaster is covered by the warranty.
C.A faulty cabinet due to rust can be replaced free in the second year.
D.Free repair is available for a product used improperly in the first year.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.I'm not so sure I like my friends any more.I used to like them-to be honest.We'd have lunch,talk on the phone or exchange e-mails,and they all seemed normal enough.But then came Facebook,and I was introduced to a sad fact:many of my friends have dark sides that they had kept from me.
Today my friends show off the more unpleasant aspects of their personalities via Facebook.No longer hidden,they're thrown in my face like TV commercials-unavoidable and endless advertisements for the worst of their personalities.
Take Fred.If you were to have lunch with him,you'd find him warm,and down-to-earth.Read his Facebook and you realize he's an unbearable,food-obsessed bore.He would pause to have a cup of coffee on his way to save a drowning man-and then write about it.
Take Andy.You won't find a smarter CEO anywhere,but now he's a CEO without a company to lull.So he plays Mafia Wars on Facebook.He's doing well-level 731.Thanks to Facebook,I know he's playing about 18hours a day.Andy,you've run four companies-and this is how you spend your downtime?What happened to golf?What happened to getting another job?
Take Liz.She is positive that the H1N1vaccine(疫苗)will kill us all and that we should avoid it.And then comes Chris who likes to post at least 20times a day on every website he can find,so I get to read his thoughts twice,once on Faeebook and once on Twitter.
In real life,I don't see these sides of people.Face to face.my friends show me their best.They're nice,smart people.But face to Facebook,my friends are like a blind date which goes horribly wrong.
I'm left with a dilemma.Who is my real friend?Is it the Liz I have lunch with or the anti-vaccine lunatic(狂人)on Facebook?Is it the Fred I can grab a sandwich with or the Fred who weeps if he's at a party and the wine isn't up to his standards?

41.Who is opposed to the H1N1vaccine in the text?C
A.Fred.   B.Andy.   C.Liz.    D.Chris.
42.What's Andy probably busy in doing now?D
A.He's running his company.   B.He's playing golf all day.
C.He's looking for another job.D.He's playing computer games.
43.According to the text,Facebook tends toA.
A.present another side of people    B.offer some foods for free
C.show endless advertisements D.get you to more parties
44.The text is developed mainly byA.
A.giving examples    B.following the time order
C.1isting figures D.raising questions
45.The author focuses on the question ofC.
A.what is Facebook    B.what happened to golf
C.who is my real friend D.who can help me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Dear Lee,
As I told you,I'll be gone until Wednesday morning.Thank you so much for taking on my"children"while I'm away.Like real children,they can be kind of irritating sometimes,but I'm going to enjoy myself so much more knowing they're getting some kind human attention.Remember that Regina (the"queen"in Latin,and she acts like one) is teething.If you don't watch her,she'll chew anything,including her sister,the cat.There are plenty of chew toys around the house.Whenever she starts gnawing on anything illegal,just divert her with one of those.She generally settles right down to a good hour-long chew.Then you'll see her wandering around whimpering with the remains of the toy in her mouth.She gets really frustrated because what she wants is to bury the thing.She'll try to dig a hole between the cushions of the couch.Finding that unsatisfactory,she'll wander some more,discontent,until you solve her problem for her.I usually show her the laundry basket,moving a few clothes so she can bury her toy beneath them.I do sound like a parent,don't I?You have to understand,my own son is practically grown up.
Regina's food is the Puppy Chow in the utility room,where the other pet food is stored.Give her a bowl once in the morning and once in the evening.No more than that,no matter how much she begs.Beagles(猎犬) are notorious overeaters,according to her breeder,and I don't want her to lose her girlish figure.She can share Rex (the King's) water,but be sure it's changed daily.She needs to go out several times a day,especially last thing at night and first thing in the morning.Let her stay out for about ten minutes each time,so she can do all her business.She also needs a walk in the afternoon,after which it's important to romp with her for awhile in the yard.The game she loves most is fetch,but be sure to make her drop the ball.She'd rather play tug of war with it.Tell her,"Sit!"Then,when she does,say,"Drop it!"Be sure to tell her"good girl,"and then throw the ball for her.I hope you'll enjoy these sessions as much as I do.
Now,for the other two,Rex and Paws…(letter continues)
66.The tone of this letter is best described asA.
A.chatty and humorous                 
B.logical and precise
C.confident and trusting                  
D.humble and preachy
67.The information in the note is sufficient to determine that there are three animals.They areC.
A.two cats and a dog                  
B.three dogs
C.a dog,a cat,and an unspecified animal
D.a cat,a dog,and a parrot
68.From the context of the note,it is most likely that the name"Rex"isD.
A.Spanish          B.English        C.French        D.Latin
69.If the sitter is to follow the owner's directions in playing fetch with Regina,at what point will he or she tell Regina"good girl"?D
A.Every time Regina goes after the ball
B.After Regina finds the ball.
C.When Regina brings the ball back
D.After Regina drops the ball.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

6.I realize I am holding an apple tree in my hand---a little seed with the potential to become a beautiful big tree-a tree that can grow thousands of apples in its lifetime.Thousands of apples,each containing several seeds,each capable of growing a new tree which again can produce thousands of apples.Why then the world isn't filled with apple trees?
    It is a rule of nature that only a few of these seeds grow.And it comes to my mind it's quite often so with people's dreams also.Wonderful ideas come to our minds but they die too soon.The dreams are too far away from our life.And then one day we wonder what has happened to our dreams-why do they never come true?
    I wonder when someone is seriously growing apples,how much work does it require?
    Maybe it is like with our dreams:the seeds of your dreams do not automatically grow.Planting an apple tree,it might take many tries.You might meet dozens of people until you meet the true friend.But if you keep on sowing the seeds of your dream,one day you will succeed.And after that others will comment you are lucky to be successful-when in fact you probably have failed more often than you would like to count.But you are good at failing-you learn,you adapt,and then with your new knowledge you try again.And again.And again.And one day success is yours.
    I pick up the apple seed again-but instead of throwing it away I take an empty flower pot,pour some earth into it and plant the seed.Maybe one day it will grow into a proud tree.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.I first heard this story a few years ago from a girl.Probably the story is one of those mysterious.bits of folklore that reappear every few years.However,I still like to think that it really did happen,somewhere,sometime.
They were going to Fort Lauderdale--three boys and three girls--and when they boarded the bus,they were carrying sandwiches and wine,dreaming of golden beaches and sea tides as the gray,cold spring of New York vanished behind them.
As the bus passed through New Jersey,they'began to notice Vingo.He sat in front of them,dressed in a plain ill-fitting suit,never moving,his dusty face masking his age.He kept chewing the inside of his lip a lot,frozen into complete silence.
Deep into the night,the bus pulled into Howard Johnson's,and everybody got off except  Vingo.He sat rooted in his seat,and the young people began to wonder about him:perhaps he was a sea captain,a runaway from his wife,an old soldier going home.When they went back to the bus,one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself.
¨We're going to Florida,"she said brightly."I hear it's really beautiful."
"It is,"he said quietly,as if remembering something he had tried to forget.
"Want some wine?"she said.He thanked her and retreated again into his silence.After a while,she went back to the others,and Vingo nodded in sleep.
In the morning,they awoke outside another Howard Johnson's,and this time Vingo went in.The girl insisted that he join them.He seemed very shy,and.ordered black coffee and smoked nervously as the young people chattered about sleeping on beaches.When they returned to the bus,the girl sat with Vingo again,and after a while,slowly and painfully,he began to tell his story.He had been in jail in New York for the past four years,and now he was going home.
¨Are you married?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know?"she said.
"Well,when I was in jail I wrote to my wife,"he said.¨‘I told her that I was going to be away a long time,and that if she couldn't stand it,if the kids kept asking questions,she;could just forget me.I'd understand.Get a new guy,I said-she's a wonderful woman-and forget about me.I told her she didn't have to write me.And she didn't.Not for three and a half  years."
"And you're going home now,not knowing?"
"Yeah,"he said shyly.‘‘Last week,when I was sure the parole was coming through,I wrote her again.There's a big oak tree just as you come into town,I told her that if she didn't have a new guy and if she'd take me back,she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree,and I'd get off and come home.If she didn't want me,forget it-no handkerchief,and I'd go on through."
"Wow,"the girl exclaimed."Wow."
 She told the others,and soon all of them were in it,caught up in the approach of Brunswick,looking at the pictures Vingo showed them of his wife and three children.
 Now they were 20 miles from Brunswick,and the young people took over window seats,waiting for the approach of the great oak tree.Vingo stopped looking,tightening his face,as if fortifying himself against still another disappointment.
Then Brunswick was 10 miles,and then five.Then,suddenly,all of the young people were up out of their seats,screaming and shouting and crying.All except Vingo.Vingo sat there stunned,looking at the oak tree.It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs-20 of them,30 of them,maybe hundreds.As the young people shouted,the old con slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.
55.According to the passage,which statement is TRUE?C
A.The young people are travelling from Florida to New York.
B.Vingo was put in prison ten years ago,and now he was set free to go home.
C.The young people around Vingo were quite curious about his silence.
D.At last,Vingo went home together with the three boys and three girls.
56.From the underlined sentences in Para 3,we can infer thatA
A.Vingo was nervous because he didn't know whether his wife would accept him.
B.Vingo was very disappointed because his wife didn't answer his letter.
C.Vingo was very shy because he knew someone was watching him.
D.Vingo was excited because he could go home and meet his wife and children.
57.The underlined word"fortify"in the passage has the same meaning as that in SentenceC
A.The French soldiers are working hard to fortify airbase.
B.The food has been fortified with Vitamin C.
C.People in the whole city were fortified by the moving story about their hero.
D.We had to drink some more coffee tofortifyourselves for the journey.
58.Which word do you think can best describe Vingo's wife?B
59.After reading the whole story,we can probably make a conclusion thatB.
A.Young people are always curious about everything new around them.
B.Home is always the first place a person wants to go.
C.Don't laugh at a person who has no home.
D.It is impolite to ask questions about one's privacy that he or she doesn't want to tell.
60.What's the best title for the passage?D
A.A story of a poor man
B.The power of love
C.Help from strangers
D.Going home.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-Is John coming by bus?
-He should,but he _______ not.He likes driving his car.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.       ,they make mistakes as part of their everyday behavior.(  )
A.Not only humans make mistakes
B.Not only do humans make mistakes
C.Only humans make mistakes
D.Only do humans make mistakes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Why don't you bring ______ to his attention that you are too ill to go on working?(  )

