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Since graduating from university, Andrew ______ what career he wants to pursue in the future. But he has not decided so far.   

A. has been wondering       B. is wondering          C. wonders          D. wondered


解析: 考查谓语动词。句中的时间状语since 从句和副词短语so far后表明谓语动词应用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。而且,后句的谓语动词用了现在完成时,也暗示前句的时态。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The new machine, as is put in the report, will work twice as fast, _______ greatly reducing costs.

A. so                B. even              C. yet                D. thus


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Olympic _____ remind us of where the Olympics are held and the characteristics of the host country.

A. symbols          B. signals             C. marks              D. signs


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Some companies are thinking of ways to save natural _____ by making better use of the water used in the bathroom.

A. resources            B. sources               C. power           D. energy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I can’t thank you _____much for your kindness, because without your help I can’t have succeeded in the exam.

A. too                       B. very                    B. quite                    D. that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I’ll be at your ___ in three minutes.

      A. service                   B. order                      C. movement               D. signal


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I was watching Sports center last night when one of those “human interest” stories came on and really caught my attention.

The story was about a 27-year-old professional Bass Fisherman named Clay Dyer. At first, they played it off as another guy trying to make the cut on the Bass master tour until they showed a picture of him. No legs, no arm, or rather, he has only 1/3 of his right arm. That’s all that he has.

It was such an amazing story that I was wondering what this guy could do. Growing up, he learned to play baseball and basketball, but found that fishing was his true calling. And he does it all on his own. He holds the fishing pole under his chin and uses that and his stub (残端) arm to cast and reel in(收进) the fish. He uses his teeth to help him unhook fish. He ties his own hooks or lures on with his mouth, never really asking anyone else to help. Clay Dyer even knows how to swim. Since his body can’t produce enough sweat on its own, he has to take a dip in the lake every few hours to keep cool. He dives in just like anyone else, then somehow treads water(踩水) with his stub arm, then, with a little help, pulls himself back up into the boat and goes on fishing.

Clay Dyer has never looked for others’ pity, nor has he allowed his physical disabilities to prevent him from becoming a professional fisherman. His motto for life is "If I can, you can." He refuses to use special equipment, saying, "I want to do it with one hand the way they do it with two."


56. Why did the author become interested in Clay Dyer?

A. He assumed Dyer was living happily. 

B. He took great pity on this disabled man.

C. He wanted to know what Dyer could do.

D. He thought that Dyer could do nothing.

57. While fishing, Dyer dives into the lake from time to time _________.

A. to change the lures(鱼饵)                 B. to do some exercise

C. to cast a fishing line                             D. to cool himself down

58. We learn from the last paragraph that _________.

A. Dyer aims to behave like a normal person

B. physical disabilities fail to destroy his faith

C. special equipment is allowed when fishing

D. it seems easy for Clay Dyer to go fishing

59. Which word best describes Clay Dyer’s personality?

A. Diligent.               B. Inspiring.           C. Faithful.           D. Stubborn. 



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  It is difficult to imagine what life will be like without memory. The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions(感觉、知觉), the bases for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory.

  Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use. It includes not only “remembering” things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile. Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.

  Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers, for example, contain devices from storing data for later use. It is interesting to compare the memory-storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being. The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 “words”―ready for instant use. An average U. S. teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000 words of English. However, this is but a fraction(部分、片断) of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored. Consider, for example, the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.

The use of words is the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings. A large part of a person’s memory is in terms of words and combinations of words.


66. According to the passage, memory is considered to be ________.

A. the basis for decision making and problem solving

B. an ability to store experiences of future use

C. an intelligence typically possessed by human beings

D. the data mainly consisting of words and combinations of words

67. The comparison made between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human being shows that ________.

A. the computer’s memory has a little bigger capacity than a teenager’s

B. the computer’s memory capacity is much smaller than an adult human being’s

C. the computer’s memory’s capacity is much smaller even than a teenager’s

D. both A and B

68. The whole passage implies that _______.

A. only human beings have problem-solving intelligence

B. a person’s memory is different from a computer’s in every aspect

C. animals are able to solve only very simple problems

D. animals solve problems by instincts rather than intelligence

69. The phrase “in terms of” in the last sentence can best be replaced by ________

A. in connection with                         B. expressed by

C. consisting                                     D. by means of

70. The topic of the passage is __________.

A. What would life be like without memory?

B. Memory is of vital importance to life.

C. How is a person’s memory different from an animal’s or a computer’s?

D. What is contained in memory?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

        30 to 60 minutes before the voyage,the medicine is very effective against seasick.

    A. Take           B. Taking         C. To take         D. Taken

